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<br />:�� -'�� �omm�r�0a1 M(�RTG�1�� — �ollateral p�
<br />'���:�� � �i�rs0��k Reai E�tate IlAo�c�a�e `�a
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<br /> 61��'� Maturiry Date Initiel Intxe�t Rete
<br />-----�r�s� Netureoilndsbt�dnsu LoanAmount �.{ti50
<br />:��i�'.-=�•��� Cons�+meT Loan 1�,1:i0.0U
<br />-= ' --4-�� D�VII) J 7�Q�8s�d 1�A�tY �70 IA�FN
<br />�"�Tt`i4�If;..�.f;�� I, •
<br /> = hereby pive Commerci�l Fedeml Bank,a Federai Sa��nk(Commerc�d Federal•)a mort0e8e,vuith power oi eale,of the following property tnpether with
<br /> � eIl lmprovar»nU naw a heroafter eroctsd on the and ell easemonts,riphb and appurtenances therato:
<br />::�'_;y,''� � �,9I�I�7��JD� �__��d r�D[�l ����c �
<br /> -- c�ALi7 1tJL�u c]U�urrs
<br /> _:r.r..��
<br /> �J;.�
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<br /> ----�a I}ma'a ih�n ors�p�rwn�lpn�thleMortpp�,th�wad'i'rnwm'w�.•
<br /> ' r Thl��t o�f h~t I�osr�i It thn t�YwirCcha�p�d or wpl�c�d by�i n�NV ot�,�wfil b�wcund by thie Alortpq��t��s thla Mortqiyo cont�ins th�tam�ta
<br /> �promis�thr ldlowiny thinfls:
<br /> 1. Ail p�yrt�►U on�ny not�a othw d�bt Ncund by thl�Mortpp�will b�pald wfim dw.
<br /> 2. M Inaur�nee poliaytor fin�nd extMd�d Cowrap�wlll b�k�t lo forc�on th�prop�rty In�n�mowit et leut eqwl to ths dsbU s�cund by thi�
<br /> M�op�N��s��y ath�r mcytptper liat�d tn pwa0reph O below.Ths Insurancn compiny mwt be uUstaotory to Conxnerc�al F�d�al,�nd
<br />-` _-_�° Comm�rci�l F�dw�t vJ{I ba a nsmed insured on the policy.
<br /> 9. All taxN�nd�usssrt�U on th�prop�rtywi�l ba paid before th�yr becwr�de�inquent
<br /> 4. Mo w�sU witl b�committ�l on ths P�Y�and It will b�kspt in pood ropalr.
<br /> 6. The proper4►vui��not bo edd (includinp by land contnr.t),leesed,�nd no intKwt In it will be asslpn�d In any waY•
<br /> 9. I own ths property frN and claar ot any other rrwrtGep
<br /> es or encumbnncss IXCEPT �'�L ��7939Z
<br /> 7. No otha matp�p�or lisn on th�p��ps�Y�^'ill evet 6e dlavsd to bs in dstault a be fonctowd.
<br /> - - - It�ny ot thKe ptarnsa�n noc inPb u�w�wu����f:t fr.:�r.!�n d:^!«..n �r eh��I�hf Immedi�t�iy due and p�Yible wfthout�dwnca notico.Ths
<br /> — fnter�at nts vuill incro�w to 7 A.00%w�ny proat�r nte�Itowabl�by law�t th�t timo,�nd thi�1110ftp�Q�GT1 I1�tOf�CIOpE IIf�CCOM�IIC6 VNth�IitC�bl��aW�1
<br /> th�d�bt is�cc�ua4�d,than I�Iw�ssipn m ront a othsr incom��rom the pn�psrty to Carunerc(al Fsdual.THE PARl1ES AGREE THAT'fH�S CON5TI7UTES
<br /> ----- — /L COLLATERAL fiEAl ES�A k��O�y�vsna t h�ereiTn hs Mort�sp�ay be tonct Foud by�cUon�orAby�'idwrtl�neniu pro�vid�d byt Utuie w•iwitrulw�
<br /> m�kinp ot�ny p�ynxe
<br /> of praoUc�roletinp ffi�nto,and thb panpnph eh�ll be de�med��suth�nzin{��nd constitutinp�povwr oi s�is e�msntionsd in aid�tatut�o►ruls��nd�ny
<br /> am�ndrt+Mt th�rsto,�nd may rotQn atatutory cata�nd attomey tw�(SD,VYY.MN,OK,and MI rs�id�r►ta onlyl.
<br /> - C�ruln�mainU can be paid by Comm�rcial Fedenl�nd add�d to ths debt secunK! by ffiIs Mortysg�.11+sY�n�ny tax�e c►inaunncs 1 hws aprMd to
<br /> p�y but fail to,any ettom�yrtes�a court exp�ntu Commsrd��Fbdsrd P�Y����t�"��• pM�Y�t My 1°Q�I�ction broupht by�otneone sit�concMninp tho
<br /> --=-= prop�rty,�nd �ny�ttomry'���hi����ic h«!��d�itioni'I d i t wit��lal i t�rsstl t ths sime n e�t�he ro t ot the d+bt�r�id rtxut b�paid
<br /> -�'°'� ° forecloM this mortpp .If y G Pp�•
<br /> _==-— Immediat�ly. rceeeda o}th�tnkiny
<br /> ��'� If d�b property U swr condemnsd undx th�aower of�minmt dama[r�or any tfmll�r method oi t�kinp prop�rty tor puhlia use,�ny p
<br /> —_-- -�= will 6e paid to CommKCisl F�d�nl up to thetuU�mount oi the debt securod.
<br /> '�''��'�i�`�' Notia�to BorrovrK(for Okiafiom�P��YI: A ar�rpo of���,bNn pn�d In thb Martpsp�. /L Pow�r of��N m�y�Ibw th�MortON�to taks th�
<br /> .,�;irf�°r�� o� Jp� Pmp� �n � n0 n�tono uns �•,�,n .0 v ro�arTin-3�ff�r o ap�
<br /> .a-��-- ' ' "lllr] ° _
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<br /> - ...rn,�s�s
<br />-;-c:7.Y3j1�-.- .- �
<br /> -.- .-�''�:4�. 4�: r. �v 79_ 1006 Borrowsra igrtaturo L�l
<br /> ��9���,��— • •---°- •-- • --- Borrower's Signatu �
<br /> '..,y++ ` : 't,. STA'fE OF NE'�� j ea.
<br /> `„ ., ,nµ; COUIYTY OF I'II�a+ 1
<br /> r' On thls Za� day of �Y .19 � .beloro me,e notery public in and for aaid county, peraonelly camo
<br />"' , �lv�l J �8��y � ���j . to mo known to bo the identical pereon a peraona whoso
<br /> nams Is or ero sffixed to the ebove mortpaye,end they,he or ahe sevoraliy acknowledged the eaid inetrumont aod tho exocution thoreof to bo their voluntory
<br /> ' • eot end deed.
<br /> M WITNESS my hand end noteriel soel the day end year laat writte�abovo. ��"�/ '/ ' v0 �
<br />� ' r�. " My commiaafon expiros: ��w�,�g�}.�w /C �4�!G�Z
<br /> ' '' CONSfANCE K.SLOAN Notery Publio't Siqneturo
<br /> .` • NE-IN-WY-IL-Sn . xp.Jan.24,te99 DN-1077 (10/96►
<br />