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<br /> � HEA�OC and 6`�
<br /> �� NQR�h'ESi BANK NEBRASBA \ --
<br /> �,raan,XS �osox3aoa MOltgag@ IVlodifica�ion
<br /> � A7TAN:SHNR F Vi�lLLIAM —1/y�'i i 66G�'l.- 6�o �
<br /> Th/s qgmement ls made thls_ 8th dsy ol t`1$..y ,i9 y6 bot�en Norwsst Bank
<br /> Nebraska ,Netknal Assocla6on,exlsting under Ihe lews o!the United SYates ol Nntrdcn
<br /> having!ts ouke at.G�BAd I o 1 and _ , I3F,— (the'6ank')
<br /> �, SYab
<br /> end L•_Bonard F. Wi.t?i�me and J�dy K. ja i j mR. HLShand �nd Wife (the"eonmver')
<br /> nume(e)a aa,o�.rpl
<br /> resklingat L,,428 Nerth Rubx �, Grand r4land —T1R
<br /> �� pry �Stero
<br /> and�.2A8���- Willia e and Jq�y I� �7i 119 ami����xhAnri and Wi fe (the"Mor�qagoi")
<br /> Nune(sl amorA7�ir1
<br /> laSkNlKf 81 1�128 NO tlt R�by .S`ranA Tc7 nnA �$ .
<br /> iW�tess Gry �S�al�e
<br /> a.r.�ars The dafty rete lor thls Insurance snd the corresponding emount
<br /> t. Tha Bank Is Ghe hotder ol the Nome Equiry Access Llne Aareement ol per 5700 of my averaga dalty balance each month as shown
<br /> the Borrower deled .1uly L 1 , 18�1,Aayab/e to pe�y,
<br /> [he Olde►01t�(e E�[j �yit1j�t wlglnal maxlmUln 8v811ab1e pl/nCipaf Slnqle L1la Insurance Jdn�Ule Insurenco
<br /> g,,rw��nI c `�i V��1•v� (^NnM';1 wltb a mph�rl7y date d
<br /> June 11 ,�6 , oa�ry rara �n A----A
<br /> Carospooding
<br /> 2. To secure pay�mxM d the N�te,the Mongagor has gl�rr a mortgage or coar per 6roo __ e r,e.Sroo _ e pa►iroo
<br /> (1e9H,pf t�ust("MW(qage")to the Benk,dated,�Tt�1� 1 1 , ❑Singie li!e lnsurenco ❑JWnt LIle Gisurance
<br /> 19 7 i dUbj9C8nQ f0 thB li0/1 thBRT91 CBli8111 fB81 BSt8t0/OCBtBd bt �,g„�N,� o�
<br /> Hal � Counry, NF more
<br /> tNCUlA descdbed!n th9 M rarre� X
<br /> (M �ty �9�• Oaro d dAn
<br /> a rnmMort�agewean�eaw.recoroa,_Ja1y 17 _
<br /> iB�.L,h the olfi;e d the Rpg�tte�^£ neEtls._—d Me ��� q�,�ce Amot�nt
<br /> et�o�namsd caxrry rs Ducument Na �(�]� me gp�ro�r hereby,apree9 that each ban under the Nots wlll be
<br /> M eook/Aol1 Z'1 � PeAeNmape N .`. _ . �.. .. «- .,
<br /> �„ . � .�, ..�.•.r�:• �l�q�,,a�S orasmarytlmasS
<br /> b in connscNon with the t;Nnp d the MortgAge,e mah�a rogbrry•,►qx;r�Yfl• ��:; e . •Loa+ns ma�e to the Bonawr by phvns or by use d a
<br /> was pNd ro rhe ttseaurer o/sak/Counry 1n the amounr�f Yr^ �t •,_ ,.,�. .,,�,� wlll6e er kest S .
<br /> � �T� pn��e ,19-�-E�{,` "' "'a'�'"P�ymfenf Amount
<br /> and that Treasuror placed hla a her sfamp on tho Mortpago seld atamp The garow�s�ryr,reby,egrews that the Bank wilf eulvmalicaJy
<br /> beadny number�I�IA • charge the Checking e�;cwint relererwed h the Nate on o monthly
<br /> 6� The 8orrower/Matgeyor ncknowledyes(haf fhe Nota and the Mortgage bas/s wlth:
<br /> aro legal a»d b/ndl�g obUgathns,free end clear ol eny clalm,defensa or U S :Q►
<br /> oHsmt ❑a payment eQua/to gb d my Outstendlirg
<br /> Q 7i�e Bo�NMaA,7aga e�d the Bsrtk now deslre to meke changes ro Balanco'd unpe/d loans under tha Ndn es anown m my
<br /> the No[o nnd MatpaRO(includin.o erN Prevlous modiflcallons)es ma�tny aratemenr a s_._._ , wh�hewr Is
<br /> described betow. greater,w –
<br /> •"Outstanding dalance"moens the unpeld balance d Home
<br /> . See Attgched. Rxhibit A Equlry A�ccess Une Mens cwtstundinr�at the beylnn(np d tAe
<br /> last day in the monfhy bi!6ng cyicl4 pius anylot+ns unY minus
<br /> any credite or eddlUonaJ pnyyments made ol such de}t
<br /> . �^'�•'•I'�tirl::T07 J»A?N31�� �p�'�t equst to tho Ilnance charge(anU crealit lnsurance
<br /> a9��M �.,:'QS��:!l'f.1^'�t6Ai romlum�!f ary)as shown on the BorroeHer's monMy
<br /> Accord/ngty,!n cons8lerr�tlon o/tho premtsos and othor good�apd vNypqlp •�•,, � !^� atetoment.
<br /> con�ldemNon,or�ch pa/d ro thn olhe�tho paRiQS horeto c�gieej•as foMow.r.• U e. Margin
<br /> 1.�]a. Maturity/Torminatlon Uate 7ho Borraver hereby egreo9 tha!the linanco charge will be
<br /> 71�e BorrawNMortgagor hemby ogroes�hnt fhls line o/crodlt wlll L�fncroased CJ dncreased to 1/365 of sn annus!rate d
<br /> � tvrminato ertd thnt the unpa(d princlpal ba/ance o/fhe Noto and %arer the"Indox Ratv,"whlch Is disclosed In 1ho Nota
<br /> arry unpald financo ch�rgos or otAor clrargCS tvllf bo duo and U 1!the[iorrow�r ceases to be en emplqrea of tho 8ank orlts ___
<br /> payc!bto 6i lull on_____M���$ ,2001 . anr�isrss,the Bank wlfl lnCroase fhe rafe by edding �,
<br /> Unhl thaf date tho Borrower ngroes to mako monthh�prryments as L]l. Account Numl�er
<br /> discfosaJ rn iirn Nui[,ur ii e�iNlici�Je,d9(iiselDS�ti ti6fiM: Tl�s oorossarRriatgagar hert,�sgr�,s thet tha!!ar of IGo
<br /> L i b. Cmdit fnsuntnce pavotvinp) Mortgago on the resl ostaro descrfbod here/n chalf secure tho Note
<br /> 1 am not requlred fo buy credit Insurenco.f chooso ln 6ay thls connected wllh account number _ ,
<br /> �..�........��.,..»..... e..,�r�...m.e..a....,.,u.....e e,...tw,n�....oe�r..e up ro tho detn horvo%and shall socure emounts AaNencsd
<br /> � .M"�.�..�..,`r,....v.....'.`'�, ...,..�..._"�..,.'�~�..� In nccordanco wRh, and connoctad tq nCCOUnf numbor
<br /> ol Crodit loatts ill d/o.
<br /> � es ol the date hemof end con-
<br /> Amount of Insur�nce.The amaunt ol lnsurance et one flme!s tinuln�until sa/tl Mortgags Is fully satlsllod!n the munner pruvldad `
<br /> tho losser ol.• by law.
<br /> •tho amount ol my unpold Homo Equlry Accoss Llne ol Cred�t ,
<br /> Loans:a l�g. Crodlt Umlt 6
<br /> •Tho mdxlmum covorage amount statod In tho insuranct3 Tho Borrower/Mortga(/a hercby ogmos tha�tho mnxlmum avalla6fo _
<br /> certilicnlo providod to mo. principal amount o/the Note Is nav 5_ and
<br /> that tho(len ot the Mortgngo shall socuro tho llno oi crodit up to _
<br /> Perlod o!Caverago. Crodit life Insuranco,sing/o or/olnt,wlil ond thttt emount as(t!s aWancod nnd outstsndMg f.rom dmo fo tlmo. a:
<br />_ whon I or my caborrower reach sgo 6& Tho ro!aroncos!n the M�rtgngo to tha mux/mum omount ol tho �
<br /> Cost ol fnauranco. Tho cast of tho cradit Irfo Insurance 1 am l�no of crodlt�ro heroby amondod[o tho oxtont noct+ssary[o rellect �
<br /> �,
<br /> buyfng from you wlll vnry/rom month to month depending on the tho L'lncroased l_:docrodsed maxlmum amount of fho/!no of _�
<br /> amount I avo. 1 unUorst�nd that thv promlums wlll bo!n oddition cradit.Each refemnco in tha Mortgaga fo tho Ono of crodit shali bo
<br /> ta tho l/nance chorgos on my Home Equlry Accoss Lfno of deemctd,on end sfter Iho date ol fhls ILqroomc�nt,to rafer[o the –
<br /> Crodit loans. modilled mnx/mum amount of the Ifne ol cmdlL �
<br /> ���;_ F.�'
<br /> NC i2a�0 MR318�D5•�G�M2) �"+� ��� HA'I 2 4 '� �
<br /> �r
<br /> R.
<br />