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<br /> G.ASSI(iNMF.NT OF�.EAS�S. Upon L,ender's raquesi,HorEOwer ahall assign to Lcndcr nU l�as�s of the —
<br /> Frapeny and aU sccudty depnsiss mnda in connr�Qon wifh Icase.9 of tho Property. Upon the essignment,Lcndex -u
<br /> shall havo tho dght to madify�catcnd or��ulnai���a cxisUng lea^�ca End to eaec+�ro new l�s!ses,in z.uider's sole �
<br /> . . . . ... ._____� n �f.�.....«1°l�sa�°ahdll nuan"A1111�lSSC°if tha Security Instrument is on a
<br /> disc�e�on.:�.9 llc�n �n��p»��urnr►utru �.u.v ..v... •••••••• _.......•---' -"
<br /> Ic,�schald.
<br /> Bdrcower absolutcly and uncondl¢ionally esstgns and transfera to Lat►der all tha rents and revcnues("Rents")of the
<br /> Property,regardlcss of to whom the Rents of tha FropertY ere pbyable.�B�o p Y t�ouRents to Le der or I nder's
<br /> agents to collect the Itents,and a�ces that each tenant of chc Property -
<br /> egents.Hawever,Borrowu shc�ll receivo the Rents untjl(i)I.�nder has given Bortow�r nodce of defaultpursusnt to
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Securtty Instrument end(ii)L.ender has given nodce to ihe tenan�(y}Iiuit ihe I:cnts are to bs
<br /> paid to Lendcr or Lendcr's agen� 'fiis assignnent of Rents consdwt�s an absol�to assl8nment end not un
<br /> osaig+.aueiit fa,additi�nal ssxuntry onlp.
<br /> If Lender gtves nodco of breach to Bcmower.(i)all Rents received by Borrower shall be he�d by Hoirower as
<br /> trust�for thc beaefit of Lendcr anly,w be appllcd to the swr►s secured by tho Sxuriry Insuument;�ii)I.�nder shall
<br /> be endtled w colloct and receive a!1 of the Re�ts uf tha Propect3+� (1i�) BorroW�'e����SL�� ��°f tl�s
<br /> Property shall pay aU Rents due and unpa�d to Lender or I.ender's egents upo� Lcnder's wdtten dcmand t,o U�e
<br /> tenant; (iv) unl:ss applicable law provtdes otherwise. aq Rents collected by Lendu or Lender's agents shall be
<br /> applled fust W the cosis of taking c:onuol of end managing the I'roperty and collecting the Rents,incluNng,but not
<br /> limit�i to,awomeys' fees,reccietc's fees.premiums on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenance cas�s, insw�nce
<br /> praniums, taxcs,essessments and other charges on the Property. and then to tha surns r�ured by ihe Sccwiry
<br /> Inswment;(v)Lender,Lender's agents or any judiclally appaintQd receiver shall be Ilable to aceount for anly those
<br /> Rents ucNally rzccivcd; und (vi)Lender shall bn endded to ha.ve a receiver eppointed w tak�Possession of end
<br /> manage the Property and collect the Rents and pro�its derived from thc Property without Y,ny showing as to the
<br /> inadequacy of the Prope�ty as security.
<br /> If�he Rents of the Prapercy ere not sufficient to cover the cosu of teking control of ana mazia�inS the
<br /> Property and of coAecdng ahe Rcnts any Funds expendcd by Lender ior�ui;�,Nu��a3�t!�cnse 2.'�L�t�fl►IP__CC Af ,
<br /> Borrower w Ler�der secured bY the Security Insuument pursufu►t w Unifurtn�or assignment mf the Rents and tias
<br /> Bprrower regresents and warrants that Borrower hav not executed any p
<br /> not arid will not perform any act that would prevent I.ender from exercising its rights under this paragraPh• _
<br /> I.cndu.or Lende�'s egents ur a Judlcinily appointed rece1�eio sha11 not be re�uired W enter upon,take control
<br /> af or maintain the Propeiey beforo a efta�iving nodca of default W Borrower.However.Lenciei�ox I���s
<br /> agents or q judicially appoinced receivu.may do so at any time when a default occurs.Ai►Y BPPli�n of Ren�v
<br /> shall not curo or walve any default a iavaiidau any othu right or remody of I.ender. 'Ilds assig�►nent Qf Ru►ts of
<br /> the pro�erty,shall urtninaw when all tha sums secured by�ha Sxurity Instrument an paid iie full.
<br /> I.CROSS•DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breact► under any note ar �r�nen� �►
<br /> which I.enda hes an interest shall bo a breach undet th4 Securlty Insttument and[.endtx may invdce any of the
<br /> remediq p�m�iued by tha Securlty Instiuumen�
<br /> BY SIGNINC3 BBLOW.Borcowu accepts end agrees ta the terms and provisions conta�ned in ihls 1�4 Family
<br /> Rk1cr.
<br /> / 0
<br /> � ` �5�� C � Se:il)
<br /> I3 A S ITH -Tio�rowor C tHIA A 3MTTH -Ha+rowar
<br /> C/� (SC81) (SCaI)
<br /> - -Borrower
<br /> -Hortawer
<br />_ �.5� �o�o.,.o, P.o.z o�2 .; forM 9,1,i�a/93
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