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<br /> A6.t�orYOO-rce'n Copy, Aor,�o��1eP,hnll bc(,�ivcn one canform�;d copy of the Note and ot�his Sccurlty Instrument,
<br /> � 1?.TrAnster of Rhe Pvoperty ar a Ciencfictal Interest(i�Doreo�er. If all or m�y pag'i o[ti�c I�roperty or any interest in it i.9
<br /> sold or transfcncd(or if a bcnel�clal intetest in Bonower ts sold or tmnsfcrrcd und Borrower is nat a naturzlperson) without �..,_
<br /> , . �� Lender'A prEor e�riu.en consenb l.ender may�at it�opdon,requiro immediate payment in fuU oF nll sums secureci by this Securiry �,._,.
<br /> Insuument. However,thts optton ahall nat ba exe�clscQ by l.cnder if exercisa is prohiblt�d by federal lnw ss of tho dato of this �;._
<br />-, �� �, Sccurlty Instrumen� �'�
<br /> If J.,ender oxcrciscs this opdon,l.endr,r shail givc Bonawer noticc+of scccleretidn.Tho noticc shall provldc a pc Y�isfS�o'�i`y —
<br /> ° ��an 30 ctays tro��a�hc datc thc nod�o i9 delivcMQ or mniled within which�orrower must pay all sums sccured b �
<br /> ___ i�,arn�m�.n�, �f Amm�wcr falls to pay thcso sums pdor to tho expiratien of this period,Lon�er may tnvokc any rcrnedIes pern�i�G;d -
<br /> .`--�%;':��� by this Security Instrumen[wiliiout fu�dhcr Zodc:.at d:.�►°.�td Qn�Q�owe*. �,-
<br /> -dh gorcawcr shaU have thc right to havo
<br /> 18.Horrower'e Itight to Relnstitte. If Bonower meet� certain condidans, ��.
<br /> :�� cnforcement of this Sccurity Insuumsnt discondnueai at eny dme prior to d�o et►rflar o�:(a) 5 ds►ys (or such other periad es _.
<br /> appllcablo law may specify for reinststemcnt)bcfore sale of tho Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Securlty �,_
<br /> �'`�� Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of a judgment cnforcing this Security Instrument.'Il�oso condition�uo tl�at morrower:(a)pays Lender all �.
<br /> � � sams which then�vould be duc under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleradon had occuned: (b)cures any
<br /> �: default of any other covenants or egrecments;(c)pays all expcnse;s incurred in enforcing this Security Inswment,including,but �_
<br /> . �tot Umited to rcasonable Auomeys'fecs;end(c�)tpke,a such ection as Lender mey rcasonably r�quire w essure that the llen of this
<br /> Securtty Instnimsnt, Lender's dghts in tho PraPerty snd nonower's obllgation to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br /> �� ;��:�„� Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Inswment and the obligadons secured �
<br /> hc�eby Fhall remain fully effective as if no accelerntion had occuaecl.However,this right t+o reinstate shall not apply u�the case of
<br />` ����;�'� ' acceleretion under paregraph 17.
<br />_''`:�.w • ��•Y. 19.5ak of Note;Chs�age af Loan Seewiccr. Thc Notc ar a pardal interest in the Nate (to8ether with this Securiry
<br /> .,:•`:�.4_a Inst�umcnt)may b�aold one or more dmc.4 without prior nodce ta Boaower.A sale may rault in a change in th�endry(known `
<br /> 0
<br />_�,,�;�p�, ;�,; : as the"I oan Servicer')that collects monthly psyments due under tha Note and this 5ec�uiiy Instnunenw Thece also�iiay be one or �
<br /> ..,z�t,•:� - • more changes of the Loan Servlcer u�uek�ted to a sale of the Note.I�there is a chango of�he Loan Servicer,Boaower wlll bc
<br /> . given written nopce of the change in accoraanca wlth ptirraRraPh 14 above and appllcable law. Tha notice�vill stete the name and �
<br /> ra
<br />���'-'::�:•r:'''' addcess of the new L,oan Servieer and the address to whlch payments sho�dd be made. 11ie notice will also conurin any other
<br /> � `�`•� '� �nformudon requirad by appllcable law.
<br /> • � Zp,HAZArdoae Substances. Borrower shall not cause or peemit the presence, usc,disposal. storage, or relcase of uny
<br /> ������'"•���`-. . Hezacdous Substances on or in the I'ropecty.Bo�rower shali not do,nQr allow anyone els�w do,anything affectir►g t1�e Properiy
<br />-_:,•. ,.,,•,,
<br /> �'='�., that is in violation of eny Environmental Law.The precedin8 two se.ntences shall not apply w th�e���normal residential usese
<br />:��''�"V Property of small quantifles of Hazardous Substartces that are generaUy recagnized w be epp p
<br /> 'M1�L�T'�'..{
<br />,•-,��.:�ta,.. and to maintenance of the Pruperty.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender writeen nodce of any invesdgadon, claim,demend,lawsuit or other acdon by eny
<br /> ��::�:%� u►volvin ihc Prn and an Haza=dous Substance or Environmental Law
<br />=- _� ,�'?•�•�� govemmental or regulatory ency or pdvatc party ' 8 �� Y ovennmental or re ulatory uuthnd that any
<br /> `'•.z�����--. • � �.r haa ec�knowledaa If Bonower leams,or is notified by any g $ �3'�
<br /> �.�.. �;�_ • af::�hlch P..sraw-- Bo,�v�v��o�sdt Fr�sspl,s:�s�!1
<br />- �`�'F'�r removal or other remediadon of eny Ha7ardous Substanee atfecting the Yropeny is ncc��ry,
<br />"�"=°:`�''y'��' neces�ary�emedial,acdons in eccordAnca with Environmental Law.
<br /> ""�.�k.��.'.�
<br /> �_', ,;°�s'� qs use,1 in th►s paragraph 7A, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are those subsuu�ces dufined es wxic or hazerdous substanccs by
<br /> _�+���,�,�f_, Envlronmenal Law end the following substances: gasollne, keroseae, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxic
<br /> "°""""�� pescicides and herblcides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyc�e,and radiosctive matenals.As used in
<br /> -�""°"==�=..'�'� thL�parograph 2Q,"Environmental Law"means federal lawa end laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located that reltue
<br /> - °=-- to health.safety ur envimnmental pmtACdon.
<br /> °'�""� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bocmwer end Lender fcuther covenAnt and agree a�follows:
<br /> -=--�n� 71.Accekratbn;Remedies.I.ender shAll give notke to Borrower prtor to accekratbn folbwing B�urrower's 6reach ot
<br /> -�:� ony cuvenRnt or pgreement in this Security Iostrumsnt (but not prbr M accekration under p�rAg�aph 17 unisss
<br /> - - appllcAbk Ww provtdes otherwise).The notice ehAll specify:(�►)the default; (b)the s�dbn requirett to cure t6e defAUlt;(c)
<br /> A date,not kssti than 30 daye trom the d�te the notke Is given to Borrower.by whf�td the detAUlt must be cured;and(d)
<br /> that fpiture to cure the defr�uit on or befare the date spec[tied in the natke may resaiB In pccekratfon of the sums secured
<br /> � � by thB Security Instrument �end sak of the Property.The notice shall further inf�rm Borro�rer of the rtght to refnst�te
<br /> — aner pccekrsttton a�d the right to bring a court petion to assert t6e non•ext�tenc�01 a default or any ather deYense ot
<br /> - - Borrower to wcceleratbn and s�k. It the detauit L�not cured on or befor� the datae specitied[n the aotice�Lender�At ita
<br /> "��'�°s' option�m�y rcqutre immediate paymen4 In tuU of all suma secured by thfa Ser.urky Instrument w�thout fuMher demand
<br /> - - And mAy tnvoke the power of sale and Any other remedles permitted by appllcable IaN. Lender shall be entitkd to colkct
<br /> � ..� a :.. .at.......,........�. �� 1n..6�liro i+nt nqt Ilmifs�tl toJ rl�nTla6k
<br /> f,_ __==ciaii Au expenae9 incurred in pur�uiug fi�e ib'iuEu�c9 Niu7ii�iiu ua w�>�...«s...r_.��r•••�••••_-e� -
<br /> ---- ottorneys'fees and costs o!titk evWence.
<br /> ._,.,,�� It the power or srde l� invoked,Trustee shaii record a notice of defAUlt in each county in whk6 any paet ot the
<br /> _�� praperty is loc�ted and ehall mail copies o�such nuttce in the ananner prescrtbed by applicAble law to Borrower and to the
<br /> .: - --°_= other persons prescribed by applicabk law.After the ttmie�re�le law.Tr tee,wibtha t dewa d on Borrower.eh�ll seU the
<br /> __=��= s�fe to t6e persuna and in tue manner prescrfbed by app
<br /> �.:-_�"_'4�M1^SYDi�9
<br /> -_;,;;,,,,-��-�� Property at public auctfan to the highest btdder at the time und place and under the terms designated in the Qotice o sn
<br /> n•�.��--y�
<br /> _ '�.;�
<br /> e„},�"'''�;,-j;. Formso28 OWo
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