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<br /> g.liazard or Pruperty Insurence. }�OPfOWCT AI�UII{CCCP I�IC Ifi7pP0VCI11Ci1l9 q0�!CH19U(1�QC I1CPC�RCP CfC�U. o �� �� ��
<br /> insurcd ag�inst loss by firo,htu.ards includcd within tl�c tcrm "oxcended covcro�c" and ruty othcr ha•r.arAs, incliidZng flocids or .
<br /> . � itooding,for which l.cndc�rcquires insurancc.7'hls insurancc shnll bo mnintnincd in thc nmounts and for thc periods ihat L.cndcr ;;,a,,
<br /> �. : � rcquiras.'ICho insuranco carctcr provlding thc insurancc ehull bc choscn by aorrowcr subject to L.cnder's npproval whlch shn11 not "•�
<br /> ba unrcASanably wt�hhcld. lf Borrowcr [ails to malntain covcragc describcd abavc, l.endcr may. nt x.endcr's opdon, obtain i_,-;
<br /> ' � covcxagc ro prot�ct 1-.endcs's rights in thc Properry m accordancc with parngraph 7. � �
<br /> ea�na�rnnrA nolicicv and renewels shttll bo acccptablo[o Lcndcr�r►d tshnll includo a suutdurd modgage clausc. I.cndcr shall �;��r
<br /> ,�� � �.�'' �� hnvo tho right w hold iho poltcles und ranewals.!f Lender rcc�uires,Borrowcr siiuil ji;o��tly gtvc to i.etcdec au r��ip�ui p����3 --_
<br /> `�^"� premiums and renawal notices•In tho event of loss,aarrav��r shall glve prampt nodc�to the insurance carrter and Lender.Lender •R+�
<br /> "��""'�'�` m a y n�n k o proof of loss if not med�promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> ' Llnless l.cndcr and Bonower otherwlso agrec in wrlting, insurcuico p r o c c c ds c h�i l b e o p g l i e d t o r e.g w r a t i o n o r r e p a i r o f t h e ,,,_:
<br />�, ' ` ' property cixma�ccJ,if tho restoradon or repair is cconomically fcasible and Lender's securiry Is not lessencd.If���Q�c sums �"._�
<br /> ;� repnir ls not economically feasible or LenAer's securiry would bo Irasened. the ltzsurance proceeds shall Ue epp
<br /> • sccuted by this Security Instrun�uut, whethei or not thcn duc, with any excess gaid to Borrower. 1f Borrowcr abandons the _..___
<br /> - , �� �
<br /> R�operty,or does not snswer within 30 days a notice from Lrnder that the insurence cnrder has offered to seule a claim,then _
<br />_ w _- .._ ]fn�nr�ftY�p1�CC!111C IIISI1t9IlCC[1fOCCG'�S.Lender mey uso thc procceds to rcpair or restorc the Property o�to pay sums secured � -
<br /> '''•.��� �.�ti � by this Security Instrament,whether or not then duo.The 30•day prriod will begin when che notice is given.
<br />-,�. ��• .•=. lication of prnceeds to princlpal shtill not extend or postpone
<br />-„�... :: Unlcss Lender end Barrowcr atherwLse egree in�rriting,anY aPP
<br /> ;`�;�.:::�� . the due dau of Gie iuonthly paymcnts refetresl to in Farao aAhs 1 and 2 or chunge tho amount of the payments.If under paragraph
<br />_'a•��_.,,;�-. 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right w any insurance policies and proceeds result3ng from damage to the _
<br /> .. Property prior to the acquisidon shall pass w Lender to the extent of the aums secured by this Secudty Instrument immediatelY
<br /> .�..-�,�_. , prior to the acquisU.ion. + Ilcation;Lepseholde. ---
<br /> ��°r���''�� 6.Oceupancy,Preservatlon,Muintenance And Protectbn o!the Property; Barrower s Loan App �
<br /> .=,.;�;.'�* Bonower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propecty as Borrower's principal residence with3n aixty clays after the execudon of _�
<br /> `�,:'':, this Security Inswment end shall cantinue to occupy the Properry as Banower's prG►cipsil residence for at least one yesr after the
<br /> °'h" date of occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writin6, which consent shall not be unreasonably withh�ld, or nnless
<br /> i�'�'-;�•�f eat,enuadng circumstances eaist which are beyor.d Borrower's control.Borrower shall not destroy,damaBa or imPali'the ProPertY�
<br />.'""-` :r�•. tilio�,v the property to deteriorate. or commit wast� on the Property. Borrower shall be in default If any forfeiture action or
<br /> �•�a..',�� . procecding,whether civil or criminal,is beSun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeipue of the Property or
<br /> .•_�_-�:T.:-�- o�herwisa niaic.�,liy :m�"air ttse 1ie��crrs2��S;!!!�C�r��ricy Instnunent or L.ender's securlty interesG Borcower may cure such a
<br /> `"�'' �`'"� default and reinstate.es pmvided!n paragraph 18,by cuustng the acdon or proceeding to bo dismissed with a rultng that, in
<br />`_,:�_:+=;a�+ir� � ,
<br /> • �•-•�• I.cnder s good faith determinadon,precludcs forfciaue of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material imPairmea►t of
<br />_..,_.�.,, V
<br /> .,_,,�'�C, � the lien created by this Seciuity Instrun►ent or Lender's security interesG Bonower shall also be in default if 19orcower,during e
<br /> �,�ti��8� (oan appL'cadon proces,g.gave materlally faLse or ina�curate infoanation or so�tements w I.endea(or faile�to provide I.ender with
<br /> any material informadon) in conneetion with the loan evidencecl by tha Note, ineluding, but not ltmited to, representadons
<br /> -=--=- conceming Borrower's accupancy of tho Pcoperty as a principal residence.If this Security�,In�suum l�hold and t�he fee dtle�shall
<br /> —�° shall comply with a�ihe provIslons of the lcase.If Boaower acquires fee tide to the Pro
<br /> ��� not mcrge unless Lender a�ees co the n�erger in writing.
<br /> ------- 7,Protectan of Lender's Righta io the Property. If Borrower feils to perfonn the covenents and agroements contained in
<br /> ��=v� this Security Instrument� or there is a 1ega1 proceeding that may signi�icandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> _= proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),Ihen Lender may do s+nd pay
<br /> _•� for whatever is necessary to protect the value of tha PropettY ei'►d Lender's dghts in the Proputy.Lendu's actions may inc7ude
<br /> === paying any sums sesured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insuument,appearing in court, paying reasonable
<br />-°-�- -----�- auorneys' fces and entcring on Yhe Property to makc repairs.Although Lender may talce acd.on unde,r this paragraph 7.Lenda
<br /> --- does noa have to do so.
<br /> � =-
<br />