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<br />� �
<br /> ��rro�vcr shnll pramptly �ivc ITnd�r writren nocicc uf uny investigadon, clnim, dem�ind, lawsuit ar othcr nction by any
<br /> governmer.tal ar regulutory ngency or privnte party involving the Pmperty nnd ainy Hu•r.urdous Sub�;tance or�nvironmentnl Law
<br /> af'�vhlcli Bi�r�•o�ver I�as nctucd knowleJge. If 13orrotvet•Icarnti, ��r i� notificd by any �;mcrnmeutu!nr regulntnry nuihoriry,►hat
<br /> uny �•rmovid ur other remeclintitm nf cmy Ilar;�rduus SuL�:dance nffeetong the Praperry is rcce+snry, [�orrowcr shall prompNy tnkc .
<br /> all necessnry rcmcdial z�ctlons in uccardnncc�vith Environmcntul l.uw. _
<br /> Ati useJ in this paragraph 20, "Huttirduus Substcmccs" ure th���e substances defined ns toxic c�r hn•r.urdous substimces t� -
<br /> I?nviroumental la�w and thc fallowing substnnccw: gc�sullnc, kcroscnc, othcr flnmmahlc or tnxlc pctrolcum praducts, toxic
<br /> pcsdcides And hcrbicldcs,volatllc solvcnts,mntcrials contalning nshcstns or firrmalcfchydc, und rndioacdvc mntcrinls. As uscd in _
<br /> this parugraph 20, "Environment�d Gnw" mcans fcdcr►il luwg und Inws of thc Jurisdlction whcrc thc Praperty is lacutcd thiit�
<br /> tirlatc to h�.�lth,s�fety orenvlmnmentul protcctlon, �
<br /> NON-UAIIFOAM COVENAN7'S.llon•uwcr uud l.�:ndcj•furthci cc,venant and agrcc us follo�vs:
<br /> at •�..��..�..�t..��D..«...Il.o i u�dur uY�oll ulvn�m11no tn HOMMAWPY O�'II1N M OCCPICI'LtlUll�OIIUWIII$BOPYQWCA��6��CII�
<br /> . ra.`aNn.n�w.v..�............. ..�....�. ....»..�-•-'-"-°- -- -- -
<br /> of any cave�iant or agreemPnt b� this Security Instrument (i�ut not prlor to ucceierattun wiucr �,a�a���p�h 17 anl�wlr �
<br /> appliu►ble iaw prnvides ntherwis�). Tlie nuttce shall specUy: (a) the defauit; (b) the acUon requlrecl to cure the default;�
<br /> (c)a dAte�n�t less than 3Q days fcom the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by whlch tl�e default must be cured;and�
<br /> (d) that [ailure to cure the default on or betore the date s�eciped In tlie notice may result 6n accr.ler�►tton af tl�e r�ums
<br /> sccured Iby this Securlty Instrunient nnd sale of the Pmperty. Thc noticc shall furthcr fnf�►rm Aorrower nP tlic right ta
<br /> �r(�istate aRei•acceler�tlon nnd thc right to brin� n caurt sedon to usscrt tlie non-existenee oP n def�ult�r t►ny nther
<br /> defense at Horrower to accelerattan and�ule. If the �tefault Is not cured on or hefare the date 9pecl�ied in the notlee,
<br /> Y.ender, at its option, may require immed6►te lu►y�ueut iu 4'ull uP uil s�P��is sec�i.ed by fhls ���rlty 1rsCrur,::.�tit c•r:th�at
<br /> further deman�end may invoke the power af e;ale snd any oth�r remedtes perm(tted by epplicablc law. I.ender shall be
<br /> entttled to collect all�expen.ses incusred In pursuing the remedies gtrov[ded In thls�►art�gruph 21,including,but not limlted
<br /> �o���,.-���:,,:.�.:.:.5s':.:�,a:d c�;�of 4ttle evE�er.�.
<br /> It the�o wer of sale is Invoked, Tcustce s6a11 record a nutice of defuult in eaeh county In which w��y pwrt of the
<br /> Property Is l�cxted and shAll mail copies of such nottre in the m�nner prescribed by appllcalsle law to Bor�rower wnd to
<br /> tl�e other persons pre�cdbed by applicx6lc law.l�f�er iii�fQii�e��ec�air2d b�s�plicable la�,'d'rustc�;l�all�ive�ub!!s notE�
<br /> of ss�le to the persun� and In the mauner prescribesl by applicable luw�Trustee, without dempnd on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> the Property at public suction to the highest bidder at the time and place nnd under the terms designated In the notice ot
<br /> sale in one or more�arcels and In any ordei•Trustee determtn�s.Trustee may postponc sale o!al! or any parcel ot the
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time snd place of any previously rcheduled sule. I.ender or its designce may
<br /> purcEtase the Property at any sale.
<br /> _ Upon receipt of payment ot' tEse prtce bfsl, Trustee shall deliver to the purthaser Trustee's de�ed conveying Rhe _
<br /> Property. The recitals in the Tri�stee's deed shail be prfan�facie evldence ot tiie truth of the stAtements�t��de thereln.
<br /> Trustee shAll e�p1y the proceeds of the sale In the following order:(n)to all costs and exp� of exerclsing the power of
<br /> sAle,and the sale,includt»g the payment of the Trustee's fees actuAlly incurred,not to exc��of $50.00 or 1/2 %
<br /> ot ttae principul amount of tt�e�ote at the time of tlie declaration of default,and reasonable attorneys' fee�a9 perniltted
<br /> by law;(b)to�1 s��ms secured by this Security Inst�vment;and (c)any excess to the person or persons legAlly entitled to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secuiity Instrument, Lender shall request Trustoe to
<br /> � teconvey the Property nnd shall sunender this Security Instrument and alt notes evidencing debt secureti by this Security
<br /> instrument to Trustea. Tn►ctee shall reconvey the°roperry without wnrnmty and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> � entitled to it. Such person or persons shull pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 23. Sabstitute'L''rustec. Lender,at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and eppoint n successor tcustee to
<br /> . any Trustee appointed hercunder by an instrument recurded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recordad.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeecl to all the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by appllcable law.
<br /> . 1A. Request for Notices. Borrower reyuests that copies of the notices of defuult and sale be sent to 8orrower's address
<br /> �vhich is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Rtders to this Securtty Instrument.[f one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recordal together with this
<br /> � Security Instrument,the cuvenants and ngreements of each such rider shall be incorpornted into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> the covenants und agrecmcnts of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were'a purt of this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> [Ch�ck applicable box(es)]
<br /> . �Adjustable Ratc Ridcr �Condominium Rider O 1-4 Fanuly Rider
<br /> [�Graduatec!Payment Ridcr 0 Planned Unit Uevelopment Rider [�Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �Bailooa Rider �Rate Improvement Rider [.�Secomi Homc Rider
<br /> : �'V.A.Ridcr �Other(s)[spccifyJ
<br /> ' Notice ot llertlulC
<br /> BY SIGNIPIG BELOW,Borrowcr accepts and agrees to the t�rms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)exe:c�ted by Borrowcr and rexorded with it.
<br /> ; Witnesses: \
<br /> _ 1.—�—� (Seal)
<br /> � -Borrowcr
<br /> Daniel D. Werner
<br /> .; (5ca1)
<br /> . -Borrowcr
<br /> (Seal) (Sc:al)
<br /> ' •Borrowcr -isortower
<br /> ' STATE OF 1VEBRASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> Tlic forcgoing instrumcnt was acknowlcdged bcforc mc this 9th day of �y . 1596 .
<br /> by Dantei A. Werner� A Single Person �.
<br /> Witness my hand nnd notarial scal at Grsnd Island, N�sbrask in s 'd County, the datc afomsaid: �
<br /> My Commisston Bxpires; �
<br /> Notnry Publ{c
<br /> �����IIM01M�}lfNM�
<br /> r�w�,c.�vaPeeu
<br /> w�E�@�Ip1.1,t9DT ��o a m a Form 3028 8190
<br />