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<br /> 9�'' 1.04�.��
<br /> (a)A�ccept or permlt eny propaymont,Ulscount or edvan�e paymc�nt o!runt horQUntlar In o�coss ot ono riortn, •
<br /> (L)Cence!or t��ailnnia tha c�r��,o►�r.CCpf eny canccP:ttlon,ro�mfnr.tlon or surrendo�fhorQOf,or pormlt erry cwunt to occur whlch wauld occur ._
<br /> tAr.r,:unc^r to t.rr�'ncR�oi cQncc!th�c7rn;�cfh�r fficn tcrminntlon lor nanp�ynsnt of rant, �
<br /> (o) AmenU or mod�fy the anme eo as lo�nduco fhe torm thereol,the rentn!poyoblo theraundor,o�to chanpo any ronc�val provlslona�hQraln -.
<br /> contpinsd,
<br /> (d) N�qlvs�ny obteuS Iherounder o�br�s�ch the�sof,
<br /> (e) Qlvs any conaent,wUver cr epprovel thareunder or tdke any othor actfon/n connecrbn Iharewlfh,a wlth a lessee Ihoraunde►,wh/ch would hav+�
<br /> tho MMct o!!m�!!Wnp the vak!�of the Maao►e lntsnat thenund�r a ths pnoperfy aubJect therotq or ol lmpalring the posltbn of lnt�rest o/
<br /> C�n�,t�ary thcr;n,cr �-
<br /> (I) SoN,asalyn,pl�xiya,rr�ai�7age or ailicnllsa ufcpo:a of,or cncumbcr Its Interst!n cm�s�Id l��so or nm/e,�nts,lssuos,prollta lssulnp or erlsln� ,_
<br /> tt�nund�c
<br /> 17. IMlINDf OI Sfa�UI�D 0�LIRIIf8tlO1H.17rtM la OI fhA 69d011Fb UT A1101 T/U�f0Y8 ObIIQpNOl1�dlld Cf1llB9 h6R91111dB1;AAd f0 th9 6XfB/17 p9Illllt�BlJ Dy IaH; ijUSf01
<br /> wefws e(I prossnt or futu�e atetutes ol/lmllaUons wlth rospect to any debt,domand or obllgatlon secured hvreby end eny ecHon o►proaoedlnp fa
<br /> tM pu�pose d Mforclnp thls Oeed d 7ivaf a eny r/Qhta or romedks contalned hereln.
<br /> 18l Aselynment o/Deposlts.In the a+rent cunsnuctlon ollmprnvorrMnta ls contemplated by the lonr+evldenced by the Nore securod he�aby,as addltlonal
<br /> aeCUrHy therefaa Tivata hsroby trenslers and asalyna to 8onellclery,ef!ilghf,dtle and Interest to eny and ail monles deposltad by or on behaH ol
<br /> 7tusror wlth arry cly,counry,puDl/a body or epnncy,senitary dlsMct uttllty company,and any other body or egency,lor the Instaltatkn or ro secure
<br /> tM lnatAltaflon d ary utlBty by husro►,portafnlny ro the TYust Prope+ty.
<br /> 1& Corporaflon a FarirnHaiil�Exlsia�cu U T,us�arls e corpor.:ro»,6�r.�rrlpa�tnerr.h?q er L�mltpd psrtnershl�11 wlll do t+ll thlnns necessery to presenrelts ,
<br /> cwpa�te a partnersh�i exls�as the case may Ge�and ell dghfa and prA�Oeges unde►the lews d tho atate d Its Incaprxatlon or agaMzeUon.
<br /> 2Q Fa6earance by 6enefklery Not e Nh/wei Any forbearance by Benef/clery!n exericlslny any nght o►remedy hereunde�or ctherwlso olforded by
<br /> e�ppUCable law,8hell not be e walv�.v of a preclude the exeticfse of arry sucn riyiit o�rarnaay.7ha prxurm�rrt ct lnsurnc�cr th.o p.frrrn!c!tcr.es �
<br /> a ths drscharp�e d Hen�o�charpes by Ben�fkl�ry ahaA rtoi be e wahrer d Qeriedclery's Npht to acce�ereta the matudry ol the Indebtednoss.
<br /> 21. RsareWes CumuMfhre.AI!rertrod/es provkled!n Mls Oeed ol Trust ere dlsUnct nnd cumulatlwe ro any othe►rlght or iemedy under thls Deeal of 1Fust
<br /> ar�u��iu'adtyl�va equlfy,andmybaa,�ric!��concwrrenUy;1Rd^pORdElltlyOf6!lCCB38/Y!!�! _
<br /> 22.Succesaaro and Asslyna 8ound;JWnt end Sevaral lJablllty;Captbns The carenanPS and agreements hereln contelned ahsll bind,and the rlghta
<br /> heroienabi ahaN Inure M the r�specth�+�auccessors and as:.lqns o4 8ene/klery, 71uat�ee�end flusro►.Alf carertants and agreement9 d Tiustor shall
<br /> be/olnt and aev+eral. 7ire csptbns end head/ngs of tho paregrephs of thls Deed d liust are for comreMonce ony and are not to ba usad to Interprof
<br /> a def/ne the provlslons hered.
<br /> 23. Nof�ca Excepf lor any notke requlred under eppltcable!aw ro be gliren!n another mannei(e)any noUco ro Tiusror provlded Aor!n thls Dsed ol Tiust
<br /> ahall be pMcn by m�lling sucf�noUCe by certNled malf,retum recelpt requested addrossed to Tiusta at lts malfing address set lorth aboNa or at such
<br /> oM�er address as 1Fusto►may das/gn�te by notke to Ber+efklary as provlded heneln,end(b)arry noUce tc Benelkfary a Tivatee shall be pMen by
<br /> certlUsd ma/l,refum recelpc n+quosted,to Benefkfary'a and Tiustee's molling address atatod hereln o►to auch ofher address as Benefklary or
<br /> liustse may deslpnato by notkw ro liusto►e9 prrwlded heraln.Any notica provlded lo�ln thls Deed ol Aust ahall be deemed to hav�bsen pM�r►to
<br /> 7Fustp►,Berrolklary w TrtuMe when ghron fn the manner deslgnated hereln.
<br /> pI, (iowrNrry Law;Se►rereblllry.Thla Deed ol7tust ahsll be garomed by the laws oI the State of Nebrnske.!n the event xrry prnvlslon o►clause o/thls
<br /> Da�d d Tiu�t aontNcts wRh appllceble/aw,auch coMlkt shall not aKect other provla/ons ol thls Deed ol Tiust whlch can be phren oMact w(thout the
<br /> coMNCt/na nrnvlslons and ro M/s end tha provlslons d thls Deed ol Tiust ara declared ro be aetirerab/e.
<br /> 2G Elrorrts d Deleult.EacA o/tho fo!lowing occunences ahefl conslttute en event o1 default herounde�(herelnaltar called en'Event ol Defeul�):
<br /> (a) 7iustor ahtH h!I[o pay when due any princlpef,lntet�st,a prfnclpal and Interest on fhe IndebMdness,
<br /> (b)Arry wanenty d NHe made by Trusta hareln ahalf Ou untrue,
<br /> (c) liustor a!►aN faU ro obserue o►perform eny ol the carenants,egreements,or condll'ans!n thls Daed d 1Fust,
<br /> (�Any reprose�tallon a warranty made by 7iusto►on ary Bnsnclal atatentents or repats submltted to BeneBcfary by or on behaM of livator ahall
<br /> provs lehe wmekdely m!1leedYeg,
<br /> (e) TYuttor ahall lell ro pxform or o6se+Na any d the cover+ants,conditlorrs or agreementa contalned!n,w binding upon 7iustor unde►any buflding
<br /> !wn ayroement,aecu►ity ey►eement,/oan egreement,!lnenclnp statertwnt or arty ofher egreemenL Instn�ment a document exiCUMd by 7fuaro►
<br /> !a connsctlon wlth the loen evldenced by the Note,
<br /> (q A busM�rece8ti+r a NquldaAx d tho liust Property a d Tiustor ahall be appNnf�d,a ary d fhe credRora d fiusror ahaM Bb e petlNon In
<br /> benMyur.y eyeinst firs(a,a lor the reorgenlzetlon oI Tiustor/wrsuant to the Federd Dankruptcy Code�a ary slmlkr law,whstlier Jbd�anl a stetq
<br /> nrW X such orrier apeBNon shaM rtat be dsChergod a dlsm/ssed wlthln U�Nry(90J deys dkr dre date on whkh such order a peLltlnr►wes Bbd,
<br /> (p) firator ahall IiM e peNtlon pumuant ro the Fad�sial Bankruptcy Cods or any slmllar lew,/ederN a atate�a B Trosfo►ahsll bs aa}udpsd a
<br /> bankrup�or De declered InsoAront,a ahs►1 make en esalgnment/or the benefif o!credltors a shaN admlt ln w�lNng!ts lnablllty ta pay tt�debta
<br /> es they becoms dua,or isAeN consent to the eppolntment d e recotwr d e/l a eny part o0 thu Trust Property,
<br /> (h)Flnel/udgment for N►e payment d money ahaU!be ronalered agelnst 7iusror and Tiustor ahall not dlscha�e the samt►,a cause R to bs
<br /> dlscharpea;.wRhln thfity(30)d�ys Nte►the ontry thsreol,a shall nAt eppeQl Mer�from a from the onier,decree a process upon whlCh or
<br /> puraueM to whlch sUd(udgmsnt we�Qranted,ba�d,cr entered,and aecwa a atay ol execuBor►pending auch appeal,
<br /> p) 7lustor ahsll6alf a corn+ey the 7Fust Propo►ry,or eny paR flrerool,a any Int��ast theroln,or shall be dhrestod ol'(ts tllla,o►eny lnterest fhereln,!n
<br /> any manner a wayS whether wluntadly a!mrolunfUrfly,wlMout(he w�ltterr cona9nt�i Benefklary being tlrat hed end obtelned,or
<br /> QJ d fi�stor is a corpora[ion or pe►mership end more tiran friiy pam,ni(t�riD}tii li+d Sh8rer9 8i�iiioirG�fii b�ioieSlS lli bi::.}i^�t'i�,."'".yJD O:
<br /> pertnsrshlp,�t the case may be aheu be trens/ened or comreyed,whether�roluntarly o�Irnro/untaHy,wllhout fho wrltia►consent ol 8enefklary
<br /> bNnp Hrat Aad end obtalned.
<br /> 29.,4cceNxatlat o/Debh Forecbsu�.Upon Ure occurrence ol any Event ol Defeult,or any Nme thereafter,Beneflclary mey,et!ts opdon,deClere af!fhe
<br /> UdAbMdnosa ascured heaebylmmedlatey due end peyeble end the same ahal/bear fnterest et the defeutt rete H anyt set PortA In the Notu,or
<br /> ofhsr�vlse et the hlphe�f reta permftted by law,end,lrrospeallve af whether Beneflclary exerclses sald opNon,lt may,at!ts opNon and!n tts ao/e
<br /> discrefbn,wfthout any fuMher notke or domsnd to or upon fiusro►,do one or mare d Ihe hlllowing:
<br /> (a) BeneNClery may e,itor upon,tek»�ossessfon o%menage end operet�the TYust Prope►ry or any pert thereW,�make repalrs end elteratlons end do
<br />- erry acts whlch Banefklary deems proper ro protect the secun:/thereo%end elther wltA or wlrhout taking possosslo.7,lnits own nnme�sue lor
<br /> or othawlse coAect end rocef�re rontr�(ssues end pmlits,Includlny tl'�ose past due end unpafd,end eppy the sam�+,/ess costs and ex�renses ol
<br /> aporaNat and Collectlon,Irtcludfng reesonabFo attomey leea end Benetkfsry'e cos►s,upon d�e Indebtedness securad l�oreby end In such order
<br /> as BeneNclary may detem�lna Upon requeat of Beneflclary,Trusror aha(1 essemb/e end shaR make evallable ro Benoflclary ary of fhe nust
<br /> Properry whkh hes been remoY+ad.The enterfng upon ertd taking possosslon ol the Tiust Properry,the collectlon ol arty rent�Isaues and proBts,
<br />- and the eppfkathn thereo/as aloroseld,8hall not cure or welva airy defauJt theretofore o►Mereafter occurdng,a eKect any noNce of defau/t or
<br /> noUcs of aale herounafer a Invalldate eny act done pursuant ro any such notice.Notw(thstending Bene//clary's conqnuance!n possesslon a
<br /> �ece/pt and applkaUon ol rents,Issues or pmflts Beneflclary shalf be enUNed ro exer�clse e�rery►IgAt provlded for!n t1Ns Deed d 71uat or by law
<br />' upon or aider ti�a�ccurrw�ce ol e�i Evant of Qafau(t lncluding the r/yM to exanlsa tha�c::�r ol�ala Arry of thu aclron�r�kr�ed ro!n thls
<br /> paregreph mey ba taken by 8encflclery at such tlmo ss Benellclsry may detormine wltAouf regard to the adequacy of eny secutlry for�hu
<br /> lndebtednosa secured hareby.
<br />- (D) 8enefkfa►y aha//,wlthout regard tu fhe edequncy o/a►ry aeCUrlry for tho Indabtedness secured hereby,be enNtled to ehe sppolntment of a
<br />_ rmcenrer Dy eny coun navmg/unsvrcuon,W/fI10Ut nOnce,ro taice possession or,praaci,eno mertage me uusi i-rope�ry erru opemiv i'ne seme
<br /> and co(lect the rents,lssues end prafits therefrom.
<br /> (c) Benofklary mey bring erty ectlon!n aery court o1 competont/udsdlctlon to foreclose thls Deed o/ttusf or enforoe ary ot fhe covonenta hereol.
<br />� (� Benelk/ary may elect to cause the Ausf Prt�erty a any part thereol to be soJd urtder tho pow�e+o/suk�end fn such etirent,8enelklary or Trustee
<br /> ahall gMa such notice d defsuft and notice o/sab es may bo then requlred by law.lheroafter,upon tha explreUon of such tfine snd tho gIving ol
<br />° such mtico d aafe as may thon be requlred by law,7lvstect at the Ume end placo specpioal Dy fhe notke o/sale,shaU Se0 such ituat Propc��ry,or
<br /> ctny part thoreol apecNied by Benolicfery,at publA:euCUon to tho hlghest bldder for cesh In lawlul mortey of thu United SYates ol Amorice.Upnn
<br /> rscelpt of payment ol the prlce Wd, Tastes shafl appy the proGUeds In the follaw/np or�afer.(!)ro tho cost and exponses W exarGlsing the poww�sr ot
<br /> snb end of fhe safe�Jrtcfud/ng but not Ilmtted to�fNStee's fees or not nwre thsn S50QC0 plus one�half of one pencent o1 the gross ssle pdce,and
<br /> reasonable ettomey foes,(!q Ao the Indobrodnoss,end(itl)the oxcosa N eny,to the porson o�pnrsons legnity entUlod themfa
<br /> All costs end expenses lncurro�by Benodclary/n onforcing sny rlght under thla Doed of Trust,lecluding wlthout 1lmltet/on,abstrect or titlo fees,
<br /> epp►els81 lee9,promlums!or tlllo Insuranco,uttorney toos Brtd court costS shA�!bo snd constltute/ndebtodness sacured horeby.
<br />