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My 6dsnce shall bc ptid to Horrower. In the cveut of a putiat t�icing of tAe �t�putY in which tbe fair• <br />- N muYet value o!the P�npaty immodi�teiy bd'�e the talciag is tess tt�n the amount af tbe sumc sewzod immedi�telY 6efone tLe <br /> __ � �,nd�Horrovver md i,ender ot6uwise agee in writing or antess apptic�ble law athe�vvise provide`s,the pmceeds sh�ll <br />_- bt�ppUed to thc smns sa�md by this Savrity tasuument whdi�er or nat the swn"s ar�e theu due. <br />-' If the Pcoperty is abandoned bY Harrowei.or if.aRu notioe by Lender w aorrawer tt�at the coidemnor offers to m�ice an�. <br /> award or settle a claim for dunages.Borrower fi7s to tespond to Lrndcr within 30 days after the dau the notiae is givm. <br />`��' I.eader is awbarized w colloct and apply the praoeeds,at its optlon.e3thec to rato�ation or repair af.the Property or to the sums ` <br /> 5=.- scwrod by d�is SecuretY In�ocument,wl�ether or na thrn due. . � <br />-= • Unkss terder and Bomawer otherwise agrx in ariting. any applic�tion of protoeds�to principal shali nw extad ur <br />'r^ , postponc tbe due date of the monthly p�m�ents�eferred to it►puagr�hc 1 and 2 or cfw�ge tbt amount of such payn�ents: � <br /> • 11.eare+awer•Nat Rdaaied:Foebearanoe Ey I.eader llfot s Wsiver.Extencion of the dme for{rayment or mod�firat'ion � <br /> -- of amortiiatiou of the swns saatrd 6x this Security Insuumrnc S�ted bY I.endeT to an9��iA i�t of Bormwer sdall - <br /> not operate w relq�se tLe lia6ility of tbe origlinal Borrawer or Borruwer's suaxssors in interest. Lender shall not be required to , --- <br /> ;;;. commencF proceedingy agaiast any successor.�n intec+est or nfuse to estenA time for payment or ott�erwise modify amortir�tion -_-=�� <br />;.:,;:,;; ; of tbe sums soc�mad bY'du's Seturity Inst�nt by rea�od of atry,dert�d ttmda by ihe origin�Batrower ar Borrower's � �_�_ ' <br /> ;:;: suoceswTS ii►;�.t,�. Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any rigtit or remedy shal!not be a waiver of ar proclude the :,�;�' _ <br />:�r.:..� : . . _ . <br /> .. . CXOtC1SC Of aAjF IS�ui Of fCQ1CdY• ' `� ' <br /> f� - 12.Souoe�o�s aad A� Bo�d:Joia!and Sevual Lisbilityt�•.7.�e covenants aM agcoetria►ts of this . - <br />� : :� Security Instnttnent sball bi�and henefit the successors and assigns of Lender and.8o�rnwer.subject to the prov�sians of �:""`. _ <br /> .,., <br /> - "" - - �irt7.-Borrovver's-w�e��.�ts-at-�ag�tcmettts sh�lf ba 3oint�s!several. A�,a�_�ic�r�wer who ca-signs this Secutit3+ �-�',�;��:.° - -_ - <br /> ° ir�ment but ctoes not eaecuu the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secarity Insuoment csiy to moRgage.grant aed convey that <br /> �4� Boirower's interest in the Property under the terms of triis Security Instrument:(b)is not personally obligatod to pay the sums <br /> � soGUCtd by this Security lnsuument•and(c)a8rees that Lender and any other Barrower may agree to extend.modify.farbear or `��� <br />' ° maf�e�iY ac�aommodations v4�itie regued w the terms af th�s Securiry Instrumen�or the h�te wittiout that Bormwer's consent. :,�.: :,`. ' <br /> '� � �3.I.o�n C6seges.If iI�toansecured by this Security Insuument is subiect r•�a:iaw which sets maximum loan charges. ;.�F,��,�.•_ <br /> ;, j� � a n�t h a t l a w i s fi n a f l y i n t e r p n�,e d s o t h a t t h e i n t e r e s t a r a t h e r la a n char ges coltec:`��:to be coltected in connoction with the �..,,;r�:-:�:,: .., <br /> loan exceed the pemtittod timiu.tfien: (a)any such loan chazge shaU be reduc���z��5'e amount necessary to redace the charge <br /> i: to the pem�itted limi�and (b)any sums already wilected from Borrow•er afiu�:1T��etled permitted limits wiit be refunded to � : <br /> ' �_,�,:r ,. Borrawer. I.ender ms►y choose ta makc this refunci by reducing the principal a�ed under the�ate ar Dy making a direct �` � <br /> . � payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the roduction anll be tre�red as a partial prepayment without any �_ <br /> � � P�Y�t charge underthe Note. ' �.����-- <br /> �� 14.Notioes.Any notice to Borrower provide�for in lhis Security lnstrument s:wil bc given by delivering it or by mailing • _ _ .- <br /> " #by fitat class mail unless applicable law rec�uires use of anathcr methad.The noticc shall be directed to the Property Address , • ' `'_-_•_ <br /> � '�` or aay other a8dn�ss Borirawer.designates��°notice to Lender. Any notice ta L e n der shall be�iven by first class mai! to . , _ <br /> z: - - <br /> ,;�;?,. .�: :j'+ Lender's address�ated herein or any oth�r address Lender designates�f notice ta Borrower. Any natice provided for in this , . . � • --,_._ <br /> �-%'� ' ��:K Sxurity Instrumeat shall be deemed ta have bcen given to Borrawer a�L:nder when given a5 provided in this paragraph. , •, �� . _- <br />''��'',. `• 15.Governing Lftw; SeveraDiliiy. This Security Instrumers. �i�all be govemed by federal law and the law of the #f.F:`. ;. '""- <br /> . ,,�, • , ,�:;, <br />�'�'� �i" urisdietian in which the Pro ic located. In the evem that any pravision ar ctac:w of thic Security Instrument or the Note �;•v,�--: - � . ��-:__=�- <br />�.. . ,yt .1 P�Y .t�;;:,._ . _ - <br />���''.'�` canflicts wit6 applicabte law.cuch mntlict shaU not affect ather provis�ons of this SOOUrity Instrument or the Note which can be __ <br />'�;',�� , . • given eifax wi�out the conflictins provision.Ta thix cnd the provi�ians of this Securicy l�stcument and thc Note sue declacd�: , , �T- <br /> � <br /> . ��;; to be severabfe. . � . <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Barrowcr shall be given one om�formed cupy of the Nate actd of this Securi[y lnstrument. � -� ____ <br /> 17.Transfer ot the Property or a Benetki�l Irtea�ess 4n�11 or aRy pan ni the Property or ar►y interest in it �,��y_,N <br />� is rold or transfened(or if s�beneficial interest in&�rr�wer ix sold nr transferred�nA&�rrowcr i4 aot a natural person)without . ;�t�-=z= <br /> " Lend�r's prior written con.sent. I.ender may. at its aplion, rcc�uirc inimediate Qayment in full uf all sums secured by t�is ' _ ''��-�'•� <br /> "' �"�'' '�`" Seturity lnatrument.However.this option shall not be cxcrci�ed by Lendcr if excrc��c is prohibitc8 f�y fedcrAl law as af th�d::��; • <br /> - x,a:� � , <br /> '�r;'='"'f"'"=";'�'�':' of thls Security Mstrument. . • . <br /> . ���,?F�:,�`o��,. If l.ender cxercises this aption,l.endcr shall givc&�rrnwcr natice of acccicratian.Thc naticr sfiaU pravide a pedvd af rrat { <br /> - less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivercd or maited wlihin which Batrowcr musi pay all sums,ccured by this �. , . . <br /> � _,� : Secutlty lnstrnment. li Borrower falls to pay these sumv print to Ihc cxplratjnn��f this periud.Lcndcr may invoke uny remedics �- <br /> • "''r'��+��:�•,�.� perm3tted by this Securlty Instrument without furiher nWice nr demand vn Banower. , , . , <br /> ,:�: ` ,. a�...;,._�•,,. . . <br /> � .'�,.. ���,'�;;; 18, Ho�s+owtt's`ItiRL! to Relnstatp. If B�nnwer meets ccrtain conditions, B��ru�wer�h:�ll havc the right to yar� � . <br /> ' � � �<s��; enforcemert of'tttis Security Instrument dismntinucd s�t uny �ime pri�r tn the catlier of: (H) S day� (�r such nther peric�d a� <br /> . . •��".�-Gf'!l.'TJ�i,. � . _ ' <br /> appUrabte law may specify for rein�tatementl l+efnre stde uf the Prnperty pur.uam a�any p«wer �►f�alc cnntained in this � <br /> s�;�_,:�:.�.;.:; Seeurity 1�5trument:or(b)entry c�f'a judgmem enforcing thiti 5ecurity in�trument.Thutie conditions are th:�t Iiurrower. (u)(�ays <br /> • :t�.� ,,.a. `� , <br /> rk,;._-�.: �'.':;_..; Lender al!sumg which ihen wauld be due under this 5ecurity Inytrumci�t�mJ tho Ni+te av i�no accclemlion huJ c�ccurral:tb1 t -. <br /> . 'i;`"',` . ` �° cures:u�y clefault of any�thcr cavenants ar�greemcntv; �c)payY s�ll cxpenrer incurrcd in cnfi�rci»g thir Scrurity lnstruntcnt. ; � <br /> ;l,:���: ,;_�.,;,���� including,bW not limitcd ta,rrasnn�blc uttamcys' fces;and(d►takry�uch actiun ati lAndcr may rca�onably rcyuirc t�iusaurc � <br /> •� that the lten nf thi�5ccurity I�ntrument. lxndcr's rights in lhe Pr��pe�ty c�nd 8oru�wer'ti ubli b�utian to pay the wms.rerurcd[�y � <br /> • � �'�`"�".� ' •� this Securlty instrument sh�ll eunlitnie unch�nged. U�wn tein�c;�t��cru:�tt hy gunowet. thi� 5rcunry lnsuument and the . <br /> ' ' � . - "- abligations securc�i hercby shall rem�in fully effective uc�f tt«uc��:?�c�ti��u haJ�neurred.H�wever.this right tu rrin�wtr shall • <br /> _ -- •- notapply in thr ca�sc��f arulcrati�n under p:srs�rnph 17. ' . .- <br /> • • 19. Sale ot Nute:Change ot Servirrr. 7'he,Nutc ur s p:uti:il intcrest in the Nutc (tu�!e4�et with thi� Security <br /> - tnstrument)rttay be sold�e nr mote times without priar nntire tn ganowcr. A.ale n�ay result in a change in the en�ity Iknuwn . • <br /> � . '��' ag the"Loan 5ervicer"�that eollects m�nthly payments due under the Notr:md this 5ecuruy'lnstrument.7'here aisn may hr une . - <br /> , ' , or motc changes of the Lo�n 5ervicer unrclated to a sale af the Note. I f t hcre is a c h�ngc��i�he I��an Scrviccr. Burc��wcr will hc � . <br /> • ' giverr written nntice ot'thc cha�nge in uccordance with par�gr�ph 14 abnve�nd applicablc la«�.The n�tirc will�tatc thc»�unr unJ . <br /> • address nf the new Luan Servicer;ux!the atldtess tn vuhirh payments shuuld hc m:ufe. The uodce will alsn cunt:�in uny othrr ; , . <br /> --�- --- -_,--- � it�frmntian requiced by agplirsible law.. � - �_.__..------ ---- <br /> r <br /> � Z0. Hs�'dnus 5ubst�nces.Bnaower sh:il) nut cause nr peririit thr pre�en�:c,use.dispowit, r[ntaec. e�t fcttase c,i�n}- , � <br /> � Ha�udous 5ubslanccs on nr in the !'ropetty. �unawcr shall nut �iv. nor:;�ll��w.anyunc ci�c ta dv. :u�lthing �f[ccling ihc . <br /> � . Praperty that is in vinlatinn of uny�nvironmcatal L��v.The prc�xding 1«•o acntenccs shall nut apply ta the presence.usc.��r . <br /> , . • . ___. _ _ .starage an the Pr� of sm711_quandties yf H�e:uduus 5ubstancca that are generally.rc�vgni�ed to br upptupriate to u��tm�tl : , <br /> ' ' � residential turs� to n�ainten�nre nf the Pmperty. - __ � <br /> ' �.:' . .• '�. �' .- . � e o a ierrm 302 190 . � <br /> a � r 8 9 � <br /> ., «. _ <br /> �.-r-. . . �: _ . _ _ <br />