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<br /> �.�e,u..��rtir.lis F.r Reo�r.�•l . a17���il9Q �
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST. . �
<br /> ..,-,�;r.'C:`c.f:c�,�f:4M � ,�,-
<br /> i:1:4: '+�"f='� ,
<br /> «'rr11 p 4.L�:S J►�3 . . . _ - - _ . , � -
<br /> p�,a.ti�CA�03 . � .
<br /> , `�. �:��.o.�.coo�N . � ,
<br /> . 1'Hts n�og'iRVSr t'securicy I�iuna�t')is made o„ t�rcF� 26; .1992 ' .Tne mt�tor is
<br /> < 'Joseph�H. Stande�en,and Karen C. Stande�ir, Hus6and and Ui�fe � �
<br /> • _ • (•Borrower").'ibe mutee is � � ' . '
<br />_ _ .._ _ •K01M�25L $3p�C`N�t1TdSICds National �Issoci��on . .._ � :. ,
<br />- �"i'rustee').The beilefciac�►is • • ' • .
<br /> � - No»rest Bank Nebraska, Nationat Assoc�atton � .�w� `"
<br /> r whid,�;s or�n�zed a�exiscing una�c u�e taws of The State ot Netiras�a
<br /> :. ;
<br /> ' - -�is I3I� ibugt-as &t:e2t� �Eta.-�5a'3Sicts 681Q3---= -
<br /> -----: - :..�---- ---__-__
<br />_ ("l.ender').Borrower owes l.ender the prmcipal sum of _
<br /> ::5 Eigbteen Thousand Two Hundred Eleven ana�-.50/1Qt1t6s�:�c�o po��tu.s.Sls,�+'a , ).
<br /> �e'` This debt is �..�ced by Borrower's note dated the sa.�re dus as this SecumY rnstwne�("Nate"),which provid�fur
<br /> . monthly payme�:�;:with the full debt.if not paid enrlier.dne and pr�g�tC on DeCelli�2r 1Q, '1995 - .
<br /> 8 '
<br /> ' Tbis Security Instiurnent secures to Lender:(a)the repa}�ent of tt���ebt cvidenced by the Note,witb luterest.arid aU renewals,. .
<br /> extcnsions and modifications of thc Note: (b)the payment af all other sums, with interest. advanced under p�agraph 7 to
<br /> � pnxect the security of this 5ecuriry lnsttumenr.and (c)the perforcnance of Borrower's cove�ants and agrcements. For t�s
<br /> -- � putpose.Barrawer irrevoca6ly grants ar,di oot►veys to Trustec.in trust, with power of sale, the fallowing describod property
<br /> - lqcated in �3�7 � County.Nebraska:
<br /> ;:r. .
<br /> �� ' � Lot Thr�e (3�;� Block Two (2�, in Westmads Estate� 5�cond Subdivisfon,
<br />`:;:1;.: � toca�ed in the Northa�est Quarter of the h�a�C.e���"��arter CN[�-,�lE'�a� oi =
<br />;;',��°;� � Sectian Th1�y.Five (35�, To�mshi'p Eleven��llj �°nr�f�. Range Ten (10� �
<br /> liest of the ��h P.hi., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />-°`3
<br /> ~which hag the address af �25 Schroeder Avenue Grand Islartd ts�re�.Ci1yl.
<br /> : �5eb,mslw 6880� �."L°roQcrty naaress°�:
<br /> ' . . �r.�¢��a�i
<br /> • TUGETHER WITH ali the improvemtnts naw ar hereaftcr erected on ihe propeAy.an�1 all cascments.appurtenances.and
<br /> fiatures now �r hereaftes a part of the pro�etty. All replaceme��:� atxt ndUitians shall also be cvvered by this 5ecv�ity
<br /> ' Instttunent.All of thc foregoing iy refened to m th�s Security lavtrumem us ihc"Pra�tly" �
<br /> ' $(DRKOWBR COVENANTS that Bonowcr iv ta,:�frupy seiscd af thc cstate h:s�'�y'ccmvcycd asxi has�h.ci;r�,fit ta gmni turf
<br /> � convey the Property anJ ihut�he Yr�rperty i�uner.�..-�-+:red. except far encumbr�.:,�;.� af recard: gc�nz�+t::.c��c:�rrun�s anJ will
<br /> � ` ' defe�d geaerally the title to the Property xramst aIl r�:Fns and ttemands, rubjcct to any rncutn'.sru.y:,;:�6 e�cird.
<br /> � THtS 9EGUIt1'1'Y 1NSTRUM�PITi a��:��.`s unifnrm cnvcnartts f+•r natianal uxc und r.���.�i:siiro-��n cuvanam�with limited
<br /> � varlations by jurisdiction tc�cunstitu:�:�u��l:arnt�CC�rity instrument covcriiig rcal pru�►rty. :
<br /> UNI�ORM CQVLNANT5�Bos'towet snd l.�:rdca'covcn:mt:md agrec�.�tiillow,:
<br /> 1. PtrymeM oi Prieetpa) and Inte[est; Prepaavnen! and Lvtc Ch9tX;�w. gurra�ticr shall prompily �+'ay �vhen dttr ihc
<br /> _ 'princ�pa1 of and interest on the debt evidcnced by thc`'.��te und any prepaymcm;mJ late rhurges due w�ler�he\c+te.
<br /> Z.Funds tor Taxns and It�url�nce. 5ubjecC to applicablc law cit to a writtcn�vaivcr by t.cndcr. I3c�rrowcr shall pay�tu
<br /> � 1.cndcr on the day m+mthly payments arr duc undcr the Nate,untii thc Nntc is paid in fult,a�:um 1"�un�is")fiir,la)ywr1�'tz�es
<br /> • :�•{��3�-�� and asscssments which m:►y attain priority over 1hi+Security Instrumeut:is a li�h��+n thc f'r��{xrty:.l.b)yrarl}+icacchnid paS m:r�tt
<br /> ' - ar�round rents on the Prupetty. if any:(c)�early•h;uurd or property i»sur.�ucc Drrmiums;W)ycurly flocxt insuruncc premtums.
<br /> �`� If any:(e)ye'arty morigage insurancc premwms, if miy:and 1�1 uny�umti payabl�by�rrawet ta LetKler. in acc�rdance with
<br /> - � the pruvisions of paragraph 8,in lieu vf the�yment�►f mnrtgage insur.�ncc prerniuuts.'i'hese items are callcd"�.umw ltems."
<br /> •s�-_.,i:��:� ' l,ender may. ut uny timr. rullcct:uxf hold Funds in an amount nut to excccd thr maximum:un�unl i�lendcr for a fcderally
<br /> � ' . , rcladeci mort�age loan m:�y reyuite for Bamtiwer's cscrow aceuunt under the fafrr.�l Rcal�state 5ctticment {'r�x�ciiure�Act of
<br /> h���`4' IS174.s�s amencta!fram time to time. !2 U.5.C.5eetion 2601 et sey. 1"ItESPA"). untess:inothcr law thnt appiiey to�he�unds
<br /> —_ "''�`-���'. -, s�ss t�s�mnstaui_If sv:.tetHler m;�y�at Uny tim�,eollecE atxi hold �unds in:u�vm�wu nof to cxcce�i the I��sscr uniaunt.
<br /> �'� ""`'��"�-� 1 ceder may cstimate the am�unt of Fu�xfs due un the Irasis��f current drta atid rr.isonablc-e5ti�natc��it expcnditures af futme
<br /> {��--�=„� '�scrow items vr�therwise in arrur�a�tre with applicabte law.
<br /> _�:•-.
<br /> . • .Z•S "�.+,.'..it � . � .
<br /> , . ., ..
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<br /> •• �.;.�-,°� � _ - -NE�pASi{ASingte PBmity�Fw�Nhu/FtldQl�Allao UNIfOftM INS7'RUMENT . _ ._, -- - . ._ _. fatm 3028 9l90.. _ ..
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