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<br /> paragrAph 2, or change the amount of such paymeens,Any excess prace;cds over nn umount required to pay nil auGStc��dle�B
<br /> indebtedness under tho Not�nnd dus Security Instnimcnt shall bc p�fd to the endry legally endded thcreto. �_
<br /> 8.�ees. Lcnder may callect fces and charg�s uuthodzecl by the Secret�+ry. �:
<br /> 9.Crounds tor Acceleration o�Debt. �'- `
<br /> �_
<br /> (p)Defauit. Lc[edcr muy,axcept tts limited by regulatious issu�Ly thc S:,�r�:y in tit�c�e oi psyme:si ur.irale�, _-.-
<br /> require imme�tute payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: :__
<br /> (I)Borrower dcfaulls by faillng to pay in fuU any monthly paymeni required by this Sccurity Instrument pdor lo ar _
<br /> on�he due dntr of tho neat monthly payment,or _
<br /> (ii) Bonower dcfaults by failing, for a perlod of thirty days, to�cfarm anY other obUgadons conteined in this L
<br /> Security Instrumen�.
<br /> (b)3Ak Wfthout Credit Approval. Lendcr shall, if pern�itted by npplicable law and with the prior appn�vnl of tha
<br /> Secretary.requ've immedlate payment in full of all s�uns secured by this Security Insuument if: Y
<br /> (i)Fll or pnrt uf the ProPert�,or a benc�clal intcrast in a trust owning all nr part af the P'ropeny,is sold or oil►exwise
<br /> transfernxi(ather thai►by dcvise or descent)by ttie Boaower,and
<br /> (ii) Tha F�rogerty is not accnpie,�i by the purchsiser or grnntee as his or her principal residence,or the purchaser ar
<br /> grantee does so ocGUpy the Property but his or her crecfit has not been approved in accordance with the requirements
<br /> of the Secr�tary.
<br /> (c)No R'aiver. If clrcumstances accnr that would permit L.ender W require immedi�te payment in full,but Le�►der does
<br /> not requlre such payments,Lender does not walve its rights with respect to subseyue�st events.
<br /> (d)Regulallous of IiUD�ecreGtry. In many circumstances regula6ons issued by the Secretary wiU limit I.ender's
<br /> dglus tn the case of payment defaults to re,quire immeciiate payrrtent in full and foreclase if not paid.'il�is Securiry
<br /> Insuument does not aiethorize acccleradon or foreclosur�if not permiued by reguladons of the Secretery.
<br /> (p�Mnrtvage Not Insurtd. Borrower a�uces tl�at should this Security Inswment ertd d+e Note secured thereby not be
<br /> oligible for insurance under the Nadonal Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof,Lender may,at its option and
<br /> nonvithstanding anything in paregreph 9. nquire immedlatv payment in full of all sums secumd by thls Scciu�ity
<br /> Instrumen� A wriuen statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 daya from the date
<br /> hercof.decltning to insure this Security Inswmene and the Nate secured therebY.shall be deemed conclusive proof of
<br /> such�ellgtbWty.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this opiion may not ba exarcised by I.ender when the unavaila4�ility of
<br /> insurance Is solely due to Lendu's failure to remit a mortgago insurance premiwn to the Secretary.
<br /> lU.Relnstatemeat. Borrowei has a right to ba reinsteted if LenQcr has rr�quircd immedlate paym�nt in full bccause of
<br /> Borrowcr's fsWure to pay an amonnt due under the Note or this Security Instiument This right applies even after foreclosure
<br /> pmcealings ara insdwud.To rcinstate tlw Security Ins�ument,Borrower shall tendex in a lump sum all amounts req►dred uo bring
<br /> Bonnw�er's account currettt including�to the extent they are obligations of Borrowu under this Security Instrumcnt,foreclosure
<br /> costs and reasonabk end customary attom�ys' fees end eapenses�mperly essociated �xith die foreclosure procceding. Upon
<br /> rranstatement by Bomower.this Securdty Instrument and the obllgadons that it secnres shall remain in effect es if Lender had not
<br /> roqufired immedlatc payment In full. However, Lender is not required to permit rejnstatement ifl (i) I.enda has acct�u4
<br /> rei�statement afur the commencement of toreclpsure proccedings within two yeacs immedlately preceding the commensement of
<br /> a cuirent foreelosure procaoding, (ii) reinstatement wiU pnxlude foroclosure on differtnt grounds in tht fnwre. or liil)
<br /> rEinstatement wiU s�ve�scly affcct the priodty of the llcn created by thIs Security Ens�umen�
<br /> ii.Borroper Not Releascd;Fo�r6earAnce By Lender Not A WA�ver. fixtenston of�he dme of payment or modification
<br /> of a�rEOrtizeflon of the siuns securecl by this Saauity Instrument gritnted by I.ender w eny suceessor in interest of Hortowu shall
<br /> not opaate to releasa the linbility of thc orlginal SorroNler or Boaower's successor in intcresG I.endcr shall not be required to
<br /> commence proccedinge against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse modify amo�on of
<br /> the sums scxured by this Security Insuument by reason af eny demand mado by the original Borrowe�or Borrower's successore
<br />- in interest Any forbearencc by'Lcnder sn cxercising any rlght or remedy shall not bc a woiver of or preclude thc exercisc of any
<br />= right or remc,�y. �
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