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<br /> 1'C�&7`HER WI SH ull Qie Un��rovements flow on c�reaftcr crcctcd on tho propeny,and all easements,vig�us,aly�uttciia�ic<;s, -
<br /> eenta,royaltir�,mineral,oil end gas righis and profits,wa�ca right� and stock snd aA f�xwses now oe hereuftcr o part of the
<br /> pnpert�►. All replacements and addidane shall elso be covered by�his Socuriry InswrreenG Ail of tt�e foregoing is referred to in
<br /> thb Security Instrument�►s the"Proputy."
<br /> Idpl212C3�lVts'i2 COpJF,,1VAA1'I�[i�8i I�°o�et►wCY i�lAWfully saie;,d of thc esk!e�te�eby cas'+veye�end hH.s t};c right to gtunt�nd =
<br /> tiy���+ �w,:..;.....eJ W� s.�.:..• !!:�nM.,�.�., �. �,�..�,_,�n,h�wt e:rr;�c fnr encumbruice�of rocord. Batrowu weurante and wfli _
<br /> defcnd�cme�lly the dtlo to sha Property against all claims and demands,subjcct to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> 1.PAytntnt of Prtacipnl,Int¢reat a�d Lwte Char�e. lBorrawer shall pay whe� due tho principal of,and int�eaest on, Erio
<br /> debt cvitlenced by thc Note and labe charges dno under the Nots.
<br /> 2.Maatbly Payment of TAaces,Inaurana��td Uther Ch�ts�a. Hoirower shall inciude in ear,b manthly paymerit, �
<br /> wgether wtth the pdncipal and interest es set forth ln tfia�3ou�nd any IutG c6arges,a sura for(A)ta�:cs.a�d sg°�lal a^.My.°°sments
<br /> levied or w bc levicd against tho Property, (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the PropenY, end (c) premiums for
<br /> uuura�cz r�u4u-1 undcs p�'.�graph 4.In:ny y^ar in�=�hlch tha?�nde�s mnst pay a mo:tgnge insuiance premium to t1�e Secretary
<br /> of�iousing and Urban Development("SecrGtary)�or in any year in which such premium would have lxxn reqnired ifQ���
<br /> held the Socuriry Instrument, each monthly payment shall eLso includo eithu: ()a sum for tY•e annual mortgeg
<br /> prcmium to bo paid by Londu w the Secreta�y,or(ii)a monthly ctiarge insuad of a mo��age u-�sw'-ss►cc pi'"•,mium if this Sr�;'—�ty �
<br /> Insavment is held by the Secretacy.in a reasanable amount W be determine.d by ttio Scxretary.Except for the monthty charge by
<br /> the Secretac�,these items are called"Bscrow Items"and the sums paid to I.Ender urc c�lled"F.scrow Funds."
<br /> I.ender may.at any ttme,colkxt nnd hold amaunts[or Esemw Items in en aqgregate ainoant not to oxceed the maximum
<br /> Ynount tlwt rru�y be roquired for Ba�rowu's rsaow account under Ihe Real Estate Seulemeat Prc�cedures Act of 1974,1211.S.C.
<br /> 5xtan 2601 et scq. ead imglementing regulations�?A CF1R Part 35Q0,as they may be amended from dma to time(��RESPA")�
<br /> excxpt thec the cushion or ceserve pamitted by RESPA for w�andcipaud disbursements or disbursements befoe�o the Horrawer's
<br /> � paymcx�is are ava�labk in ths account may not be based on amounts due for iho mortg�ge insurence Premlum•
<br /> If tha amounis held by Lendu for Escrow Items eacced the amounts pennitted to 1x held by RESPA.I.endex shall deal with
<br /> thG exces�funds as toQui[�ed by RBSPA.ii tne artwunts of iunds ncki oy i�r,���.-i�.�•�r�t:.ssfC^s.., r��;tt,r r?acrow
<br /> Item,s when duc�f.endu may nMify the Borrowcr and require Borcawer to make�p the shormge or d�S"eciency as percnlqai bY
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> 'Itio B9cxow Fwsds ere pkdged as edditional securiry for all sums sxured by this Sxurity Instrume.�t,1f Barower t,endexs w
<br /> . Lca�dtr tho full payma�t of all such sums,Borrower's ecc�uni shall be crcdhed with the balence cemainin$for all itistallment
<br /> �
<br /> itan� (a)�(b)�and(o)end anY murt�Age insarance premium insteWna�t that L�endv has not becomo obligated W pay w the
<br /> , Secretsc}r,and Le�der ahell promptly retund any excess funds w Borrowu.Immediarely pdor w a faecbsure sale of the Pm�xtY
<br /> or it�acqai�iti�on by T.ender,Batrower's�ocaunc shall be ctediced with any balance remainin8�or all install►nents for items (e).
<br /> @),snd(c).
<br /> 3.AppBattion ot Payment�.AA payments under puagr�hs 1 and 2 shall be applied by I.erida a9 folW�v�:.,! ` •t
<br /> , F',�,to tho mortg�ge insorance premium co ba paici by L.endet m the Secreiary or to the monthly charge by t�=o Sccretay
<br /> inslesd of the monthly mcxtgege insuronce praniurn;
<br /> �,w Any taxes,spocial s�ses.wnaus,leasetwid payments a ground rents. end fite�flood and otlur hn•rard insurance
<br /> �x+emiurtu�,as roquicr+d;
<br /> .. �,W intaest dut under the Note�
<br /> � Fex _h,tp amordr,ttion of t!u principet of the Notc;
<br /> , �,to late chargcs due unda•che Nace.
<br /> , Q�•4R(NE) (asos� aap•2aie inuw.:
<br /> , - —— -°=-�-�.ti�^��_--_---—
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