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<br /> ao3 state ot Nebraska - :iu%eoa�ideratioa oelbe�emn a�. �
<br /> � .`l�e�t3► Thonsax�d ($20,Q) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - noL�ts ..
<br /> �.�a paa,ao�s��a coriv�Y,mea ARTBUR W.` HARG and LflII�SE L. BARG,` . , .
<br /> as �a�nt tenants-�tk r�. -=ca�-survivorship - - --
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<br /> in MacColl arid Leflaag`-s Additian� to the Towa of Wood ;
<br /> � River; Nebraslca . �
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<br /> TO HAt1E AND TO HOLD the Premises above de+cribed, with a!d the appurtenaaces thereunto iie�na�a�.u�.to ihe�aFd i�� �
<br /> �
<br /> -- - _ --_ - .,.., s...;R�,,,,,rtaaae�y r�qd to hio,her or their heirs aad assi�v,fore��s,Psavideil always,and thase p�.�'�•�=��pon t�e `
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<br /> , a csuse to be paid to the wid mortasEee or mottgagees ars�.to hi+.fie.r=s their heiss.e:ecutors.administratdzs.«�s�gns.the
<br /> t .
<br /> ,�of Z�nentq Thousand ($20,000) - - DoUsee,paYa6teasqua�va,to-wit:
<br /> . . I�
<br />- - � Yursuant to the Cerms of a certa3.n PYOmiasory Note of even.:date. _ f. iF
<br /> � A final payment is due on M�sch 15, 1998. . ; . ti
<br />_ , . �
<br /> ii ' : ��
<br /> i� certain init�al y � ` _
<br /> �terat theseon.at �0 pPr antt per annum,payable monthi 7�t1iIi1�lKaccording us Y°�e tenor ar.d effect ef r�e°�- �i
<br /> __ I DromiaeorY riote �IbQ00[d! ot said Mortgagora. hearing oven date with the..�GY;�en�i. an'd �. -
<br /> "' s�i•�psy all tases,end any interest on,or maturing c�f��.�ents of principal, duo an any priar mort�age aad asves.vmenta � _
<br /> • !K�*rd upan asid real eatate and all othoe texes, lev�ea���-sessmeata tev�ed upon this mort�u�e or the note which tt�ie �; _
<br />-�_.,� ��e&gCr�n to eecnre, before tho same becomes Z�.�,'ueat ea��seep the buildings on snid premises ingured fos thv su:t1 1 _
<br /> .� afl�()�Q.Q� .loes, il aay,payahle to such firsi rauctgAgees�s Yhig mortgagee, or hoth, then theae nresents he void, �� _.
<br /> _ , cQteswLe to 6e a�d semain in fall forca. , i _
<br /> �� • IT ig F(1ATIiEIt AdREEU (la That if the said..,...rtgagor ahull lail to pay auch tAxes and such interest an, nr maturinR
<br /> �� �tallme�nta of principel,dae on any priar mortga�e ar:; pzocu re such Insurnnce, then this mort�t�eo ms�y pay Auch taxce and �� _
<br /> yuch interee4 on,or matwlty instaUments of princ�Dat,due on euch prior mart�a�a und procure such inYUrance:and thq eu}a ;� _
<br /> .. p�dv�nced with inierest at nine pet rent shail be �aid by said most�agor, and this mortgaRo shnll stnnd as secufi:y-f�i tde �
<br /> q11ms. (2) That a f�liluie W pay 8nY oi ad:3 2�oney.either principal ns i»tesest c,n this or any crthes priot mortga�e,when the � -
<br /> spme beomnes due os a failute to comply��tA any of the foregoing agreements, ehu11 causo the whole sum•of muney herein
<br />. � e��tred to 6ecome due aad co1leCNble a!onco at the cption ot themort�agee. _ i�
<br /> � IT Ig F'(JATHER Al3REED That said mortga„�c�. nending fareclosure oi this mortgnge and atter derree and pending j�
<br /> tf�p�thereon ar appeal theteisom and pending sale ot T:�:rsi9es mortga�ed,may pAy such taxe5 nnd maturing�a;erest or matur-
<br /> i�imWlmeate o!princlpal. on prlos mortgages,pm�c,:a such insuronee and euth sums ahall be added to the arr.ount due on ��
<br /> .. I de¢res attd upon n6rmation ot eale by thb court or�_r�taken aut o{procrcds of sale; os if rr�leemed dc:r."::�s*ay. 2pFSea1 �i
<br /> o=udb,auch ta ehal be collected!he samo aa thaug2s it were a part ol auch decr�e.
<br /> �+ s�ed e asy of April .�s 92 . '
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<br /> .:;: � h
<br /> �;�r��_.. . Husband and Wife,
<br /> � � - �I known to me to be the ldenticW pereon or person9 w1�o et�ned tho lorrgnit�t inatrurt��nt nd �,t
<br /> • . .. . �'. 'i thereot to be hts.IIBr 6l U1C�!YO�UIItAf}�ACL IIlla t1CP[t. �Zk ,
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