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<br /> V
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY' RII�ER
<br /> A�I�nw�nt of Rente
<br />- THIS 1-4 FAMILyI RIDER i9 mada this �iST dAy of MAY �.996 ,and ia
<br /> _ ���ti�•*_gos;�LRCO snd sit«=1��w:�:,;k;a^ttt����ai��niiNpteincnt[ao iviortgage,ueed of'[Yust or Securlty Dced(the
<br />- "Sccurlry Instrurt�snt")of tho sama date given by tho underaigned(the"8orrower")to secure Bormwer's Nnta to
<br /> of the saine date and caveeing the Pro�erty de�cri�rd in the 3ecurity Instru��zt ancl located aC (�e"I.ender")
<br /> A35 E SOY73'H 9�'
<br /> L�P.A.�JD LuLAt77, IJEBPJ1SKi► G8001 '
<br /> IProperty Addnn)
<br /> 1-4 FAI4IILY COVENAIVTS. In addItion to the covenants and agrcements mado in thc Security Instrume.nt, `
<br /> B�rrower and L,ender funher covenant and ag�o as follows:
<br /> �Y�b�d�n the Securiry Insuumant,tho following ite►ns are addecl to the Proputy descrIption,and shall
<br /> also constitute the PrapeYty coverecl by the Security Instcummer.t:Uuilding matefials.applianc�s and gc�ods�of every
<br /> nawre whatsaver now ar hereafter locate,�l in,on,�r used.or intendod to be usod ln connecdon with the P,roperiy�
<br /> including,but not limited to,those for the pu�poses of supplyIng or dlsMbuting hw�ng,cooling,electricity,gav,
<br /> weux.air and tight,fire prevendon and exdnguishing a�paraws,socwity and ecce,ss conual apparatus�plt�mbing,
<br /> beth tubs,waten c�atcrs,wster ciosets�3inks�ranges,stoves.rchigerators,dishwashas�disposals,wushers.dryers,
<br /> awninge,snom�+windows,stnrm doors,scre.ens.blindv,shadcs.curtsins wM curteln rods.attached mirrors,cAbinets,
<br /> �oel!�na s�t An�n� � �f:�rsis�ga s�--a x ��;iicr aawci�a oo rhe e�ropaty. all of which, including
<br /> replacements and additloas ttxreto,shall be doemed to 6e end remain a part of the Proputy coverod by the Security
<br /> InstrumenG All of the foregoing togetlkr with the Pcopaty described in the Socuriry Instrument(or tha Iea�tlwld
<br /> esta�e if the Security Instrumen[is an a leascl�oid) are refurod to in this 1-4 Farnfly Rider and thc Securiry
<br /> Instcumd�t s�the"Pro�erty,"
<br /> B.USG(�F PROPER'�Y;COMPL'IAIYCE WI'PH LAW. Bomowet shall not eee�c� �O �o pr � a
<br /> clunge in the ux of tho Pnoperty or its zoning classifxation.unless L,encSa haa agroed in writ�ng W tho ch�nge.
<br /> Barower siuiU camply with eill laws� ordinanas� regulations and roqutcr�rnents of any govanmaiul body
<br />- applk�bb to the Proparty.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Excyx�pexmlued by fedaal l�w.Botrowu sh�U not allow�ny lien infuiot
<br /> to the Secutlty I�ument w be�erfocted ag�in�t the Propaty without Lenda'a pr�or wrivai paminion.
<br />� D.RENT L053 INSURANCE. Barowa ahW m�inq�in insurence�insc rent lose in pdditlon to tho ot1�a
<br /> hwc�ds far svfiicb Lis�noe is res�ulned by Un�fom�Covenant S.
<br /> E."EORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DEL�TED. Uniform Cova�ant 18 i�dclded.
<br />• �.SORROW�R'9 OCCUPAIVCY. Unkas I.ender �nd go�ro� �� � � �p�g� � �
<br /> sm�a�co in Uniform Cove,�ant b canceming Borrower'� occupancy of the Prqrerty is dsktod. All mriaEning —
<br /> c�Ya�ntn w�d aScnemen��et forth in Uniform Covenant 6 ehaU remain in effoct,
<br /> �'='=*:=*�T�_-+:��:iL:�.iir'c�•Fanni�ii�Ntrw�t�M�o Uni(o�m In�truM�nt ForT 5170�1�7 —
<br /> �•57(i�04).01 Pap�10l a
<br /> V61P MOATpAOE FUAY9•(�00)621•f201 Initlal�:
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