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<br /> �� • 16.R�rrow�r's Copy. A14rrowct»hall Ix� iven ano canfortnc.�cc�py af Ihc Notc nnd�f tlii�Se�uelty Yr�s�cu�izc�t, �_.,
<br /> x
<br /> 17.'rrwnat�e uf the I�roperty or w Benetk 1 dnteecet In 8orrawer. If atl oe miy�art of tho Rroperty ur any intcrest i��it!s �;,.
<br />;�;;� isald ar transfeaod (or it a benefici�l Intuest in Borrowa le suld ar Iransfarred end �orrowo.r is nat a nutcrxlperson)withaut
<br /> I.cndcr's�rior writtcn conscnt,Lcndcr may,at Ic,9 apticsn,rcyulro immaiiatc paymtnt in full of ail Nu�nA�ccurcd by thie Secu�ity
<br /> '-a'� Insuument,Howcvc�,this opdan shall not bo oxcrclscd by I.cndcr it axcrclso i.9 prohibltcd by fcdcrnl law a9 nf tho dato af thia —
<br />"°'°�', Sxurity Inswmcnt. `_
<br /> � If I,��tdcr cxcrcl�s9 ti�i9� tlon,l.cn�cr ehnll givo Horrnwcr nottce of ecccicmdon.'Thc noUco shall providc apcdod of nat lass
<br />- than �0 duYe ��� ����Q nodco ta doilvcrcd or s��llod wixhin wMch}3orrowcr must pay ail sums sccurod by ti�is Scc;uiity
<br /> --- o . � n no inrr,r,Rum.rnriuu w ueo on uNUV:�v�L�::�^"�^`�,i wnAnr mHV InVAkE 6t1V EC[1ICdIG9 pCffJIIIICd
<br />;;-�� — It1Su�ItriC�.I.l. BOS.OtYC. f8.lD[_�_y... Y r"•"" • �_
<br /> --��j by this Security Inswment withqut furlhstr no(1cc or damu�d on Horrower.
<br />= r"'�i IS.Borrower'e Rl�ht to Re�Uet�+ 1�'.-anrmwer moets ctrtain condiUona, Borrower shAll havc tho right tv havc
<br /> enfomcmcnt of thia Security Insuument diaoontinuo� at any time pdor to the caril�r oL• (a) S daye (or such other period us
<br /> ���� applicable law nay specify for reinstaument)bofore salo of tha Property pursuanE to eny power of sale contained in this Security
<br />-=`�� Luuumcnt;or(b)cntry of a Judgment enforcing this Securlty lnsorumenG Those cond�tIons era that Borrower.(a)gs►ys Lender all
<br />- - siuns which then would be due under this Security Insuument end tho Nots es if no ecceleradon had oecuered;(b)curas sny 6
<br />_=_;,,�� dcf:.ult of nny other c�vcnAnts or n�,�roements; c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but
<br /> _n
<br /> not limited to,reasonable atiomeys'fces;and( )teke�such acaon as L.ender may reasonabiy requin:eo assu�o[hat tho Hcn of this
<br />=�� Secuttty Instivment, I.Ender's rlghts in tha Property and Burrower's obllBadon to pay the sums secuxed by Ihis Secudty
<br /> — in.ctrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstetement by Bonower� th9s Secuxity Instrument end the obllgadons secured
<br /> —'— hereby shall r�main fully effeeave as if no acceleraden hsd occurrecl.However,Qds rlgtic to rainstaU;shall nai�pply in the case of �
<br /> — accclerauan undcr paragcaph 17.
<br />='� 19.�ak of Note;ChAnge ot I.oan Servker. 71►e Noto or a partial interest in the Note (wgather with this Security
<br />.� Instrument)may be sold one or more times without priar nodce w HanoEVer.A sala may result in a change in the entity(icnown
<br /> � ag the"Loan 5ecvccer")that wltects monthly aymcnts due under the Note and this Security Instrumen�Therc also may be one or
<br />�1:��� more changes of the Loan Servicer unrela�co a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br />-===�a givcn writtcn notice of the change in accor8ance with para h 14 above and applicaUle law.Tl►e notice will state the name and
<br />—= address of the new Loan Serviccr and the address ta wh ch payments should be mnde.The notice will also contain any other
<br />��`�� information re,�uired by applicable law.
<br />-_=� ?A.H a z a r d a u x 5 u b s t a n c e s. B o r ro w e r s h a l i n o t c a u s e o r p e�m i t t h e presence. use. dis p o s a l, stara ge, or release of any
<br /> "'—'— Hazacdous Substances on or in thc Property.Ba�ower sheil noi do.nor allow anyone else w do,anything affecting the Property
<br /> that is in violadon af any Environmental Law.The preceding two eentences shaU nat apply to the pxesence,use,or ewrage on the
<br /> ,�� Properry of smaU quantides of Hazardous Substances thut are gencrally reco�nizeet w be appropriate w normal residcnt'sal uses
<br /> and to�naintenance of We Propercy.
<br /> Borrower shall promgdy give Lcnder wriuen nadcc of any invesdgadon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other ection by any
<br /> vnvemmeAtal or rc�iletorY aFlencY ot private pariy involving the Pcope,rty and any Ha�ardous Substance or Environmenta]Law
<br /> of which Dormwer has acfual knowiedge.If Borrower lcams,or is nob6ed by eny governmcniui ur icgul'u'w;�+au��.;tiy,'w`��r�
<br /> removnl or otha remedlation of any Hs�ardous Substance affecdng tho�ropercy is necessary,Bonower shall pmmptly telce all
<br /> necessary remedial acdons in ecwrdance with HnvironmcnW Law.
<br /> --- ps uscd in this paragreph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are thosts substance�defined es toxic or haTardous substanccs by
<br /> Bnvtror►ma►tai Law end tha following substances: gasollno. keroseno. other f]ammable or Wxic petrolcum products, tnxic
<br /> -- pesdcides end herbicidas.volutile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehydc,and r�ciioacdve materials As ased in
<br /> this paragraph Z0."Bnvironmcntal I.aw"maana fedual laws and laws of the JurLsdictioa where the Property is located that relate
<br /> to heatth.eafetY or environmcr►tal protecdon.
<br /> NON•UPiIFORR�CUVEN�►N'IS.Horn�wu end I.cnder further covenant and�a9 fouows:
<br /> 21.Aoaekntba;Remedies.I.ender e6aU give nottce to Borrower prior to acakxatbn folbwing Barrnwer'e breach ot
<br /> aay oovenstnt or o�rtemc�at fn thSe Security Inahument (but not prior tu acakratbn unde� para�ph 17 uaksa
<br /> �pplG�bk la�provkka ot6e�wiee).T6e notioe e6�►11�pecVy: (�)the deraulh(b)t�e�ctbn required to cur�the defauit;(c)
<br /> A date,oot kse tlu�n 30 day�llrom the date the notkc fa given to Borrower�by w�ekh t6e det�ult muat be tured;and(d)
<br /> tbasR fstlure to cure the detault on ur before the d�te specUied in t6e notke m�y result in accekrwtbn o�t6e euma eecured
<br /> by thio Security Ine�trument and atk of 4he Propsrty.The aotke 46p0 furlber inform Borrnwer ot t6e riaht to rEinatatc
<br /> attier�rctkr�tio�n snd tLe right to brteg a couR action to�aeert the eon�existeeoe ot A defau�t or �ny ot6er defeose of
<br /> Borrower to�ecekration�nd s�k.It the detautt is not cured on or 6sfore the date epeciried in t6e nodce,4eoder�at ita
<br /> optioe, m�y require immedistte pAymen4!n full oP s�ll sums eecured by thla Security Inntrument withoaR turtber demand
<br /> _ ___ �W��w������r�;;�;��.,��.o.�.�on�nrl��r r�no�rlle�t eermitted by apDllcabk law.Lender a6aU be entitkd to colkct
<br /> -- ap eacpeases iecurred in pursutng the nmedies provided in this par�grwph Zi,taciardin�,but not limited to.reasoosbk
<br /> - nttorneys'Eees and rnste ot tftk evldence.
<br /> — It t6e po�wer ot eak de invoked�Trustee s6aU recor�! a notfce of de[ault in each county in whk6 any pnrt ot the
<br /> pruperty is locxted and stu�0 mAil copks ot such notfoe fa the mAnner presrrEbed by applfcAbk law tfl Borrower pnt�t�u the
<br /> — other persons prescribed by applicabk Is►w.ARer t6e time required by wppikabk Is�w�Trustee shaU give publk noike at
<br /> — sak to t5e persons wnd in the mwnner prescribed by Appikabk law.Trusta�wit6out dempnd on Bormwcr,shall seU the
<br /> —� Property at public nuctton to the highest bldder at the Hme and pince and ander t6e t�rma designated in the notice ot sstk
<br /> —� Form 3028 O/OO
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