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<br /> t`�.iCraosPe-r oP tlic Iyi�onc�•ty or n Brnc6ic6u1 Iutcrcr�t h�I�oi i•+nvci•. If nll or nny purt uf thc Properry or any intcrest uf it
<br /> is �:old rn•t�•an�;fcrrcJ (ur if u I�cucticial interest in Burruacr is tic�ld��r�ransf'crrcd iuid t3c�rrmvcr iti nnt u isntural person)without
<br /> I.enAer's pefor written cansen3, Lender mny, .it its option, reyuire imtnediute payment in full of ull sums secured by this
<br /> Sccurity Inst►�ument. Howcver, thi5 option shnll not be cxc�•cisccf by I..cuder if excrci�c is prohibitcd by fcdcral Inw ns of Nic date
<br /> i�P Niis Sccuriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> lF I.cnder cxcrciscs tf�is option, I.cndcr shaU givc I3orr�nvcr nutice of nccrlcrntimi. Thc notic�shull providc n perir,J c�f not
<br /> Icsti thuu 30 days fram 1hc datc tltc naticc is dcllvcrccl or maile:d whi�in which Horrowcr must pay ull sums sec:urcd by this
<br /> Sc�curity In�trument. If pnrrowcr fnils to pay thesc stuns prior tu Ihc cxpirittion of this pr.riod, l.cndcr mny invake an�remedies
<br /> Pcrmittcd by this 5ccuriry(nstrumcnt witl�out Pu�thcr nuticc ur�lcu�and on Uorro�vcr. �----...__ _w..0 a....., .�.., .:..a. �,. I\44P
<br /> �i°o. �iiDiiiiLiCi'B E:I��ii� QQ l:C:i:.`.:�:C. it I.�I!'UWL'i [Ill'Clti l'CIUUq cullwuuui. uuiwv.a.� au.u. u..... .... ..n... ... ....._
<br /> enfurcement af this Security Instivment discontinued�u itny tinie prfor to the carlier of: (u) S days (or such other period as
<br /> applic�thle Inw may specify f�r re:instatement) before sale of tl�c Properry pursuunt to nny power of sule contuineJ in this
<br /> Security Instrument; or(b)entry of n Judgment enfarcing this Security lnstrwnent. 'fhose conditions nre that Borrower:(u)pay s
<br /> Lender iAl sum� �vhich then w��uld be due under this Securiry Insuvment und the Nc+te us if tta acccicrution had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures nny dcPiwlt of nny othcr covcnants or agmcments; (c) pays ull cxpcnses incun�ed in cnforcing this Sccurity Insu�ument,
<br /> including, but nat limite�l to, ruisonable tiUo�'neys' fees; and (d) takes such uction iis Lei�der mny reasonahly require to assure _.
<br /> that thc lien of t{iis Security instrument, Lender's rigl�ts in the Propeny nnd Borrower's obliFatian to pay the sums sccured by
<br /> this Security Insmiment shall continuc unchanged. Upon rcinstatcmcnt by Borrower, ehis Sti:curity Instrument und thc
<br /> obligations securul hereby shull remain fuUy effective as if no accelerution hud occurecci. Howevcr, this right to reiustnte shull
<br /> na�t npPly in tha cnce,of acccleration under pari►graph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Change oP I.oAn Servlcer. Thc Natc or u pa�tiul intcrest in thc Notc (togcther with this Security
<br /> Instru►nent)may be sold onc or more t9mcs witliaut prior noticc to Bonowcr. A salc may result in u changc in the entity(known
<br /> as the "Loau Scrvicer")tli�t collects monthly pnyments due undcr the Note and this Security Instrument,Thcre also may bc on�
<br /> or more changes of the Loun Servicer unrelateci to u sale of the Nate.If there is u c{iuuge of tl�e Loan 3ervicer,Borrower wil!be
<br /> given written notice of die change in accordance with puragrnph 14 ubove and applicable law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the ncw Loan Servicer and the uddress to which payments sliould be made. Thc noticc will also contain nny other
<br /> intbrmation reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazttrdaus Substanceis. Borrower shall not cause or pennit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hauudous Substances on or in thc Propeny. Dorrower shnll not do, nor allow anyone clsc to da, anything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation af any Enviromnental I.�+w. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on thc Property uf small quantities of H�•dous Subst:�nces thut are �enerally rccognizcd to be appropriate to norm�l
<br /> residential uses and to maincenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invcstigation,claim, demund, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmentul or regulatory ugency or privatc party involving tlic Property and nny Hnzardous Substuncc or Environmcntal Luw
<br /> of which Honowcr has actual knowledge. If Bottowcr Icams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatury authority,Ihat
<br /> anv removnl or other remediation of Hny Ha•rardous Substance t►ffecting the Property is necessary. Borrowcr shall promptly take
<br />' ali necessary remedial accions in nccordance with�nvtronmentai l..aw.
<br />, As used in this paragcaph 20, "i-Yazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Fnvironmental La�v and the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br />. pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive mater�als.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Bnvironmental Law" means fedcral lnws und luws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is locatecl that
<br /> relate to health, safety or enviranmental protcction.
<br /> NON-UNIi'ORM COVIENANTS. Borrower and Lender furthcr covenant and agrer,as follo�vs:
<br /> ' 21.Acceleretion;Remedles. �ender shall give aotice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> of any zovenAnt or agrecment in this Security Instrumen4 (but not prtur to ncceleratton under para�raph 17 unless
<br /> Applicable law provides otherwise). The nottce shall speclfy: (a)the ciefault; (b)the action required to cure the defnult;
<br /> � (c)a cYate,not less than 30 days fram the date the nutice Is given to Dorro��•er,by whict�the default must be cured;and
<br /> (d)that tallure to cure the dctAUlt on or before thc dnte specEfied In thc noticc may result in acceleration of tt�e sums
<br /> secured by this Secartty Instrument and sule of the Property. The nottce shull tbrther inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> � r�lnsiute aiter acceleratton and the right to bring a court uctton to asscrt tlhc non-existence of a defeult or any ather
<br /> detense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the defuult ts not cured on or befure tl�e date speclCed in tt►c notice,
<br /> I.,ender, st its opeion, may r�quire immedlate puymcnt in full of All sums secured by thls Secur[ty Instrument without
<br /> furthcr demand and may Invoke the power of sulc and uny pther remedtes pennttt�d by nppitc�able Inw. Lendcr shall he
<br /> entltled to coll�*ct aU exper.ses incurred in pursuing the remedies nrovlded in this pnra�;rnph 21,including,but not limited
<br /> to,rcasonabte atturneys'fees und costs of title evidence.
<br /> � IP the power of sale is tnvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defeult In each county in which auy part'of the
<br /> �o�!•!; !4!or_�te�'� �n�1 Rhatl mseil conies of such noQtce in the munner prescribed by applicnble law to Bon•ower and to
<br /> th�other persons prescribed by applicable law.Aftcr the timc requtred by uppl[ca�bte law,Trustee shull gfve pubtic nottce
<br /> of sale to the peroons and in die mnmicr presc��ibed by appllcuble IAw.T�vstce,�vithout demand on Borro�vcr,shall scll
<br /> the Property nt public uuctian to the highrst btddcr at the tlme und place and under tlie tern�s des3gna�ed in the nutice of
<br /> sale in one or more�urccls and in Any order Trustee determines. 'frastec mt�y[wstpone sttle of a!I or any purccl of the
<br /> �roperty by publfc unnowicement at tlie tlme and place of any previously sclicduled snle. Lcnder or its d�ignce mny
<br /> purcht�sc the Property nt any�,�le.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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