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<br /> 5, iinm��d af• Fi�e�t�►•ty I��yurrmu:e. Barrowcr shnll kccp ►hc hnprmemcnts now existing nr I�creafter crected on d►c
<br /> f'i•u�3i�ty fn�,ui�cd u�;ainst Ictis by Grc, Illl'l.ilfll5 IIICIU(ICLI PlI��IIII lI1C fCl'ill "extcncicd c�vcra�;c" and nny otl�cr hnaards, iucluciin� �
<br /> flnnds or flooding, Pa�which Lendcr rcquires insurnncc, 'i'his insurancc tihnll bc maininir�cA in ihc amounts iuid far Qic periods
<br /> tl�nt L.ender rcyulres. The insurance carrier providing the inyur7nce sh�iU Ue chc►4en by L�urrower subJect to L.ender's uppmva�
<br /> �vhich si►ull not bc unrcasonnbly witl�lmld. IF T3orrowcr fuils to maintnin covcrnge described cdx��c. Lcndcr may, nt Lendcr's
<br /> o�uion,oUtnin covcrugc t��protcct Lendcr's rights In thc Property hi nccordnnrc with p�rngraph ?.
<br /> All insurancc policics imd rencwal5 shidl hc ncccptahlc tn I..cndcr nnd slmll includc n atcindnrd martgage clnusc. Lc;ndcr
<br /> simll hnvc thc right to hoid thc}x�licics uuJ rcuc:wul,. If Lc:i�dcr rcyuires.Durruwc�•�hall �romptly givc ro l.andcr nll rcreipts of ,
<br /> pnid premiums nnd renewnl no►iccs. in the evcni uf lu,y,6tiirower shatt�icc prc�mpt nnticc�o the insuranc4e c�:rricr snu i�uoe�• -
<br /> Lcndcr muy nu�kc proof of loss if not macic promptly by florrowcr.
<br /> Unless Lendcr nnd�Bsrrrowcr othcrwisc nsrec in writinti, insurance pracceds sh�U be nppliccl to restoi•ation ar repair of thc
<br /> Prc�perty damaged,if the restoratlon or npnir is ecanomic:►lly feasible nnd I.ender's security is not Ie�:sened.if the resroration ar
<br /> repnir is not economiculiy featiible or Lendcr's security woutd be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall be appUcJ to the sums
<br /> securc6 by this Securiry Instrumcnt. whether or iwt then due, with any cxccss p:ti�l to Borrotiver. If Horrower�bandnns the
<br /> Pr�,p�rty, or d�s not nnswer wf�hin 30 d�ys�notice from I.ender that the insurance cnrrier has offered to�ettle a claim, then
<br /> Lcnder muy c�llcct the insurancc proceeds. [.c;nder mny use the procec;ds to rcpair or restorc�hc Property or to puy sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whcthcr or not then duc.The 30•ciay period will bcgin when tlie noticc is given.
<br /> Unlcss I.�ndcr and Borro�vcr athcrwisc agrec in writin�, any application of pract:cds tu princfpal shall not c�:tcnd or �
<br /> postpone the due dute of thc manthly paymcnts referrcd to in paragrAphs 1 and 2 or changc thc amount of the paymcnts. If
<br /> under puragraph 21 thc Property ts acquired by Lcndcr, Borrower's rlght to anv insurance policics ar�l procceds resulting from
<br /> danzage to the Prope�Ky prior tn the acquisition sh�dl pass to Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrwuent —
<br /> immediutely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy, Preservntdan,Mnintenunce And Proiectfon of tlie Property;Burrower's l.uan Appllcutlon; LeusQholds.
<br /> Borrawer shall occupy,cstablish,nnd use the Property�s Borrower's principal residence within sixty dAys after the exesution of
<br /> this Secu�rity Instrument and shall condnue to occupy the Property ns Borrower's principal residenae for at least one year ufter
<br /> the date of occupaacy,unless Lender athenvise agrees in writing, �vhich consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, oz uttless
<br /> extenusting circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not de.stroy, damlge or impalr the
<br /> Propeny, nllow the Property to deteriorute, or cammit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if anp forfciture
<br /> action or proc�.ee�iing, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resulc in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwite materiatly impuir the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest,Boriewer may
<br /> cure such u dcfault and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by c��using the action or procec;ding to be dismisscd with a ruling
<br /> that. in Lender's good fuith determination, precludes forf.eiture ot ths tforrower's interesc in che Properiy or uii�c� ;�iaic��n,
<br /> impairment of the lien crcatcd by this Security Instivment or Lender's security incerest.Honower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan upplicatlon process,gave mnterially false or inaccurate infonnation or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with nz�y material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Not�,including,but not limited
<br /> to,representations coneerning Borrower's occupancy of the Properiy as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is an a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower sl�all comply with all the provisions of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> leasehold and the fce title shal(not mer�e unless I.ender agrecs to the merger i�a writing.
<br /> 7.T'rotectior�of Ltnder's ltights in the Property.If Borrower falls to perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br />- this Security Instrument, or there is a legal procceding that may si�nificantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> procecding in bankruptcy,probute, far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),tt►en L.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propetty. Lender's actions may
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a licn whlch hus priority over tliis Security Instrument, appenring in coun, paying
<br /> rcasonable attorneys'fees and entering nn the Property to make repairs. Although Lendcr muy take action under this parngraph
<br /> 7,Lcnder docs not have to do so.
<br /> Any Amounts disbursed by Lender undrr this paragrt,ph,7 shnll become nddittonal debt of Borrnwer secured by this
<br /> Security Iustrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment. th�sc urnounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement 1t the Notc rate and shall be paysble, with intcrest, upon noticc from Lender to Bonower requesting
<br /> p?y:r.?nt.
<br /> S.Mortgage I�uurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of mukins the loan secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument, 19onower sh111 pay thc premiums required to maintain the mortgage insur:uue in effect. If, for any reason, thc
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by Lender lapses or ccases to bc in effect,Borrowcr shall pay thc premiums required io
<br /> ebtain coverage substnntinlly cquivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at n cost substantially equivalent ta the
<br /> cost to Borrower af the mongage insurance previously in effect, from nn alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> subst�ntially cquivulent mortgage insurnnce coverage is n�t avallable,Borrower shall pay to Lender eucl� month a s�m equal to
<br /> one-twclfth of the ycarly moi-tgagc insurance premium being paid by Barrowcr when the insurance covcragc I�psed or ceascd to
<br /> be in cffect.Lcndcr will acr.cpt,usc nnd retain thcse�ayments as a loss rescrve in licu of mortga�e insui:tnce. Loss rescrvc
<br /> Form 3028 9/30
<br /> Pepo 3 ot 0
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