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<br /> ' ' � �IOPY.A OOx-604160].0
<br /> 9�w �04�.5� M�� o000000000 _..
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY RII�EiZ
<br /> Ar�stgx�ment oi Rents _
<br /> '1'Hl5 1-0 FAP�iTi.Y RIDIIR i�madd this z yrti dny of taAY � 1995 ,and ts °-.
<br /> ir�corporated inw and shall bo dcemcxl to amend and suppkment tho Mor,gago,Decd of Ttust or Sccurlty Dccd(tho
<br /> "Seciuiry Instrumment")of U�e samo date given by the underslgnod(tho"Bom�wu")to sccuro Bo�rower's Note to
<br /> (the"L.endet')
<br /> of thc same date and coveting:he Propcaty descdbed in tha SecuJlty Insuun�ent and lc�cuted a�
<br /> 2104 W KO�N1� 3T
<br /> C3RAND I9LAtdD, NEBRABKA 68903
<br /> [Arcg:rty AddressJ �
<br /> 1-4 F'A11�LY COVEIVANTS. In adcUdon w tho covenants end egre�ments made in the Saurity Insuument,
<br /> Borrower�md I.endu funhu cove.nant and agroe ag faAows:
<br /> Propcxry descxilx,cl in the Security Listrument,the foUowing items ece Rdded w the Proputy d�scription,�nd shall
<br /> also constitvts d�Propatty cavued by the Security Instrumen�building matai�ls,appliances and goods of evtry
<br /> nnture�rhatsoeva now or hereafta located�n,on,or us�d,or inua�ded to be use4 in connoction with tha Pcaperty,
<br /> including,but not limitod to,thoso for U�e purposes o€supplying or distribndng headng,caoling,clectricity.gas,
<br /> �vatca,air end llght,flre pnvendon end exdnguiahing ap�mraws,securlry and aa�ess control apparaa�.v.plumbing,
<br /> bAl�i W119�WBtC[tiCBf�GlB�W$�l C�OSCL9�SlI1jC8�fAfl$CS�6IOYC9�ICffl$lY80Di8��S11W8S�YClB�(�3�76l8�9,WBShCSB��Ct6�
<br /> :::ii'w'i�o�°o�.OSfEl o'Sf:�:.o�n�i,'i:S L�,C'�vtS�o"�T��wSSo�t3jtS:v°o,o.�°..�.�..�0� ai a��Rai mrla�attt�}frtl miiMfA.CAMI/1lJA. -
<br /> panelling and attachod ilaor covuings now ar Exreafter att�chod co the ProPenY. all of which, incinding
<br /> rcplacemenc�and addiaons�ha+eco.shall be deemed to be an�rema�n a part of the Prq�rty covaed by the Security
<br /> Instiurr��All of the forcgoing togetha with thc Pmputy des�rlbod in the Socurtty Inswment(or the ka.selwld
<br /> estate if the Security Instcument is on a kasehold)are refened to in this 1-4 Family Ridu and the Sxurlry
<br /> Inst�vmeat a9 the"Property."
<br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLUNCE WiTH LAW. Bnrcower shAU nat sak, egrx to or mak,e e
<br /> aha�go in t6e use of the Property or its zoning classific,adon,unless Lender has agreed in writing to the chAnga.
<br /> Bomnwa shsll comply with all laws. ordinanczs, regulsttions ead roqulcernent� of any gavemmrntal body
<br /> applicabb to tl�e Proputy.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Sxcc�t av permiued by foderal law,Borrowa shall not sdlow any Gen inferlor
<br /> w tha Socutity Insuucr�t to be petfceted Against the Propaty without Letuler's prior wriuen pamissiion.
<br /> D.RENT LOSS INSURANCL�. Bomowu shall maintain insurance agaix�st r.ent loss in additien w the otha
<br /> haaards for which insuran�e is requircd by Unifarm Covenant 5.
<br /> E."BOItROWF.A'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE".DEL�TED. °JniBoim Covenant 1$is delet�ed.
<br /> F.BORR�DWER'3 OCCUPANCY. Unless I.et�tkr and Borrowes othawi9e agree in writing, the firsc
<br /> srnt�ce in Uniform Covenant 6 conccming Bomowei's occupaacy of thC Propexty► Is deleted. All rcmaining
<br /> cove�ats und am�na�ts act frnth in Unifoan Cavenant 6 sh�all recnain in offccG
<br /> M�lLT18TATE�•4 FAMILY RIDER-F�nnl�IA��/Fr�ddl�MaA UnlfoeM In�trum�nl Fo►m�1T0�JY�
<br /> Pip�1012
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