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<br /> paymenG9 may no l�nger txs required�nt the oplIon of Lender.lf mongaga insumnce covernge(in the amount end for t��e period - ..
<br /> �hat T.endcr cequtres)proviAcsl by an(nsurcr spprovc�by l.cnd�r sgain become.v avallablo end is obta[ned.Rurrow�r shnll pay the �_
<br /> premi�m9 requical to maintain mortgaga insuranco in cffect, or to pravide a loss reservo. until �ho requircment for mortgagc —
<br /> lnsur�u►ce end9ln accnrdnnco with eny written agreement betwecn Dom�wu ond L.endcr ar appllcablo law. �
<br /> 9.Inapecabn. I.ender or it�egent may make rcasonablo tnvies upon end inspocdona of tho Pmperty.L�nder shall giva
<br /> Bonowe�iwiica ca Uia tu��o af o��vriu•r w:.��sg:ctlor►.;(1:.C11�ylIls TC:�DI4161C G1Il�e for the inti�xx:unn. !�''
<br /> lU.Condemnation. litt5 piOCOr�ciS ol[a�iY award ur cjuii�i fui�i►i�BS, dL:�t�r ra;s�riucauat,ue cc:uswuon �viG��.�eq :-
<br /> condcmnation or othcr taking of any paR of tha Prol�erty,ar far convaygnca in licu of condemnadon,are hereby assigned and
<br /> shell bo paid w Len�fu.
<br /> In the event of a Wtal taicing of tt�o Property,the prc�,eds shnU be spplied to the sums sccuxed by this Securlty Instrument, _
<br /> whether or not then duo.w[th any oacess paid to BoROwer.In the cvcnt of a partlal tek3ng of the Property in which�he fair inarket a
<br /> value of Ihe Froperty immediately beforc tha ta�ing is eQun1 to or greater tlwn the ainount of the Fums secured by�his Se�iuiry �_
<br /> Inswmenl 'unu�edletety {�cFo.a tha taking, unlcss Socro.acr :�td I.tader othenviss aa�oo in wnidn8. the snms secured by this .
<br /> Sr,cwYty Instrument shall be reduced by tha amount of the procceds muldplled by tho fo�lowirrg fraction:(a)the total amount of
<br /> the sums scGUred immsdiat�ly beforo the taking,divided by (b) tho feir market value of the Property immcdiaLely bcfore ttie
<br /> taking,Any balance shall be paid to Bocrower.In�he evant of a partiel taki�ig of ih�F�v��ty L-��a:►ich�c fair m^�ct v,;,lue of tlte �
<br /> Property im►nedlately beforo the taking is kss than the amount of the sums sdcured fmmuliately before the ta�ing, unless
<br /> Borrowcr And Lender othuwise aArx in wrldng or unlcss eppllcable law otherwisc provides.the proceeds sha11 be epplied to the
<br /> sums secured by this Socurity Inshument whether or not the swns sre then due. �
<br /> If the Proputy is abandoned by Barowu, or if�aRer nodce by Lender w Borrower that the condemnor offers m make an
<br /> award or settle a claim for damoges,Borrowu fails ta respond to Lcnder witi�ln 30 days after the date the noti;,e is given�Lender -
<br /> is euttwrized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opdon,eiiher to restoration or cepair of the Property or to tl�e sums seeured
<br /> by this SeciuIry Instrument,whethcr or not then due.
<br /> Unkss I.e�der and Barower othawise egree in wri►in8��Y aPPU�on of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> tha due dau of the monthly payments rafemed t�ia paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> Yl.Borrower Not Rekased;Forbe�rance Dy I.ender Nat a Watver. Hxtension of tho tune for payment or modificatlon
<br /> of emorti�.adon of tho sums secured by this Seeurit�Inshvment ge�nted 6y L,encki to any successor in interest of Borrower shatl _
<br /> not opaate ta release�he IiaUility of tha origlnal Borxower or Borrowu's successore in inLeresc.Lenda shall not be required w
<br /> commence procoodings against any successor in interest or refuse to axtend time for payment or otherwlse modifY amord��on of
<br /> (hC BUf119 SO(:UtEd b�WS SCCqTity 1115�UfIiGi1 by t�BSOD OI 9ily oetl18t10 t[kltia uy uw vii�uidi P,v.�"IOt�.�.Of�...^SSQ'.'.'S:t�.�.°".�...eenrg
<br /> in intcresG Any forbesuance by i.enda•tn eaercising any right or ccmedy ahall not bo a waivu of or preclude the eau�cise of any
<br /> right a remedy.
<br /> 12.Suca�eors wnd A�aigns 8ouadi Jotnt and SeverAt LiabWty; Casigners. The covenants and egrer.ments of this
<br /> Socarlty Instzument shall bind und benofit the successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower, subjaet to the provislons of
<br /> p�agraph 17. Barower's covenants and agreements sha(1 be jaint and sevaal. My Bormwa who co-signs this Socurity
<br /> Ina�ument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Sec�uity Instrument only w matgago� grant and convcy tluit
<br /> Sorruwer'a intae�t in the Prope�ty under the terms of this Securlty Instrurnenx(b)is not persor►alby obligatsd to pay the sums
<br /> seamod by thi�Security Inswmet►�end(c)egrees that Lender and eny othu Borrow�may agrx to extend.modifY.fabear or
<br /> malcc eny accommod�tions with regsrd to the tums of thLs Sc��uity Instrumea�t or the Nok wilhout that Bornower's consa�G
<br /> 13.Lwm Char`es. If the loau�ecure,�by this Seciuity Insuument is subjoct to�law wtsich sets ma�clmum la�n charges,
<br /> and th3t law is finally intapretod sa that the intaest or othu loan charg�s coUected a to be collected in connoctbn with the loan
<br /> �xcood the permivad Wnits,then:(a)any such loau chacga shall be redaced by the umount necessary to reduse the chnrge to the
<br /> ptrmipod limit;�nd(b)any sums olrwdy callected from Borcower which exce�oded penniu�od limits wlll be refund�d to Harower.
<br /> Lendu msy choose to mako this refund by reducing tho prineipal owed undcr the Note or by maldng a direct payment to
<br /> Hnrrc�wer. If a refund reduces principal, tha reduction will ba u�eated us a parttal prepaYment without any prepayment chargo
<br /> w�der the Noce.
<br /> !�,1�r:?�, p�;���p��n�**_+awe�prov��,d for in th��Sc�urity In.ctrument shall be given by alellvering it or by msi1L11t it =
<br /> by Cirst cla4s mail unkss applicabk law reqalres use of anott�er method.'It�e notice shall be directed to the Pc+�PertY Addcexs os
<br /> any other address Bomower designaus by nodcs to Lender. Any noticce to I,ender ahalf be given by first class mail w Lendcr's
<br /> addre.�s slated hcxccu►or eny other address I,ender designate.a by noHce to Borrower. My notice provided for in this Security
<br /> Inmumant shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrowrr or Lend�r when given ag provided in this puragraQh.
<br /> 15.Governing Law;Severability. 'I1�lv Sccurity Instrumeitt sttall bo govcmed by fedual law end tho law of thc
<br /> jurLsdlcdon in which the Property is located.In tht event that any provision or clause of this Security Insnument or the Nou
<br /> conflicts wiEh agplicablo law.such conflict shall not affe.ct other provisIoas of this Secvriry Insirument or tha Note which can bc
<br />- given effcct wi�hout Ihc�conflicdng provision.To this end the provisions of this 5ccarity Insuument and the Note�ra declared to
<br />_ be sevetable.
<br /> Forn,soze oroo
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