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<br /> .. 'PpO�'I'Y,[�A WITI-1 all the bnpn�vcments now o� licrcattcr ceccted an thc propc:sty,cu►d all cuscracuta,t�y�urtc�cs�ccs. anul
<br /> {'� �xtures now ot h�xcatu:r a part af the propecty.A11 replacements and nsldiUOns shaU nlso be covered by thls Security Inswment� __
<br /> -r>;'� All of ihe foregoing is refened to in this Security Inswment as the"Property." �._
<br />, s HORROWAA COVE�NANTu� that aorrower is luwfulYy soiscd af the cstate hcrcb conve ed and has tt�o ri�ht to grant and
<br /> ��
<br /> :�?.� convey thc Property and that the Prope�ty !s unencumbered, excepi for cncumbrences af xccord.Honawu warrents and wW --_
<br />,,.,,,II defend gener��.11y the titl�tn tl►o Property ag�inst a11 claims anA demends,subJect to nny e�cumbrencr,s of record. ��
<br /> ---- '1_Fl11 1�l.:UTCl1! uva i nLiviai,i wu�vui'w"uiljuQi.^.: tQYCR�nta fpr natinnal uso end noD-u�ifoml Ce�ve►►�Lv v+ith I��:litcfi] _
<br /> `9''�� veriadons by Jurisdicdon to cflnsriwte u un:form securiry insuument covedng rcal property. ��
<br /> �,.::.� UN�ORM GOVHI�AN'TS.aarrower and L.ender covenant and agreo ns follows: [
<br /> �''g 1.Payment o!Pa�incipxi And Interest;PrepAyment and Late Chprges. Borrowcr ahall promptly pay when due ihe E�_�
<br /> peincIpal of and interest on tha debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment nnd laus charges due wtdec the Note. �,:
<br />. :r�.� F:_.
<br />_ • 2.Funds for Tax�and Iusurance. Subjcct to applicable law or ro a wrftten weivcr by Lcndcr, �errower shall pay to -
<br /> ',��� Lender on the day mantlily paymenc9 sue due under the Notc,until the Note i�paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for. (a)yearly texes -
<br /> ,}_�, �
<br /> ---= end agsessments which may ettain priority over this Security Inswment as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leusehold payruents
<br />,;;;�� or gmnnd rents on thc Pcoperty.if any:(c)yearly haz�rd or property insurance premiums;(d)y�uly flaod inFUrnnco Premiums,if _
<br />,_,;��� any;(c)yer�rly ma�tgag^,insurr.nc�.gremiums,lf eny;and (�nny sums payable by Borrower ta I.ender.i.n uccArdnnce W�th�6 -
<br /> _ — provisions of paragraph B, in lieu of the payment of moetgage insurance premiums.These items aro ca11�d ��Ss�row Itcros.° �
<br /> w��-- Lender may.at any dme,collect and hotd Funds in an amount not to eaceed the maat�num emount a lender for a fcdually relatecl �
<br /> `�� mo�age loan may requlra Q'o�Ba��ower's cscrow :,ccount under the fcxletal Ret!1 Fsta:e Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 as .
<br />-'`"=�'- amended from time to dme. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et s�q. ("RBSYA"),unless anothcr law that applies w the Funds scts a lessce
<br />;=�,A� amounG If so,Lender may. at any time.coAect and hold Funds in an emounc not w excced tha lesser am�aun�I�e�►der may
<br /> __ es6mate the amount of Funda due on 4he basis of current data and reasonable esdmates af expendiwres of futucc Escrow Items or
<br /> -- otherwise in aecordanc:e with epplicable law.
<br />-�'u=� The Fundv shall be held in an institudon whose deposits ara lns�sred by a federat egency,instrumentnliay,or er�dty(includi�g
<br /> - - L,ender.if Lendcr is such an institution)or in eny Fedzral Home Loan Bank•1-ender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> — Items.Lender may not charge Bonower for holding and applying the Funds,ennuaUy enalyzin8 the escrov�'a���or verifying _
<br /> — the Escrow Iums,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pecmits Lender w mak�such a chazge.
<br /> FIowever,Lender may requ�ra Bnrrower to pay a onc•ti�ne charge for an independent real estate tFUC repordn8 se�vice used by
<br /> - Lcnder in conaxdon with thls loan.unless eppHcable law provides otherwisu.Unless an agse�merit is made or epplicnble law
<br /> ---�°�: ��,v�„�a�w�,��.Lxa�;,+�.�L rot�I�::ir►.t m�.�,y Rnrmwes any interest or eaminBS on�he Funds.Bonower nnd
<br /> �s`� Lender may agree in wridng,however,that finterest shall t+e paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Bocrower,without charge,an
<br /> ---- annual eccounting of the Funds.showing credits and debita to the Funds end the pucpase for whkh esch debit to the Funds was
<br /> �= made.'Ilio Funds ara pledged ns addi6onal c+ecudry for ell sums socured by this S�curity Insirumen�
<br /> If the Funds held by I.endu exceed the emounts peemittod w be held by applicable law.LeruSer sl�all account w Bamowu for
<br /> - tho excess�unds in bccordance with ithe rcquircmenis of applicable law.If the emount of the Funds held by Lender at any t[me is
<br /> - not seif�iciens to pay the Bscmw items when due,Lender may so notify Borrowu in writing.and,in such case Borrower shall pay
<br /> to Lender tho amount necessary W make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deflciency in no more than iwelve
<br /> monthiy payme�►ts,at Lender's sole discrepon. _
<br /> i;pon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccurity Instr�ment,Lcndrx shall promptly refund to Bomower eny Funds
<br /> hekl by I,endu. If,undu paragraph 21,L�ender sha11 acquire or sell the Proputy,Lendcr.prlor w tho acquis9tion or sale of tha
<br /> pcopaty,shall apply any Funds held Uy I.ender at tht time of acquisiaon csr sale as s eredit against the sums seeured by thjs
<br /> Sccurity InsWment
<br /> = 3.Application ot Poymente. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all paymcnts receival by L�der undcr pa�BraP�g
<br /> � and Z shal�be applied; first,to nny prepayment chargcs due under the Nou;sec�nd.to amouats payable unda�ep
<br /> third,to inuxcst due;founh,w principal due;and last,to any late charges due under tfie Note.
<br /> 4.Char�a;E.kes. Bamwer shatl pay all tea�s�assessments.charges�fines and imposidons atOrrlbutable to tho P'roQe,rty
<br /> whkh may aaain prioriry ova this Seciulty Insuumeat,and leaset�old p�yments or ground rents,if any.Aotrower shaYl pay theso
<br /> - abligations in the m��na pmvided in psuagraph 2.or if noc paid in ii�ai��►�ai�'r,��S�.-•aw�s���.y�►��n�e��'+�-'�"
<br /> - person owed paymen�Born+wa shall promp�y fumish w L.ender ell notices of amnunta to be paid weda this paragraph. If
<br /> - Bomowtr�akes titiese paYments direcdy.Borrowu shaq promptly fumish W 1Lender rexkipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Boirowa shall promptly dLscharge sny li�n which has priority ovcr this Socurity lnstr�mcnt unlesa�orrower.(a)agrces u�
<br /> - writing to the payment of the obllgation secural by the lien in e manner acecptable to Lender:(b)contests in Boud f�ith the lien _.
<br /> by. or defends against enfoccement af the lieri in,legal proceedings which in d�e Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> - enfurcemer�t of thr,Gen;or(c)sccures from tho h�ldu of Ihe lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lendu subordinatinng the lien to
<br /> _ - -_ �g g���yr Instrument If Len@cr dctemdnes that any parc of the Property is subject to a lleo which may auain priority ovcr t3�is
<br /> _��'- Securiry Instrument,Lcndcr may givc Borrower a nodce identifying tha lien.Bomnwer shaU saasfy Ih3lten or mke ono or morc
<br /> =_
<br />