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<br /> ` '.2.. T�xES. Trustoc sha13 pmy �ach . nst, �a o a --
<br /> � , ass�iswats of� �v:rY kindr ao�c or liarsafta�r Ia�rifr� aga�rist tRe Trust Estata `
<br /> � or ang part th�r�pfr b�f�rE d4lfnqu�ncY, without notic� or de�ai�d, and �
<br /> shall provid�r S�n�ficfary �rith Qvid�nco ;.of the psy�ant o� sa�e. Tcu,�car�
<br /> - �--- sM�r�� Qsx s�l.�azas and ags.3ss��n�s'�hic��aay bil�vied upon 8�n:�ici.aty s -----_
<br /> � ` intsr�st h�r�fn or upon tttfs Deed o€ Trusc or tbe d+�bt secured ti�r�by, _ .
<br /> �lt�eout reQard ta an�: law that �rap F� �nact�d iwposin4 gay�ent ot Ghe vhpl�
<br /> � os any parrt thec4of upaa the B�neficiary. , - ' �-_-
<br />� � � 3. INSURANCB �MTO REPAIRS.: Trustor• shall, Raint�tia firs and est�nd�Q
<br /> �. � cov�raQ� insucancs institc�iag the - fwprave�ants and bofldinqs constitutfn�,.
<br /> - part of th� 'Trust Bstata fQr. an a�ount no lesa than the a�ouat o� th�
<br /> /` unp�fd prf,ncipal balance of the t+iote (CO-insucance not excs4ding _80�
<br /> - . prr�itt�d). Surh in$urartce palfcy sball cantain � stari�#�d �a�t9�9e elause -
<br /> ' ' i�c�� fsQOr of Sanaffc�ary . and sha11 not be cance]�laqle�• terainab2.e:: ar � ��VrT-
<br /> �odf�fable .without te�e (10� days� prior written aotias to BQneficiary. ;;�:��
<br /> f:.:_=:��-.-
<br />: Tr�ustar sttal�l proiptly repair, aeafptaiQ and replace the Trust Esta�e or any r;;_;„�,y J
<br />_ ,, p�rt th�reof so that, �xci�pt fc�� ordfnary cfesr and t�ar, the Trust Bstste . ����=i.:�-
<br /> sfiall� no� detetierate.. �Ia� aa svent shAll the Trustor. co�nNi��waste on or ta� _ ". 'l`=..--'-_•"-_
<br /> ,�:�_.__
<br />� " th� Trust Estate. � . ' - ' �;.`��-��--_
<br /> _ .. � ����::r� :
<br /> ' t y ,R{�y.D
<br /> 4. l�CTIONS �FFEC.TING TRQST ESTIl2E. Trustor shall appear in and , �-��.'-.�==��-�.__
<br /> �� � � � conteat any action or proceeding-purportinq to affect the securfty hereof � _ �. � �
<br /> . -�. . . • .` ar the riqhts� or po�rers of Benaff�#ar� or Trustee, and snall pay all aosts � - - --�-`•''_=-
<br />� � � �'� ' ' and expenses, including cost of ev�,dence of title and attorney's fea�; in � G ��,�
<br /> �::._T . .
<br /> � _�-�;� . any-sueh action or -proceeding in which Betteficiery ar Trusies a�ay appear. �• � � ;•--
<br /> :.`�'���;'�.,.� ; _ ., Should Tr.ustor fail to make any payaent or to do any act as and in the � <<,�. ,�- ..��'�`:=,.-��'_
<br />----- --t'���•� � : : - . _�aanzier=-p�corj.s�ed�.a.any_Q�the Loan_Instrumenta, He�nsf��i��ry_ and/or Trustee, - - i' : .- _ __
<br /> �� �- -- -- - , .,-.-`--.,- _
<br /> , each in its own dfscretion, without obligation so to do and witt►out nutice � � �.. t� '�
<br /> -- �;i�•�� � to or demaad upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor frow any �.��::-�:�`�;t�•
<br /> �:i::;,..
<br /> �� ` � ob�i.qation, a�ay a�ake ar do the saae in such a�annes and to such exteat as �:�: ;�;�`
<br /> �.�--
<br />" " r . ��.-' `��`� � `-: e�i;ther may deem necessarp to protect the securiEy hsreof.� T�ustor shall, �'�"� "-��J�.
<br />�� �-�`}`�"`�� '�t �� - #a��ediately upcn dea�and therefas by Beneficfary, pay all costs and expenses : ;�i � :�.�t
<br /> ,;,r... _;. .-. , , , . .
<br /> incurred by BeneEiciary in connection with the exercise by beneficiaty of � �<�" - '"�� �:ti
<br /> . �;. ..'. �,� , .
<br />' ' • ���� the fotegoing rights, including wfihout limftation aasts of evidence of ; _
<br /> � � ` ���-�• � � title, court costs; appraisals, surve s and attorney's fees. Any such t .� �= � '�
<br />� � " - � costs and expensea not paid within ten t10) days ef written demand sttall . �` �`�--�
<br /> �`�'Y`� � draw interest at the default rate provided ia. the Nate. : :��--
<br /> .-��:`:�:�� ��'`�. f. :-�»=r
<br /> �,4t:�_.:}.. .
<br /> "�-�� `�-�" 5. . EMINENT DOMAIN. Should the Trust Estate, or any part thereof or � „ �`;�_
<br /> �r-Y��''�.�^-�t ` �
<br /> �' • �'�"°'`- . lAtierest therein, be taken or damaged by reaso� of any publfc improveme,nt ,� �'i.���:__
<br /> . -'' -�- . ' � or candemnation proceeding, or in any other mannec including deed in ��ieu ; . , -
<br /> �-' of 'Condemnaticrn t"Condemnation"), or should Truator receive any notice or • ' �
<br /> :� �" .. '
<br /> � .�-��•- � other fn£ara�a�ion reg�rding sc�ch proceeding, Trustor shall g��e prompt � �.��r:::�.�`.
<br /> ;�-,�`�' � "�i � written� notice thereQE to esneficiary. . Beneficiary shall be entitle� to G; . � ��°;�;
<br /> all compensation, a�ards and other paymentg or relief therefor. anc� shall �''�����:=_,
<br /> s��� be entitled at its option ta commence, appear in and proaecute�in 3ts own . `•`'������,�:.
<br /> •���-:
<br /> • ���'� "Y�`;�;�� � name any ac�san or proceedings. 8eneficiary sna�l also be ent4tled to make ? . -.
<br /> �'.'+'��������-. any coa�promise or settlement ia connectian with s�ch taking or damage. A11 � � � ..
<br /> . .. �� such cc�mpensat3on, a�wards, damages, rigKts of act:on artd proeeeds awarded .
<br />' �. .. ta Trustoc �the "Proc�eda") are hereby asaigned to Beneficiary and Tr�stor
<br /> � agrees to execute sucC� further assignments o� the Proceeds as Beneff�aary
<br />- - . or Tru�tee may �equite. � '
<br /> ., j + � � .
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