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<br /> ; 2HI$ DBED OF� TAIIST,� is aade on April 1, 1�92, bj� and a�ang EdMrard !!: . �
<br /> ` 1tYari,. s �fa91� p�tsaa. u�d �'b.o�aa k. 'RY<�a, :_single p�rsons h�r�in., csll�d.
<br /> -- �. �!�_"truster" .iwh�thec oa� or �ars) of Grand Islarid, N�b��ska, ?RN Titl• -
<br /> ' Iarurana� CoqtapY!`h�rsin aailEd 'Tr�ste�• .xAose �a�lfng addr�ss is 6$Q4 � -
<br />- - Ca21ey� �l�d., St�ite 7Q4,. OQ�rland Qark, 1Ca�nass 66212, �and E. .Joan ltpfE2,, __
<br />- � hsr�in rall�d ths "B�n�ficf:ry' rrha$e atddress fs Gcand Is2and, .Iiebraska. � ���-
<br />��- , . , � - =
<br />- ' and ' . .. --��- -
<br />�.:_ - , . . - �y-'�=
<br /> �!QR �11tLO1kBLE C�SIDERATItxi, Trustor f rrevocablg trans�ers, aenv�tys and ;�-�;�:;,"Y�
<br /> ' . assfyns- tc� T�eu�t�s�, IN TROST �IITH PGyiER aF S11tE, for: the benef it and. ;�,-;_'��r:�?'
<br /> � - , � s�curitY•of B�a�ficfarY, under and subj�et to the terrs and actnditions af h�.�:_t,;.-,�:._
<br />- _ ` thia� �Df�d of �'cust, th�.rsa� property l�aCed fn �he City of Grand Zsiand: �,._: F� =
<br />- " - .� Cawrt y of Sa12, State of �te�raaka, aad lagall.y de�scribed as fallca�s tths : '.}��,.,., :�-
<br /> ' ° `Prop�st�*): - . • . � � _ : , _= "" '- _'-
<br /> - �- . , . . - � ' ; • . : _ ��'. 1..<<`_=._
<br /> �� ' Lat Sevan (7� i.a Bleck Five (5) fn Gladstoree Place, an l�ddition to - _ 6�:�:��.. -
<br /> ��_z ��-�� � = tn� City of Grand Island, Hall Cou�at�, Nebraska. , � , .�-
<br /> • o �$..
<br /> • t ' ` �';� ;,,',ri.- .
<br /> ' �1!� �=?:��F.�.i. . ti.,._.__,__ �,- -•q:--
<br /> =��~= �G' , TOGBTHER WITB� all rents• easeaents, appurtenances, hQrvditasents, ; . .�
<br /> ' ' f :Ll��b�Tls�".'Iit<. '' �' ',�, _
<br />� . _� -�.��:r;:.; . intereats in ad joining rodds,_ stceets and- alleys, _ fa�prove�ent$ and ; ��:,
<br /> • �� ��--��::t'.� buildsn�s of any kind situated •�hereon and all persQnal propetty that mny ; . .���:-
<br /> . :-�_�.-
<br /> =� - .�=��.�-'--- --b�--or-l�erea�.f��-bc3coare=aa-�ute�c�=-gar�.=of-�ach-buildiaqs, aad_ iaBrovements, -- ,__�._._._.. ::�;;,_
<br /> � • e�- F-:-x-.i,�•.:-- !! ,`s_`__
<br /> � ;:�" � '���,�c� � Al2 crops caised thereon, and ail water �fqhts. • :'.'..,. . � ���
<br /> ,_;�•�.�_ . . . ;�;.,.;,..± �
<br /> . >• .-Y�,.. �. .
<br /> _ �'��-�� The Froperty aad the entire estate and inter�st conveyed�to the Trustee ;_aJ���.:.r:;:..
<br /> +',.S . i iv::•�.; .. . .::Y...
<br /> . ��-;,�.� ; �<,.•.• aYe referred to collectively �s the "Trust Estate•. - : ;�
<br /> ,;. ,;.,_,_�;.. ' ; � : �
<br /> . POR THL PURPOSE OF 3ECtlRING: � � Y�'
<br /> . � �
<br /> � � a. Payn�ent of indebtedness in the total principal amount of FIFTY- ; � . �' .;;�;�,�,
<br /> . ;,~,�,; ;.�,,,.; � NINE T80USAND DOLLARS (S59,000.00), with interest thereon, as evidenced by 4, . •�,"_: .'
<br /> ° �- that certatn Promiss4ry Note of even date (the "Note") with a matur�ty date �
<br /> ,°.#�::�:l-
<br /> ���� � '� of �ipril I, 2002, executed by Trustor, which has been delivered and is �. ;}r, ;���
<br /> ��¢"' f' .. ,
<br /> .:�,a.�",c -. � y y Y ; _,
<br /> �,�,�,�,1, :�; ., payabla to the order a� Benef iciar , and which b this ceference is hereb , , .,,,
<br /> t�{� � made a part hereof, and any and all modifications, extensions and reneWals �
<br /> , .��s;_,,,: :,.- thereof, and ; � . ..�Y�. .
<br /> ,..
<br /> � ��"'; :.-�<= ; � � b. Paymant� of all sums advanced by Beneficiary ta �ratect tha Tcust '• . «`;:i;:
<br /> ���'�--.�:;� Estete, wi�th intiereat theceon at the rate of Nitne percent (9�} per anttu�r. ; . '���._,
<br /> � . �*w;�c..,} .. . • � . ::r,.;.�,
<br /> �-`„3:'"?.'°I'-: ' •-.;�,t�I^=G
<br /> _ This Deed of Trust, the Nate, and any other ° �pstrument given to •�,�,,..
<br /> � evidence or further slecure the payment and performance of any obligation � �
<br /> � . �'x��}'�� � �" secur�d bereby a�e ce�erred co collectively as the "Loan instruments". �
<br /> �..,.-' . ,.
<br /> � � 1. PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. '�rustosc shall pay when due the principal � . . �
<br /> � � � . � oE, and the interest on, the indebtedness evfdenced by the Note, rhazges, . :
<br /> . � fees and all other sums as provided �n the Loan Instruments. ..
<br /> '1''_ � 417 45 .
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