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<br /> . � K�ow�Nl M�n 8�►Tn��s Pt�Mi� ' . . . • ' � `
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<br /> `THAT WHEt�AS.alt%Qart of`fi�e uidebiedness SeCtNed f7Y,ltte Trust t?ce��exeta�ted t�yf= _
<br /> � � - IwAo'Y.t. imi.ting aad B�sbar{� P. tihitinq, hu�a aad xif�. " tp FusTier�arYc.
<br /> `� Natia�al Associ�ian.Omaha.Nebr�ska.the�ene�'iciarY nam�d tt�ein.datBd� ��t 25. 19B9 � and ceCO[ded
<br /> �R the dlice Of iffe Re�er Of Oe�ds Oi ' Aall COUnIy' . . �
<br /> • .Do�et�IMnt #89�104366 . . . : :
<br /> , �� - _ �p� � has been paid.and said Beneficia'ry has requesied
<br /> - in writirg thac this�deeA o!recaiveyance he executed and deiivered as ca�timied by its endorsement beiaw
<br /> ` NOW7HEREFORE.inconsideratanotsuchpaymer►tandinaccordancewiththecequestottheBeneficiarynamedtherein.
<br /> the undersigned asTrustee doesby these presents,grant,remise.release,and reconvey tot6e person or persons entitted
<br /> ` tt�eretoalttheirnerestande&tatederivedtosaidTrosteebyorthroughsaidTrustDeecfinthefollowingdesciibedPremises .
<br />- but orHy as-tb suclr premtSes: � � `
<br />__ . Lpt_FiftY Bight (5�3.,I.eSeight� 4Ltt.Sulidivi.siaa, Hall County. Nebraska --
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<br /> , . Together wdh all bwtdings,fixtures.�mprovements and appurtenances belongingto such premises.
<br /> ���'
<br /> . � � � � FirsTier Bank,National Association
<br /> � �;' . .
<br /> s: � Omaha.Nebraska • .� �r. ;
<br /> • `= tiadember 13, 1991 � � �
<br /> , p nateh' By' Trustee : - �
<br /> _ �,t ��. .
<br /> ' ' ' ATTEST: �'`;
<br /> . a,
<br /> .:�,. �,�";€,-_
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<br /> STATE OF NE6RASKA . ) E,- -: =---
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<br /> _K;. ,.:_ 13th Hovember �g 91 ,before me the undersi ned,a N�tary [.
<br /> � (1n this. -.._.._._ day ot 9
<br /> ��
<br /> ' � ..�.. , ;
<br /> � '"'""•` Hublic duly commissianed and quahtied ior said Caunty.personally came Dick Nietfel8 — __ � .
<br /> '�;�- f��.-� as Trustr.e, to me knawn to be the identicaF person whose name �s subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ; ,
<br /> �,�,;�..... �• -
<br /> ��;�:.F,:f: . acknowledged the execution thereotto be his vo!un ar act and deed as such Trustee. .
<br /> �Y. . ;. ��i�rr� =
<br /> � '�f' .. �'t_:7_. '
<br /> _;.. aw�e�.�oo�s� �a t�,� �C,��v.��,a �.
<br /> rsy.�: My Commission�xpires: No�a�v p�oi�c �
<br /> ' `•�°•;u
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<br /> y- ��3. �
<br /> ' '.ti�" rj`.:�_ ,. �
<br /> . `Y- ,°'-"'�:- Th�s �s to cert�fy that the above named Trustee has been requested in writmg to executed the foregoing Oeed oi
<br /> �'�'� � Reconveyanr.e and h�s actton in doing so�s�atdied and contirmed in a11 respects.
<br />' "_ -.K""' _-n�_' . . . . .
<br /> ' -' - - � � - . - FirsTier Bank,IV�t��na�AssociatioR -
<br /> � ' ' Omaha.Nebraska •
<br /> . , . . , . B�nefrCi�ty
<br /> ' � ;{�T � . gy � Vice Pras�dent '
<br /> . -�7�.��(Y"'. _ 1 f IIW!1�/Yr.� . • � . � '
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