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<br /> . q�.`tloodio�.�fa wbirh LRSderroqai�es iasawnoe.This imuriaee s6�t1 be n�inp�ined ia t6e,arnounts.�ad fdr t�e paiodt
<br /> --- --______.��.�.�,�i�+�,e�insuranc� . ," . the ins�traece sl�lt be d�osert Eamvret to L,aider's appro�r�1—=--
<br /> ..�!± ._ �1�
<br /> a , �wbic�sbaU na be�w�oowbty wit�eld. If Ho�rnwer faiLY w maiaqin covera�e e, .ai u+�s . <
<br /> .� ` . q�,��t�Pentect I.e�der's iigMs in thc F�opttty ia a000cd�nce with P�'+8��-
<br /> . /lll imurmoe pdicies aod��Is ahall be aooeptabk to Leeder�d shall inciude a st�nGa�d mortgage cl�tse. l,ender
<br /> tbdl bav�th�ri�t w Mla Wc poticks 9iod teaewals.If I�er�equises:Aorrawet stull pmmp�tY Siv¢Uo La�der all�uoeipts of . . '
<br /> — ����[iC6�.III t�lC CVGIII O�EOS4s BOIi�Wlt 5��${YC�[AO�tD t�lG lJ191f7�C#IT1Cf�11Q�.C�1�f. ` ,-
<br /> ��.y��rof i�s;����r�r ao�,��r. , � -
<br /> ` � Unkss tssder aad Borrowcr atherwi3e a�groe in wriang,incurance pcoceeds shall he applied to restoration w cepair of tbe
<br /> p�vpaty dm�ed,if tLe resioration or�ais is swnonpc�lly feasiblc aad I.etder's security is not lessened.If d�e trstaration oc ,
<br /> t+epur is aot eao�aomial�Y feasible a Lasdes'�sowrity woul�bc kssened.the idwrrnce pmceedt st�fl bt appliad to t6c sao� ,
<br /> �. sea�od by d�is�Seauiry Inst�ument,wt�er or tiot d�a�da�wid��nY exc�ss paid to Bomower. 1f Bacmv�rer abaodops the
<br /> ' piopaty.a does not�r�vithin 30 diys a notice fram Lender thu t6e ins�uaa�e qrrier has offercd to s�ttle a claim.tf�a
<br /> • Lead�er maY co11aK the i�surmoe psoceeds. Leader may`iue the pr0000ds to re�air or�stoze°the Pr�nperty or to WY � ,
<br /> ��by,t6is Socutiry I�uument,wl�dher or mt tl�en dne.l7�e 30-0ay Period wiil begin when tbe notice is give�
<br /> ' �nless i�eoder.and Borrowu adrciwise agret in writing,any �pptiptiot�of pmceeds to prinapat s6a11 dat extaad ot
<br /> p�po�e�tLC due date of thc'monW1Y�yments tefemed to ia Qarignphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of thc payments.If . , _
<br /> uader p�h 21_the Prnpecty is xqairod dy Le�xfer,Horrowa's right to u►y irisurance policies ard procads resulting fmm _
<br />=- dwm�ge to the Fmpatyprior to tl�e acqaisition shall plcs to I.+ender to the extent af the suins secuted by this Socuriry Inst�umeat
<br /> -- u�modiately prior to tbe scquisition. � �
<br /> - '- � • • i.Oe�y.Fina'raBa�.Maiataa�ce s�d Ptotectio�ol t6e Ptop�t��nnwds l.o�a Applicatioe:Leasel�aW!.
<br /> Haiow�er s6�U accupy,esqblish,aad use ti�e Propemy as Bocr�vrer's priacipat residet�oe within si�cty days atter the exavtion of
<br /> d�is Sa�riry'Iratmmeat aad shati�ontinu�to occupy the Prope�ty as 8orrower's psincipal nesidence for at kut.one yar�fter
<br /> �:.: onn
<br />�:� .`•;1;•' �� t�e date at occupancy,unless l.ender atherwise agrees in writing,afiich consent shaD not 6e un�easoaably withbeId.or unkss
<br />��.. ';.:1� e�ouum8 c�rcumstances eaist which ane beyond Borrower's cantrol. Ao�sawer shall not dcstmy. darnage or impair the
<br /> �� � pnnpecty,aTfow the Frope�ty!o deterloratc,or cammit wastc.en.the Property.Borrower shall be in default if any focfeiwte —
<br /> �: action or proceoding,wf�ether civil or criminal,is begun that i�r,#.ender's good faith judg�ent cauld rgsalt in forfeiture of the
<br />, ' - . ,• prope�ty ar aherrvise nwterially'impair the lien ereated by tius Secanly Inm��rx�t or lxrxter's security interest.Homuwer may
<br /> � cure sach a defauit and teinstate.as provided in pazagtaph 18,fi�caIISing a�e��tt or proceeding to be dismissed witb a tuling
<br /> . th�t,ia lttder's-g,aod f�ith detg�aation. piecG�es fdcfe�`.ur��f the 8o,mo�++tr's i�erest in the Ptaperty ar other m�tetial
<br /> impoitment of the Gea cnated by this Security I�a�nt fls�Ster's seii=unzy inferest�;ffosrower shalt-atso be in defaWt if `
<br /> � Borna--,�ras.during tt�e loan application p�ncess,gave�tecia;7�fa:,e or inaccurate infornn.i�aa�ur statc�neats to L,end�e6 6%n failed
<br />`��= W pmvi��ender with any material infora�ation)ia c�nneixjpB�i'th the loan evidenced fsl�Note,including,but�7imited
<br /> to,sz�iasentatian4 conceming Bortower`s occapancy af t1�e ProPerty as a ptineipa!residens;�..�f this Sauriry Instrumaat is oa a
<br /> 1�Fd, Burrower shall comply arith all the pmvisirnis of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee titie w the P�roperty, the
<br /> � lease�oid aad t6e fce title shall not merge u�tess Lend.r aerees to the merger in writing. ��
<br /> , �ptotedba of l.endee's RigLts in the Propwt�.�f Borrower faits to perform the covenants anit agreements contained in =_-_
<br /> g �:,.-
<br /> .,°' thts Se�euriry Instrument, os there is a legal praceeding that�nay significantly affect I.endec's rlghts in the Property(sucl►as a =_-
<br /> , . �. . procetding in banlauptcy,probate,far wndemnation or forfei2usc or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lendcr m�y do and
<br /> . `' �' , pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and 1.�en�er�s ri8hts in the Pcopecty_3..cnder's actions may �,=
<br /> - inciude paying any sums secu�ed by a•lien which has priarity over ti�is Security Insttument,.appea.�:rg in couri, paying �
<br /> � � �� aasooable atWmeys'fees and entering on the Propcity ta make repairs.Although l..ender may take acticsn under this puagtaph ��_
<br /> • 7,Len�cr.das nat have to do so. -
<br /> . ; 1�y amounts dlsbursod by I.endcr under �:'�is paragraph 7 shaU become additior.aD s2�e of$orrower secnred by this
<br /> • '�•� Soc��+y Instrutneret.Unless Borrowcr and l.en�•�agree to ather tcrms af payrncnt.these amounxa sE�aia,i�ear interest from the
<br /> daze as8 distwrserr+en�at thc Note rate and shall bc payable. witb interest, upan notice from I.endeP aus Botrower requesting
<br /> -_ _.� PaS�s. � '
<br /> � �� , 8.?Nortg,age Iasurance.lP i.cndcr rcyuired mortgage irn�:rancc as a condition of making the Ioan secured by th�s Security
<br />- `r' .•'-� lnstrum+ent, Borrower shalt pay the premiums required to maintain thc martgage ia�urance in effect. If,for any s�on, the ,
<br /> .• :,�� tnortgage Insurance�averagc rcyuiral by i.cndcr lapscs ar cca.�cs ta bc in effcc�,&�rrawer shail pay the premiums requircd to
<br /> ' '..:;�;� obt�n eoverage subs�anti�lly cquivatent to the martgage insurance prcviouwly in effect,at a cost subst�intially equivalent to the
<br /> •�: ,
<br /> oose r•,¢�orrawer of ihe rtwrtgige insurancc prcviausly in effc��e. from an zeltcmatc mortgagc incuter approvcd by Lender.If
<br /> � •..�. suEss�,,=�tialty equivalent mortgage iasurancc covcrage is not availa6te.Bnrruwcr�haq pay to Lender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> � .'�•.t^``' .�:'.' , one-t�trelfth of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrawer when thc insurance wverage lapsed or eeased to
<br /> �' ����`'-: � be in effect.Lendcr wil!accept.usc anJ rctain tl"�sc payments s�s a f�s rescrvc in licu of mongagc insurance. Loss reserve
<br />- •i!( ��_ wa_.�
<br />,. ?'�!�� Fann�2� !!�0
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