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<br /> 2. S�n�t�r�►Sewe�°. Pukrllc sanitary sew�r main is avai�able to the 9ubdivision
<br /> sY►d�:u�l!L;��;:��ii�►i:��:�;:,vid:,ti by th��ut�ivi��r t�cu:in:�t�.h�s�lKflvlQ�o�e �n r+.�,�,n�xnr,� �
<br /> with pl�ns and specifia�d�ns approvod by thc D�ctar of P�blfc Works and subjact to the Ciry's �
<br /> inspectuan.
<br /> � 3. Sfo�;a R;�f�:�z. Tha 3u�clivide: agr:,:� to gr��de !hs �u�vl�iQn in
<br /> s�jua�tien�i�.h th�e�e�t�!rrs th�reon so that gtor�c�draina�e is conveyed to a drainage syst�m
<br /> to be constructed by tttie Subdivider a�s per drainage plans appmvod by the Diroctor of Public
<br /> Wor1u and subjoct to tho City'a inspecdon.
<br /> 4. lSiderrnliu. The Subdivider shall insWl sidtw�k to c,onnect the
<br /> dcvelo�xrra�t W the hlkerlbiker tra�il alon� StAte Stroet as �hown on tha mASter plan for the
<br /> cfevr3opmait a per Approved RD(Itesidential Dav�lopmGnt)Zan�when the subdivis�o+n��built
<br /> �•
<br /> S. Pianned Develop�at. The �ubdivlsion con�titutc� a portion of an
<br /> appc�o�vod pisw�od unit cic�ie]o�nait p�usu�nt W Soction 36-30 of the 4rand Island City�ode xnd
<br /> the cwntinuiag r�oquirema�t�of s�id Soction shall be complied with by the subdivider.
<br /> 6. 5twte S� Aac�s. 'I'he 5abdivider shall construc¢ttic access to State
<br /> Stre�in the locat�on�s shown on the master plan for the devclopment as per the appmved RTa
<br /> (Resida�ti�,t�t)7ane. The�Sign of such access shall be approvod by the Dinector of
<br /> ' Public Works and be subjxt ta the City's inspecaon. -
<br /> 7. Frn=ineertn� lt�tx. AU final eng�neering pl�ns and spocifications for
<br /> impmvements shall be fl�mished by the Subdivider to the Departanent of Public �orks for
<br /> app�oval prior to c;c�tracting for construction of any improvements.
<br /> 3
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