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<br /> ORDINANCB i1W. 8191 (Contj _
<br /> 96-� 10413'�
<br /> c�rrrrTnu?, ���►���ries of suc�s�nitary sewcr distrtct shall bc as tollo�vs: �
<br /> Heglnning at a point Ninety (90.0) fcxt south of and fi�rty Three and Seventy
<br /> Throc Hundredihs (43.73) foct east of th�cer►ter of Sectian'Twenf}r Four (24),
<br /> Townshi� lElevc� (11) Plorth. Range Ten (10)Wost of tho 6th p.m.� said point
<br /> being p�the e�line of Claudo Road; t��cnoe south on the east Une of Claade Raaci
<br /> tar a distar� of F.ight Hu�dred Fif�Cen and Seven Aei►tha (515.� foet; they�ce
<br /> oonpi�uu�g aputh c,n the east line of Claude Ra�d W a point on the northerly right
<br /> of-way lIne of C�ld tlr.S.Highw�y No. 30; th�ncc southwest�rly on the north line
<br /> nf Old U.S. gIighwmy No. 3p to th�e�st line Af Jerry 1Drive;ss�id lino also being
<br /> t�hs �vest li*�e of ��c�s's 'I hi+� Suhdivision; thencx �enrth on said line �d a
<br /> pndongation ther�oof tn a point Four Hunrlral(400.0)fxt nortl�of the narthwest
<br /> come,r af �.ot 'I�vo (2)� Bick°s 'Thind 5ubdivision; thence east on a line Four
<br /> ]Hundrod(A00.0)fat rarth of and gardlkl Lo tho north line of Lot Twa�(2)�Aick's
<br /> Third Subdivisian and Lot Twea�ty Sevcan (27)� Reuting's Pirst Subdivision ta a
<br /> pdnt o�the west line af Jdmstow�Roa�d: thax�e soutl�eastuly on tfie west line of
<br /> Jo�nstuwn Rc9ad to�point Two Hundrad Sixty Eight and Siaty Five Hund�dths
<br /> �268.65) fat north of the north line of Lot Twenty Seven (27�, Reuting's Pirst
<br /> Subdivision; tha�ce east on a line 'Two Hundred Sixty Eight and Sixry Five
<br /> Hundrodths (2b8.65) faet north of and pus��tlel to the nortt�line of Lot Twen+ty
<br /> Seven (27)� Reuting'�First Subdivi�ion w a point on the east Iine of JohnsWwn
<br /> R�oad, said point being the no�thwtst cxxner of Lot Six(�.�3eadwood Subdivision; ..
<br /> tt��wct�a,sterly on thG north line of I.ot Six(6), Deadwood Subdivision for a
<br /> distance of Two Hund�ad Focty Five�►d Tfiree TenYhs(245.3)foet; thence east on
<br /> the nocth line of Lot Si�c(6)�Draclwood Subdiv�siae,to a point Th�tty(30.0)ft�et
<br /> � west of the northaist oorner of Lot Suc (6), Desdwo�d Subdivision; thenAe
<br /> northerly on A line Thirty(30.0) feet wost of xnd paralYel to the ea.st lina of Lot �
<br /> Five(S)� Dea�dwood Subdiaision for a distance of Two gIundrrd Forly LIght and
<br /> - Scva1 T�nths (248.� fixt; thence easterly on thc aorth lia�e Qf Lot (�ne (1),
<br />' Sheaffer Subdivision �nd a prolongation thereof for a dishaMx�f On� Hundrad
<br /> � Sixty (160.0) feet to thc wcst line of Ciauda Road; thence northerly on the we�st
<br /> 4 line of Claude Road for�distance of Nmety(90.0) fat; thcnct castctly on x�linc
<br /> N'u�ty(90.0)fat south of and puallel.bo the north line of the Southwese Quarter
<br /> (SW'�i)s�nd the Saitheast Qoaiter(SBS4j, Section"Twer►ty Four(24), Township
<br /> _ P.l�vr.n(11)North,Range Ten(10)West of the 6th p.nn.,far a clistance of 7�.73
<br /> " fat to the paint of bcginning, all as shown on tha plat datod May 13, 1996,
<br /> m.:rlced�chibit A attachod hc.rew and ineorporated herein by neferencx.
<br /> Apyrovea n u F«m � ,��
<br /> M�y 17�l996 � City AtlomcY
<br /> 2
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