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1 , '�,i+�.�:�:.�:....� .'� -___._�� �..:_:_- <br /> �•• . . - _ _ ._I_.._�_����...__" ..�....� <br /> �:.. ',_.. 1� _ _ <br /> � � _ <br /> .. .:Jr � _.��...��.�- - _— <br /> .. . . µ �a aaacs� �ou�.s =- <br /> i. �estl}uAi�e�:{��-33��5�F�;Y�_P1r��'!w.?'Olij'T+_.-':' ' __ '�'Si'FT-./'e! `°��_.. _. <br /> �; . it r� <br /> ��� �.04��.�:� C:=: <br /> (=6.000,000.00) far all damages ariAing out af badily injuris3 to or derath of =_ <br /> any pereon or pereone and for all damnges axising out of or loes or destxuction <br /> uf or fi:�uscy or dama�;e tn proper.ty durinB the policy period. Said inaurance - <br /> a cor aration qualified to write tne same in L�•a ����a =n <br /> prrlicy executed by P - <br /> the woxk is to be performed Ehall. be in forrn and substance eatisfactory to <br /> cUe Gran2ar and shall be de]•ivered to and approved by the Grantor pri�r ta the rt <br /> entry upon or use of ita property by the cone�:actor. - <br /> The Gr�ntee �shall re�ulre ite contractor or any af his suhcontxactars to <br /> carxy regular Gontractor•s Public I.iability and pxoperty Damage Insurance as <br /> apecified in Fefleral-Aid Policy Guide. 23 CFR 6q6A provid3ng for a limit of n�t <br /> less than One rlillion Doilurs (51�000.000) for a11 damages aris�ng out uf bodi,ly <br /> injuries to or deach of ane person. and subject to thnt for ear.h peraon, a <br /> total limit of not le�ss than Two Million Dollars (S2.00O.U00) for all dnmages <br /> arising out of bo831y injuries to or death �f two or more persons in any <br /> ac:cideni and px���.ui«� =a: � !±�'�* ^f not less than 4ne Million Dollare <br /> (�1.600.000) far ail damages ta or destruction of property in at►y one accident <br /> and subjac�t•to L•hat li.rnit a total (or aggregate) limit of not less than Two <br /> , M3.11ion DolXars (s2�000.Q00) for a11 damages to c�r destruction of propertY <br /> durin� the palicy period. A certified copy of the policy prov3ding said <br /> Contractor's Public Liability and Property Anmage Tnsurance �xecuted by a <br /> corporatiat► qualified to write the same in the StaLe in whicDi the worl� is tn he <br /> performed, in form and aubstance eatis£actory to the Grantor. shall be delivaxed <br /> to and appraved by the Grantor prior tA the entry upoa or use of the Grantor's <br /> prop�s��y �y ti�a Cant:.:.ctor. <br /> The Grantee shaZl require its contractoX or any of .ite subcontractor� to <br /> � c.arry a Business Automobile Inaurance Policy or equivalent policy with minimum <br /> � limits of one million doll.ars (S�.00O,Q00) for hodily in3ury and property damage <br /> � pet occurrence on all vehicles which the contractor or suhcontractors. their <br /> � agents or employees may use at any tima in connection with the performance of <br />_i <br /> thF work on this project. A certified copy of the policy providing said <br /> Businesg Auf ,�nobile Insurance sxecuted by a corporation qualified to write the <br /> __ �_ _L_ _._.e ,., �,�,a,.h rao �ortc is to be uerformed, in form and substanCe <br /> . Sart1C itt i.aav 000..o .... ...._.-.. -.-_ .._ . _ . <br /> , satisf�ctarry to the Company, ahail be delivered to and appxoved bq the Company <br /> prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's property by tha Contractor. <br /> -3- <br />