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<br /> �'�� THi3 DEED OF TRU3T,Ia made ee of the �A*h day of M.� ,19 9b .by end emon� c
<br /> —`' theTnistor, J�f�r�ev L '�od��n�l i Kothlc-en E Vodohnal . huettand �r_d h!l4ar ��
<br /> 2723 Br�ntrood Bivd Osand Iela�d �herein"Tnastor;whett e?one or more).
<br /> whose mailing address(s
<br /> =_= the Trustee -
<br />"1� whose malling address�s P•0• �ax iS87 (3rnnd Island, HE 68882 _(hereln'Trus�ee'),and
<br /> — the Bsneflciary, Five Point� Bank
<br />_ - whose mailing address is 2815 M. Broadvvll I3road Isl�nd, ld8. 66802-i507 (heretn•Lerx�et�.
<br /> -= FOA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lenders extenslon of crsdit Identified hereln to
<br /> J�i�s�y L Vod�An�l
<br /> (hereln`Borrower,"whether one or more)and the trust herefn created,the receipt
<br /> — of wh�h Is hereby acknowledged,Truator hereby Irrevocably grants,transfers, convcys and sssigns to Trustee, IN TFIU�T,WITH
<br /> — POWER OF 6ALE,tor the beneflt and seCUrity ot Lentler,urxier and subjaci iv iiin in����o aiti 4�rt�ttt3�.r&t�.arats�tl;.s,^:!t�slt=,lt:�s°�.�
<br />--- properry clescd6ed as tolbws;
<br /> ar�nd Iilin�hrH�112County nR�braskai� Subdivi�ion to th� City o#
<br /> Together with ell bulldings.Improvements,tixturea,streets,atleys,Passageways,easements,righte,Privilepes and epPurtenur�ces
<br /> located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the rents,Issues ana protite,reverslona end remalndere thereof,end such per-
<br /> sonal propeRy that t�attached to the improvements su as to constitute a flxture,lncluding,but not Ilmited to,henting and coolfng equip-
<br /> ment;and together with the homestoad or madtal tnterests,iF any,which Interests are hereby reteasad and waived;atl oi 4vhiah,includ-
<br /> (ng replacements and add(tions thereto,is bereby declered to be a part of the real estate eecured by the Ilen of this Deed oi Trus4 end
<br /> aA of the forago!ng be�n9�eterred to hereln as the`Property'.
<br /> This Deed of Trua4 shau secure(a)the payrment of the principai eum and interest evidenced by a promissary note or credit eQree-
<br /> mont dated�_ ,_..,.havinq a meturity date of� �
<br /> In the o8yinal pdncipal amount of S 9��7 � , and any and aif modiflcationa,extens{ona and renewe�e
<br /> thereof or thereto end any end all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them i(more than one=hereun�ier purswnt
<br /> to one or more p�om�sseal►notea or credR egreements(hera�n called"Note'�;(b)the payment of other suma edvanced byP Lendor to
<br /> protect the securitY of the Note;(c)the pertortnanca of ell covenants and egreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)ell preaent end
<br /> future inciebiedness and viiliytiEl�n�of Borrowor;or�ny of tham H moro thacs on�)to 1.3r:�st Wttether dlrect,!n�!r�+!;t,absoluta or cnnHn- ,
<br /> gent cnd whether arising by note,guarenty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,thla Deed of Trust and any and all otfier documents that
<br /> secure the Nate or otherwise executed In connection therewith, Includinp without Ilmftatlon guarantees,securtry agreements end
<br /> assignments of Ieases and rents,shatl bo referred to horeln as tho"Loan Instn�menta".
<br /> Tn�star covenanta a�d egrees with Lender as totlowa:
<br /> - 1. Paynwnt of Indobt�/n�s�.All indebtedness secured hereby ehalt be pafd whei�due.
<br /> - 2. Tit1�.Trustor Is the owner ot the Prope�ty,has the dght and authority to convey the Property,and wananta that the Ilen creat-
<br /> - ed hereby is a tirst and pdor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens end encumbrences set forih by Trustor In w�ting and dc+llvered to
<br /> - Lender before oxecutton o1 QNs Deed of Trust,and the executton and del(very of this Deed of Trust doos not vfoista eny contre,M or
<br />----- other obUyatlon ta which Trustor Is subJect.
<br /> "- 3.Taxes�AssNament�.To pay betore dellnquoncy ell taxes,s{}acial essessmente end ail other charges against the P�oparty
<br /> --- nc►w or hereatter leviad.
<br /> 4.Insunncs.7o keep the Property fnsured aQalnst damape by tire,hazards inctuded wtthln the term"extandod coveraqe".end
<br /> --- such hazsrda as Lender mgy requfre,in emounts and with companles acceptable to Lender,naming Lender aa an additional rbamet6
<br /> _._,.�, Insured,wtth loss payabte ro the Lender.In casa of loss under such pollcios,the Lender Is suthorized to adJust,coltect and compro-
<br /> 1 mise,all claims thereunder end shall have the option of epplying all or part of tho Insurance proceeds(f)to any Indebtadnesa secured
<br /> i hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Tru3tor to be used tor the repafr or restoration of the Property or(i(q tor
<br /> ,�� any other p�urpose or object satistactory to Lender without aftecting tha Ilen of this Deed of TNSt for the fuil amount secured hereby
<br />-__-_-° hatnre such navment ever took place.Any applications of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extond or postpone tho duo drate of any
<br /> payments under the Noto,or cure any detauit thereunder or hareunuer.
<br /> ;�'� 6.Escrow.Upon w�itten demand by Lender,Trustee shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may destpnate,sutiklent
<br />~�.-=.--�:' to enahte Lender to as they become due one or more of tho follawing:(f�all texeo,aesessmonb end other charges agalnst -.
<br /> J sums PaY
<br />-w�.��::� the Property,(11)the premiums on tho property insurence roqulred hereunder,(Iif)the premlums on any mortgage insuranco requfred by _
<br />_4=:7=- Lender. -
<br />.�7>:�. 8. Nlaint�n�nc�, Rspdre end Compllancs with Lewa. Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repalr. ahail =
<br /> -`ti '. promptly repalr,or reNtace any Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or permlt ar►y waste or detedo�a• _
<br /> -�:�.�� tion o}the Propurty;shall rat remova,demolish or subotantially etter any ot the irriprovemonte on the Property;chail noi commlt, suFter
<br /> „yl:3 or perm{t Any act to be done in or upon the Property in violatlon ot eny Iaw,ordlnanc9,or rogutation;and shetl pay and promptty dis•
<br /> :.��.'�: chargo at Trustor's cost and oxpense ull Ilens,oncumbrances end chargos levted,Imposed or accessed agalnst tho Proporty or any
<br />'•a�.,.. part thoreof. =
<br /> t• ' 7. Emit�nt Domafn.Londer Is hereby asslgned all compensatfon,awerds,damttges and other payments or rellef(hereinafter
<br /> _ r+eo�si nw�.vM..a a.e�M�.eae � � -
<br /> O�ueewua�rawacon.nrarn��w�rmwWOwwnuxonr+br.w � , ..t: i =
<br />