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<br /> PARTBE�1:Tht�DNd o}Tru�t I�m�on,_, M-sY '�1. ,YQOS __,�mona tlt�Or�ntor, rnnnr� e as�: f.a=tx_
<br />. ut nwionrm oQnaNf ��'BO�foW�f'�.�.
<br /> —.�BF,�ID R AB&CK. ATTORNEY G7
<br /> wha��redd�nce�ddreu la j�(�..pnY �o; nr■�d.=.1�nA u■ii _�Cou�ry, Nebn�ka 1'Trustee"1,snd tho Benef{clary.
<br /> �i�.�]'��,Egt►t. AAll7�R t Lnai� aa�orrx►Tio� _��corpontion orp�Nied `�
<br /> md sxlttinp urder tha I�wa o+__��5�_t�a_, who�s addrsu I�_��� so rru r.ntvsm fiTAF.F.'M_ _
<br /> �7f�l1L.7AT.AT7n� NRARAI4KA �gEipa-inn9 l"Lendu"!.
<br /> CONVEVAkCFs For v�lu�r�ceiwd,Borrow�r knvoaebiy prrnU snG convsy�to Truat��,ln trutt, with powsr of wls,the reN prop�rty,of which
<br /> Barow�r y lawtuty s�ixtd, d�scribsd t»low�cd aH butldinp�, fixtun�, �rtd�xi�tiny�nd futun Improv�m�nt�tMrson�nd ell rlght�•of-way,
<br /> au�rrrnt�, nnto, Is�w�, profit�, Incoms, t�n�m�nt�, Mr�dtt�tn�nt�, pr:vlN��� �nd �ny�Qpurt�nsnca tMr�unto 6alonpinp (al! c�lled th�
<br /> "D�oP�Y") .
<br /> PlIOPEpTY AQD8E3s: �Qa VTT.T.I1 MLA n�� AtI� �,�an*tr� �rAt.aNn �N�bratk� Faani �
<br /> LEOAL Of.�C111►T10N: csu.ni lc�H� aw Coax
<br /> , locrt�d In rxRS*i*� Tat.nrre� Nnr.r. County,N�b►uk�.
<br /> TITLE:Borrower coven�nts�nd warnnt�titia to the propsrty,sxc�pt for
<br /> iECUIIED OEl1T:Thi�dNd of tru�t s�cures to Lsnd�r r�payment of th�ucwed ds6t and the p�rfam�nc�of tlw cownant�Md �aNm�rrti
<br /> contekwd In thl�ds�d of t�wt end(n any otMr documsnt Incapont�d hK�tn.S�curM d�Dt,as us�d In thl�deed oi vuat,inckid��a�Y amou�t�
<br /> Borrow�v ow�s to Lsnd�r unciK thls dNd of Vutt or undK�ny Irutrum�nt tscwed by thl�dsed of Yrust,and dl modifls�tion�,extansion�and
<br /> rsn�wN�tMrsn}.
<br /> - TM pdxW dabt is�vW�nc�d bY(Ust�11 irseuum�nt��nd�sem�nt�qcw�d by thia d�sd ot trwt and the d�tos tlxrsof.l:
<br /> . � n PRtlwi�r^yQjZ� `rn�nn �yn QRQ��Ty�RRM)tbj'j�flATRn YLV tl� 709�
<br /> �Futur�MvK.�ca: TM abow�mount b s�ar�d �wn tlwuph �1I w part ot It may not y�t b� �dvanc�d. Futun adv�ncn��
<br /> cont�mplat�d and wfll b�acund to ths s�rtN�xnnt u If mad�on th�d�t�thfs d�sd o4 uust le executed.
<br /> n Reyolvinq On�of cr�dit prNmant dat�d_ ,whh inkl�i ennwl{nt�n�t nt�of�96,
<br /> All�mounts owW uncNr thfsp��trrNnt ue sscursd�wn thouph NI amouM�m�y nnt y�t E��dv�nad.Futun�dvanc�s und�r
<br /> tM ep��nt�r�cont�mpl�t�d ind will b�sacursd to tl»ums axt�nt a if mW�on tM dato tM�dwd of trust fs�x�cut�d.
<br /> .. TfN�bow oMlg�tbn 1�dw rnd oayaW�on t�nt_la, �eao .r.. If not Mid�a�liM,
<br /> TM toUl unpaid bat�na sscur�by thl�dNd of bvst rt eny orn tims shaH not�xc�ad�Rirdmu�o pri�roi{wi rmuuni ur
<br /> ■nno ,�unrrg�a,�yp_�/+a(L Dolle�1��1,�noo_DO !,plw Int�r�+sL
<br /> pku�ny�mounte dlsburs�d und�r tt►�tKma of thl�dMd of truat to proteat ths s�curity of thl�d�ed of vust a to p��torm�ny oi ttH
<br /> cownsMa contdned In this d�ad ot truit,with Intereet nn euch disbun�ment�.
<br /> ❑V�riN�N R�tr.7hs intore�t�at�on tM obliQation secursd by 4hla d�sd ot uu�t may vary�ccordtnp to th�torma of th�t obflD�tion.
<br /> ❑ A copy of the ben epraartNnt contelnlnp the term�under whlch the tntanst rate may vary Is attached to thia daed of Vust end
<br /> mMe a p�rt heroof.
<br /> RIDERS: � Commerclal � a�atc�ut�tt�T o st�r�Ta ❑ _ —
<br /> Purswnt to th�Farm Homutud Prot�ctbn Act,deiipnatfon of hom��te�d ❑ 1��ttacMd Ro thls daed of Vuet�nd mad�e p�rt t��ol
<br /> ❑ M�bNn di�cl�im�d:th�d(scidm�r i��tt�ch�d to this d��d of teust ond mad��pwt hareof.
<br /> � SFONATURES:�y s{pnh�p Mbw.sonow�►�pn�to tlw t�rrta�nd cov�n�nt�contikNd In W�dMd of Wat.Mctu��p thos�nn pvp�2. �! In
<br /> •ny eidKS d�serfb�d rbow by Borcown.
<br /> � `
<br />- . - � �� ���„�
<br /> ACKNOWL@OQMFt+I'r:STATE OF N[BRASKA, [�un*m s .arm� Knr.r. County ss:
<br />� The foreqofny Instrurr�ent wa�ecknowledgod before mo on thle ii�t day ot 1+1nY, �9�6 _
<br /> - py ntnn*w n outq��gT.AR2N� era tn�nncTQn nvoarfu _____
<br />� �{���� mu.c.0
<br /> CorDa�t�a �f lN�m�of CaDa�uon a hrcnx�e+kl -
<br />.- ►MtMrW90 — .
<br /> - A�u�"�'^� d Canm.Exn.Ni 199! on behal}of the corporetion or permenhip,
<br />- My commisslan exptres: 5/6/9e '
<br /> - (S�M) _js�C�AAAAKIC _INOt�ty M1iil
<br /> Thla Insvument wae prep�red by ziv� sp orc .v
<br />' o�oes��xc�ssvsrc�+s.wc..er.c�nuo.MNesao+n-�ows�•zs4nwm�oc�.Mro.r+Eenor�� Ap�L# 000zo2le �p�D���n� �"�ASKA
<br /> � CCDN 0100451101
<br /> �."'^'_'._ ..."__....__�.,,.,'*a7� S,Y=c""..--�—.,— .--..—.-��..-.......�_._�__.,��,�a..�..,, _.— __ .__ _ -.._..._ . __._.
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