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Mowavcr, thln optlon nhali not 60 oxercl�cd by Lcndcr li oxcrclso Is prohlbitod by iodcral law n�nf tha � <br /> dnto o}thls Socurlty Inetrument. _ <br /> 11 Lender exerclsee thls optlon, LendQr ehall pive Borrowor notice ot acceleratton. The notice shall provide a poriod of not ►0 ' - <br /> . ?� losa than 30 deyo irom the date tho notice Is dallvered or mallad withln whlch Bonower must pay nIi sums sacured by thls L� <br /> 3acurlty Inotrument. It Borrowor feil3 to pny thesa sums prlor to the explration o1 this pEriod, Lender may Invoke eny remodle3 � <br /> •� �. � � pormittod by thls Secudry Instrument wllhaut further notice or demand on Borrower. � <br /> 1B. Bol'rOWe�'B Right to Relnetate. I} Borrower maeto certain conditlons, Borrower ehall have iha rlght to heve � <br /> s_.;�_ entorcement o1 4hls 5ecudty Instrumont discontinued at any time pA�r to the eadier of: (a) 8 days (or such other period as � <br /> ,:��'.�"-� 9pplicsbla law may speclty lor relnetstement)b�fure eete o1 the Property pursuent to any power oi saie contameo in inis oeauriiy „� <br /> :� Inetrument; or (6) eniry of e judgment Pntorcing ihls Security Instrument.Those condlNons era that Konowar. (e) pays Lender ull <br /> sums whlch then would be due under thls Securfty Instrument and the Note as If no acceleratlon had occurred; (b) cures any <br />- � defeult o} �ny other COVC119h1 or agreements; (o) pays all expensea incurred in enforcing thlo Secudty Instrument, Inctuding, but <br /> � not Iimited to, reasoneble attomeys'tees; and (d) takes such action es Lender may ransonabty reyulre to assure that the Ilen of <br /> �' this Secutity Instrumcnt, Lcnder'a dght� in the Property and Borrawer'a obligatlon to pay the aums secured by this 3ecmiry <br /> � � � � Instrumer�t sheli continue unchanged. Upon relnstetement by Borrawer, this Secudty Instrument and tfie obligatlons aecured _ <br /> i'� hereb shell remaln tu efleetive as If no accoleratton had occurred. However,thls right to relnatate sheil not apply in Ihn case <br />,:�,�;M-,>�. �� Y � <br /> ";• of ucceleratlon under paragraph 17. <br />''s`*"',"' 19. Sald of Note; Change of Loan Servioer. 7he Note or a a paRlal interest In tnc� Noce (logether vAth thls � <br /> , ,. � - <br />�=;` ' Secudry InsWment) mey be sold one or more•Jmes without pdor notice to Borrower.A sele may result In a change in the enUty � <br />_'��,�,� (known as the 'Loan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Thore elso may �p <br /> �°`_ �• be one or more chanfles oi the Loan Servicer unreiated to a sale af the Note. If there Is e chango of tha Loan Servicer, � � <br />- � t�" "� Borrower wili be given w�(tten notice oi the change In accordance vrlth paragraPh 14 ebove and appi:cable law. The noUce will w M <br /> " `�"'�� etete the nume and eddresa af tho new Lonn Servicer and the address to whlch payments should be mado. The notice will elso O � <br /> ::�z-.� . .. . <br /> . cantain any other informatlon requtred by appllcabte lav+. p <br />���°°'-=�. 20. Hazardoue Substaneea. Borrower shall not c.ause or pemilt the presence, use, disposal, storage, or rdease of � <br /> '�''•��'�' any Hezardous Substence3 on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor ellow enyone elso to do, anylhing sHecling tl�e <br /> " `'�:?;w� Properry that Is In vlolatlon of eny Environmentel Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or <br /> �'����;, stontge on the Propedy of small quantitlos of Hazerdous Subatances that are generally recognlzed to be eppropdate to normal <br /> �„�.��;� �sldentlat uses and to malntenance of the Pruporty. <br /> Borrower shall promplly glve l.ender written notice of any Invest�gation, clalm, demand, Iawsult or other action by any <br /> =`�`� goYemmental or regulalory agency or private pariy Invofvfng the i'roperty and eny Hazardoua Substanr,e or Enviranmentd Law of <br />==�"iti::� which Borrower has ectusl knowtedga.0 If Borrower leams, or is ootified by any govemmental or regulatory authodty,Ihat any <br /> ^���;�� s�rso:��! �: a:hM rr.:�!°.:'�n a! �ss; iT4�A fln��a $Gihatnnce eNecUng Pruaerhr is necessary. Borrower shall prompUy take ali <br />_��'j;r� necessery remedlal acUona In accordanco wfih Environmental Lew. <br /> As used in this para�raph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" ere ttiooe substances daflned as toxla or hazardous subst�nces by <br /> '�� Envlronmental Lew end the foilowing substances: gssoline, keroscne, other 1lammable or toxla peVoleum producls, toxic <br /> pesticldes and herblcldes,volaUle soNents, materials cantaining asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and redlenct(ve materials. As used In <br /> — _ peragr�ph 20, 'Environmentnl Lnw" meAns federel laws snd laws of the Jurisdlctlon whare the PropeRy Is located that relate to <br /> _ = hesRh,satety or environmental protectlon. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender turther covenant and agree as follows: <br /> -- 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. �ende� shall gtve notice to Borrower prior to acael�ration <br /> = <br />