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<br /> � f� ' •TO�ETHER WITH e� the Improvemento now or hereaRer Arected on the proparty, and all ec�sementa, appurtenancos, and
<br /> • d� •.� tixturoa nav on c�rcafter n paA ot the prope�ty.All replacements �nd additions shnll utso be covcrod by thls Secu�lty Instrument. �._
<br /> All 01 tho torepoln�Is rclerred to In iP�lo 9ecurity Inntn�ment as tho 'Property" � °
<br /> • FfQRROVt'ER COVENAtVT9 that Borrowcr la Inwfully sclzcd oi tho ostato herr.hy convoyed and huo lho rlght to �rnnt �nd � ��``
<br /> convoy tho F'roperry and thst tha Proporty I� unencumbered, oxccpt for cncurnhrancos o1 rccord. Borrowcr wcarrants nnd e�Ill l� P 4
<br /> �r
<br /> � d e t e n d p e n e r a l ty t h o t i t l o t o t h a P ro pert y a gainat ali clalma and demando, eubJact to nny encumGmncoa ot rocord. � __
<br /> ,,�•n 5 7HI9 SECUR��Y Ih37AUMENT combines uni(orm cavenanta lor nat iona l uae an d non•u n!t o rt n c a v e n a n t fl w i t h I l m i t a d �=
<br /> -• v a d a t l o r�e b y�u tl sdi c tlon to canstitule e unifortn socurlry Instrumant covering real proporty. � �;
<br /> •.,,.,�, , ,}� U�IfORM CnYENANTB, Botrower and Lendor covenant and egroe as f o l i o w a: a when � —
<br /> �°'''i'" 1, p�ymont ot PrMalp�l and Int�r�at; Pr�paym�nt and I.�H ChArgea. Borrower shall promptly p y �
<br /> duo tha princlpal ol and Intorest on the debt ovldenced by the Note and eny propayment and lato cherge3 due under the Note. �._
<br /> � c.....�. Mr T.Yw.�nd Inas�Pance. Subject to epplfcable law or to a wrlltsn wafvcr by Lcndcr,Barrower sheli pey �
<br /> ��' � to Lender on tho day monthly paymenta are due under tho Noto, untu tne ivote is paid i�� iu�i,a �u��� �cs;��_•? ��.; rq? ,�pa.ty _
<br /> _-��� p nY� ead leasehold _o
<br /> tc+xas and assessments which may arialn pdority over thls Securlry Instrument as a Ilen on ihn Pro o (b) Y Y
<br />` paymente or praund renta on the Property. 11 any; (o) yeariy hnzard or properiy Insurance premlums; (d� yearty flood Inaurance
<br /> - "'" premlums, If eny; (e)yearly mortgage Insurance premlums.N any; and (� any sums payabte by 8orrower to Lender In sccordance :� —
<br /> � wilh tha provlsl�ns of paragreph 8, in Ileu o} the payment ot martgage Insurence premlums, Thase Items are called 'Escrow' ___
<br /> - '� �r Items." Lendor may, et eny ttme, collect end hold Funds In an emount not to exceed the maxlmum amount e lender for a _
<br /> '- �'= tederelly related modgage loen may requlro tor Borrower's escrow account under tha federel Real Estate Settlement Procedures [�. �.
<br />:;,Yg�,.���•, Act of 1974 sa ame�uied f�om ttrna to timo, 12 U.S.C.�28Q1 et seq, ('RESPA`), unlese enolher lew that eppiles to the Funds Q� -_
<br /> .,�A.� sets a lesser amaunt. II so,Lender may, st c►ny time, collect and hold Funds In nn amount not to exceed the iesser amow�t. � � �
<br />°�Y°�<�'-�= Lendor mey ostimate the e�mount ot Funds due on the bnsls of curtent data and reasonable estlmates ot expenditures of future �� _
<br /> "''>"•�`� Escrow Items or olhemiso In accordance with appllcable law.
<br /> ��,7.�i�'� ` The Funds shell be held In an Institutfon who�e deposlts are insured by a tederal agency,In�trumentality, or entliy (Inr.luding �
<br />_ryl�_'�;.,r Lender,it Lender Is such an Institutlon) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow �
<br />-�-r;;,�y�_�,rae� Items. Lender may not charge Bortower tor holding and applying the Funds, ennuslly analyzing the escrow sccount. or vedying C►
<br /> ���i�;� the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borrower I�iterest an the Funds and applirt�blo law pertnits Lendor to make such a _
<br /> �`.i�•'��
<br /> - cherge. Howeve►,Lender may roquire BoROwer to pay a one-time chargo for an Independent real estate tax reportlnc� service
<br /> ��� used Qy Lender In connectlon wRh this loan, unless eppllcable law provldes othervvise. Unless en agreement Is made or
<br /> -`�•� � epplicable law req�iires Interest to be pald, Lender ahall not bo raqulred to pay Bo�tower any Interest or Pamings on the Funds.
<br /> Bo�tower and Lender may egree In wdting, however. that Interest shali bo peid on lho Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an annual eccounting ot the�unds, showing crediia and debite to the Funds and the purposo 1or which each
<br />_���� debltlt the Funds held by Lenderhexceod the amounta perm ttded to Ibe held byreppllcable taw,r ender shnll e counts o Borttower
<br />�� lor the excess Funds In accordance with the requirements of uppllcable law. If the amount ot the Funda held by Lender at any
<br /> = time Is not eufflclent to pay tho Eacrow Items when due, Lender may so notity Bortower In wdting,and, in suoh case Bortower
<br /> _—= shell pny to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de;ic��n�y. Sorrower shall make up the deflclency In no more than
<br /> � - tweive monthy payments, at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment tn full of ell sums secured by thls Security Instrument, Lender shall prompty retund to Borrower any Fw�ds
<br /> ��'� ndd 'oy ta,�um. I�, urd�: i.:rrr�r-�4: -�. �°•"•d�°he!!wrrnilra or sell the Property, Lender, pdor to the acqulsition or sale o1 the
<br /> _=__—= Propedy, sh+tll apply sny Funds held by Lender at the tima oi acquisitlon or sale ss a credit agalnat lhe aums securea by inie
<br /> — Securiry Instrummt.
<br /> = 3. AppllCttloll of Paym�nte. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymente recelved by Lender under
<br /> parngrephs 1 and 2 shail be app9ed: flrst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;seaond,to nmounts payable under
<br /> peregnph 2;thtrd,to interest due;fourth,to principal due; and last,to any late chargas due undc+r the Note,
<br /> -- 4. Cha�g��; UoQS. Borrower shell pay ell taxes, assessments, charges, fines end Impositlona attributabte to the
<br /> Property which mey �tteln prlorriy over thls 3ecurYy Instrument, and loasehold paymenta or ground ronts, H any. Bottower sfiek
<br /> pay these obiigetlons In the menner provlded In pangraph 2, or II not paid in that manner, Bortower ehall pay them on time
<br /> directy to the peraon owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy tumish to Lender a!1 notices oi emounts to be peid under thls
<br /> parngreph. II BoROwer makes these payments directty, Bonower shall promptiy tumish to Le�ider receipts evidenctng the
<br /> payments.
<br /> — Borrower shdl prom�tty discharge sny Ilen which hes prlority over this Security Instrument unless �orrower: (a) agrees In
<br /> writing to tho payment of the obllgatian secured by the Ilen In n manner acceptable ta Lender, (b) contests fn good feith the
<br /> Iien by, or detends nga(nat entorcement o1 the Iien in, legal proceedings whlch In tha Lender's opinlan operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the Ilen; or(o) secures irom the holdar of the Ifen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordineting the Ilen to
<br /> this Security Inswment, If Lender determines that any part o}the Property Is subJect to u Ilen which mey attaln pdority over this
<br /> SecurHy Instrummt, Lende+r may give Borrower a noUce IdentHying tho Ilen. Borrower shnN seUsty the Wen or teke one or more ot
<br /> the actlons set todh ebove wRhM 10 days ot the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. Haz�rd or PropeRy lnaurenc�. HoROwer shall keep the Improvements now exlstinp or heroniter erccted on tha
<br /> Property insured a9slnst loss by flre, hezards Included within the term 'bxtended coverage' and any other hezsrds, Inciuding
<br /> -- --_� "��,a„,•�r ^^^.ir^o,t^r whir.h Lendcr requlres Insurnnce. 7his Insurance shall be malntelned In the emorints nnd tor the petiods
<br /> that Lender requYes. The Inaurence carrler providing the insurance shall 6e chosen by dortower eubjec7 to Le��ua�'o w,Nr�•rat
<br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If BorrowcY tniis to mnlntain coveraga desc�ibed above, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> optlon,obtein coveraga to protect Lender's rights in the PropeKy In accordance with paragraph y.
<br /> — All {nsurance ponctes and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall fnGude a standard mortgage clause. Lc+nder
<br /> —= shall have ihe dght to hold tlte policlas end renewals. If Lender roqulres, Borrower shall promptiy ghre to Lender all recelpt9 of
<br /> � ° pald pnemlums end renewal notices. In the avent ot(oss, Borcower shall glYO prompt notico to the(nsurance cartier end Lender.
<br /> — — lendK may make proo} ot loss il not made promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowxr otherwise agree In writing, Insurance proceeds shall be epplied to restoration or repair of fhe
<br />-- -- Property damaged, N tho restoretlon or repair is economlcaliy teusible end Lender's secudty Is not lessened. If the restoratlon or
<br /> ��:�,� �— repalr Is not economlcalty feasible or Lender's secudty would bo lessened,tho Insurance proceeds shall be eppVed to the sums
<br /> -`"'�'�''�� secured by thia Secudty Instrumont, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bortowcr. If Bortower abandons the
<br /> '""�~�!���-J�—�-a Property, or does not answer withln 30 days a nottco irom Lender that the Insurenco carrler haa offerod to selUe e clalm, then
<br /> -`'3�"�� Lender may co9ect the Ineurnnca proc�eds. Lender may use tho proceoda to repair or restore tho PropeKy or to pay sums
<br /> '�;��``' `� secured by this Securily instrument,whethor or not ehen due. The 30•duy periad will begin when tho notico Is glver►.
<br /> - "k;-� Unless Lender end Bnrrowec olheirvise agrae In wrking, eny eppllcaUon of procoeds to pdnclpal shall not oxtend or
<br /> t....
<br /> -�U���:.: -
<br /> ,�,. ._• . postpone the due dete of tho monthly payments reierted to !n parnflraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the pnyment�, I
<br /> __&�,��;a under paragraph 21 the Propedy Is acqulred by Lender, BoROwer's dght to any Insurance policles and proceeds resuk(ng irom
<br /> damage to the Praperty prior to the acquisitlon shall pass to Lender to the extent of tha sums by this Security Instrument
<br /> 'v���,�� Immodiataty prlor to the acquisitlon.
<br /> ���i"�-''� w_y��... �i �M� �rn.....iu. Clr�rsnwsr�n Lt1�I�
<br /> _'';.��C�: 8. occupancy� P�9S81V8[IOiI� MHII�iO�Idf�Ge uitu rtoao�av�. v. ...o ...r.�•`�• --'•-'--- - ---
<br /> -- "- ._.. .�.: Appltea4lon; Leaseholds.Bortower shali occupy, establ!sh, and uso tho Properly ns BoROwer's pdnclpal residenco within
<br /> : , �� elxty days atter tho oxecutlon ot thls Socurity Instrument and ahali continua to occupy thv Property ns Borrower's principal
<br /> � rosldence for at Icast one year after the dnto of occupancy, unloss Lender othanvlso agrees in wrlting, whlch r,onsent shall not
<br /> , .� bo unreasonabry withhefd,or unlesa oxtenuating clrcumstancQS exlst which are boyond Bortower's cantrol. Borrower shell not
<br /> ,� - dostroy, demaga or Impafr tha Property, c+llow the Property to deteriorato, or commit wasta on thv Property. Bortower shall be In
<br /> dofeult If any fodeiture actlon or proceoding, whother civil or criminai,Is begun Uint In Lender's good talth Judgmont couid sesult
<br /> In torlulture of iho Properry or otherwiso matedally Impalr the Ilen created by thls Secudty Instrument or Lender's socurSty Interest. ,
<br /> �
<br /> ,"%'.'.w' ' F1316.LMG(7/95) Pugo Y ot 5 �� �
<br />•.�9` ,+ � '` � �'
<br />..i'. .�•u.'�j�k �
<br /> ., • 96003
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