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7/27/2010 3:00:25 PM
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7/27/2010 3:00:25 PM
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. <br />201005188 <br />Exhibit A <br />Parcel 1: <br />Those portions of Lots One (1), Twa (2), Three (3), Four (4), Seven (7), Eight ($) and <br />Nine (9), of Block Thirty-Three (33) of Russell Wheeler's Addition to Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, lying West of St Paul Raad and lying Easterly of a line drawn parallel <br />with and distant 65.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles from the Westerly line of <br />said Black 33 <br />AND also known as <br />A tract of land comprising all of Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Eight (8) and a part of Lots <br />Four (4) and Seven (7) and that part of the vacated alley lying adjacent to said <br />aforementioned lots, all being in Block Thirty Three (33), Russell Wheeler's Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the paint of intersection of the northwesterly line of said Block Thirty Three <br />(33) and the Westerly right of way line of Saint Paul Road; thence running Southerly, <br />along and upon said Westerly right of way line of Saint Paul Road, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Eighty Nine and Forty Seven Hundredths (289.47) feet; thence deflecting right <br />150 degrees 06' 24" and running northwesterly, a distance of Two Hundred Fifty Two <br />and Five Tenths (252.50) feet to a point an the Northwesterly line of said Block Thirty <br />Three (33); thence deflecting right 90 degrees 36' 49" and running Northeasterly, along <br />and upon the northwesterly line of said Block Thirty Three (33), a distance of One <br />Hundred Forty Four and Twenty Seven Hundredths (144.27) feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Parcel 2: <br />Lot Faur (4), in Block One (1) of George Loan's Subdivision of the South Part: of the <br />West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W %Z NW 1/a) of Section Ten (10) in Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6~' P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel 3: <br />Part of Lot One (1), of Garrett's Subdivision of part of the East half (E i/~) of Section <br />Nine. (9), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6`h P.M.~, mare <br />particulazly described as follows to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot <br />One (1) and rr~nning thence South along and upon the East line of said lot for a distance <br />of Forty-Five feet (45'), running thence West, parallel with the North boundary line of <br />said Lot One (1), fora distance of One Hundred Ninety Feet (190'),thence running North, <br />parallel with the East boundary line of said lot, for a distance of Forty-Five feet (45'), to <br />the North boundary line of said Lot One (1), thence along and upon the North boundary <br />line of said Lot One (1), for a distance of One Hundred Ninety Feet (190'), to the place of <br />beginning. <br />
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