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<br /> '� 19.'l'runsfer of t�ic Peoperfy or A Denciici�l InYe�•cst in IIorruw�r.If nll or any part of thc Praperty or imy Intcrest iu it _
<br /> is sold or tr,msfcn•cd(or if<< bcnr,ticml intcrest iii I�orr���vcr is sold or n•i+nsfcrrcd ►md f3on•�ywcr is not n ni�tur�il pertion)�vithout �.�
<br /> "' Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, ut its option, reyuire i�nmediute parynient in i'uU ol'ull +ums ,ccurcd I�Y t�dn �
<br /> '' Security Inst�vmcnt. However,this option shnll not bc excrciscd by I.tndcr if excrcisc is prohibited by fcdcrul lua us uf tNc diite —�-
<br />.�:��t�^� of this Securiiy Instrument. —"'
<br /> If l.ender exercises this option,Lcnder shnll �ivc Barrowcr natic� of nc�cclerution. 'fhe noticc shidl pruvide a period of not �
<br />-�:F-ti;%tr� P�Y
<br />.,,.r- :` less thun 30 dnys from the dnte the natice is delivcred or mailed within which Cinirower must � nll sums sccurcd by this
<br /> �; Securiry Instrumcnt.If Horrau•er fails to pay thesc sums priar to the expiration of tliis period, Lendcr may invokc nny rcmcdics
<br /> =T��� irrorl hv t�ic CP�uriW Ipsl�UDiBOt WIlI1VUl�UYQiCi ROUCC Uf({l'Itl:lil(I(lll Hn��nWC�. �,,,�� p„, �p� rinht tn hnVC _
<br /> � N..::::.........� ' " -
<br />-=� 18. Borrower's Right to RefnsSute. [f Borrowcr mccts cenuin canaiiiuu+, n���row�� ���«�� �•�:� ..._ ••o---
<br /> ;�� enfarcement of this Security Instrument discantinueci ut any time prior to the earlier of: (u) 5 deys(or such ather pericxl as _
<br /> :�� npplicable law may specify for r�instntemeny bcfare snlc of the Property pur5uant tci iiny power of sidc contninal in this —
<br /> Security Instrument:oi•(b)cntry of a judgment enf�rcing this Securiry Instninient.Those condittons ure that Horrower:(u)paYs
<br /> � ' � L.ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Note us if no acccleration had occurred; (b)
<br />_- T°=-,'1°��`� cures any defuult of any other covenants or ngrecments;(c) pays all expcnscs incurrcd in enforcing thi,Scruriry Instrument, —
<br />,=�J;c;"�t, including, but not limited w,r�xsonable attomcys'fees;and(d) tE�kcs su�:h action as Lcnder may rcasnnably rcqu�re to assurc c
<br /> ea
<br /> that the lien of this Securily Instcument, [.endcr's rights in the Propeny and Aorrower's obligution to pay the sums sccured by
<br />_+?�'� this Security Instrument shall continuc unchanged. Upon rcinstatcmcnt by Borrowcr, this Security Instrument nnd dte
<br />';'�+�,�� ' obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective us if no ucceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shnQ f
<br /> _.,� not upply in thc casc of accelerntion under paregraph 17.
<br />-°���� 19. Sale of Note; Change of Lonn Settiicer. The Note or a punial interest in the Note (together with this Suurity
<br />_ �-..� Instrument)may bc sold one or more times without prior notice to Horrower. A sale may result in a changc in the entity(known
<br /> - a.S ths"Loan Servicer")thnt collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument. There ulso may be one
<br />�'"�""� or more chauges of the Loan Servicer unreluted to u aul�of the Natc.If there is u change of the f.oan Servicer,Bonower will be
<br />-_—.-.>r_�
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with parngraph 14 ubove and upplicable law.The notice will state the natne and
<br />�=c';`�':� address of the new Loan S�rvicer and the address to wl»ch payments should be made. The notice will atso contain sny other
<br />"'?��$� information required by applicablc law.
<br /> Z0. Hazardous Substttnees.Dorrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br />.:_��r� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> � - = Property th�it is in violation of�ny�nvirunmentnl Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc, use, or
<br /> _._ ---. storage on the PropeRy of small quantities of Hazardous Substanc.,s that ure generally recog�iizcd to be appropriate to narmal
<br />_,.;y� residen�ial uses and to maintennnce of the Property.
<br />-=-- Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigntion, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by nny
<br /> ""��"'_� fiovernmental ur regulatoiy agency or private party involving thc Property and any Hazardous Substnnce or Environmental I.aw
<br /> - - of which Horrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> -- --•— anv removal or otlier cemediation of any Hazardous Substance affectinb the Property is nec:essary.Borrower shnll promptly take _
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance wi[n Environme��tat La�Y.
<br /> — As used in this pnragraph 20, "Hnzardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the follo�ving substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flummable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive mlterials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph Z0. "Environmental Law" means feden+l laws and laws of the jurisdictlon where the Propeny is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or environn�ental protcction.
<br /> [VUN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and a�ree as follows:
<br /> Zl.Acceleration;Remedtes.Lencler shall give notfce to Borrower�rfor to acceleration following Borrowec's breach
<br /> of any covenant ac agreement In this Security Instrument (but not prior to aceelerntlon under paregraph 17 unless
<br /> applicable law provfdes other�vise). Tl�e notice shall spectfy: (n)the default;(b) the action r�uired ta cure the default;
<br /> (c)a date, not less tha�n 30 days from the date tl�e not[ce is given to Borrower, by whtch the default must be cured;ae�d
<br /> (d) that 4ailure to cure the defeult on or before the date spectfied In the notice may result in acceleration oP the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insttvment und sale of the Property.The notice shaU further inform Borrower of khe r(ght to
<br /> reiastate after acccleration and the right to bring n court actlon to assert tl�e non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceleration and sule. IP the default is not curetl on or before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> Lender, at its option,may rrquire ir�nmedlate puyment in full of ull sums secured by this uccurity InStrument without
<br /> fu►7ll�er demand and may Invokc tiie powee of snle nnd Any other remedles perm[tteaf by applicable Iaw. Lender shall be.
<br /> entitle�}to collect all expens�incurred ta pursuing the remed[es provided in this paragraph 21,Including,but not limited
<br /> to,reasonuble nttorneys' fccs and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If tbe power uf sale is ia�volcerl, Truskee sha11 record a notice of defau(t f�a each county in whieh any pars af thp
<br /> -= =- — Pm��rt� is!o�*_ai �n� shntl mail rnples of sucli nodce in the manucr prescribed by applicable Inw to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appUcable law.After t�he timc requ[red by appltcabie iaw,t rustee shaii give�uLiEe r�ota.a
<br /> of sale to ttie persons and in the munner prescribed by nppltcuble law.Trustee, without demw►d un Borrower, sball ssll
<br /> thc Prope�ty st public auction to the highest bidder aY the time and place and under lhe term.�desi�nated in the notice ai
<br /> - - sule in one or more purcels ond in any arder Trustce determines. Trustee mny postpone sale of ull or uny purcel of the
<br /> — PropeRty by public wmiouncement nt tlie time and pince of any previuusly scheduled snle. Le�Ydcr or its designec ma�
<br /> — pnrchnsc the Property ut uny sale.
<br /> -� � Form 3028 9/90
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