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<br /> ��p�(yj��Q�Il O[alll/�.�M'KMR 1h�ll IfeY��O�YOA.ill ip f01�ill0���e��y MI�tlCA.P1'OO��d/r
<br /> `�[���'p11rIC0�a11d�1M111WR�d�IfU1�MII111lNC11p(OGN�.t�Ofl�11�Y1�MM��b ` -
<br /> -.__ __ _ - ""�+iiGitiiiR?ratffi��F�#e!►��A�A��alli[>t�Gh�d11G�lOM.10!_M�MID�M�O!►'C11h!
<br /> ��upa��such�itlo+w«t.�rrr.�sy�n.�.M�r•PPik�onaProc�.e.toina.eMan.�asr�l�nd�apo:Qa�.= - __ —
<br /> ; - - -MM du�daM d�reY RY��u�idK iht No�or cur�any QM�uR tlNnu�r a h�rwr�t.Mfl unaPP�i�tunds tAiW b�P�to
<br /> Tn�ar����v�a�.oacuRenc.of an Ev�nt'a o.aulth.nunder.«�it uiy,ce is wk«i or rp.t vroc«diew
<br /> � ca�nincidwhlclim�ryth►d�l�ts�N+dq�'st�o�rKtintMPsope�ty.t�uiaYtntbcwn�rcrNion.b•rtwilh0uto61i0dia►t�do
<br /> �.ind wilhaet notice b ar d�and sip4rt7ru�tor�nd witnout nute�Truator irom�rryl��flon.do�nf►act whlcb TrwAOr fw
<br /> pn�d bu/hiU to do and may daa do any aAh�act it dNms n�ce�ftY to D�oMict the�ecurity hersof.TruNor s�W.imMSdiaMhr
<br /> " .upon d��d tMcetor 4Y L.end�r PaY m L�nd�r atl ca�ts snd exPen�s incurred end sums expended by L��in connectia'�w�f►
<br /> Iht�x�rciw bY L�rbs►of ihsforpoin�ri�t►t�to�e�e�wfih intsrsst thereon at ths dMauR tife ProviQed in the No1e.whicA shall!�+
<br /> a�fOsd b 1he in0sboednea�urod henblt.Llrtdx shall aot inCUr any tiability 6scauae of anyfhir�it msy do w amit b do •
<br /> . . .!l�sandaYS Mti�fY�.Trustor lt�sU keep the Property ln compiiancs with all spplicabls tqws,oMinancas end re�utattons
<br /> relWn�to iclduttria�hYpbne or environmenW proMcfion(coll�Ctivehl reterred to harein as"Erniironmentst l.�ws"�.Ymator sh�Jl • ,
<br /> k�p the?ropeAy ine kom alt�uWtancas deeme0 to 6e hazardous ormxic under any Erntronmentat Laws(aollecKKveh►rekaed 10
<br /> underttts PropetY•T�h�e�'ebS►Tagre�t in�demniry s d bo!d h parmieaa Lender.its d�ractor�,atficers.�p royeessnd ayents.and
<br /> any wcceawrs to Le�de�s inEec+esX from ond aga�nst anl►a�ld all claims,damages.tosse�and liabil(ties arising in co�nection witl�
<br /> the preaenc�use.disposat.pr transport ot any Hazardous Materiafs on.under.fro:r.i,cc a5out the Froperly.THE FOREQ�INO
<br /> StJElVIVE�(!1VEYMICE OF TCi1S_C�.�F TR[1S� . , , . - -
<br /> • ,.`._ .!0.ItwiSwwr�d RMN�.7r,istnr hereisyassi�ns to Lertder ttte res�ls.i�sues end�'afits Qf fia PropeAy;Drovided that,Tro�Wr' ._
<br /> �=s1��.u:.ul4i�e:aG�Renceotan£ventof.ft"efauf�d�ereunQe.hadether�i�co�lectar,or�t�tairtsuchrent�,lssuesa�l�r9$taastt!eY: � . ,.
<br /> Decart��tue.and payable,ilpoz►'B�e occurrenCe a!an EvAnt�il.Defaw�.Lec:�er ir.at e�t►tr.1n perton or by age�ti�riih or wlth4ut .'
<br /> ° , : 3�iirtging`�iiyf�c6an or.praceaQing,or by�receiver appoic►tied dy.a eoar�ac�w�ttR.�ui�a.�3rd to ine adequacy o!ilssieusitY..enter •::
<br /> � uponandtake�ossessicnoftt►eProperry.oraAypartthereo��iitissc��vn?r�mao.ri*�xh�'E3t+�e4lth�Tns�t�ee.anddnanyactswt�i�[t�tt ._.::.
<br /> deem�necc+ssa�y os desirabteto preservethevafue�market�biCdy orr�t�bi�:�r ottr�a Qrop�Ry,csiar,y�ertthereot ar Inter�tthere'irs,
<br /> - ' Increasa the income theri�fram cr protect�he security hareaf artd,with or�r'r•.hout iaKn�possessiqrr of the Property,sue tor cr
<br /> atherwise collect the reats,issues and Fib�rts tfiereo�in�JUdtng thasepas[ctue arnl.�ung�ud.��n�Fapptythe same.le�a costs aad
<br /> - expenaes o}operatlon and cotlection inctuding attorneys fees,upon any indebtednesss�cured treretiy atl in such orderas Lender • ,
<br /> may determine.The entering upon and:aking possdssion of the Property.the coltection of such renis,issues and profita and!he
<br /> application thereof�atoresaid.shali not cure or waive any default or eotice of Cefautt hereunde[.or Invalidate any ac!done In
<br /> �esponse W such detautt or pursuantto s��ch natice ot detaultand,norivithstanding the contlnuance in possession otthe Properry or
<br /> ths ColtecUon,recelpt and appticatlon ot rents,issuea ar pratits.anQ Trustee and Lender shall be entitleA to exercise every right
<br /> provi4eA tor in any ot the Loan InshuRents or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Defauli,inctuding without limitation the right
<br /> to eu3rcife the pawer pf eate.FuAfler,Lender's rights and remedyes under this paragraph shalS be eumulative witfi,anA in no way A
<br /> I�mit�tion on,tender's riflht�and remeQies under any asslgnment ot teases ancf rents recorded against the Properry.Lender,Trustee
<br /> - � and ths recsiver ahatl be liabte to accuunt onty for those reaa acNally received.
<br />= 11. �wnb W OMiIUN.The tottowipg shat!cansUtute an Event ol QefauN under tnis Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay any�natatlment of principal or intdrest af Any other sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> ,,�-_ (b)A breach o!or defautt under any provision contained in the Note.this Deed ot"(rust,any of the Loan Instruments,or a�y
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (q)A writ of execution or attachment ar ar�y similar process shatl he entered againstTrustor which shall become a lien on
<br /> � the Property or any portion thereoi or interest therein;
<br /> - (d)There ahall be filed by ur against Truator or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,state or other —
<br />== statute,law ar regulation relating to bankruptcy.insotvency or other relief tor debtors;or there shaU be appolnted any trustee, _
<br />-- receWer or liquidator of Trustor or 8orrower or of aIl or any part of the Property,o�the rents,issues oi praflts thereof,or Trustor _
<br /> - o[Banower shall make any ge�eral assignment for the benefit of creditors; . '_
<br /> (e)The aale.transfer,leaae.esslgnment,cvnveyance or turther enaumbrance of alf or any part ot or any interest in the
<br /> -- - Property,either vduntarity or Invotuntarity.without the express written consent ot Lender,provlde�G that Tcrrstor shall be
<br />_ - permitted to exec4te a lease ot the Property that doe.s not contain an option to purchase and the term of which Qoes not excees ;
<br />_- one year.
<br />'�^'':
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property:or
<br /> ;:'Xr� (p) ItTruator is not an indlvldua�,the issuance,sate.transter,assignment conY��rance or en�mbrance oi nore than a total _
<br />:';� �f percent ol pt a corporation)its issued aad outstanding stock Or pt a partnership�2 totat of percent of
<br /> = parfierahlp intere�ts during the perio�ihis Oeed�f Trust remains a lien on the Property. _
<br /> ::>:- �p, p�i;�e��Nntlon Uppn ONarlk tnthe e��•:�f any Event of Oe(ault Lender may,witho:'rf n�Uce except as required by -
<br /> ;.•�� Iaw,dectere all indebtedneas secureQ hereisy La I�e�.�:�nd payabtv and the same shall thereuao�become aue and payable =
<br /> ,::-,• wlfhout arty presentment,demand pratest o:aobce a`•any kind.Thereafter 1.ender may: _
<br /> (a) Qemand that Trustee exercise the POWEN OF SALE granted herein, antl Trustee shall thereafter cauae Trustor�
<br /> interelt ln the Properly to be sof0 an0 the proceeds to be distributed,alt in the manne�provide�in thp�JeDraska Trust Deeds _
<br /> . Act
<br /> (b� Exerclae any and a!I rights pravided tor!n any of the loan Ira�truments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> `.•i �aui�.alld ' �
<br /> . (c� Commence an actlon to toreclose thia Oeed ot Trust as a mo�tgage,appoint a receiver,or speciflcalfyentorca any ot the
<br /> , covenants hereof.
<br /> • 1Vo rAmedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee ar Lender is Intended to de excluaive ot any other remedy herein,ln the
<br /> Loan Instrumants or by law provided or permftted,but each shatl bA cumulative.shall be in addition tc every athe►remedy glvan
<br /> '` � herbunder,in the Lnan tnsUumenta or now or horeafter oxisting at law or in oquity or by statute.and may be exercised concunentty,
<br /> lndepenQentty or aucce�Ivety. -
<br /> 13. 1rusN�.The Trustee may resign at any time withaut causo,nnd LPnder ma�r at any tir�ie and w�thoul cauae appoint a
<br /> successor or substltute Truatee.Truatee 9haf1 nCt be tlabte to any party,including without Ilmltation Lender.Borrowar.i rustOr or any
<br />'`. purchassr of the Property,}Gr any toss or damage unless due to recktess or wdNul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any
<br /> actlon In connection with the entorcement oi thls beed ot Trust untess irtdemnttied.in writing,tor all costs,compenaatlon or
<br />- � expans�s whlCh may 6e assaciated therewitn.In addltion,7rustee may b9come e purchaser at any sa�e of the Propertyt Qudieial or
<br /> �,..� ,: urtder the power o1 sate granted hereln);postpone the sate ot all or any ponion o}Ihe Property.as provided by taw;o►setl the
<br /> , s^^� Property a�a whote.or in separate parcets or fots at Tn:stee's discretion. ,
<br /> • 14. FNa�fd Fxp�rap.tn the avent Trustee sells the Propertyr by exereise ot power o!sate,Trustee ahall be enUUed to apply
<br />` any s a le proceeds ttrst ta pa yment of atl costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sate.including atl trustea's fees,and LenQePs
<br /> And Trus:�`s attorney's tees,actualiy irCUtred to extent permllted 6y applicabte taw.In th6 event 6orrower or Trustor euerclse!&ny
<br />"=`�.��, rlght pravlQed by taw to oure art Even*.a:Default I.ender shall be entitlad to recover trom Trustar�?!cosU and e�penses actuatly
<br />� � • -
<br /> incurred as a result ot Trustor's Qafavf�insluding wittrout timitaUon aIl Trustee'9 and attoir.ey�°339.to tne extent permitted by ,
<br /> aPAticaMe law. �
<br /> - -_. _:-__ .� < 4�FuSyre Itd�ra��t1�on request�af Becra�e...3�nder may.at ISS optior+.cr.�cs aC��.�a;�r.d future��vancea and re- - _
<br /> ' �� 5 advancestz Bonower.Surh advanees anQ readvan.Ces,�+th interest J�erecn,sha'b�seCUredb��s IIe6t�b;'�����f na ttme shati -
<br /> ',,� ;`•. � lheprin�;�;]amauntofthaindebteCa�ssseeuredbythi�t]eedo9'l,�qno�����sa6va�x�3tnpratectff:esecuritya��`.is . ,
<br /> . •,•_;, , Oeed o11r•..ts1,exceed the original�t:�:�3t amount stated hereqrs,a�S - -- w"»:����s greater.
<br /> . �• '' - - - -.. _ _ _ -- - -._ . _. . ' _ . . . _ . .._ . �. . . . _ .
<br />, -
<br /> ��. . ' ' ,' - _
<br />