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� <br /> � . . <br /> :iCb' • " -- <br /> . ..�.:.� . . - . � . ��S�.'� .. <br /> , <br /> � . .�eYAf7�Y1}►:fd.t - . . . . ..;ytxwn�-.,. ' . . ' nn�YM�llsit�.. ..... <br /> . . - . . <br /> . ��. � ,. .. ., _ <br /> .. �� ,r...,�-,' .,:..r:•,..•�:�_: � •� --- - � - ..... .. .. . ��,.���--,. <br /> . . � ._..... - - <br /> . _ ...._. .. .-.-. <br /> �... <br /> - ,,.. �Ih .9wYV".... ... . - . ..�. <br /> --°°-._._... ---' . <br /> __ � � �'1 � � � ��(�4��0 �����_ ._ <br /> � �../ r <br /> 1&. TAXH9 AND Q�33F39�9HNY8. �rantar ohall pay ull tnxon and aosesemontu rolatin� to Proporty when duo nnd Immodlatety provido Lenda <br /> ' ovldonco of paymont ol oamo. Upon tho rcquont ot I.ondor,Grctntor ahnll doposN�vlth Londor aach month hna•ri�iolfth(1/12)at tho ootlmuted annual <br /> Inaurance premlum,taxoe and asseasmonta pertalnln�to tho Proporty. So lonp na thcra lo no dofnult,thoso amounto nhnll bo appllcd tu tho paymont <br /> 01 texas,assessmenta and Innurance ne requlred on 1he Property. In the ovent of de}ault,Lendor ohall have the ripht,at Ite nole aptlon,to apply the <br /> funds so held to pay any taxes or agalnst�he Obllgatlona. My funde applled may,at Lander's optlon,be epplled In revorae order o1 the due dato <br /> thotoo}. <br /> 18. INSPECTION OF PEiOPERTY, BQOKS, RHCOR[�S AND REPaRT3. �rantor ehell ollow Lender or Ite agents to exnmine nnd Inepeot 1 s <br /> Property nnd sHamine,Inapeot and make caples ot Orantor's books antl rocorde pattelnlnp to 1he Proparty from tlme to time. �rentor ehull prevlde <br /> nny esslatance requlred by Lender tor these purpos�a. All of the algnnturea end Informatlon cantalned In drentor'e boake end recordt ehall b� <br /> ....,��e �.��. ar�urate and comalete In all reapeols. �rentor cNall note the e>cletcnce of Lander'n beneficlel Intereat In Ite booke end recorda <br /> .----- _��. ...ti i..b....�sunn ea 1�nrl�r mev renu�et reoardin0 . <br /> , pertalNnp to the Property. Addltlonauy, ar�ntor snin nporc, �n u iwn�odGaP.��to�r::.:.%..��„�--•••• ••• •�-� -- � - •• <br /> � prantor's tinnnclU condltlon or the Propsrty. Th�Inlorm�tion Ehall be for wch p�rlod�, �htll retHot�rantor'a ncord�at suoii tlmi,an��li�ll b� <br /> - rend�red with suoh 1nqu�noy�e I.�nd�r may d�tlpnet�. NI Informetlon turnleh�d by Orsntor ta Lender ehdl b�tru�,accur�t��nd cornpl�t�In tll <br /> � �" rosp�oto,�nd slpn�d by�rantor If Lend�r nqwst�. <br /> ., ^^� 97. EBTOPPEL CERTII'ICATE9. Wihln t�n(10)d�ye�ft�r any r�quout by l.�ndsr,(irsntor ahall dNlwr to Lender,or any Intend�d trnnat�re�of <br /> Lend�r'a rlpht�wiY�re�p�ot ta ths�bllgatlone,a elpn�d end ncknowisdped etat�msnt epseifylnp (n)the outetendinq balence on th�Obilpatlone;�nd <br /> (b)whether Orantor po��ue�a dny clnlma,det�nte�,ast�oHs or aount�rolaim6 wlth reapeot to th�Qbllpetlono end,If eo,th�nature o1�uch clalma, <br /> dsiense�,Nt•oH�or oount�rol�lm�. Qnntor wlil t»oonCluflv�ly bound by�ny repreaentntlon that Londer may meke to ths Intended trenst�rae with <br /> ree�eot to th�s�mati�rs In iho ovant that Orantor 4alls to provlde th�requeeted etetsmsnt In s tlmely manner. <br /> � 10. DEPAULY. drantor ehall be In dsfault under thle Deed ot Yrust and the Truetoa'e F�wor shall bocomo oparntive In the event thnt dramor, <br /> Borrowsr or nny pusrantor ot tns Obliqatlone: � � <br /> .';Y__ <br /> " (e) fnils to pey nny Obllpntlon to Lsnde�when due: <br /> � (b) lttlla to psrtorm any Cblipat!on or brerschea eny warranty or covenant to Lender contalned In thls Deed uf Trust or any other present or tulure <br /> agreemant; <br /> (o) destroys,losas or damagoo ihe Properry In eny material reapoct or su6Jeots the Property to eelrure,confiscutlon,or condemnetlon; , <br /> (d) seeke to reveks,terminste or othervvise Iimit Its Ilabllity under any guarnnty to Lend�r; _,_ <br /> (e) diea,bocamee lepelly Incompetent,la dlesolved or terminated,becomes inaolvent,makes en assignment for the benefit of creditora,falle to <br /> ' j pay debts ae they become due,fllea a petltlon undsr tho tedotal bonkeuptoy laeve,hea en Invaluntflry petitlon in bankruptoy flled in which Grantor, �. .}{' <br /> # Borrower or any puarantor in named,or hea property taken ur�der any�vrit or procese of court; <br /> � t. (� nllows goods to he uaed,transported or stored on the Proparty,the possesslon,tranaportnUon,or use of whlch,Is Illegnl; _- <br /> (g) allows any party other than Ornntor or Borrower to ssaumo or undertake any Obllgatlon without the wrltten canaent of Lender;or '� <br /> (h) oauses Lender to deem Itoelf Inaecure due to a slgniflcant decline In the value of the Property;ur if Lender,in good faith,for ar.y reason, �-. �� <br /> " #"� beileves that the prospeot o}payment or performa.�ce Is Impalred. <br /> � � 19.A��HTS OF LElIDFR 0N DEFAULT. If there la a default under thls Deed of Trust, Lender shall be entitled to axerclse one or moro of the <br /> � � tollowinp remedles without notice or demand(except as law): <br /> (a) to deciaro the Ob11gaUons immediately due nnd payahle In tull; <br /> "�. @) to colieot the outstanding Obllgationa with or withaut resorting to Judiclal prooess; — <br /> r .o�nven entlto(i antor and Lendernd make avallnbte to Lender any personal property or Chattele conatituting ths Property at a place reason�biy _ <br /> ' :� (d) to enter upon and take possenston of the Property without appiylnp tor or abtalnlnp the appolntment of s receiver and,at Lender'e optlon,to <br /> a�polnt a receiver withaut bond,without firat bringing suit on the Obilgations and without otherwise meeting any atatutory conditlona reenrding <br /> •: receivars,It boing Intended that Lender shell hnve thls contrnctual dght to appolnt n recelver, <br /> �x' (E) to employ�managlnD sgent ot tne Yropersy and iei ino ndiiib,oi2 ioi��r��.����Q�y�nsnt�. In fhw name ot Lender or In the name of __ <br /> � Grantor, and reaive the rents,Incomes, issues and profite of the Property and apaly the same, atter payment o}ali neceasary chargea and <br /> expenaea,on nccount of the Obligations; <br /> thnn payment of nt re t or princlpa o�the Obllgat ons edient by Lender to protect the security of thls Deed of Truat or to cure any detault other <br />.� �' (y) to toreclose thls Desd of 7ruat Judiclally or nonJudiclally and to direat the nale of the propertyr through exerciae of the power of sale aa <br /> � ti referencsd In parngraph 20 hereof in acccordance wlth applicable law; <br /> . . . (h)to eetoff�rantor's Obllgatlons ngalnat any amounts owed Qrantor by Lender Inctuding,but not Iimited to,monles,Inatrumenta,and deposit <br /> .. F. :..." . acoounte msinrilned with lsnder or nny currontly exlsting or future affllinte of Lender,and <br /> �,;r• p)to exerclae nll other rlghh avallable to Lender under any other written agreement or epplicable Inw. <br /> . I.ender's rlghte are cumulative nnd Wa yot s pre ud ent remedypnran�a tlon agalnst Grantor,Q antor walves the Postin�p of any hond whiohi mlght <br />� recovery ot eny of ths Property by y I 9 <br /> otharwiae�oe requlred. Lender or Londer'a deslpnee may purcheae the Property at any sale. Proceeds of nny Trustee's eaie hereunder nheli be <br /> appllsd firet,to the coats and expenses ot exerclslng the power ot sele snd of 4he sale,Including the payment ot the Trustee'e teea aotuslly fncurrad <br /> " ;,.r. . , and not to excaed ths amount which mey be provlded for in thls Deed ot Truet,second,to payment of the Obllgatlona secured hareby,thlyd,to tho <br />_��r�.-v-�•.;x�E•1 paymsnt ot Junlor wet deeda,mortpnges,or other Ilenholdero,and the beiance,If any,to the pereon or persons lepally entitled thereto. The propsrty <br /> " or any part thereof may be sold In one parcet,or In euch parcele,manner or order ns Lendor In Its sole dlacrstlon msy elsot,nnd ons or mnre <br /> �-'�'� exorclses of the power herein granted shall not extinguish or exhnust the power uniess the entire propetty le aold or the obligatfona ere pald In tall, <br />�:'_���_.�_.,,. � <br /> �••��.:�.=;;-� 2p, TRUSTEE'S EMERCISE OF POVYER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: Upon defautt by(3rantor in payment of any Oblipations securod hereby,Lender <br />� � may declars ell suma aecured heteby Immediately due and payable And shall osuse to be flled ot record a written notios of deiault and eleot[on to aell <br /> ` the Property. After ths lapse ot euch tims as then may be required by Inw toilowlna re p rdratimo/n ot nuch noUce of detauit,and nPotice of sale hnvtnp <br /> ' baen given ae then rsqulred by law,Trustee,withnut demand on arantor,ehall sell euch ro e eiiher es a whole or In eeparete arcets,end In such <br /> order as it or lender may determine at�ubilo auoUon to the hlgheot bidder. Trustee may postpone the saie ot all or nny portion oT the Prop��ty by <br />•`- "' "' publio snnnun�wrn6nt at titc ttrrso:nd p.ece e!es��,wnd lrem tfine to time therearier mny poatpone the sals tsy p�I�i ro ann�oancement at the time and _ <br /> �w <br /> -`'� � place fixed by the preceding poatponement. Truatee ehall deliver to euch purchnser ita deed conveyIng tne pm or �iio�i t7araaS,:a sa�d,�! <br /> '''- \ without any covenant or warrnnty,express or Imp�ed. Ths reoltnls In such deed of any matters of faat ar otherwiss ahall be conciusive proof of the <br /> �-?=��+��y-+�� truthfulness thereot Any person,including Grantor,Truetee or Lender,may purchass at such csalo. <br />=;,A*=�*.�a•:�» <br /> 21. REQUEBT FOB NOTICE8: Cirantor requeste that e copy of any noUce ot default nnd a copy ot any notice of sale hereunder be maited M each <br /> z�,�i:�� perann who is s perty hereto at the addresn of such percon set toAh hereln at the enme tlme and in tho eame manner requlred aa though e sepnrate <br /> i,.� � �. roquest thsreot had been flied by ench ouCh person. <br /> 22. S�CURITY IHTERE9T UNDER THE UNIFOHM COMMERCIAL COD& Thls Deed of Truat shall be consld�red a financlnp sta2ement nnd a <br /> - . ` � fixturo tiiing pursuent to ths provielons of the UNiorm Commerclni Code(nn adopted In the state whero the roal property is locat�d)cowring fixluros, ��___ <br /> •y• chattele,nnd ertictee of pereonal property now owned or hereatter attached to or to be uaed In canneetion with the PropeA�r topether with enyend all <br /> repiacemente thereof and nddltlona theroto(the'Chattels°),and Grantor heroby grante Lender e saourity intoreat In such Ghattsla. The debtor la the �_ <br /> � :. Grn n t o r d e s c d b e d e b o v e. T h e s e c u re d p a R y l a t h e L e n d e�d e s c d b e d a b ove. U pon demnnd,(irantor ahnll mak�,execute and dellver such seeurity _ �[_ <br /> $ egreements(cs euch term le defined In e�id Uniform Commerclal Code)as Len der ot any Nme may deem necessary or pro per or r e qu l ro d t o p r a n t t o <br /> _ � �, Lender a por}eated security interest In 4he Chattele,and upon Grantor'o faliuro to do eo,Lender le nuthodsed to nipn eny such ngreement aa the e�ent ""s�_�� <br /> : � of Grantor. Grantor heroby authodies Lender to flle ilnanaing statementa(na auch term Is defined In sald Unitorm Commerolel Cede)with roepe�st to <br /> the Chntteta,nt nriy time,without Che slgnature of Orentor. Grantor will,howevei,at nny time upon reGu�st of Under,eign euch finnncing etntemente. �l:m.- <br /> i (3rantor witl pay sll fillng fees for the filing of suoh financing statemente and for the rofiling thoroof at the tlmes roqulrod,In the opinlon of Lender,by B,•�_`__ <br /> said Unitorm Commerclal Code. It the Ilen of thls Deed of Tru�t be su6Ject to eny security agreoment coverinp tha Chattols,thon In the event of nny " <br /> �> � detauit under thls Deed of Trust,ali the right,title nnd Intereat of Grentor In and to any and nll of the Chattele le horeby essigned to Lend�r,togeth�t = <br /> i ' . wi4h tho benetit ot any deposite or payments now or hereafter mude thereof by Gr�ntor or the predeceasora or oucCessora In title of(irnntor In the _ <br /> � Property <br /> 23. REIMBURSEM�NT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDHR. Lender,at Lender's option,may exp�nd funde(Includlnp nttorneys'tees and IsIIti <br /> expennes)to peHorm eny 8a2 requlred to be talcen by Grantor or to exercise any rlght or remedy ot Lendsr und�r thls Desd o}Trus!. Upon d�mand, . <br /> . ..r�,. <br /> . „ =' <br />� __ , _ _ _ ___ prnntor aF�ail Immodlately relmburse Lender tor all,such amounta�expended b-Len�e�T.pethe}"v�:�dab ottho mbure�m�nt The�s �u'ms ahau ab� " <br /> -- - --- -- - • <br /> describea in eny Unugatwn or me r,�voo���a�o.��.+..a. ..��o�. ••�••-•----- -• .._. <br /> � Inoluded In the defiNtlon of Obllpatlona herein end shall be sscured by the benetfolal Intereat prented hereln. It ths ObIlAatlone aro paitl eeer me <br /> bogInning ot publlcatlon ot notice ot enle,as hereln providod,or In tl�e event Lender shall,at Its sole optlon,permit Orantor to pay nny pert of tha <br /> - •• ObllAatlona efter the bepinning of publicatlon of notice of eale,ae hereln provlded,then,GrantOr ehall pay on demend nll expensea{ncurred by the <br /> Trustee end Lender In connectlon with eald publlcation,Including reasonable attorneys'teea to the nttorneye for the Trustaa nnd for the Lender,and a „ <br /> reasonabte tee to the Trustee,end thls Doed of Trust shell be security for all auch expences and fees. <br /> 24. APPLlCAT10N AF PAYMENTB. All paymanis made by or on bohaif of Grantor may bs applled apalnst the amounte pald by Lender (Includlnp <br /> � nttorneys'feea and Iegni expensea)In conneotion with the exerclse of Ite rlghta or remedles desoribed fn thls Deed ot Truat end then to the peyment <br /> of the remalning Obllpatlone tn whatever order Lender choosos. <br /> ' 26. POWER 0F AITORNEY. Grantor hereDy eppolnt3 Lender as ite ettomeyIn•teot to endoree (3rflntor's name on all Instrumente nnd other <br /> documentn pertalnfng to the Obligatlona or Deed oi Truat. In addltion,Lender ehall be ontitled,but not requlred,to periorm any actlon or execute any <br /> " documont requlrod fo be taken or oxecuted by Qrantor under thla Deed o} Truot. Lend�r's pertormance of such nctlon or ex�cutlon ol ouch <br /> = documents shall not relleve arantor irom any Obllget!on or cure eny default under thla Deed of Truat. All powers oi attorney deacribod In thls Deed ot <br /> = Trust are coupled wlih an Interest and are Irrevocable. „ <br /> - ' �• �� �cha�rgedw�ith 1u�daadvaneed�by Londeerogardless ofbwtiether�theseilonshtsecurity I tereats or othor�encumb ances hn o been elensed ot record. <br />�_' • lPNE6�1C '��FormNbn Ta�no�og�ea.Inc.(�/20/09) (�)�7•3783 Pago 9 of 6 I ..._. <br />