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<br /> c� � LdAN NQ. 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 0 19
<br /> dnta oP tho monthly payrnont�,wiilch ara rofarred to In Para�raph 2,or chando tho QF'nount of�uch�aymont:�. Any
<br /> � oxcose proceec�e over an amaunt roq��Ired to pay all autetnndlnq Indobtodnosa under tho Noto and thla Socurity
<br /> Instrument shall be pald to the entity Iepally on4ltled thoroto. .�
<br /> e.F��f. Londer may collect feea and aharpea nuthorizod by tho�ecretary.
<br /> o.Q►ou�d�far Accdar�tlon of D�bt. '
<br /> � � (w)Doi�utt. Lender may,except as Ilmlted by rogulatlone laeued by tho Secretary In the cese�f paymont defaults, •
<br /> rcqulro Imrr�cdlato pnymont In iull�f ell eume securad by thio Sec�irity Instrumont Ii:
<br /> - --.�.---. . _._- ... _ . . .. . . ... --" -_"__���..��..��.a.....�d....l hu�MIo Cnn��dfu 1►�ctr��mnnt nYlnr �. '_ _..
<br /> lI dO�fOWef QBT�UI[9(�y Iq111I1 lU tl 111 11%li plt II Iu�n�u o n�on��v u vv.. �
<br /> 1 N N Y Y r r r ti ,� , .................. ..._.._..._...�.._. _
<br /> to ar on the duo dato ot the next monahiy p�yment,or .
<br /> �� (II)Borrower detaults by talling,for a porlod of thlrty days,to psrtorm any other o611gatlono contalned In thls
<br /> .,� � $ecurlty Inatrument.
<br /> (b)Sele Wtthout Credit Approv�l. Lender shall,ff permitted by appllcable law and with the prlor Approval ot the
<br /> Secretary,requlre immedlata payment In full of all the sums secured by thls 5ecurity Instrument If:
<br /> (I)All or pttrt of the Property,or a beneficlal Interest in a trust owning all or part ot the Propsrty, is sold or , .:
<br /> otherwise transferred(clVier than�y davlae ar descent)by 4he Barrowor,and .;h',.A
<br /> � pq The Property Is not occupled by the purchaser or grantee as hls or her princlpal resldencQ,or the �.:r:.;�_
<br /> � � purchaser or grantee daes so occupy the Property but his or her credit has not been approved In •.,=_�.:_.
<br /> accordance with the requlrements of the�ecretary. "'" `�'
<br /> 'r� � (c)No Walver.If circumstances occur that wauld ermlt Lender to re uire Irnmedlate a ment In full,but Lender �.:.��:'��
<br /> p 4 P Y ,,;,,:.�,��:
<br /> � cloes not requlre such payments,Londer doas not walve Its righte wfth respect to subsequent events. ,;�;;��
<br /> :: !� (d)i��utatlons of HU�5ecrate In man clrcumsYances re ulatlor�s Issued b the 3ecreta wfll Ilmit Lender's t•r'•��:-
<br /> �• Y 8 Y N , .�::
<br /> 4 � rlghts, n the case of payment de(a��lts,to requlre Immedlate payment in ful!and foreclose if not pald.Tnls Security . , :_
<br /> Instrument does not suthorize acceleratlon or foreclosure if not permftted by regutstlons of the Secretary. � °��;:;:-
<br /> � , (e)MoRgaga Not Insured. Borrower agrees that should thls Securiry Instrument and the nate secured thereby not � �-�_,�
<br /> ` � be ell�lble for(nsurance under the National Housing Act wlthln e o D A Y S from the daie hereof, _ ;,; _
<br /> rn Lender may,at Its option and norivithstanding anything in Paragraph 9,require Immedlate payment in fiuli of all �" t:.,.
<br /> '�� sums secured by this Security Instrument.A written statement�f any authorized agent of the 3ecrotary dated :�..����
<br /> < � subsequent to s o D A Y S from the date hereof,decllning to insure this Security Instrument and the 'F�s'
<br /> note secured thereby,shall be deemed conclusive proof oi such inellglblllty.Notwithstanding the foregoing,thls • =���
<br /> ' aptlon m�y not be exercised by Lender when the unavnllabllity of Insurence Is solely due to Lender's failure to remlt
<br /> a moKgage Insurance premium to the Secretary. , ,.-
<br /> �'�j� 10.Reinstetement. Borrower has a right to be relnstated if Lender has required Immedlate payment In full bocause -
<br /> af L'otro�ta�'�!�!lur�!o p°�ast amoLni tl:�e LndQr thA Nora n�t�i�Sa���riry inctn�ment.This rlsht applies even after
<br /> foreclasure pra.r,eedings are instituted.T�reinstate the Securlty Instrument,Borrowor shall tender In a lump sum all =
<br /> s amounts requlred to bring Borrower's account current including,to the extent they are obligatlons of Borrower under -
<br /> this Securlty Instrument,foreclosure costs end reasonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses properiy
<br /> _ assoclated with the toreclosure proceeding.Upon relnstatement by Borrower,thla Security Instrument and tl�e
<br /> '�-:=�4.��:- • obligaUons thst it secures shall remaln In effect as If Lender had not required immediat�payment in full. However,
<br /> `a�•�:,'-,.�T: Lender ts not roquired to permft relnstatement If: (q Lender has Accepted�einscatemont after,the cammencement of
<br /> _��` • toreclonure proceedings wfthfn twA years immedlately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure
<br /> -:�����._�`� �� proceeding,(II)relnstatement will preclude foreclasure on different grounds In the future,or(III)relnatatementwill -
<br /> _�"'���"`�:` adversely�ffect the prlority of the Ilen created by thls Securlty Instrument.
<br /> ��'�� �+� • « 11.Sonow�r Not Rele�sed;Forbear�nae by Lender Not e Walver. Extenslon of the time of payment or
<br /> `-'' `•:� " modKlcat(on of amortizatlon of the eum9 secured by thls Socuriry Instrument granted by Lender to any successnr In
<br />��M•� �'A�� i�terest of Borrower shall not operate�o release the Iiabiliry af the original Borrower or Borrower's successor In Interest.
<br /> _r_����� Lender shall not be requtred to commence proceedings against any successor In interest or refuse to oxtend tlme tor
<br /> _,,.�,�,,,,_� payment or othorwlse mpdffy amortizatton of the sums sHCUred by thl�Security Instrument by reason of any demand
<br /> _ made by the orlglnal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest.Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any right
<br />-a�-=-_=== or remedy shail not be a waiver of or preclude the oxerclse of any rlght or remedy.
<br /> —_�°�-�°�--- 12.Succes=on�nd Assl ns Bound;Jotnt and Several Llabll�y;Co-Sign�rs. The covenanta and agreements of
<br />-���=r-��:� thls Securfty Inatrument shall b�nd and benefit the successors and asslgns of Lender and Botrower,aubJect to the
<br />-_ -___;-_� provislona of Paragraph 9.b.Borcower's covenants and agreementa shall be Jolnt and several.Any Borr�wer who ___
<br /> - = co-s[gns Fnis S�x:utiiy i�isiruii�ent but dues nat s::ecute the Nate: (�)I�Co-slgning thls Securlty lnsirument oNy to ._ -
<br /> - `�=_� mottgage,grant and convey that Borrower's Intsrest In the Praperty under tho terms of thls Secur(ty Insirument;(b)Is _
<br /> ���� not personally obligated to pay the surns secured by thls Securlty Instrument;and (c)agrees that Lender and any other
<br /> v���=* Borrower may agree to extend,modlfy,forbear or make any accommodatlons wlth regard to the terms of thls Securtry
<br />=+�[i��?3t
<br /> ;a,.,,,r.,;x;,�. Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's concent. -
<br /> s ����?��'` 13.Noticea. Any notice to Borrower provlded for In Yhls Securlty t nstrumont shall be glven by dellvering It or by =
<br /> N�_�^�„�' � malling It by flrst class mall unless appllcablo lew requlres use of another moihod.The rtotice sh�ll(oe dlrected to the �,,
<br /> �`'�;,::�'t'� -_--
<br /> . Properry Address or any other address 9orrower deslpnates by notice to Lendet.Any notice to Lender shall be g(ven _.____
<br /> :.'.• by ffrst class mall to Lender's addreas stated hereln or any address Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrowec Any notice �-
<br /> � • provlded for In thls Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been glven to Borrower or Lender when glven as =-�`'--
<br /> rovlded In thls ara re h ��
<br /> p P � p • '�'==-:.
<br /> 14.Governing law;Severab0ity. Thls Securlty Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the law of the �y���:
<br /> lurlsdlctlon In whlch the Property Is located.In the event that any provlslon or clause of thls 5ecurfty Instrumen4 or the � =''`�°'_
<br /> Note coMllcts wlth appllcablo law,such confllct shall noi affect other provlslons oi Shls Securlty Instrument orthe Note ^=�
<br /> whlch can be glven effect wlthout the confllcting provlslon.To thls end the provlslona of thls Securlty InS�trument and the �,�:�;.-
<br /> Note are declare�l to be severable. .
<br /> . .�,;;.
<br /> � 16.8orrower's Copy. Borrower shall be glven one conformed copy of thls Securfty Instru�t. ;y;:.:._:
<br /> °f> 16.Aislgnment of ReMs. Borrower unconditlonally asslgns and transfers to Lendor all the nts and revenues of ••
<br />- ..—���`�" _ .i.�n���r.. n���...�'�..��...�t�..��......1......1.....4...�..........�..�.....Jt....��L...rnn�n er.d rnvnnuno on hornhv�Ilrn�+tn naPh �
<br /> �--- ---------
<br /> _r�__.. --- ato��vNa�ar.�r�nvnv�aa�uwncoo�o��vo. v�..o�n.v� oobv�.w.v vv.w.............w�............................,...... `...,.
<br /> tenani of tho Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.However, prlor 4o Lender's notice to Borrower of �
<br /> ' �;+Borrower's breach of any covenant or ngroement In the Securlry Instrumont,Borrower shall collect and roco�e all rents
<br /> • and�'evenues of the Property as truatee for the beneflt of Lender and Borrawer.This asslgnment of rents c�natltutes an
<br /> �absolute aeslgnmeni arui not an asslgnment for additlonal securfty only.
<br /> � ` If Lender glves notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents recefved by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustea
<br /> ''�for benailt of Lender only,to be applfed to the sums aecured by the Securfty Instrument; (b)Lender shall be entltled to
<br /> ' �collect and recelve all of the rnnts of the Property;and(c)each tenarot of the Property shall pay all rents due and unpaid ., •
<br /> '�to Lendor or Lender's agenc on L�nder's wrltten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Borrower has not executed any prlor asslgnmont of the rents and has no4 and wlll not perform any act that would
<br />-. prevent Lender fram exerclsing Its rlghts under thls Paragraph 16. � •
<br /> Lender shall not be roqulred to entor upon,tako control of or malntaln the Property before or after glvtng notice of
<br /> breach to Borrower.However, Lender or a Judlclally eppolnted recelver may do so at any tlme there Is a breach.Any
<br /> - appllcatlon of rents shali not cure or walve any default or Invalldate any other rlght or remedy of Lender.Thls
<br /> � asslgnment of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Securlty Instrument is pald In full.
<br /> � � ISC/FMDTNE//0697/(6•98)•L PA(3E 30F 4
<br />