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- _ :. <br /> ,;�: �-.: :�r; - - _ ;..> . _:_ <br /> --�` t-�� r,-�- . -- -_ _ , _ . . << < -- = -- <br /> �°� . ., . . _ � . � . .. <br /> , . � _ •. . . . � . . `< _ . . '._ ` . ,��� '��d"v�' . � ' _ <br /> � '[n[iElHFR N!'1'�I�lt die impna�rea�t t�►a�e�an rt6e PnP�9•aid�il a�. . <br /> � ` �d fut�s ao�v or I�eratla Y pft of tbe p�ope�tj►. AU Rpl�oea�a�ts`+�d�dd�u�a6�U also 6eru+raed by '�Sec�y" <br /> ' ' fmonaia�t. All of tbe facegoit�is tefated W in this Secwity Iautumcnt s!the"PmpertY•" , ` <br /> � BORROWFR COV�NANTS tty�t Horrow4r is 4wfully seised.oE the eswoe t�ebY conveyed�nd ha�tbc rishtto�nE . <br /> � aod oonvey the Ptopaty and tlnt the pt�uperty is ana�m�bet�ed.except tix en�vm6�ces of tecos� Barowa wa�xs and <br /> � ailt ddead�ly the tide to tbt Ptaipeny�pinst sl!claims�od demands.subjeM to mY eecumbr�nnes of iecot+� . <br /> 7WS`SECURiPY INST[tUMENT com6iees w�ifam wva�►ts for mtta�f use aod non�unifam cuva�ants with � <br /> ` - Innited vari�tiqds f�}r jutiscTcinu to ca�tit�a z anifam sccaairy i�nunene coveiing�eai prope�-, � ° _ <br /> ` [RdIPpRM C�OYF1�I�l1V't5.BaROwer iM I.eader coven�ot aad a�ee as follows: wLm du�the <br /> L� A�t etYri�etpd tr�I�tee�t;heAl�e�t a� t'hr�es Bo�w�s�11 P�Y P�Y . <br /> . p�l af aod'uuarst on t6e debt ev�denced tty t6e Note ud 3nY PKP=Y�aad litt chargesdue under thc Note. ; <br /> 2. �1Mi fos'ILses a�Lwra�c� Subject to opplic,abk taw or to a wnt�en waivet 6y Leder.Barowu shalt pa►y to . <br /> � IROdet m thc dgr moa�bly payments ace due u�dv the Note,wWy the Note is paid in fiill,a sum t"Funds")for:fs)Y�Y - <br /> � tues aad�which utsy�n priaitY oves thi4 Security Iawutne�tt ss a lieu an the�roQe[ty;(b)Ye�I9 kaStMid <br /> � paymeats cr Etouna�aus onn tde Pbpaty.if any; ta)y�T ��'PnPMr �,nnce qem�umx cfi r�r � <br /> �oe p�emiu�.if aay;(e)Yea�lY�8�!�P����9°Y:and(fl u�Y ��PaY� bY Barmwer t� <br /> ' , �Iindrr,m acwrdance with tlie povisions of paragraph tiai of tbe pe►ymeat oE matgage inwr�nve pn�uams. 1Lese . <br /> . itans�e c�lled"Fscmw Itdns." i.eader an}tim�:cdbcc and Inid P1u�ds m aa amouat not to tzaed the muima�n <br /> � amoWet a kada for A federaIIy tetaud matpgc l�n may tcquite fot Botrowtr3�esccow�xa�nt under the federsl Rezl � -- <br /> Fstaie Seukmeot-P�oodu�+es Act of 197�as uanded from 6me w time.l2 IJS.C.�2601 a seq.("RESPA'7,uniess arxxlxr <br /> txov tt�t appSes ta)be£a�ds sets s lesser anw�� If so.l.eoder y►y 6me.callect wd tald Fimds in an aawunt not to <br /> excaed tbe lesaelr ad�omnc: Leader may�d�e�nnunt of limds doe aa tde bisis af c�nent data and rasonabk . <br /> estiamles oteapers�tu�ss of fuame Escmw Items or athen�rise in accoNance with appticabia taw. , . <br /> 7t�e F9nds slbll ba.I�dd ia aa insucluti�an whose deposits are inwcM by a fcderai agcncy;irtsaumentatity.a e�iry . <br /> (u�t8l.ader,if�er�s sude sn i�titution)or in any Fedend Hane Lan H�ak. Lender s�it apply tbe Funds w PaY <br /> the Fscrow Itaas. I.ender may aat charge Bormwer for hol�ng and applying the Fund.s.�noaltY�Y�B��w <br /> • aqcouat,ar verifying the Fsccow Items,nnfess t.cnder paYs Barower interest an the Phnds and appli�ablo taw pe�mits - <br /> ' Lender to matce sucb a ctiarga tIaweva,Lender maY require Barower to pay a onatime charge for ao indepeqdent Ka1 , <br /> est�ttux iepofin$service usW 6y�Lender in cauiection with thia ban,uniess applicaLle law pravides atlwTwise. Unless an . . <br /> ag�eaneAt is made a applicabk law requiries intenest to be p�id,LRnder shall not ix irquired to pay Borrower any inteiest or , <br /> •- eami�igs ua tt�e Fqnds. Bocrower aad I.ender may agrea in wtiUng,however.that intenst shall be paid on tha Funds. L,snder <br /> �. sh�lt give to Borrower.arithout chargG an annuat accaunhng of she Funds.showing ccedits and deWts w the Ainds and tbe , <br /> - pmpose fa which each debit to ihe F�nds was made. The Fands are pkdgod as additional security for all sums secund lry <br /> th�s Soearicy Insaumen� <br /> - If the Funds held by Lender eacad the amounts permitted ta he held by applicable law.I.enAer sh�ll account to <br />- Borrower fot the excess Fnnds in accordance wlth the re�Ni�ements of applicabte law. If tt�e amou�t of the I�la beld by <br /> l,rnder u aay time is nat sufficient w pay the Escrow Items wtxn due.Lender may so�Horrower in writing.and,in <br /> - such case Bortowa shall pay to L.ender the amount aecesgacy ta malce up the deficiertcy. Bormwer shaU malce up the <br /> - deficiency in no�nore S�an twelve monthlY FaY� lxnder's sole discretion. <br /> UPan PaYment in full of all snms secured bl+this Securiry Instrumeni.Lender shaQ promptly refund to Bc�rower any <br /> Funds held by l.eflder. If,under p�raph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sel!the Property.l.endec,pnot ro the acquisifion or <br />_ sale af fl�e Property.shall applp.�'FuaBs hetd by I.ender at the time of acquisition ar rale as a credit against the sums <br /> secured by this 5ecurity lnstrumene. ' <br /> 3. Applkatbn ot PAyments. Unless z�plicable Iaw provides othecwise.al7 payments received by Lender under �.. <br /> - puagraphs l and 2 shall be applied:first,to a�r prepayment charges due un�r�'_` amounts payabk under =. <br /> _ para�apb 2;thirQ to interest duc; principal due:and last,ta any late eharges due ander the Nate. _ <br /> 4. Chae�es:Lieas. 8artower shall pay all taxes.assessments,charges,fines and impos�tions attributable to the = <br /> •� Property which may attain priority aver this Securiry Instrument,and leasehold paymentsvr ground nents,if any. Barrawer _ <br /> bfip11 pay t}�ese obligations in the manner provlded in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Hatrower shalt pay thetn on a <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts Eo be paid under = <br /> this paragaph. If Barrower makes these payments directty.Borrower shaED prompUy fumish to l.ender c��ts evidencing _ <br /> . the payments. ` _ <br /> Barrower shall promptly disci�'e any lien which has priority ovcr this Security lnstnment unless Borrower.(a)agrees � <br /> ��t,�• in wriring to the payment of tho o61cg�ion stcured by the lien in a manner acceptnble to l.�er,(b)contests in good faith the _ <br /> ,.,,.�Y fkn by,or defcnds against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedinge which in the I.ender's opinion operatc lo provent the __ <br /> entorcement of the lien;or(c)secuies frotn the holdec of the lien an agreernent satisfactory to Lender subordlnating the lien — <br /> to tlds Security Instrmnen� If Lcnder determines that any part of tAe Property is subject to a iien which may anain priority = <br /> over this Secur�ry lnstrament,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrawer shall sadsfy the lim ov take _ <br /> one or more of the actlons set forfi abave within 10 Qays of the�iving of notice. ' - <br /> '. � 5. Hazud or Property Iasarance. Borrower shatl kcep the improvemenu now exisfing or hereafter erected an the = <br /> { Propeny insured against loss by fue.hazards included within the term"eatended covcrage'and any other hazards,including __ <br /> floods or fiooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This i�.surance shall be maintained in the airtounts and for the . <br /> : ti� _ <br /> �orre301S f!!4 IP�+Rt2ojbpagesl ` <br /> „ . . <br /> �'. <br />�. '. "r.f �. <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> '. " . .�..-.._�_'._.... ._.. ..,-._.-.-�_. .. -- . ..._ _. . ... . ._ . . ... ' . _ —' . _' -...�_ ..- <br /> _ , �`�.�Ei�,�,�, ... . ii!��if!.�•.%:�l�"1.:fi t� . . .. - . .i . �. . . . . " � , <br /> ' � !' _- 3 .. � .. ' . . . �. • � , � . <br /> :`{.. . . . . , , <br /> _ " �.+�a.' .... ..._ . .- � � . . • - , . . _ .. . <br /> ,. � _�... ' _L:. -. . . . , . . . . <br /> - . "_'�?r � - • . . _ _... _ . .. . . _ . '-- .. _ . .. . . .. . . .. . . -'-. _ . . . _ . . . . <br /> F: "`_ _ . t ' ' ' . . � . � , ' ., • � . ..� . _ ' - � . . <br /> . . �� '�� . . . � � . � . . �� . . � ' .. . . • . <br /> - _ .. • ' • . .. , • . <br /> . . ' ' ' . d _ , . . . . . � . <br /> _ _ . <br /> . .. . .. . . . . . <br /> ._�'-- — �--- - ---- ----�-- -- _ — _ �"--- - ---- � ---- � --° --- _ - _ —_..__ <br /> •� _--- --- - �- - - -- — - . . . _ -� —- - - <br /> _ -- . �. <br />. .._.�� , -- _- . .. . . <br /> , � y�� i: , . , . ' ; ' .. . <br /> � �i ti.. . . .. _ _ . ,1 i.� ....�.r _ . ., _ ..�. � . . - -, - --J I - .. � �. . ��. --�.� , . _ ___ -. _ ., <br />