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<br /> �. .�;, Vt�e.Larry Q iRleiis ai�ci i:aPen �.�"�all� . Hu�ls=na! ana!Wite 89 e.�0If1R TA*�An4�'R (� G
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<br /> �, ,('TNStot') \
<br /> ' '•�.F4 -
<br /> • � ._k- �. under the fonowing Deed ot Tru�t to ba entered into among Trusto�s, Natlonal Bank of Commerce Trust and
<br />-'��' '�"£� Savinas Associatlon. 13th & "O"Straet, UncoI�,NE 68508
<br />=�:;_:,'•�. , ,('Trusteo').
<br /> :�..,;._ _ _ `
<br /> "�""�" r and The Overland Natlonal Bank of t3rand lalartd
<br /> '^'����� (Beneflclary') covering the property descdbed betow herehy acknowledge that it is understood that(a)the Oeed ot Trust to be _
<br /> � ° � sxecuted by Tnistor Is e trust dend end not e mortgage end (b)ihe power of eate provided for in the Deed of Trust provides =
<br />� _����`
<br /> 7�- ..r• substantieily diNerent righte and o611gatlons to the Trustor than a mcKgage In the dvent ot detaull or hreach of obligatfon.
<br />�..+ry+t� -
<br /> Trustor ecknowledges that this Acknowledgment was made prlor to tho executlon oi the Deed of Tnist.
<br /> y-�� Executed and delivered this 20th day of MaX 9S
<br /> --:.:�
<br /> Trustor Trustor r �g
<br /> --�}�■ -�k��
<br />_. ``:rx_:�:Q�� 7.�_gm.V�.�w Welle
<br /> –� Irustor `�'• -
<br /> -'r+�:?55.��
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<br />'�'�'��'� DEED OF 1°�UST
<br /> �,
<br /> —__._a-l�:f.�
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<br /> .._:-:=iipl�.n�
<br /> ��� THIS DEED OF TAUST("Security Inatrument")Is made on MaV 20th , 1996 .
<br /> ��;.�r�h+:�;
<br /> The tmstor Is L.�rrv �. Walla and Keran E. Wdls . Husb�nd and Wlfa. �s Jolnt Tenants.
<br /> ----'-"°".-'. (•Borrower').
<br /> The tmsteo Is QV�tlonal Bank af Commarce Trust and Savinaa Assqcletion 13th �i "O" Strs�t. Lincoln.
<br /> � NE 68508 ('Trustea').The beneBciary Is
<br /> — The Ov�rl�nd Natlonal B�nk of Grand Island whiah is orpan�od end existtng
<br /> under tho lawa ot Ths United Ste�tss of Amsrica ,end whose address Is 3Q� WYSt Thl�d S1�6ot
<br /> Ora�nd Isl�nd NH Bm8�1 ('lenda'�.
<br /> �� '� Burrower owes I.ender the pdnclpal sum ot SI Fiv� Thousand 1'wo Hundred F ana! OQ 100 �
<br /> — Dollars(U.3.S 65,260.0� ��. Yhls debt Is evidenced by Bo►rower'e note
<br /> dat�ed the same date es thls 3ecuriry Instrument ('Note'), whlch provldes for monthty payments,wRh the full debt, ff not peld
<br /> enrlier,due and pdyeble on JuDO 1, 2071 •
<br /> - - - This Secutity Instrume�it secures to Lender: (a) repayment of the deot ovidenceu uy ti�n �tota, wrr� tr�k�ssi. and att rcnc.•rals, •
<br /> --- — extenalons and rtiodiflcatione oi the Note; (b) the payment o} all other sums, with intarest, advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br /> protect the securky o1 th{s Security Instrument; end (c) the pertortnance of Borrower's covenents and agreements. For thls
<br /> purpose, 8orrower Irtevocabty grants end conveys to TN6t@@, In TN11, with power oi sale, the toliowing dascribed property
<br /> — lucatod in Ha91 County,Nebraske:
<br /> � Part a�f Lot Ten �10)� of Home Subdivislon, en Addkion to the Citv of Grand taland, Ha11 County.
<br /> -----� Nebraska, d�acriWd es follows: Comm�ncing �t e polnt 110.7 foet south ot the Northeast c�rner
<br /> :��n�,.�s of s�ld Lot T�n (10) Home Subdivislon, hoing t6o Interssctlon of the West Iln� of Wh�oler
<br />-�_��_��� �ivanuo wfth th� Sout�erty Ilns of 18th Streat� thenco southweaterly on tha Southerly Ilna of 18th
<br /> """�"`� 5t., � d��tanco aF S2 te�t to ths actual paint of baginning, th�ncs Sout�eeesterly parailel with tha
<br /> _'°�==�`=:�� W�st�rly Iins of Wh�elsr Avanus� 132 f�ot ta tho noeth Ilno of ths alloy betwaen 16th Strost and
<br /> _.;���,� 17th Stracts, thonco Southw�sterly along the North Ilne of sald al[ey, a distance cif 52 fsot,
<br /> _____,,,,-�.�� thenaa Worthweaterly parallel with the Woaterly line of Whoeler Avor+ue� �distance of 132 feet to
<br /> ---`�`_-���'= Str�ot�a d stanco o b21feot tor4he'actual polnt o�f beginning ng the Southerly Ilnn of said 18th
<br /> -�,�-��k���
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<br />. , � 4
<br /> • + t
<br />._ •' ;'`.'i .
<br /> " �•, whlch hns the address ot 307 W. 18th St. . Gi�and Island _
<br />_ -� , rCn '�Y
<br /> Nebraska 68�01 ('Property Addros3'):
<br /> - pVo 0
<br />• Form 30Tf1 9/90 NEBRASKA°inp�a Fmm�y FNMAI�H�MC UNIFORM INSTqUMENT
<br />. . ' . . Ft716.LM0(3/9G) Page 1 ot 5 �
<br />..'.. „�•.,,
<br /> , ' 9G013
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