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2oioo~i5E <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Thinly-seven (37) and Thirty-eight (38), Hidden Lakes <br />Subdivision Number Two (2), Hail County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southwesterly comer of said Lot.Thirty-sBVen (37); thence Northerly along the <br />Westerly line of said Lot Thirty-seven (37), a distance of One Hundred Fifty and Eighteen <br />Hundredths (150.18) feet, to a point of curvature; thence running Northeasterly along ,the arc of <br />the curve whose radius is 400' (initial tangent of which coincides with the last described course), a <br />chord distance of Twenty-0ne and Sixty-eight Hundredths (21.68) feet, to the Northwesterly comer <br />of said Lot Thirty-seven (37); fence continuing Northeasterly along the last described curve and <br />along the Westerly line of said Lot Thirty~ight (38), a chord distance of Forty~ight and Forty-two <br />Hundredths (48.42) feet; thence running Southeasterly, a distance of Eighty and Four Tenths <br />(80.4) feet, to a point on the Northerly line of said lot Thirty-seven (37), said point being Sixty-eight <br />and Twenty-0ne Hundredths (68.21) feet Easterry from the Northwesterly comer of said Lot Thirty- <br />seven (37); thence deflecting right 11 °47'DO" and running Southeasterly, a distance of One <br />Hundred Twenty-eight and Fifty-two Hundredths (128.52) feet, to a point on the Southeasterly line <br />of said Lot Thirty-seven (37); thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of Lot Thirty- <br />seven (37), a distance of Eighty-six and Seventy-seven Hundredths (813.77) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 33°38'45" and running Southwesterly along said lot line, a distance of Eighty-seven and <br />Seventy-three Hundredths (87.73) feet, to the point of beginning.. <br />AND a tract of land comprising a part of Lot Thirty-seven (37), Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number <br />Two (2}, Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly. desen'bed as follows: First, to ascertain the <br />point of beginning, start at the Southwesterly corner of said Lot Thirty-seven (37); thence <br />Northeasterly along'the Southerly line of said Lot Thirty-seven.(37) a distance of Eighty-seven and <br />Seventy-three Hundredths (87.73) feet; thence deflecting left 33°28'45" and running Northeasterly <br />along the Southeasterly line of said Lot Thirty-seven (37) a distance of Eighty. six and Seventy- <br />seven Hundredths (86.77) feet to the Actual point of beginning; thence deflecting left 137°39'00" <br />and running Northwesterly a distance of One Hundred Twenty-eight and Fifty-two Hundredths <br />(128.52) feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Lot Thirty-seven (37), said point being Sixty- <br />eight and Twenty-0ne Hundredths (68.21) feet East of the Northwest corner of said Lot Thirty- <br />seven (37); thence deflecting right 159°59'20" and running Southeasterly a distance of One <br />Hundred Thirty-four and Seventy-seven Hundredths (134.77) feet to a point an the Southeasterly <br />line of said Lot Thirty-seven (3T); thence running Southwesterly a distance of Forty-six and <br />Sixteen Hundredths (413.16) feet to the Actual point of beginning. <br />
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