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<br /> T��1�TCE'S DF.E�OF RECO1v1V1�YANCE —
<br /> THE S1ATE BANK OF CAII�O, A Nebras�a Banlrien�C��bylgu�ngt���d �d n conaiderarian of OneQ„��
<br /> S�id trust and by virtue of the p�wer and auth ty Bi
<br /> Dollar and othsr good and valuable consideration, r��p the follov�nnghde cribed realleesta e (ast defined in �°�
<br />- reconveys to NEII,. �nd JUAY GO'fTLOH, Gran ,
<br /> Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 7b-2U1) in�►I.Y.County,
<br /> I�Iebraska:
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southv�rest
<br /> �/? SE'/. SW'/.) of Section Twenty-Tluee (23), Township Eleven (11) North, RaY►Se
<br /> Quarter (E Nebraska, and more particularly described as
<br /> Nine (9) V'lest of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br /> follows:
<br /> Begimm�8 a�a point o�h4 sogu�talin�e�i be ng Ot e OnetHundred Nin�ety-F'rve de Forty-F ve
<br /> Quarter (E/z SE/+ S ), P
<br /> Hundredths(195.45)feet weshPari als lo R�and pon the 1 outh tl'�e o f a�ad Eass H,/alf of the
<br /> � yi'i' � � ., �...�...,t.m� __. .,, _ � � , '' 3�.�` �:;
<br /> Sautheast Quai'ter of the Southwest Quarter (E/z SE/a S\N/+), a distance of'i curiy t �
<br /> thence N 00° 46' 39" W, a distance of Five Hundred (500.0) feet; thence N 89° 56' 17" W, a
<br /> distanc�e of Four Hundred Thiriy-Five amd Seventy-One Hundred.ths(435.71) �eet to a point on
<br /> the westerly line of said East Half of th�Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter(E'/s SE'/.
<br /> SW�h);thence N QO°48' S7u�e alo 6 SE'�/ SW'/),a distance�of So en H1 ndrled Nn�ty Five and
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest Q (E
<br /> Twenty-Three Hundredchs (795.23) feet to the norsh�vest,�encs N�10'49" E along and
<br /> SouEheast Quarter af the �outhwest Qua�ter(E��2 SE�I4 SW��4 ,
<br /> upon the north lu►e of said Eas na a1f T h n°S X�p dseverity Se en�Hundredh s(526.7?) feet;
<br /> S1N'/n), a dis+tance of five
<br /> Fow Hundrrdths(803.34)
<br /> thence S 00°48'S�°�� a d���� °f Eight�iundred Three and Thiriy-
<br /> feet;thence�N 89°56' ���� of Fiv�e H d ed(0 0)feetto the po'lnt of beginning. 12�feet;thence
<br /> S 00 46 39 E.a d�stance
<br /> TI11S LCCOYIYC}►a11tx i�u+auC:.�sa:esfar*'-^n c,f the obliKarion secured by the Deed af Trust recorded in the Of�'ice of
<br /> the H�11 County Regi
<br /> ster of Deeds9 as II'ocument P�10. 93-1Q4�16, on Juae lU, i�i�, pursu��i ic, N�`�.a�:c�.
<br /> Revised Statutes Section 76-101�.
<br /> Grantor executes this instcument as Tnistee and is not to be held liable in its individuai capacity in anyway by
<br />___ reason of this instrument.
<br />-- Ii�T'fESTIMONY VII��REDF. THE STA'TE BANK OF CAIRO,has caused these presents to be executed by
<br />_- its president ar►d•its C.arporate Seal to be afliaced hereto this 16th dxy of 1VIAy, 1996.
<br /> , �`�� L ���?�'�' �c� �; � Thc Stxte Ban�C of Cairo
<br /> — . ��� �`'r��l --
<br /> '� "�r,`�'�'�,,R'��� ,�� By/
<br />'�' AT'f��'' � �¢h�rd L. Heckman
<br /> �:° . ` :::�r+�:�i:r i�td�¢:d� .
<br /> �. .
<br /> �. ^•r'-..r'""'-`—"r � Pr�siaent
<br /> � � �'�.,,C��hier ,�c�,�>>l
<br /> ���,'7�.;� 't..,..,��� ' ��1�'
<br /> �- -,. � . ��
<br /> STATE t�F�I�, 71��j RECORCIER6 MOuIII
<br />,Q � )SS ,��_�U�-4�'���'.s-- ---�
<br /> Req�oi Deed�
<br /> .�,�. COUNTY OF HA,LL )
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowlesiged before me this May 1G, 1996,by Richard Y..Heckmstn,President
<br />:'�.� of The 3tate Bank of Cairo,A Nebraska Bankiu$Corporation,on behalf of the Corpor ' n.
<br />__ �IlOiliM�f��N�M�t c
<br />`'�f lp1�N E.��� T ItY PUBLIC
<br /> � ��' '�.
<br />