<br /> 1 �nw n �
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<br /> ���� �.�___ __'__._ _ ___._ ..__ . .
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<br />._—�Rii_-'re�v�
<br /> r� .' . , ' , diAtanao of Thre� Eiundred Twonty-Six and C+ifty-5evon Hunc�re�ths =
<br /> , o (32b..ri%9 fo�t to tl�o no�th 1lna of tho Sowthonat Quartar of tho �;
<br /> s Gouef�wm�e Quaceor (JI39/4 5I�11/4) oY cc�id ��e¢ioe� lna�►ty�SQVOn �
<br /> ' (27)i thonoc� oa�+toely alang tha north lfne of eaid Southc�ast �,:
<br />_ ��Y_ � quarter af t�ne 9outhMea! QuArY.er (SB1 J4 SN1/4)� a dietance a� -_
<br /> Four Hundred Nina end Thirty-T'wo Hundredthe (409.32) fa�t to the
<br />=�r:: ,/;� northeast cnrnor af maid 8outhe�at Quarter of tha Soathwaet �A
<br /> �=�+�' quarter (9E1/4 SW1/A)� also being the Aouthwest carner of Lot One �
<br /> _.���.��y,�y�"� ( S)� pl� Swzannn Suhciivision= thenc� easterly along tho north �
<br /> - line of said 9outhNest Quarter ot the Southeast Quarter {SW9/4
<br />---- — ,._ ..Q . .
<br />'-"`�"° S81/4) and tha sauth line of aaid i.ot une ( i i � n 410{.Q��VV .._ Q
<br />����•_�•-� Three flundred Bi.ghty-Five and Ninety-Three Hundred¢hs (385.93)
<br /> _ feeti thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00' and running �
<br /> ��_ �, sau�herly, a di+seanoe of Two Hundred Twenty-One and Thirty-Big�t
<br /> • '_'::.�• E�undradthe (221 .38) £eet to a point on the eoutherly bank of the
<br /> `=`'"�'� Sout� Loup ltivor; thence deflectin8 laft 109 degrees 05' S2" and �
<br />�.,.1�.,;,. _
<br /> -��� running northeasterly alon� said bank� a distance of Fi.ve Hundce
<br />_������ Seventeen and Ninety-'1'hree Hundred�i�r► (�1?.93) feet; thence �
<br /> _ _,,.r��� deflecting right 07 degrees 12'57" and running northeasterly
<br /> _�:,���+� along said bank� a distance of TWO Hundred Fifty-ThreA and _
<br /> '-��; Seventy-Tsra Hundredths (Z53.72) feet to the north line of said _
<br />- Southwest Quarter of the Southeaet Quarter (SW1/4 SB1/4) ; thence
<br />'�.� easterly along the north line of tha South Half of the southeast
<br />_="`-�� Quarter (S1/2 SE1/4) and along said ban�C. a disCance of Tuo
<br /> Hundred Fif ty�Twa and Five Hundredths (252.05) feet; thence
<br />:.';��� deflectin� right 36 degrees 54'41" and running southeasterly
<br /> along said bank� a distance of Three Hundrad Ninety-One and Two
<br />�;:�� Tenths (391 .2) feet; thence deflecting right 19 degrees 13' 10"
<br /> -' and running �outheasterly along said bank� a distance oF Three
<br />_'�� Hundred 31xty-Two and Ninety-Hine �iundredths (362.99) feet;
<br /> thonce daflecting laft 06 degrees 59'17" and running
<br />-°°-=- southeasterly alang eaid bank� a distance of Fivo Hundred Eighty
<br /> = and Ninety-Six Hundredths (580.96) f eet; thence deflecting left -
<br /> �- -�= 17 degrees 56'13" and running Bouthessterly along said bank� a
<br /> '�""—"'— distance of Fou�• Hundred Thirty-8ight and Eighteen Hundredths
<br /> � - =4�O.�o� foaL �a � gaint �n thA QARt line of said Sectian
<br /> TNenty-Seven (27�i thence Snutherly along the east line of esid
<br /> Sectian TWenty-Seven l27). a distance of One Hundred Fourteon and
<br /> — One Tenth ( 114.1y feet to tho southeast corner of said Soction
<br /> --�"— Tuenty-Seven (27); thence eoutherly aloag the east l fne of said
<br /> � Section Thirty-Four (34). a distance of TNO 'Phousand Six Hundred
<br /> ----- Seventy-Seven and Ninety-Bight Hundredtha (2.677.98) feet to the
<br /> plac:e of beginning� said tract containing 305.071 acres, a�ore or
<br /> less. together with any accr9tion ground thereto;
<br /> Tract No. 7: A tract of land comprising all of Lot Fiva (S)
<br /> and part of the Wdst Half of the North►rest Quarter (W1/2 HW1/�►)
<br /> of Section Thirty-Five (35), To�nship Thirteen �13) North� Rango
<br /> TWelve (12) . West of the 6th F.H. in HoNard County� Neb�sasks,
<br /> - more partieularly described as folloKes Beginning at a point on
<br /> . the Wast line of aaid Section Thirty-Five (35)� eaid point being
<br /> TWenty-�Six and TNenty-Seven Hundredth�a (Z6.27) feet Narth of the
<br /> SoutbMeet corner of ssid NorthNeet Quorter (NW1/4)s thence
<br /> northerly along the West line of said 5ection Thirty-FiWe (35). a
<br /> �� distance of One Thousand Nine Hundred TKenty-Bight and Fif taen
<br /> --- Nundredichs (1.�28.i 5 j Peet to tha c�::�:2.r.� �f *_he ���! nhs�nnwl _
<br /> uf the South Loup River; thence deflecting right 91 dagraes
<br /> 19'31" and running easterly along eaid center line, a distanco of
<br /> Fouc Hundred Thirty-One and Ninety-Thres Hundredths (431.93)
<br /> - feoti thence deflecting right 17 degreeR 12'52" and running
<br /> southeasterly along said center line� a dist�nce of One Hundred
<br /> �"'— ' Seventy-Nine and Sixty-Two Rundredt�s (179.62) feet; thence
<br /> deflecting left 12 degrees 07'07" and running southeasterly along
<br /> - - - eaid center line. a distanco of Fifty-Seven and Seventy-Two
<br /> �� Hundradths (57.72) feet; thenca deflecting right 31 dogrees _
<br /> ==`� 57'35" and running southeaeterYy along said centerline. a
<br /> -� ��-��a� , distar�ce of THO Hundred Thirty-Six and Sixty-�ix Hundredtha
<br /> _�� (236.66) f eet; thence defl�cting right 12 degrees 26'32" and -
<br /> —_- running southeasterly along said centerline. a distance o£ Four
<br /> ---�"���� Hundred B3ghty and Fifty-Six Hundredths (480.56) feet; thence
<br /> �--�'3� d9flacti g rig t 16 degree 4p'24" a d run[1 fn S uth asta 1
<br /> _��� along sa�c� cen�er lii�e� a c�is£ance o� One uun�re� Th�rty-�e�ien
<br />-=°��� and Seventy-Seven Hundredtho (137.77) f eet i thence daf lect ing �
<br /> =_ �..o« n� aoa..o.�o G(1�7A�� and runnina southeasterlY 81onB s8id ��
<br /> _ .._�,•--- •
<br /> °'°_`�`°' centarline, a distance of One Hundred Thirty�Nina and Five-Tenths �
<br /> �;;�;,'�;`r;:...,. (139.5 ) feet; thenco deflecting right 42 degrees 32'59" and �
<br />-�. running southwestorly along said center line� a distance of Four �.
<br /> `?��r';-�?°`..`�.r. }iundred Seventy-Three and Sixty-Sight Hundredthe (473.681 feet;
<br /> �;•`� :=,-.,�, ehence deflecting right 10 dagreea 36'43" and runni.ng f
<br /> -' �'"�' southw�sterly along said centor line� a distance of Thrae Hundrad
<br /> ";-'•'.-�,;�� ' Fifty-Four and 5ighty-Three Hundredths (354.83? feet; tbence
<br /> :._xt;.:'- '' deflscting right 3S degrees 04'54" and running southKesterly
<br /> � along said centerline� a distanco of Tro Hundred Sixty-Bight and s
<br /> ,,�°�� '��R� Sixteen Hundredths (268.16) faeti thence deflecting riRht 14 �
<br /> - degrees 33'32" and running southwestarl.y along said center line� !
<br /> ."i�y�`f�.� �
<br /> a df�tance of Four Hundred Sixty and Ninoty-Four Hundredths
<br /> �`w�� `` (460.94) fQet; thence deflecting right 14 degrees 25'03" and ,R'
<br /> . �. �1,�, _
<br /> • tunning southwesterly along said Center lino. a distance of Three
<br /> Hundred Sixty-Four and Thirty^'Three Hundredths (364.33) faet to
<br /> the place �f beginning and containing 44.867 acrgs� more or less;
<br />