.:,;:;,,,. , ,.
<br /> � , , . •
<br /> ..�w . • . .. .. -— ---
<br /> �'" .. ,._ - - --
<br /> ' ' ' � . .1r ` . .�.,�4�.rr. tiLr�vXiMi4'.>-r4�.�.i..�
<br /> . ..a5lrt!fM5K�16M��1 __" ._ _'. �w• —•-�:,,.......�... . ., _ . ,__ . . ___ _ ...
<br /> ��.!/l���fi`S �'�=---
<br /> _. .,.. __ . ..
<br /> _._"—`�.__....._.... .. ""•'_'_' _—'.__'__'. ... .,__ , .. ..–� '
<br /> "' f�e+�r.-.=-
<br /> . 7. PPA4ecYlon oi L��da'a i�lyht� In the Propevty. if eoROwa r4ue �o p.rrorm cne cowr��te end a0r�n�nte �k"
<br /> Contalne� �lhL�6aourNy InotturrsMt, ur lhare t�� fMlal peocMdlnp thtt rts�y olpnOFfacntry aff�;t L.�nd�s rlpfits h th�Rro�riy(QUOh o� I
<br /> U[i;c��_::��1� L7 �Jl:tfL;:Gy� p7c'SJ�'J, �u1 pp11d�,7�it8(�00 tl7 fDIH'��!!a Gt t�Eit'OfGO 19VIE Of�E�U13lFD(10), then L.�nds�m9y do�n�pay (or
<br /> whatwe M racu�uy to prot�oi th� valuo of th� Prop�rty�nd land�e ripht� in th�o PropKly. I.md�e ectlena may hcUde p�yfnp
<br /> . �ny �umt� Noursd by �Wn whbB ha�prbtity owr lhk&�CUr7ty {nttcument, �ppeerhp h oourt, paylnp rMSOnabM�ttorr��� hM �nd '
<br /> � �ntKi►p on th�Propwty to mREc�npak�. A�lhouph L�tdM ns�y tilc��otbn undK MN p�npreph 7,L�ndM dao not htve to do�o.
<br /> My amounn dMburred by 6�ndK under thls perapreph 7 thall b�cortw sddRionrl debt of Borrow�r eocund by thN S�curky
<br /> --- - i.�«.w ��w. w�w�, .Rn �d,e1�. .m� tn eNhar 1�rmn d aayrtNnt. th�t� vnotx�b thell bw hbnst kam tM drtr a1 .._
<br /> `_� dl�burtMn�nl at tM NoE�nte e�+d�haN b�payabM,wkh hNn�t.upc+n notbe kom Lea�du to Borto�wr nqwsth�p p�ymm4 �� f
<br /> o• Llil.^.o�i Ow�•�v_,�av, u ��..w.. .rn..� �.w:,,�,g ��v,r:nna aa a a�:.�{a.� n9 r,�:tLz.7 t�.9 I�:v�tl CGCUt:d �Y tlw �,,,� �___
<br /> , 8roudy IntlnkeMnt� Bartow�► sh�N pey tM pnmMuns nquind to m�fnt�ln tM moitWp� Inwma h Mhct. B� Iw �r►Y nawn� tM � -
<br /> `� :� matp�p� Insurano�aownpo nqut�d by Lmd�r rPsM a aas«to b�in Mho�BortovrM thaN p�y th�PnmlurrM nqvind to obLB :.
<br /> ���_��"ar�`F oownpe wb�hntMlty oquMaNnt to th� morip� inwrmoe p�wlowy In Mf�ct, �t � cat wb�tant�iy pulnMnt ta th� aott to "
<br /> ,��� � Barow�r of th� matplp� Intur� prwbu�y In MNot. kom �n aN�naa mort� hsw�r approwd by L�nd�r. If tubsGntti�
<br /> tplp
<br /> :� �qulv�Unt mortp�p� k+aur�nc�ao+Mr�W Is not amMoba, BoROwK shal pay t0 I.M�dK NCh monfh a tum �qual to ort►MnIRh of th��
<br /> ywrtl morfy�g�Inwrana pr�nlum b�p+►d by Borro�+w wMn ttN hwanc�aowre�lspNd a c�as�d to b�In whct. LwidK w�
<br /> r �oa�Rt� ua�nd ntain th� payrtNnb u � bts ros�rw b N�u of rtar'.pep� Inwru�ce. Lo�s rvsMw payrr�►t� may no ionpK W�
<br /> �, nquind, a!tM optfon of L�ncN►,N moRp�p� fnsuru�c�cownp�(h tM�maunt �nd tor tlw p�rbd that L.�ndK r�quta)provid�d by
<br /> ` �n Inwrw �pprowd by UndK Wafn b�cortNt Rvailah� �nd N obtalnad. Borrowsv �hal pay tM�P�bms ►�+t�d to n�htah� -
<br /> - i, mortp� Inwr�na in �M�at� a M provld�a bw ns«v�.uniN ttN rWulr�nt fa matp�p bwranc�mdi In acoonlu�a wkh �ny
<br /> 4t� wrkbn�pr��Mnt bNwa�n Borrowrr�nd L�ndM or�PPlbabw Y,w. ___.
<br /> p,�, .. �. I�fOp�Ctb1l. Lmd�r a ks �nt rtwy mwn rw�onabM �nlrfN upon �nd tntp�otlont of th�Ptop�rry. L�nd�r sh�l pFN
<br />�',. �- '�: �� BorcowK notice�t th�ttna ot or prfor to�n Irt�p�atbn sP�cYyhp nason�bw caus�tor dN In�p�otton. __
<br /> „ 'i0. f:OntiOrtlR�tbn. 9M proc�N of �ny �wrd or oi�im for darr�t� �ir�aQ or Qons�quonila4 �i ca-�kx� w:y ��y
<br /> . . cond�n►�tlon a otl�WcInO of Ny 9+rt of th�PropKtY�ar lor conwyu�w h Il�u W cond«mation�w h�nby eaqwd�nd �h�N b� - -
<br /> � p�id to I.�nd�r. ---
<br /> In th�rvant of o total hici►p of th� P�o(�rty. th�prac�thaN b� eppli�d to th� wms t�c u n d by M t� 3�au r R y r Inslnxn�nl, _
<br />, . ' . wh�thK ot not tMn dw.with �ny aa�s paW to Bortoww. In th�rwnt of� Putfal tYc(rW ol tM PropKtY in whbh tM iatr rtwlclt -
<br /> � wY� of tM Prop«ry Mxnsdl�by b�fon ths hkinp k �qwi to a pnatK th�n th� �rtwunt of tfi� sums Ncund by thi� &curity ,%`�
<br /> , �_.•. ,,. Mttrurtw�t kMMdiH�A► bMor� NN tticinQ� unlM� Bortow�r�nd Untf�r OthMwMs �rM h writing� th� �umi NC�xrd by th4 &CUr�y =.
<br /> .� Inctrum�n! shaN b� nduad by tM �naunt of th� procwd� mukplyd by th� (olbwlnp inctlon: (a) th� tottl �rnaxit of th�awn� --
<br /> . , slCUad YmMdktMY bMa+�th� Wcinp�dhrid�d bY(b) tM Mr madc.� ww,.o�et�.Prop.ny x�rwd�ay n�nr»tn�wcrq.My b�hnq --
<br /> ,i�1,�. � tha� bs �id to BoROw�r. in the�nt of a prtW fakYp ol tM PropKty h whbh th�faiv m�r1cM wiw of ttw Proputy Ynn»dtahy
<br /> .... , bMon t!w 1YcYp k 1�tMn tM amount of th� wrta acund tm�edYwy wfor�th�Wctp, unMss 8a►ow�r�nd L�nd�r othmwiN
<br />- ' :,,"v yrw h wrRinp or unMa �pplN,�bi� Yw oM�wW PravW�, ttw procwd� thal b� �ppM�d to th� wms /�eund by Mit S�curly
<br /> __s y.�y:s• irwirum�n wiwiiwr br nbi ii�iunw�i:�w�wi.
<br /> - � N tt►�PropKty M ebandorNd by 8am�wr.a M,aMr na2ia by tandr to 8orrow�r Mu tM cond�n�na ofkn to rt�k��n aw�rd a
<br />>.�^�;."' fNtN�cium far d�rtMpa� 8orrow�r NN to nspond to LandK wkhh 30 d�ya afNr th�dab th�notk�k Qhhn�la�d�r k a�othorisd
<br />:;'...r�. �..
<br /> -,:``K�;��'� to coMct�nd�pPN tM P�����t I�optbn��lthK to rwctontbn a npaY of th�Prop�ty a to th�wms�acur�d by MM &curMy
<br />:__:u:�;���t; ' Insbun►mb wh�th�a not th�n dw.
<br />°=s�� UnNs�I.�nd�r�nd 8otrow�r olh�t►riw aprM h wrRMp� ufy�PP�don d P���to prY�oaal sh�A nol e�Mnd or posq�aN tM
<br /> Au�d�l�W th�monthy payrtwnb tat�rt�d to In pu�Wr�phs 1 rnd 2 or cMn�tPN Ihwunt ol woh paym�nts.
<br /> 1 t. eorrowsr Not R�tao�d: Forbearanc� �y Lend�r Not a W�iv�r. �an�an a �. am. wr paym«�c a
<br />-^:�,:;�� nadiAc.aon a an�.uon ot cn.wrm sacwrd by cn�s.curlty In.wnNnt pnnad ar�«ida w�ny sucoestio.M InMn.t a earow.r
<br /> -'�_:'�°�3�7!,f� �rat opaaM to ni��o fh�wblMqr W the orlpYul Borrow�r a Bortow«'� suoaMtors h bMrNG L.M�d�r shall not lw nqvY�d lo
<br /> _yrr.:��s-au�s�
<br /> .,.a.�..�_� camnNrwa proo�r��st�ny suoaassa in hOMwl ar rMt�w to�od�nd thf�lor qyrtMn!a otMrwk� modly�rt�ortfotion ol tM
<br /> '��*�,;�� � wms wcund by Mk B�cuAtY InttrwMnt by nason o1 .ny Wnynd nMd� by ths alpind BoROwK a Bo�mwM'4 wx�stors „
<br /> �_�� --- rNIn�R My�orbw�na by La�e�r In wrci�irp.nr rqRt a�wMdr.1xr na e..wdwr o►w pr�rowd.ee+..�w�y.a.ny rtpnt a
<br /> ---—::— n�rNay.
<br /> _.__r..._.,.e. 9s. SuCe:eiW�i wia' i�wii�e� �itiiia'; .iOli7i i'iiiii Sfiv:i6i i.i:w;idi�; CG��r6:i:. 1'i� a�.:�-+:�stz sa _,
<br /> __�...,�_w� ���f! of IhM S�o�xNy Ms�unwnl ehal bad and b�rNll! tM woe�sots �t�d sulpns of l.�nd�r and Barowr. wbj�ct !o eM -
<br /> provi�lons of p�npr�ph 17. Barowtir'�cowrnnb rtd�pnMn�t+t�thU lo�Joht�nd sowr�l.My BoROw�r who Co�s(pn�thN Swur�r
<br /> kntrun�nt but doa not wwcuM tM Now. (�) t� caslpnho Mf� S�curiiy In�lnxrNnt onN to m�uq�p�. pm6 �nd aornhy th�t
<br />'��� Banrow�s hMtss!h th�Prop�rtY urtd�r tM lwms o1 MM 8�otrrlry Mstrwn�nC(b)ts not P�b��WMd b t�9 th�wn�s s�a�nd
<br /> - �-:�
<br /> -- Dy thM ti�aKlty Intturn�n� �(c) �proM th�t UndM iYid any otMr Bartoww may qrw to eKNnd� nwdlq. fab�r a en� rry
<br /> __ �OCOn�nod�tbrts wNh nqrd lo Mrms ol fhM S�CUrMY M�b1HtNnt or tM Nol�wkhout tfMt Bortovwrs ConNM.
<br /> - -� - 13. L0�1 Ch�1'Qp. H th�lom wound by thM&ou�t�r M�MUrrMnt k wbJeCt to t kw whiah s�b rtwxhwm b�n cMtpN, �
<br /> _J��9� �nd thM Yw Is rtnally BMrpr�d�o Ph�t th� inf«wt or athnr io�n C►wp�s CoIMoMd a to b� coll�olod in con�wotion wkh tM lom - .._
<br /> =w.,ry..i.,� MoMd tM prnMMd �nb� ttwnt(U �ny wch Io�n oh�q�s thal W nd�iad bY tM �nwunt rnou�ary to n�ca tM t1wp�ro eM - -
<br /> - - `�.='��-� pK1�Md Nnl��nd(b)�r1y�wn��ir�GON�Cbd b'om 3orrowlr whtoh wCMd�d P�m►yMd hntfl W�b�rMund�d Eo BoROw�►. I.�n�tu �=
<br />_•-,-'�°F4"�"`�1'� nNy chow�fo m�ka thf� t�Aind bY nducinp th� pHnafp�l o►wd und�t ttN NoM or by mYcinp� Wnot WYm�nt!o Barow�r. B� :-
<br />��- °'�"-�i. nhmd�sducM prNclp�th�nductlo��wr be Maud u�p�Ahl pnpaynnnt wlf�auf anY P��Y�Q olwp�uncNr lh�NoM. e- -
<br /> _'a.-..«:r•-' '
<br /> -���;'� 14. N01lCl�. Any notics lo FlortowM P�o+►W�d kr h thls S�cwlly kulrurt�N sh�ll M pT�n bY d�M�rhp k Qr bY m�iq t bY E-'
<br /> �"�.�"�`"i ft�t cWa m�N unMss �ppNcabM�w rpuins us� of enolhK rtMthod. TM not�ol shai b�dNrol�d to th� Rr�opwty Addnst a �ny R'--
<br /> `^'`'�'�. ���~ othrr�ddt�ta Barto�w�r tMsipn�M� by notic� to L�ndrr. My notY� to Ltndlr sMN b�pM1n Ery k�t Cllss tr�Y M L�ndars �ddrw�
<br /> � � �.;•• tY
<br /> ` ..�:<�i �'= �at�d tiavuN or�ny oth�r eddrwl l.�ndK dulpn�lM by nottc� to Borrow�r. My natic�providW tor in MM Securky tn�tum�nt stwl °`"-.
<br /> ``i"";}-;,��:� �_�..::._:
<br /> -�. ., b�dw�wd ro Mw bMn piwn to Borrow�r a Und�r wMn plwn u prov�db h Mk panpnph. .�.-°
<br /> '��-`=�,�.=:�.:- � 16. Govwninp Law; S�renbtltty. ThM S�CUrity IntfrumYnt sh�N M powrMd by NdYrel kw �nd ttM I�w Ot tM .=;�.
<br /> .'_ � �urisdblbn M whioh tIN PtopMiy N foaMd. In th�wMH MNt any provkbn or CIwN W thN 5�curitY In�bwn�nt or tM Hob ConIRCb =
<br /> ---. wkh Iy�Ycaby yw� woh oonlict th�l nof�N�ot othK Pro'Atfn�� of Hti� S�curky fnsbtxrnnt or th� NoM which can M qMrn Mkct �?:;-
<br /> wRhout tM conMlclho provi�bn. To thk�nd tM prwri�lons of thq S�curNy bmtrummt ind tM Noa w droNriW to b�sov�nbw. "
<br /> :.;�P"""- 70. QOR01fOf'!�iOpr. BOROw�►tnY O�yMn arw coniomwo cop�oi ir�i��w�ia oi mw o�urq irtia�w�i. ,
<br /> ' 17. Trtnr�t�r of th� Proporty or� Beneflclv Intereat In Borrower. M �N a �ny part of tM Prop�ty a .ny
<br /> � N1r�tt In k k �ob o►lnnslKrod(or N� ben�ffc�l hNnst b Barow�r k sold a transtimd and Bortow�x 1� not a n�turol p�rson)
<br /> , wkAOW L�ndM's prbr wrkOm CMNnt.urtdM rt1�y�tt Rs Optbrl. rputro Irtwn�d�t�p�yrnmE In fu1 of aN wms seaund by thN S�cudy
<br /> In�trum�nt.Howwu, thM optbn�htil not b�a�roiqd by Und�r M�oarak� k pr9hbfad by Ndu�l iaw�s of tha dt�o}MN S�curky
<br /> MttrumM�t.
<br /> � H L�nd�r�ancl�e�thM optbn,LsndK�hall piw Barro�wr notkw ut�cceNntlon.TM not!��htN provkN�poriad W not N��ttun
<br /> - 30 d�p kom th� dsb th� notla Y dNiwad w rtMINd wkhln whbh tM Bortow�r mutt psy R1 sums Mcund by MM S�our�y .
<br /> . klttrUrtNnt.It SorrowM(�N�t0 p�Y lMM eumi prfor tC trN�katb+f ot thi� pKiod,L�nd1v mty tnrolc��ny �»dfN pertnklW by thfl
<br /> • S�curUy InsUummt wkhout�uRMr notk�ar Mrt►md on sortow�r. Form OOtf f/i0
<br /> . • . F102�.1MO(II/N) �y�0 0l 6
<br /> ,`' _ :
<br /> , � �,
<br /> ,
<br /> .._ _ _ ._ .. _ __ . _ __... _.___._ _ _ ._ .. ._. __ _ _ . . __ _____ .__ __ -- _ __�-�._���.__.. _
<br /> jr. ._ . . .._ ..... ._,_. _ ...__ .
<br />