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<br /> (d) Ornntor hps tho ripht nnd Is duly nuthorizod to o��acuto and po�form Ita Obllgatlono undor thlo Q�cd o}Truat nnd thoso actlonn do not and
<br /> • oiinll not contllct with tho proviolono ot uny ntatuto, ropulntlon,ordinanco, rulo o}In�v,conunct or othor nproomont whlch may bo bind�np on
<br /> arnntor at any umo;
<br /> (e) No aotlon or proc��dinp lo or ehnll be pendlnp or threatencd whlch mlght materlally eNor,t Ihe Property;and
<br /> � � (f) 4r�ntor hne not viulwt�d and shall not vlolate any otatute,repulatlon,ordlnance,rule o1 lew,contrect or other egreement(Including,tut not
<br /> Ilmlted to,thoa�paverninp Ha:ardoua Materlals)whlch mlQ,ht mnturialiy etteot tlie Property or L�nder's rlphte or Interest In the Propercy purauant
<br /> to thb De�d o}Tru�t.
<br /> 1 3. Pi1I�.11�Y6GN0 Vr i nvuL ;�d:.�t r�rt��":��"«::'°.'.'�r.��!tl$Z Sh^f?!!4.^.Q�!�^_!�@!���^�«��*f pNentln�a�y oart of the Prooerty exCeDt as e�t ____ __
<br /> ! forth on Sch�dul�B ettached to thle Oeed ot TruRt,whlch�rentor apreea to pay and pertorm In a timoly manner It there are any prlor deede ot truet
<br /> .
<br /> _. ___-_�.._�, thui arantor aprow to p�y all emounte owed,end Pertorm nll ob118apon9 requlred,undor cuc7�dc�ds of uu�t anc!thn Indobt�tdness securerJ theroby �
<br /> � �nd(urthu�pna that�tl�fwlt undu anY pri0t o��o ui i�uni eiiiii uo:d�aR urdsr thta L�.r'C� Qt TTU=!!RL�ah����nHtl.I�nda�to all rlghte and ��
<br /> + remedlse contalnsd henln or In the ObIlgAtlon�to whlch Lender would be entltled In the event o}eny other default. ��
<br /> j 4. THAN8FER9 OF TH8 PROPERIY OR BHNHFICIAI INTHRHST9 IN dFiANTOq3 OR BORROWERS. In tho event of a eate,conveyanca,lease,
<br /> ���•a`� � contreot 1or deed or trtnsfer to any pereon of all or any part ot the renl property described In Schedule A,or any interest thereln,or of all or sny
<br /> :�, beneflclal Intereat In 6arrower or Ornntor pf Borrower or Orantor Is not a netural person or ereone but Is n corporatlon,Ilmited Ilabiliry company,
<br /> paftnerehlp,trust,or other lepal entity),l.endor may,et Ita optlon declare the outetandlnp prPnclpnl balance of the Obllgetlone plua sccrued Intereat
<br /> thereon Immedintely dus end payable. At Lendor's request,drentor or Qorrower,ae the case may be,shall furnish a complete etatement setting forth
<br /> � ' aIi af ite stockholders,membere,or partnoro,ua apprapriate,and the extent o}thelr r�apeotive ownershlp Intereats.
<br /> � 6. ASSI(3NMENT OF RENT9. In consideretion of ths Obligatlone,whlch ere secured by thla Deed ot Truet,(3rantor absolutoly asslgna to Lender nll ,.'.
<br /> ` (irantor's estato,rlpht,tltis,Interest,claim snd demnnd now owned or heroaRer acqulred In all existinp and future leases of the Property(Includlng : :'.i_�_,r
<br /> • axteraione,renewals and eubloases),all egreemsnte}or use end accupanay ot the Property(all such Ieasea and aproements whether wdttan or oral, •� ,:��,.,�_.
<br /> aro hereafter roterrod to ae tha"Lenaea'),and all uarnntlea of lesses�'peAormance under the Leases,together with the Immedlete and continulnp , ,�;�:�-
<br /> � rlpNt to calleot and recelve all of the rente,Ir.come recelpta,revenuea,lesues,protite and other Incomo of any nature now or hereafter due(including ��.-�„�,
<br /> � any Income of eny nnture coming dus durinp eny redemptlon perlod) under the l.easae or from or arlslnp out of the Property Includlnp minlmum ,
<br /> „ � ronte,ndditlonal ronte, ercentnpe renta,parkinp or common area melntenance contributione,tax snd Insurance contributfans,deticlency rente, ��`i�-
<br /> �untcnantsbtl ty cau�d hytde�ctionl or demage to the�Prope�all pr�oceeda payebae ns a I�eault of a ease e exerciBe o an optloneto purc�h ae the
<br /> Property,nil proceeds derivsd from the terminatlon or reJeotlon ot any Leese in a bankruptcy or other Insotvenay proceedinp,and all procesds fram
<br /> � any rlphts and ctefine of any kind which Orantor may have agalnst any lessee under the Leasos or any occupants of the Property(ail of the ebove ars _
<br /> �� � hereafter collectively referred to ae the'Renta'�. Thls assipnment Ia subJeot to the rlght,powsr end authority pfven to the Lender to callect and apply . _
<br /> the Ren4s. Thls asslynment la recordad In accordanca wltN applicable state law;tha Ilen created by this assignment Is Intonded to be epsclflo, __
<br /> �• � perteatad,and choats upon the recordinp of thle Deed of Trust,all ae provided by appllcnble stnte law as amended from tlme to tlme. As lorg as "'
<br /> there ie no detault under the Obfipatlona or thle Deed pf Trust,Lender grente Orantor a revocabls Iicense to coltsct all Rente from the Leaeea when •.L�-•,"
<br /> d�e and to use auoh proceeda In Cirnntor's business opera4lons. However, Lender may at any time requlre Cirantor to deposit all Rente Into an '';^
<br /> �.�_ �. accour,t mnlntained by(3rantor or Land�►�t Lender's inatltutlon. Upon default in th�paymonS of,ar In tho pe�formanca ot,any of the Obllgationa, r�;,,. .. �
<br /> Lender mny et Ite optlon taks poassaelon of the Property and hnve,hold,mnnnge,leaae and opnrate the Property on terme and for a period of tim�
<br /> � , �� thnt Lsnder de�ms propsr, Lender may proceed to wilaot and roosivo nll Rente from the propsrty,and Lend�r shall have tull powsr to mnke t.;;,;,"�
<br /> niterntlons,renovatione,rspalre or replacemente to the Praperty ae Lendsr mny deem proper. Lender msy apply all Rente In Lender'a eols dlecrotion �.',�
<br /> to payment of the Obligatlom or to th�payrr:snt o}the coat ot suoh altsratlona,ronovatione,rspnira and roplacemente and any�xponaea lnddsnt to __
<br /> � . taklny and retalnlnp possssalon of the Propeny q�rlodically and the manayoment and operetion of the Prop�rty. Lander may k�sp ths Rroperty __
<br /> 4 properly Insured and may dlacharge any taxea,cherpea,clalme,assessmente and other Iiena which mey accrue. The expenee nnd Co�t of thess
<br /> 4'� aotions may bs pald from the Rents recsiwd,and eny unpald amounts ahali bs addsd to the prinelpal ot the Obllpetlona. These amounta,to8ether
<br /> �� � . ...�-- wiin oiner coais�an�ii uiwiTio Nd��u�itio t:.}��yo 1uZ:w:s:��y!!:!g n..�n}'ri�mr. _ ..
<br /> 6. LFASES AND OTHER A(iRHEMEliTB. Orantor shall not take or fail to take any nction vrhlch may cause or permit th�terminntion or tn�
<br /> withholdinp of any payment In canneotlon with any Lease or other agreement("Ayreem�nY)pertainlnp ta the Property. !n eddition,Qrentor,without
<br /> Lend�r'e prtor wntten conaent, shall not:(a)collect any monles pnyable under any Aere�ment mors than one month in advance; (b)modity any
<br /> l4arsemtnt; (o)asalpn or allow a Ilen,security interest or othsr encumbrance tu be placed upon(3rantor's riphts,titte and interest In and to nny
<br />-ti_y Apnoment or lhe amounte payable th�reundx;or(d)terminats or cancel any Apreement except tor the nonpayment of any sum or other mat�rlel
<br />._ • bre�ch by the oth�r party thersto. H(irantor receivea at nny time are�written communicaUon essortlnD e dnieutt by Orantor under an Apre�msnt or
<br /> purportinq to tnrminnts or canal sny AQresmant, Orantor shal� promptly torwnrd a copy o4 such communicatlon (end any subsequent
<br />_,�;n;" � • communicattone relatinp thersLo)to l.ende�. All such Ppreementa and the amounta due to (itantor thereunder nro hereby asslpned to Lendar ea
<br />= t•'"��--�• additlonal��curity tot tho Oblipationa.
<br /> " ���� • 7. CQLIEGTION OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PIUi7Y. Lender shall be sntiUnd to notify or require(3rantor to notity nr�y third party(Inciudlny,
<br /> L. .. 4..4 � but not Iimtt�d to,le��s,Ilcenea�s,povsrnmental authoritles and Insuranco campanle�)to pRy Lender eny indebtsdness or abtlgatlon owlnp to �.
<br />=�,-��:,. Grantor with napect to ihs Property(cumulativety'Indebtedness")whether or not a defnult exlets under this Deed of Truet. Orantor nhatl dlllpenHy
<br />�g;•"•,: • cotl�ct ths indebtednsss owing to Grentor from tA�se thlyd partiea until the piviny o}such notiflcation. In the event that(3rentor poassa�s or recelves
<br /> i.. posH�sion ot nny inatrumente or other remittaneea wlth respsct to the Indsbtednens foitowinp the plvinp of such notification or If the Instrumente or
<br /> `����;:..m::r t oth�r roml!tnna�comtitut�th�prsp�ymmt ot any indsbtedn�ae or ths payment of any Insuranoe ot cond�mnallon procasdt,Gr�ntor sh�ll ho!d
<br /> ����:�•��' such Instrum�nb and other remittanas In tru�t tor Lsnd�r apart trom ite oth�r property,endorse the Inatrumente and other rsmtttanas to Lsnd�r, ��
<br /> "�'.:�r,,•s�,.i and Immsdiattly provid�Und�r wlth possssalon o}the inatrumento and other remittancee. Lender sha11 be entitled,but not roquirod,to collect(by
<br /> ��-�---� -.- Is�al prcwo�dlnpa or otherwlae),extend the time for payment,compromlae,exchanpe or reteaae any obligor or colintsrel,or otherwiee ectHs dny of
<br />=�����r•- the Indebtednsss whsther nr not an rvent of detnult exists under thia Apnement Lender ehsll not be Ilebls to Grnntor for any actlon,error,mlataks, --.--
<br />�.-ti�!YY:t_•-- —-
<br />_-• .,+��; omistlon or delay psrtalnlnp to the actlons dsacribed In this psrayraph or any damapes reaultinp theretrom. Notwlthstandinp the fotepalnp,npth np
<br />-"'=��� '• � hsroin e�hall cauee L�nder to b�desmed a mortgagee•In•possesslon.
<br /> ?�"�' ��'� e. USE AN�MAINTF.NANCE OF PROPERTY. (irnntor shall teke all nctfons end make nny repatro needed to maintain the Propertyr In flood
<br /> �- condillon. Grantor ahCtl not Commit or permit nny wa8te to be oommitted with raspeot to the Properiy. Grentor shell use the Property solely In
<br /> -�`�'• "� , compllance with eppllcabio Inw end insurance pollcles. (irantor shall not meke any aiterationa,addltlons or improvemenb to the ProPetty without _ �_� _
<br /> --�^�...,r, ,�, Londer's prior written consent. Without Ilmiting ths forepofnp,all alterationa,addiriona anai impravemenie made to ino Fropariy ei�uii w euuja�,f i'v �
<br /> th�beneflcial Intersat t»lonping to Lender,shall not bs removad withoue Lender'e prlor wrltten consent,and ehall be made at Orantor'e eota expenee,
<br /> -`'� � ` ' p. LOSS OR DAMAQE Orantor shall bonr the entlrs riak of any Iflas,thoft,d�atruction or dameys(cumula4lvcly"lasa or Damape`)to the Pwpsrty or �-
<br /> :J•;y4ai.._ : - -
<br /> ••�y�•-.:-•:--�- - nny portlon theraot from eny cause whatsoaver. In the event of eny Loss or Demags,Grantor ahali,nt the optlon ot Lender,repalr the�ifeoted _._
<br /> -� •�'^'°'" '' ' Pro to Itn revioue condltlon or pay or cauas to bs pald to Lendei th���croase In the fair mluket vaius of the effeoted Propertyr. `__
<br /> �,..,,_... .. PenY p •
<br /> _..,.��r_-., : 10. IN8URANCE. The Proparty will be kept Insured tor Ite full Insurabls value(replacement cost)agalnat nll hazarda Including loss or demepv =
<br />-'::,r�..,,.�, ,,. � cawed by ilood,�arthquako,tomado snd tire,theft or o4her casuaity to ths ext�nt roqulred by Lendsr. (3antor may obtain insarancs on tht Prop�rty _
<br /> from such companlea as are acceptable to Lender In Ite sole dfscrotion. The Inaurnnce policlea shall requiro the insurance compnny to provido �_„__
<br /> � � �' Lender with at least days'written notice Getoro auch policlea are alterod or cancolied In eny m�nner. The Inaurance pollclea shall =,-�__--
<br /> � . � namo Lendsr as n losa payee nnd provlda that no act or omisslon of Grentor or eny other person ahall aNect the dght of Lender to be pnid the ['^_____-_.
<br /> Inaurnnce proceeda pertaining to the losa or dumaye of the Property. In the event�rnntor inita to acquirs or melntain Insurance,Lendsr (efter �_�
<br /> f. ptovidinp notice ns mey be requlred by Iaw)may In Its dlscretlon procure npproprlate Inaursnce coverege upon the Property nnd ths Insurence cost _
<br /> � a shall be an ndvance payable and bear inp interoat as descrlbed in Paragraph 23 and secured he�eby. (irantor a ha i l tum ie h L en der w f t h ev i d e n c e o f ����,_==.
<br /> ° inaurence Indicating the requlrod covernge. I.ender mey act ns uttorney-in•faat for Orantor In meking and settling clalms under Inaurance policies, :,r=, ----__
<br /> cancellln an ollo or endorslnq �rnntor's name on any draft or negotiable Instrument drawn t�y Any insurar. al such Insurence policies ahall be �.��;_-�°�=`�_-
<br /> � fmmedlatety asslgned,ptedped end delivered to Lender as turther seeudty tor the Obllgatlona. In thv event of loss,f3rnntor shali immedlately Qive ��_�<<
<br /> - Lender written notice end Lender is euthori¢ed te make proof of loss. Each fneurancs compeny le dlrocted to make payrnente directiy to Lendor � .'�'�;;.L____+.
<br /> � . Instead o}to Lender end Grnntor. Lender shall have the right,at ita sale optlon,to apply such monlea toward tha ObllBatlons or toward the cost of ,�.:_.__
<br /> robulldinfl nnd reetoring the Property. My amounta may at LendePs option be applled In the Inve�se order of the due dates theroof. T,:.�,��•�„
<br /> 11. ZOHINGI AND PRIVATE COVHNANTS. Orantor shall not Initlate or consent ta any change In the xoning provislona or private covenants aNeoting ��•�
<br /> ths use of the Proporty witliout Lender's prlor wrltten consent. M Orsntor'e use ot the Properry becomea a nonconiorming uee under any zoning '� .�_�':
<br /> �.
<br />- Provlslon,Grnntor ahali not cauae or permit such use to be discantinued or abandoned without the prior wrttten consent of Lender. C3rantor will � •"
<br /> , r . ,� .
<br /> � �-,.._--=-:.--. .. . . ... ....__ .......�.�_'r._'_a_....�.�.......�.a.�....�e�n�h.snnlnn nmvidnnn Ot otiVAt6 COVB(18(118 fl}}BOUfl��lE PfOpBftY.
<br /> - - - =- immea�stery prwiae a.erwm vrum m�.vn��vnw...o���r�..�...�......._..e--^-•---....o�.-..- -
<br /> � 12. CUNDEMPIATION. Cirantor shall Immedlatoly provide Lender with written notice of any acival or throatened candemnatlon or eminent domaln �
<br /> procoodlnp partalning to the Property. All monies payeble to t3rantor from euch condemnatlon or taklng nre hereby uaslgned to Lender and ahall be
<br /> npplletl tlrst to the payment af Lender's attorneys' foes, iegnl expenaes and other costa (Inciudlng appralsai toea) in connoctlon with the
<br /> - " , condemretion or eminent domaln proceedings and then,at the option of Lender,to the payment of the Obllgatlone or the restoratlon or repatr of tho
<br /> • Proporty.
<br /> - 13. LENDER'B RIGHY TO COMMENCE OR DEFENU LEOAL ACTIONS. Grantor ehall Immodlateiy provido Londor with writtan notfce of any actual
<br /> or threatened action,sult,ar other proceedinq aNecting the Property. C3rantor heroby eppolnta Lender as Ite attorney-In•fact to commence,Intorvono
<br /> � In,and detend such aatlone,eults,or ather legel proceetlings and to compromise or aerile any cielm or controveray pnrteining thereto, Lender shall
<br /> not be Ileble to Grantor tor any action,error,mlatake,omlaslon or delay pertalning to the aatians doscdbed In thls paragraph or any damngea
<br /> - rosulting therefrom. Nothing contalned hereln wlll prevent Lender irom teking the aotlons described In thls pare�graph in Ite own name.
<br /> - 14. INQBMNIFICATION. Lender shall nW.aosume or be responslble for the periormanco of any of Grantor's obligationo with rospeat to tho Property
<br /> " undor any circumstancos. (irantor shnll Immedlately provido Lender with wrltton notiCO of end Indomnliy and hoid Londer and its ehc►reholdere,
<br /> directora,otticere, employeea and agonta harmiess from ell olalms,damages,IIabIIltlds(including attorneys' fees end legel expenses),causos of
<br /> ctodon,aotiona,aults and othor I�gel proceedingn(cumulatively'Clalms')pertelning to the Property(Including,but not Ilmlted to,those Involving
<br /> Hazardous Matorlats). Granter,upon the requeat ot Lender,shall hlro IeQnl counsel to defend Lender frorn such Clalme,and pay tho attorneys'taos, ..
<br /> Iegni expensea and other costa Incurrod In connectlon therewith. In the alternetive,Lendor shall be ontitled to omploy ita own legal Counsel to defend
<br /> � such Clalmo at Oruntor's cost. Grantor's obligntion to Indomnlfy Londor undor thia pnragraph shAll aurvive the tormfnation,rolonse or foraCloaure ot
<br /> ' thl9 Dood of Truat. �
<br /> LPNEOt 18 1`FormAUOn Tachnolog�ea,Inc.(0/28/87� (�00)BJ7J709 Pngo 2 cf G... � --
<br />