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<br /> . ` =�,br,at6ei�of„ay p�e of the ptope�ty:«farconveyrsnce je�ie�of��e Ire�bj►�a�ed� -
<br /> < `� " . �11 bep�id�ol.��nder. � . . ,
<br /> � la the event d i wai`tatcing of the Pmpeny. �si�ll bc appleat b!he��by►dds S�x�� - ,�
<br /> imtnrma�t.whetha a na t6en due.vvi�ti any�exoqss ' w�a�ower. In the errnt af s putia�talcinE of d�e Pt�upeity ia , ,
<br /> ' . �i6i�fi due fsir p�et rsIue of-tUe Ropetly irnatedi�tely 6efae the taicing i�equa}to a grcater'tl�ne the artwunt ettite w�ns
<br /> . s�ned by�fis Secuiiry lnstru�ene immodiaaly bet'ae et�e t�iring.unkss Bormwei aM Lender dtre�wise ag�ee in wn�ii� .
<br /> the suas secwed by this Security Iticu�ar�nt shail be�oduced t►Y the amau�t of the prooeed�nwltiPliod by tbe folbwin� �
<br /> ' fcaction: (a)d�a totat anwunt of tite sums socuued immediotety befae t6e talc�g.diridal by(6)thti'air�ricet valu�of tba .
<br /> �. _ � . . . .
<br /> ptope�ty innt�d`ia�ety befae the[slung. Any bai�nct'sh�il bd�+u3 ta Balrower. in tbe aventof a p�i tiicusg �__ - <_
<br /> Ptopetty.in wl�ieh the fatr muficet v�l�e of ti�e Praperty immediatety txfore th4 t�icing is less tt�►the aaio�mr of�he wm3
<br /> sec�usd'unmediatcly befate the ta�ting.untess Bar�av►er md Leoder aul�wis�apse in writing or w�{as�pplicaMe fsw
<br /> ' otl�erwls�p�avides.tt�e proceeds shall be appliod tutbe sums secu�d by U�Ls�1�w�or not the swnc are
<br /> fhen due. : ,
<br /> , Itide PropeRty is a�rndmed by Bo[mwer.•,vF i�after notiot by Leader m Ba��ver that ihe ca�dtmnut offets ta m�ice .
<br /> �aa award a settk a elwn for damages.Boiro�i::s taf�s to i�spoiid to Lendet within 3Q days after the date the notice Is given. �
<br /> Leader is�utNorited w rnlkct�d sipply tbe pr�v,at its opdaa.eitt�w t�estoration or repair of th�Froperty a ta the
<br /> • sums secu�ed by thls Security Insuument,whether or na cha►dae. .
<br /> � �Unless E.ender and Bonaaer aherwise agee in writin8�u►Y apPlicatian of proceeds to principal shal!not eatend a
<br /> - p�pone d�e due d�oe of tbe mnathly pAyments refe�red to in p3ragnphs i aad 2 or chaage the amaunt of such payments: :
<br /> 1!. aorrowec Not Rdea�ed;Fa�bnra�oe By IRndee�Nat s N�aiver. Eatensian of tFre.time for payment cx
<br /> inodification oP amortization af tbe sumc socured by this Security Insuument grantai by Lendor to any snccessor in inurest
<br /> ' of Barowa sl�all nat operate m release the liability of the origmat Bomawer or Borrowers successors ia iate�est.L.ender
<br /> sl�alf not be'�equirod w aommence pruceedin&c agairtst anY succeuo�'irt intenest or refiue to eatead time for payment or .
<br /> otherwise modify arnortiz�tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by ieason of any demand made by the original
<br /> Borrower a Ba�m�rer's succes.wrs in inte�tsG My forbrardnce 6y I.ender in eaercising any righe ar�y shaU nat 6e a �
<br /> � waiver of or poclude the exencise otany right or remedy. ..�;
<br /> lt. Snooer�a's wd A�Ea+�d:Jaint aed Several I3aWlity;Co-s�nen. The covenaats and�eematts of dus
<br /> Securiry Insdument s1iaU bind aad bmefit the successas and assigns of Lender an�k Borro�vec,subject to the pcov�szans of
<br /> .. _ pat�grrpf�17.Barower§covenanu and agteements shall be jaamt and several. Any Borrower afio casigns this Security
<br /> [nstrument 1wt daes not executc the Nate: (a)is co-si�this Secariq►Instrumeat onty to mortgage.grant and convey that .
<br />--- Borrower's interest in the Propeny w�der the temis of this S�unty Instramen� (b)is not personally obligatod to pay tGe sums �
<br /> �;•�. savtrd by this Se,curicy lnshumenr.and l'e)ag�ees that I.�der and any cKher Barrower may ag�e:ta extend,modify.far6ear
<br />,,y.. � ar make any accommodatia�s witb negard (o the tecros of this Security Instrument or thc Note without that Borrower's
<br />-°'- consen� -
<br /> °t�- 13 Loan Chsrges. Tf the loan secured by this Secccr�c•.�ument is subject to a L�wT'whieh sets maximum loan
<br /> '*� ,charges,anA that law is finally interpreted so that the intec�esecc`�r laan charges collecte���i��Itected in cunnection
<br /> -_ ` vrith the laan eacced the pemiitted limits.then: (a)any sudv tc�s�harSe shal!6e rednced b��e att�ount s�ssary ta reclucc
<br /> �� t6e ct�arge to the permitted limit;and(b)any su�nc a7E".o�F'c.v�'�fmm Bor��ec which exceeded pes't.a:,�limits will be
<br />.i� . , : . refunded to Borrower. Ixader may choose to make�refa.?c!�r:ducing.ci�e�:pat owed under the tioa:or by making a
<br /> ' direct payment ta Bolrower. If a refund reduces principal.the ruTt�ian wiil�e�zated as a partiai pfcpay:-r�iit without any
<br />-':.`:• pc�epayment chasge underthe Note. �
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice ta Borrower pmvided for in this�ecurity Insttument shalt ba�iven by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first class mait untess applicabte law re.quires use of another methad.The notice s�1!be directed to the Property
<br /> • Addnss or any other addcess Boaower designates by notice to Lender. Any noace to Lender shall be given by fust class , _
<br /> mail to Lender�s addres.s�tated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for i
<br />- = in this Securiry Insmiment shall be dc�med to have becn given to Borrower or l.ender w�;�n given as provided in this —
<br />',�t= ; , ., . .
<br /> -- � 1�S.�Goveening Law;Seve�aM"��y. This 5ecurity lnstrµr.eent shall be govemed 6}fa3�:�a1 taw and the 1aw of the __
<br /> -- jurisdictiotrin arhieh the Praperty is lacated. In the eveot that any provision or clause of t6is Security In.arc�:nent or the Note
<br />- eonflicts wirh applicabf z 1zw,sueh conflict shall naT a�fect other provlsioac af thcs Securiry Instrument or cF�e?�Qte whieh can o
<br /> be�,r'wen effect wrt�os�v�e conflicting provision. '�'�this end the provisians o€�:'rs Security Instnime:�e��the Note are _
<br /> - dulared so�e sewera5le. � _-
<br /> � 16. �awer's Copy. Barrower s'�ali bc given one conformed copy.of the Nate and of this Securiry Instrumen� _
<br /> 17. 7lransfer oitLt Property or A Beneficial Ieteeest in Horrowe� If all or any part of the Property ar any interest in � __
<br />_ ' it is sold or transferFed(or if A benc�ciul intere�.t la 8arrower 15 sold ar transferred and Borrawer is nat a natural person> -_
<br /> .'��•�' ' without i,cnder's praar written consent,l.ender ma3�_at its option.require immediate paymcnt in tull of all sums recured by �
<br />-'=' • this Securlry Instrurr_ensf Nowever,this optian sha;not be exerci�ed by Lcnder iiexercise is prohibited by federai•!aw s�s of _
<br /> ;;`,�`; the date of this Securiry Instn�mere3. . _
<br /> ,`� t�• If I.ender exereises this opriQ�.�.endet shalt give Borrowe:T;�tice af acceleration. 71�e c���r>i.e shal!provide a period of _
<br />"'{-��� not fess than 30 days frvm t2ic dace th.notice is delivered or maite3 withln whict�Bortawer cc:�s��ay al}su�*s seeurec!by,tE�is =
<br /> ' Security Instrument. 6f B�RVw•er faits to pay the.�sums prior to the expiratian of thiw pe::�. Ler:�e.r cr.�y invoke any =
<br /> � remedies permitted by C9�i�Securif�inti�trument a r�:�:�t iunher notice or demAr.d on Borrowc�.' �
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to l�estpte. li Borrower meetw certain conditics�s. Borrowcr shall have �i:e right ra have �
<br /> enforcemeni of this 5ecurity lnsts�a�rr�nt diswntinued at any time priar to the eartier af: �a15 days(or such other period as _
<br /> . SingtcF�iv-•t�annkifaeli'reAdk�lfacUNli'1)RNIYSTRUd1L+%T-•UnifarmCrncnant. 91901pc��e4r+Jepn�e�► �
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