- �-r - .- . .. . ` • _' _
<br /> _--. . �. - t ..�_�..��: _�� t_� _ .. . _ ' . . -- - _ .. _.
<br /> � ' � �, i ' . __. ' _ ""_.___- . . — __
<br /> _� c � _�.�i._"__'.�—..w " _ , . . . . � � ' � . . �`` ` ' �'.
<br /> � � �- `• � �` - � � $2=�f�`a�'�:?�'�- °�
<br /> � 17.��ailnr:ell��l+�e�t�.e s tse�cVt rlerac tat�i�es�r.I�alt or�a�►pnc ot We Pio�aty ar,�€-i�are.i�ic . _
<br /> is said or L�pc�e�fa if:6m�ef'fi�3d iaoaest in Bormrrer is aoid or twnsfened ahd Barowcr is rat`��tural gasos)� .
<br /> � �,eodec's pcioc�ar�ea cao�ol. tendec m�y, at it4 uptioo, immadiatc p�ymeaE•ia fult of�I! swns se��bd bg ti�
<br /> � ` Sacurity Tm�mt.Howcver..this apttoa sbsi!not be exe�sed�i.ender if exenc�se is protdbitod bx federd taw as of d�d�ie
<br /> . a�E t�s Sau�ty Imuument. . � ,
<br /> � If Lender exerases Wis aptiar,lsodec slWl give 8+urro�rcr uotia of aoceleration. 'i't�e nntics s6a(i Pmvide a period ai not
<br /> Iess than 34�s fmm tl�d�te t6e noticc is detive�ad or m�iled Rrithin whicfi Borrower must psy�ali sams sxutod by tUis.
<br /> Sac�uiry�if Bamwa fa7s to pry these snn�s priot to thc expir�tion of this petiod.l�aderanay invdct any�nadrs
<br /> pe�miued by this Scwrity Iaslsonomc Mithout fitrther aotics ar dem�ed ort Bomower. ,
<br /> � • li. tatta�we�s�idt to`�d■WrtG If Bartowtr mds cettain coedit�as. Borcawcr sh�lt t�avc tl�c riEht ta !�e= �
<br /> . ,_eafo[oemtnt of this Secarity rn�umeuc d;sooma,ea�any umF�or w we earu�r or• �a>s aay�toc�om�er�ioa s .
<br /> appticabic la�c n�y specif� foc rcinstatement) befote s�ie of the P�opetty..punwaot to any pawer of sate rnntained in W: ,
<br /> Savrity I�sumeut:oc(h)enaY of.a judgment enfoncing this Socuaty Ins�ment.'ilwse cooditioas ue that Borsower.(a)pays
<br /> Le�der alt a�s whic6 t(tpt wouW be due uoder tbis SecvritY jnstrumeat and.tl�C Note as if t�o xceletation�d aoautred:(b);'
<br /> — cuiss�ae6nit of�t.dher wvenauts or�groemeats:(c)Prys a11 expeases incamed in enf6sing Uns Sewrity.I�pnat�at. <
<br /> � incl�ng,bat aot tinuled to,�son�bte�ttonoeys'f�s:and fd)nicr.s such act�on,as L,ender may rrasoaab[y ca�uue to as,wre �
<br />— � tb�c We liea af tbis Securiry ItWrumeot,i.ender's rights�a tLc gopctty�1d Born�wer's obJigatioa to p�y thc su�s�owtat!by -
<br /> this Sac�tY,Instrummt stuil oo�inue uUclianged. 1Jpon rciaaatement� Dl►- Barmwcr. this Secanty Insinun�at and the
<br />- obLg�tions secored tmreby sball remain fully effecave as if no accelcra�on had occumed. Hnwevcr.this rig6t to ceinst�e shaU
<br />_-_- not ap�t7t is t6c cise of acaTer�tioo undet p�ragr.�ple 17. -
<br /> . ��. r,r,�iC�[Note; Cis�e of I,o�t Servloer. 17�e Ncste or a putial interest in the Note (togetber with this Secuciry .
<br /> Ia�traai�t)msy 6e sold ane or mo�+e times'without prior natice to BormvPer.A sate may resutt in a ch�nge Imtt�c entity(imovira
<br /> - � as tbc"Laaa 5tsv�cer')Wat ooUa7s monthtg�aymetits due auder tbe NotR.a4d tbis Security Inrmunent_T1Jene also may be one •
<br /> - � ar+�c�Cso�tAe Lo�n Servioer uncetated tp a sate of t6e Nate_If thene is a change of the i.aan•Servicer.Borrower wiU be __—
<br /> givea w�ttea ncxice of the d�age irf acco►�duicc wish�t4 abave wd apptiqble 1aw.The rwtia wilt state ibc name and . - �
<br /> add�uf d�e-neav Lo�m Secvuxc and the addtess io whicts p�ayments sdould be made.Thc notice will also contaio anY dher .
<br /> _ , infa�c�patioo nquirod by applic�bk law. �
<br /> _- ` 1�Hs�i11iM�S�b�ts�oes. Borrower sh�l! noE cause ar penm{t t�P�aioe. use. dispasal.storage. or c+etease of any —
<br /> Hsu�dws Sa6�inoes on or in the Propert�c, �orrow�r str�ll not do. nnc�Ilow anywie efse to do, anything affeaing tde _
<br />� ,E prqxrry that is iA viota�ion of any Environmentat I.aw..The pra�eding twa sentences shall not apply to the presenue,.use. or • �.-;
<br /> . sto e on th�e of smaU quantities of Hazardous Substances that aze get�ally recagnized tv be apprupriate w nom�l �^T.,
<br /> ,. _ � - 'r�un�pat uses to maintenance of tt�e Praperty. _ � .. - • ' ��=
<br /> $otrowa shall promptly give L.ender written natice.of any investigation,clalm, demand.lawsuit or other 3ction Iry any• ���-�"-
<br /> � gmremmental or regulawry agen�y or private�r involving the Pr+opercy and any Hazardaus Su6stanoe or�nviroamental Law ��;�v_
<br /> ` - of ahicb Horrower has actual knowtedge_If&srmwer learns,or is notified by any govemmcntal-os reguluory autharity.t[�at =_;^,�.��.:
<br /> ang rCmoval or ather remediation of a�►y l�azaada�ss Substance affecting thc PropeRy is necessary,Borraw�r shall promptIy take
<br /> � aU�nooes�ary remedial actions en accordance tici�fs�nvironmental Law. . . ��'-:
<br /> , ���:-=_.
<br /> As ased in,this�ragrap6 2a."Hazardous Substance_c"are those substaaces defined as toxic ar ts�rdaus substances by ��__
<br /> . - �+nvit�csmental Iaw and the fotI�g tiubstances: gasaline, kerosene,-ather flammable or toaic peuoleum pradtuxs. tosic �:�}�.
<br /> •. � pesticid��i[��ides,volatite saT�e�,�erials c,antaining asbestas of fam�aldebyde,anE1 radioactive materiais.As used in , �Eri_
<br /> - x this'�r,�}t 2E1, `Environmental La���s federal laws and.laws:of the jurisdictmn where the PraRerty is located that -�•:
<br /> - ..� nlate to healfls,uf�y or environmentat pratectian. �'��'.�=---
<br /> . 'hOP�UN1FaRM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender funher cov�nartt and agree as follows: _ !�,���:=_
<br /> } �2�.Avicekratioe:Ranedies.Leeder shail give noticae to Born�wer Prbr to acceleration following Borrower's bresc6 ,
<br /> �.� ot�r soveaaM or ag�nent in this Security Instrameat (buE not prior to rceeleration ander par�rwph 17 uniess ` �. -
<br /> • spplicaDte faw pc�uvide dl�wTse).The nMice sh911 speciiy: (a)the,detault;(b)the adion requtnd to cure the defautt; '• �•�
<br /> (c)s date,not less tb�n 30 days irom the date the notice is given to�Borr+owee,by whicb the detautt mast be cured;And • . �' .
<br /> r, �r=. (�tlwt tnitare to cm�t6e default on or betore the date spedtitd ln the notice mAy result io roceleration ot tbe sums Y. ' • .y
<br /> �t:� ��ed Dy tWs Secudty Inshument and sate oi the Property.The,notice s6a11 turthes ioform Borrower of the el�t ta .•.
<br /> � • '` _ �= e+eimtate sftee�nc+oekratinn And the rigiN tu bring a waet s�ction��to a4sert the non-existence o(a defAall or aeq oti�r ;'•;..,�, ;-_
<br /> k: - dde9s at Horro�'ver to aoceterntbn and sple. tf the defaait is aot•cured on o�6efoe+e the dpte s�edtfed in/Le mtisr. �,.:,. �, ,
<br /> a -:' I.endec,:at its optioa, nwy require immediate paymeat in fall M�WI sums secured bi this Security]nstraane��1tLoat .�',:�;�f�'':-
<br /> •._.,}�; .�,_;� futther dmwod�d mAy invoke the powe�oi r,�le�nd ai►p.othea rcmedles permitted by applicable Iaw.l.ender s6a11 be • i''�'
<br /> . entitkd to colted�expenses incorned in pa�cring the rerncdies pr,avided in thi�paragrapb 21,indodtng,bat not limita! -
<br /> :=' � to,rra�otabk�ttoeeeys'tees and coRts of tide evldence. ..
<br /> ' � - V t N e powe r o t s W e 1 s i n v o k e d,T n�s t e e s h a i l r e c a r d�►n o t i c e o f d e t a u l t i n e a c�c o u n t y l a w h k d a n y p a rt of the � � �
<br /> � � prope�ty is Wpt�d'qd shall mau'1 coples ot sach notice fn tt�e.manner p�esc�i6ed bF�ppticabie iuw to Bor�+nw�r and to '..�;�..�
<br /> . .'- tNe aher perso�preser�be�!bp�Ncabk law.Aftce Ihe time requtred by applica�te taw.'1'rustee shali give pubUe notice .
<br /> ot sale to the peesore swd in tbe a�nee�pr�escr�bed by appliCA�ble�law.Trustee.witl�ut demand on Borr+ower,s1w11 seil -
<br /> �' He Yeoperty pt pu61k auctfan#a the AighesE bidde�at the tima.s�nd place and unde�fhe terms des(�ted in t6e notke ot ": ., .
<br /> ;,!;� s�k in oee or mo�+e p�r+cels�ed in any acdEr Trustee deternilnis�.Tn�tee mAy postpone s�le at alt.or stny p�rod of the g ..
<br /> � �-�;;' ' by publle� �t the dme and place ot any,prevlously!�chedWed sale. I.rnde�o� its d�.wiAnee ta�y _ ,
<br /> _ :�h,,,.k,�;�,;` _ �thc Property at aay s�fe. .' ..'.
<br /> • . Si�'���,`' .
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