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<br /> ' `s�_fef �� _��� �. . ` - , . . . . , . . . .[ ' , ... `�. �.i` .-:+- __``_.. .- .
<br /> . . . . - _( . _ .. _. (� �_ _ ` ' � . _ - -� ' ` f ' ` ��9���b113�I�I���c��[ `�' �� � _
<br /> . �. �!�1 ��.BOH�ONEr 1�1�..�y!16lt ��C'R .
<br /> � r�a�any�a�c w�br r�,�;naoaea�►a��•��aoa oo��,sa�.y.cd�t�s,�.ei.a� � ,:
<br /> ` � fioods or tfaadea,tor�r6iclt Lende�requires uaaraoot.7bos imurmoe ai�il be o,um�oea in a�e�nauats,na ca�tbe paio�s ... ;
<br /> s ti�t Le�der t�e�quic+es.Tht iosannce cmier p�m�idin&tAe Iawradce sh�l�be c�OSea 6y Borrunver subpa to l,eadei s i�ppioua!
<br /> � �rLich siul�aot 6�c a�a�bly wid�heW-�f Bo�we`f�ils tc�Yn�daia c�verage d�scdbed�bove, Isndet mry,at.Le�dr�'s � : .
<br /> � aptioa.obtain oova�ge to P�act Leo�ler`s rigl�ts in tl��rtY in aococdanoe�vith pangrapb 7. ' .
<br /> . A1�ieWU�noc poli¢ks.snd reaewais sha1�6e ac�tabk to L�ender aad s�all include a studicd,muRasge clause. i�endet ,
<br /> eBdj lmre the ti�t to ho/d dre�rlicics and�eaexaLs.If Latdet t+equi�esf'Bottower�alnll Pron�ptlg Sive w Ilnder a1!�oeipts of
<br /> - pitt ptemae�s aod tene�ral aotices.�We eveat of loss;Boao�rer ah�ll.6ivc prampt mtiae to th�iasu�ance cutier md f�ender.
<br /> I.+eadet any m�cc:pmof of loss if not mrde pmmptt�►by Borrawer- . . .. �` �
<br /> ` Untesq Irrnder ud Boimwer other�ise ag�ee in writiag,ins�uu�cc p�oceeds s1�aU be npplied to�orrtiou or rep�ir of the �
<br /> � ptopaty d�o��od,if tAe c�sto�tion ot tepaur is e0000miplIy fea�ibk aad Isadet's seeurity is aot ksseae�d.If the�sta�atiaa or
<br /> �ir is nor�0000miatiy faw'hle oc Leoder's sau�ity vtroald be lessesd,tbe insuranc�proaeds shsU ba�to.t6e soau
<br /> toptred bY,thia 5oauityr Inur�wlKtNer or mt tLeP du�.`.with ury exass.paid to Bomawer. If Bomnwer abando�tbe
<br /> — � ptnpaty,or das iwt�nswer withia 3d days a aotice from Lsnder tEut the iawr�ncae carrier!�s offered to seuk a ciaim,t�an
<br /> � Itader aay cdiact the 3asusanoe pmc�eeds. l�eeder may use thc procads w repair or nstoce the Pmpeity or to pay swns
<br /> �a.yted by this 8ac�ih►�.whdher or not t6en dne.Tise 3Q�day periad w�11 begin arhen tde natict is givea.
<br /> � ' ` Unkss.I.ender�d Borrower aherwise ag�x in writing, �nY aPPii�iaa of proc�eds to principai s�U not exta�d or _
<br /> postQone tbe due dste of the moptLly paymeats referred tu in paragr�pits 1 and 2 oc cF�nge tfie amount of the payments. If .
<br /> ynder p�ragraph 21 tbe Property is ac�uind by Lender,Barrower's rigAt to any ins�uance policies a�prncsedg nsulting from
<br /> .d�ga m tHe PcopeKy prior w the acquisitiou s6�11 p�ss to I�ender to tbe extent of tLe sums sxuted by this Securityr Ia�umeot
<br /> imo�ediateiY pri�to tbe a�qnishion. � .
<br /> f.Ooe�.�Msta�oe aid Pentectlo�oi Nie Peopetty:�orcoRa's L�a�s A►lpBc�o�:IRaseleld�-
<br /> Bormveet sTu�U oocdpy,�ablisb.and use the Pioperty.s�Bortower's priacipal ta�cknce within sixty dairs�r tbe eaavtian of `
<br /> tbis Soc�slry I�Suwnent and s�i!cominue to axupy ttie Pcope�ty as Bormwer's principal resideae for at Ieasc ooe��r adfier , .,
<br /> tbe cia�vf occupancy,unlesc Lender otiterwise�s in wri6r.g.which a�a5eat shalI�ot Ge unreasonably�vithheEd,asc�tess. �
<br />��: � extene�ing� eycis!�irhieh aie beyood Borruwer's cx►ntrd. Buri'4wec sha@aat-ctestmy.datuage�t'-�r-LE� -.
<br />';; P�aperty,�llow the Property to deteciorate.or commit waste on the Pcupe�Y Bonnwer.shatl be in default if any forfeiture ,�.
<br /> aetion ac praceediag,whether civil or criminal,is begua ihat in Lender's good fai�h jua�es►t couid�a,�salt in.forfeidue of the
<br /> I�topecty or otherwise materialty n�ir the lien created by this Security Insuumeni or F�de�s.secasccg,irrter�est.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a ctefault and ieic�state,as ptovided in paraF,raPh 1 S.by causing the action or g���iing ta#ae dismissed with a tuling :
<br /> '` that, in I.ender's good faith ckteim��tion, p�tud�.c forfeitare of thc Ba�v�'er's interest in the Pa�percy or other material
<br />'��:<< iaq�irnieat of tbe liea created by this Savritg.L�sttument or Lender's se�:'^..y iaterest. Borrowcc slf�.'I also be in default if .
<br />-_ , Borrower,daring t6e ioan application process,gave materially false or i�,:��e infomtation os statemeats to l.�ader(or failed.
<br /> �'`•, ' to pr��de I.ender with any material infom�ation)in wnaectiun�ith the Il�evidenoed by the Nae,inclnding.dui�limited : �
<br />: .,;', tc},s�ntatiorts conceming Borrower's occupancy of the pa+aperty as a�s��cipal resideace.If this Security Inst��c�s��a .
<br /> ' 1�b�d, Horrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. IIE Borrower acquires fee title to the Prape'�; i!re '
<br /> � leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless L.ender agrces to the merg.:in writing. _
<br /> • • �.PratecNan of Lender's Rlghts in tik Propecty.If Bnrrowcr fails to perform the cavenanu and a�creements contaiaed in
<br /> ' this Security+Instcument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signifrcanlly affect L�:r's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> , proce�ding in bankr�ptcy,probate; for condemnation or forfeiture ar to enforce laws�s r�lations), then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whateves is necessary to protect the value ot the Property and L,ender's rights in the Prapercy.l�endcr's actions may
<br /> . include paying atry sums,secured by a lten which has priority over ti::s.,Security ynstniment. a��,�ng in court, paying
<br /> �;�'"'° reawnable attomeys'fees and entering on the P'roperty to malce repairs.Ai��ugh Lender may take acr3n undcr this paragraph .
<br /> 7,Lender does not have to da so. ,
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lcndcr under this paragca,,stt 3 shatll bccome additianal debt of Banower secur� by this�
<br /> ;�,,;?;�,. ' Secufity Instrument. Uniess Bar�wer and Lender agree to ocEk:�rera:s E`�ayment.these amounts shall bear inter�r Prom the
<br />"��:;;.'� date oi disburse��.t at,the Nose ratc and shall be payable.,with inreca-�.,�,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestia� .
<br /> - paynxnt. �
<br /> � ' S.Mostgage Iet�taoe.tE�,ender required martgagc insurance as a condition of making the loan securod by this Socurity
<br /> Instn�ment. Borcawer shaii gay t�.�;:premiums tequircd to maintain,the mortgage insusancc in effect. If. for any reason. the
<br /> - mortg$ge insurancve cavcrage rec�:�ed by i.ender lapscs or cc�ses ta bc in cfPect. Bom�«�sha11 pay the premiums required to
<br /> obtain toverage s��s�..a:uially equivalen�to t'!_•�ortguge insuraace previx:sly in effect:at n wst suE�.tialty equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower c�:ye mortgage insurance p.=viously in effcct. frucn ac�xitemate maAgage insurer approved by l.ender. Ii
<br /> substantially equivaent mortgagc insurance covcrage is not avallable, &a.�:�wer shall pay to Lender esich month a sum equal to
<br /> ' one-twelflh af the ycarly mortgaf,e insurance prcmium bci^g paid by Barrower whcn thc insurancc covcrage lapsed or ceasod to
<br /> be in effect.l.ender will Acaegc,use and reeain these payr;�:yss•z� a toss n;scrvc in licu of martgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> , Fom�302A lJ80
<br /> , Pap�3 af 8
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