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<br /> � '19� LENDER'9 RI�FIT TO CtMllllEtiGE Oti DEFEMD L�t�A6.ACTIOt�9.�r�rtiar chNl Immodimely provlde Lendnr wlth wrllten notlos ot any actual or �_
<br /> threntened actlon,aul1,cr other praceedinp aft�ctlnp Ihe Pro�erty. qrentor hereyy ap{w�nta Lendor ao Ito altom�yIn•fact to caiYwnanae,Inteerveno In,and
<br /> eN�(end eueh ncY.nne,aulto,or nli�or logt�l proracdn��and to eon4,;on�ea or r.�illo�ny clelm or controv�eayp�rtalNnp^h�a to. Len�e�ehall not be tlabla to�
<br /> `i �ra���lnod haroln wllln�ovaM L6nclnr Iromtdclnp th�acil n�rdeecaii�d�in ihi�pa►e6raph+n Ite n;rm�i arrq:re�h or rny d {�o�r��utlln iherEtram. Nothln
<br /> conte P�
<br /> '�y�� 11. fN0E11ANIF1CAYtON. L�i�hal!nol u�urrn a b�n�pa��lb1�(a 1►w pe�tomrnu nl eny o1 Qrentor'�obllpaiUon�►vlth n�p�ct to th�Prop�rty undvr �
<br />.' .u.�� �hdd�n,directa�.oMo�n
<br /> eny Grcum�tent��. Liruito��t�lll Irtrr�t�ly pcaMd�l.�nd��wnh wrllt�n nolqp of did Ind�rmity and hatd LensNr end lu ahtu ��
<br />__.��.�y� �rtiployw�and p�ntr harmlew fran dl dtlnw,tle�neqa,Ile�bilitNr pnGudnp�nttom�y�'t�e�end Ngel�xpmar�,cnuws af�ctlon,actlan�,sui1�ax� R;-.
<br /> oth_r!_;�!��nr.(dxn,4�!h�lY'C4�pnt')P���O to Ihe Ptop+nY(k�lucNnG,b�n not Ilmit�d ta,lhou fnvolvinq Huerdous M�tKlal�1. Qrntw,upon �
<br /> .i�.l�i"� � 1 �� '� � M _..__
<br /> the raq���tl at l�nd�r,�hdf hla le�l countN lo del�nd L�mMr hom wch�Idrns,��d�y ti�w as�wr�:f.^• �-„�!c� -n--e G�1 a1h�r ee�t��naurc�d In
<br />_,.:.,..,,:�;� u�i��:Jlon th�rcc:ith. In th�rk-m•tive,I.�nd�r eh�ll M�s�tlitad to mploy�a own lepa�caun�e�to d�tend�uch C�fairnr st C�reninr'e co��. c3renta'�� �,
<br /> - _�.� cio�p���a�iv ir�u:��.���t+.��uac:.'•t't'•e���?►'�'��'��►�+umYnatbn.rN�W or iaraGorur�ol iiilo D:�t101 Tiu:t. _
<br /> . 1e. TIUfE9 AND AOSES8R1ENT0. Qranta ehiH pay�II tax��and e��s�tm�nto rolnllny to PropNty when dus�nd Imnrd�iNy provltw I.�nd�r�v�d�nc� _-
<br /> °� oi ps nt ot wns. Upon th�nqwd o1 Land�r,Or�ntor�h�l d�pcsit wllh Und�r�ach month onotw�ifth(t/12 0l th�o�tlmnt�d�nnu�inwrana� '_
<br />_. �;��; pre um,texe�end s�watm�nt�p�t�nlnp to th�Pray�rty. So IcnO as ih�n b no d�laul6 Ih�a emounU�hull�npplisd to th�p�Yrt�n1�11iNd to�
<br /> :,..;;�� a�e�tur»nle end Inturenc�ee nqulr�d on 1�»Prop�rty In tlr�ewnt ol doteuft,Under ahall hav�ih�ripht,at lu�nl�optlon,to epply tho(unc4� _
<br /> ,:, pay eny tax�e or egainn the�blipetlon�. MY tund�appll�d may,at[.�nd�r'e option,bs epplled In rev�ree order ol the dus det�thuaol. p
<br />-'r�' BOOKB,RECQRDS AND REPORTB,Qremor ehall allw�Lender or ite agente lo examina en�Ir,c ct tho property� -
<br />=-.,..,� 10. INBPECTtON OF PROPERTY,
<br /> _-�f:�;r�t• end exerrine,Inspect end meMo coplss ot Orantor�fonoko a►id rorard:�r1W'ntnp ta tho Profr_Ay from tirtw to tlrre. �ranta shall provl any aseltlenco� .
<br /> _=f+�;"=�=• raquired by Lender torihoae purpuees. All of tt�e�aturea end Intom�atton corAalned In C�rontaYe hooke and recorda shall ba penulne,true,accurate end
<br /> *,��� comptete In a!i raspects. Qrantor shaft no'e ths exfat�rnce ot Londer'e benefldal Imerect In Its booke and recorda pertalning to the Property. Addfllonally, _
<br />`_N��� Qranta ehsil roport,In e fortn eatldactory to Lender,euch Infom�aticn as l.endor may r est rogardng Orantor'e flnanelal conditlon or the Pro rry. The
<br /> T—� Intom tlon lumlah�ad by O Por ta Lender ahell buQ�reuo�aocura�te and wm�plet�n�eldresp�e�ct�rend aigned�by are�n or If Lsn�ro�que��y���atw. All
<br /> _� 9T. E9T�'FFcL CEE371E:CATEB.Vl►ith!n ten(10)c!eyn e8er any requeal by Lsnder,Qrarrtoe rshall deflvsr to Lender,or nny Intonded trenaferee of lendsr'�
<br /> �_���a dghts with roap�ct to the AMlgatinna,e elgned end edaww��dged statemem sped(ying(e)the ouistondng balance on tho Obtlguila�s;end(b)whslh:,r
<br />� (irantorpo�esssos eny daim,dafine++s,eei�otf�a eoumerd�Irrx wilh reapect to the Obllpatlons and,it eo,ihe naturo of such dalms,defenses,set�ofts a
<br /> ���? � counlerdelms. Orantor wlli ba oondus�welyr bound by eny representatlon that Lender rrey malce to the Imended tranateree with reapect to these matlers In
<br />._;;r„�� the ovent that Qrentor fells to provlda the requeetod ststement In e timely n�enner.
<br /> ���� te. OEF/1ULT. Gramor shall be in defaull under this�eed of Trust and ihe Truatee's pawer shall become operetive In the event that Cirentor,eorrower or
<br /> �;� eny puarerrta of the Obl►gatlona:
<br /> --��] (a) fella to pay eny Obligetbn to Lender when due;
<br />_���n (b) fails to pertorm eny Ob119atlan a breaches eny wartenty or covenarst ta Lender contelnod In ihis Dued of Trust or eny other present w tuture
<br /> �"�a cjr�deanoys,lasee or damspes the Propaity In eny matorial respect or subJea�thc+Property ta r,�lzure,con0acation,or condermatlon;
<br />�;� �d) seaks to revoks,terrtinate or otherwise Iimit its Ilabliiry under eny puaramY to Lender;
<br />`•'""�°° (e) dles,becortbs lepally tncompetent,Ia disaoMed or terminated,beoomea Inaohrerrt,makos en assignment for the beneflt of credtan,fafla to pay
<br /> _"-��� debts ae they 6ecorns due.n�ea a�emton�nae.�ne r�►ai n�,►w��y iawa,has en InvduMary petHion In bonlwptcy fi4sd in whieh Qretita,Borrower
<br /> `_k-!��A of et1y QUefAlltof b�e(tMU,oT I�as pfopefty iaiwn unonr 8i�y i'r�n ui F,i.,GooS zt wu�:�
<br /> ellows gooch ro be��ar��a°��snotaswrro a u�ndert�eke any Ot�ligntloPn wittwut tha w nhconserdlof�Lencler:or
<br /> _—_• (9) �Iiowe enY P�Y
<br /> ��' (h) oausee Lender to deem ftselt Inaeturo due to a elgniflcant dadine In the value ol the Property;or It Lender,in good felth,tor eny reason,believsa
<br /> �- that the prospect of pr�yment or pertonnenee la irtpelred.
<br /> 1Q. RKiH1'8 OF LENDER ON OEFAULT. If th�rs Is e dstaufl under this Deed of TrusL Lender shell be antitled to exerdae one w mors of the(dbwMp
<br /> rarned�s wf�hout notia o►dxrond(exapt ns requfnd by tew�:
<br /> (e) t�tNdare th�Oblfg�tbns krm�datsly dw aid peyabl�Ir.tuil;
<br /> (b) to cdkct ths outstendn9 O�il�tbns wBh or wNtaut roaorting to juddal prxeae;
<br /> (a� to nquk�f3rerKa�o delM�►and mda avallad�to Lender eny Prrsona�ProPsrtY or Chatte!a constituling tho Propsrty at a plaa reawnel�ly
<br /> conwnwrd to(3rentor and L�ndK:
<br /> (d) to�M�►upon and tek�poa�silon of ths Propaty wNhout epplylnp fa or otM�Ininp the eppolMment at a n►ceH�r end�et Land�P� opllon�40
<br /> e�p�olm�rsc�Ne�wNhaA l�ond,wNiwut 8n1 brinping wN on 1M ObYg�tbns end wlthout oth�rwiss meetinp any�tatutory coe�dtlon� n0�rdr►Q
<br /> t�oMv�r�,n b�inp IMsnd�d that L�ndor ehail have thb oontrectual rigM to aippokd a rsoafwr;
<br /> ��� �n Mpby a mempltp a�nt o}the Property and lei the�ame,sither In 7rustes'e uwn name,In the nazrn of Lend�r or In ths nmrie of Orenta,snd
<br /> �,�a(w th�nnts,Incort�e�,lawos and proflte o}the Property and apply the eams,eftar payment of ell neceasary charpee and oxpmses,on acoax�t of
<br /> ths Obifpatiane; _
<br /> � (Q to pay erry sunx In�ny fam a n�anner de�mad axFedlent by l.�end�r ta protect the 6ea�rily of this Dead of Truat a to wro any defauk other th��
<br /> pnymem ot Int�rest a pdndpal on th�Obllpetiona;
<br /> �— (p) to faedoa 1hU DeW ot Truat Juddal�y ar nonludidal�9 end to dlr�ct the celo of tho property through exordse oi the power of aete as roteranced in
<br /> _-_ - Paregreph 20 h�r�of In ecaorderwe wflh appli�abls Inw;
<br /> (h)to eet�aft urerrior�Croiiyaiiu��s a6a��:i sr�atraurR:.c.:ad Gr:.�rcr�/L:..r�r!n�!�s!�n�,txq n�t umlted to, rronlos,inetrumenta.and doposH
<br /> — �uM�melntak�d whh L�nder or uny arront y edutng a tutun eJflNete ot Lendx:end
<br /> (q to exardsa all Mh�r�ta ave�lebk to Landw under eny otiw►wrliten agreerrwnt a eppilca6ia law.
<br /> Lsrxler's d s are amutative end maY be exerdaed together,soperateiy,and In eny order. In tho event that Lender Insiriutea en actlon saaWr�q the
<br /> r�covsry o�any of the Property way ot aprsJudgrriern rerriedy In an aetlon agafnat arentor,fi:entw waNea the poating of eny bond whkhmf�h1
<br /> — othsnvlea hs�'eQulred. L++nder or s daalynea miypurchase 1ha Property at eny aete. Proceede ot eny Truatee e aak hsreur�der shell be epplfed
<br /> � flroL to tFw cost�and expenees ol nxxdaing tM powa�f eale and of the aNa,Induc�ng tha pa t of tho Trustea's leos aclually Incurred end not to
<br /> � exoesd the nmoum whlcfi may be prov�de8 tor In 1hla Deed of Trust,second,to p9ymerrt ef the Ipntlaro�cured hereby,third,to the payment ofjunbr
<br /> trust deada,mort8ages,or othe►Ilenholdero,and the belanoe,If eny,to the paraon or pereons lepaty emitled thereto. Thepropoi4y or any pEUt thereof n�ay
<br /> � bo eold fn on�parcet,or tn wch pereele,menner a ordor as Lender In Its ade dlaaetlon may olecL end one or morv exardses of the power herein gremed
<br /> °-`°- shall not extinguleh a exhauat tho power unlesa the emire proporty ia sold or the obligatlone ere peld n full.
<br /> -_==�,��� 20. TRU84EE'S F�XERCI�E OF PGNYER OP BALE ON DEFAULT: If lsnder elects to sell�rantor's IMerest In the Property by exerclse of the power of
<br /> _�, eale horNn centalnnd,Lender shall nestity Trustee In the menner then roqulrod by law.
<br />=`^r�"=�� Upon recei�t of cuch notice of Lender er:d at iho directlon of Lender,Tniatee shall cause to 6e recotded,publlshed nnd doihrorod such notioea of dsfauft
<br /> `r'` end noticas ot cals as may then be requlrod by!aw and by thls Daed of Trust. TNStao shell,only ot the directlon of Londer end wNhout dere�and on�ranta,
<br />,:�:.�.�
<br /> "`=°-`__`' after euch time ao may thon be r�quIred by Isw end nfter recordation of auch nmice of defauft end aflar nollce ot st�le having bean ghren as roquired by law.
<br />:+'-,:.�� sell the Properfy nt tlu tlme And pace of eais Bxed by it In auch notice of aela,olther ae whale or In ata lots or parcet�or Rerm a�Londor ch�ll decm
<br /> e t,end In nuch order nn It may detemdns,et pudb auction to the htgheat bidder tor caeh In la ul money of the Unkad Statos payabte at the time of
<br /> ,or ae otherwlae rrny then bo requlrod by law. Trusteo shall dellver to sucii purcha�er or purchasors tharaaf Ils and su�leNtri d�ed a dradr
<br />�---:,,�,,;���� convayl.ng the pro�Ay so�solyd,but��uteany�Mvenant,�o�wa+TWi;t�u,'„eum�ttss�n o���ndr.TThn,st�tr�Lnndor.mav cx�rchaso at c ch saie.taTctReates may
<br />.:� wnauarvepr"wiv�uioa...`�u�.:�......�..... ._., . . ..
<br /> In the monnor provlded by lair poslpono sala ef I or eny portlon ot the Property.
<br /> ,��; "-� 21. RE�IIEST FOA WOTiCEB:arentor requosts that o enpy of eny notioe of dafault and a copy of eny notice of salo h¢reunder bo mNled to ench pnrson =
<br /> • who Is a party he►eto nl the address of such parson sot forih hereln at iho samo tirtq and In tha somo mannor roqulred ae though a ceparate requoat
<br /> � ��+ Iheroof had been Hied by each sach person. -
<br />- �•���.�lfi. _.
<br /> .'y��:
<br /> �� .
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