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<br /> �j� 22. �ECIIRITY iNYEREST UNDER THE UNIFORRi COl�RM�RCIAL COBE. Thla Docd of Trust ehall bo consldorad snd bo eitectivo aa a flnnncln
<br /> "" ctatcrtrnt and n(ixturo 011np pursuant to tho provlslons o1 tho Unitorm Corrrnorclnl Codo(ao cdopicd in tho atoio wh�ro tho roal proporty Is lacatoc�
<br /> " covcrinp fixluro�,chcittels,and cniclua u1 poreonal propeny no��r o��mcd or hore;�llor nttaeh�d to or to b�ue�d In connoctlon wlih tho PropoAy toflathar v�lih
<br /> 3 ciny und NI rcp:accrn;nta th:rcof and ccld�tlonc ihcroto pho'Chattcl�'�,end Qrrnton c�roby rnnto I.ondcr a aocurlly Intoroal In cuch Chattcls. Tho dcblor la
<br /> n
<br /> tho Q►nntc►daacdbod obovo. Thls Doed of Trust wlll bo otfectivo ns a flnanGng 5latcrr►�m ilod u�u(Ixturo lilln��vlih rosp:ct Io all Ilxtura�Indud�d etlthln
<br /> • .,y . saldpr�Msea and Is ta bo filod tor rawrd In�ho roal octato records ot o�ch county whoro pny pan of cnld promisos(Includnp ealc!tixluro3l Is sltua�od. Thls -
<br /> - ���. • Deed of Trust s7�all alsu ba aftoctive as a Mancing statemant covadng eny othorpremisos nnd rrey bo filod In any othor approprlmo imng or rocard�nfl f
<br /> office. A earbon,phot4graphla or olhor reproduction ot ihla Dead of Trust or of r�oy finencind statemom releting to thle Doed o(Trust shell be sufficlem ns a �_
<br /> ;<, � finanGnp atntemem lor pny ot the purposoa roforrod to In thle Pareg;aph. Tho eecured pany Is tho I.onder doscrlbed r3lnvo. Upon demand Qrarri�r aha f:
<br /> melcg,execxne and deliver such sewdty egreemonts(as such term la deiined In sald tt oiform Comrr�rdal Code) ae Londor ai nny tlmo rney deo�
<br />'•�`� ncoosaary ar proper or requlred to grartt to Lentler a porfectad securiiy iuteiesi In thb Ch� �^.�rd u�n t9mntore Ioll s�re to�M Ro,Lender Ia aulhorized t �-
<br /> slgn sny auch cg,•c�m:r.t n�tha a3snt of Qrantor. Orentor horoby ctuthor1zos Londor to fllo Mancing stutomonis(aa such tarm is deMed In anld Un!(orm �..,
<br /> Cormierclal Code)with respect to the Chettels,et en Y tlme:whtho�t��e alg�aturo of Qrantor. Grantar�vlil,ho:rovcr, at eny Vm�upfln rcquasl of I.r,n�:^►,
<br /> ��;a; slgn auth 8nancing statemants. uraniar wlii�y a�P�6��y��oo�..'•••-••••• �•--s"!}f!n?nc 1ng sfniementa end tor tho refilln�thoraof at the timea requlrod,In�� _
<br /> 'y � -� tha o�lnlon al Lender,by snld UN1orm Comnerdal Codo. It the Ilen of thTs Deed ot Trust bo sub►act to any socudty agreement covenng tno unana'ro,inarP _
<br /> ._� In tho event ol Any deteuit under thls doed of Trust,all tho dght,tftle and Intorest of ararstor In and to any end till ot Ihe Chattol9ls horoby ecelgned to� _
<br />- — �Lender,togethar wlth ths benofit ot any depasHs or payrmnts now or horoaitor mado ihereal by arantor or ihe pr�decessors or suceoosora in titlo o�
<br /> ' � Qrentor In tho Property•
<br />��`:'��� 23. REIM8UR3EtrfENT OF AMOUNTS EI(PENOED BY LENOER. Londer,at Lender e option,ma expond funds (Ncludng attomeys'teea and lep�� _
<br />.-J'r.�.
<br /> :J`� expenses)to petform eny act roqulred to be taken by Cirentor or to axordco nny dght or remedy ot l.�n r undor thls Dced of Trust. Upon demand,arantot�
<br /> �" �`— �ha�!(rrrnecNately reimburse Londer for all such arrwums oxpensled by Lender togeiher wltri Inte�est thoreon at the lowc�dtho hlghest rato descriDed In any
<br /> --_�_� Obligatbn or ihe hlphest rate d!owed by law from ihe date of paym:n2 until the dste of relmbursemem. Those sums chall be InGuded In iNe deflnitlan of
<br /> --'� Obllgatlons herein and shall be secured by tho bonefidal Imerest grertted hersln. It tha Obligatlons arep�Id aftor tho boglnning of publicatlon of nutice of
<br />,4?�� sale,as herain provltied,or In the ovent Lender shall,et fls eole apsion,pertNt C3rantor to pay any part o11ne Obl�gations altar iho beglnnlny of publicatlon af
<br /> notico of sale,ae herain providod,lhon,Qrarrtor chell pay an damand afl oxpenses Incurrod by Vie Trustee and Lendar N cornictcllon with sald puMic�tlon,
<br />- _- induc�np reasonabla attomeys'fees to the attomeys for Ihe Trustoe ancJ lor the Lendar,c+nd a roesonable fee to the Trualee,and thia Oeed of Trust shall be
<br /> -"`"'��
<br /> aecuriry(or ell such expenses ond fees.
<br />~�`.�--— 24. AFFLICA7ILK��PAYliEldTB. The T►ustee shall�y the lxoceeda of ihe trustee's sale.Orst,m the cosis end ezpenees ot exerclsing the power of
<br /> �, oalo and of tho sale,Indudin thopayment of the Trusteo's eas actually Incurred not to exceed Ihe anwunt whlch may ba(xovid:d lor In iho Dcrd of Trust. �-
<br />--_�_� second,to payrnent of the o�lgatlon sacured by ihe Oeed ot Truet,lhlyd,to tho payment of juNor daeds of trust,mortgagea or ofher flenholdere,end the
<br /> balance,I}eny,to ihe person or persons legally entitlod thoreto.
<br />-���-�� 26, pOWER OF ATfORNEY. (3rentor hereby nppolr�ts Le�der as its anomoyIn•tact to endarso Qrentor's nartie on al Insimments and other documents -
<br /> pertelning to ihe Obligations or Qeed of Trus�. In additlon,Lendar shall be emitled,but not reyulrsd,to parform any actlon or execute any document
<br />`'��:k�� requirsd to ho takon or executed by Cirantor undor this Deed of Trust. Londor'spe�formanee oi such actlon or exaartlon of auch dowrne�nts shal!not
<br /> relleve Cirantor(rom eny Obligatlon or cure any dofauit under this Qned of Trust. All po�vers of attomey describod In thle Doed of Trust are cou�lod with an
<br />-�w9��� inta+�e�1 end are Irtevocable.
<br /> ',�� 2p, SllBROGtA710N OF LENDER. Lender shall bo aubrogated to ihe rights of lhe holdor ot eny provioua Ilen,secudry Intorest or oncumbrance
<br /> -_-_� dlacharped with(unda advenced by Lender regardless of whother these Ilens,sacurity Interosts ur othor encumbrences havo i�n roleased of record.
<br /> —� 27. COLLECTION C09T8. To iha extent potmftted by law,�rentor agrees to pay Lender's reasonable tees and oosU,i�duding,but not Iimlted to,(ees
<br /> -,�,�,� end oosta ot attomeys and other egents(Including wflhout Ilmitation parelegals.derScs end consulisnts),whether a nnl such attomey or egont lo en
<br /> err.,tnYn�of�Lender.which ere hwrted by Londer Tn collecting eny erraunt duo or en(ordng eny ri�t or remedy wderihla Deed of Trust,wh�ther or not
<br /> - � 6UI�1�b�W0111,InducAng,bUl f101 IIRYIBtl 10,81�iQB�Blla Gosis itiiaii7ou''vii d�j.'oa.���:�°�%�'+•°-`�'� "��r'�-'at-Gidortnnt cdleetlon actlons. _
<br /> v
<br /> 20. PARIIAL RELEA3E, lender mey release fla Intereal In a portion of the Properry by oxucuting end recor6ng one or more Pnntal Deeds of
<br /> -- Reconveyance without aNncting fts Intareat In the remaining pohlon ot the Properry. Notning hereln shall ba deemeci to obllgate Londer to rebase any of its
<br /> i Interest In the Rr rty(oxcepl as requtred under Paragreah 38 or as may be otherwtise requlred by law),nor shall l�rder be obllgated to rebase eny part
<br />---- ihat�P to�n ofihe pro�tpertyaas defined in t�he D�ebed�oe f TTriut thai le not the cubject o`�this or any Pertla�l Deed of Re�nvayance�n In e(tecl wfth respect to
<br /> — 2p. IAODIFiCATION AND WAIVER. fia modiFlcatlon��eof�irowe��aran�S��O��Nlgatlona de�ary or I81�100 68d69'BIIY Oaltb M�BtOf ��
<br /> cantelned In B WriUng 6lgnad by Lentfe►. Lender maY P� Y
<br /> peyments trom Qrnntor or anyone other than Grantor without causing a weiver ot ihose Obllfyatlons or ri ts. A waNar on one occaalon�hal not constit e
<br /> a waiver on nny other oocas�an. Cirentor's Obll�atlons under this Deed ot Trust ahell not be attepdaertd if r errend+,conproMses,exchangos,falla to
<br /> � ihlf d pe�r�ty�ar�y of th�e Prope�ty�Len�a fa�llue o I�nsbin up�on s�ict ped}omianc�e of a�ny of ho Ob!I�tlons shall rwt��de9�rt�od°wYa►vor and I.se�nd�ewr shall
<br /> havs ihe rlght et any time thereanerto Innlat upon smct parfom�nce.
<br /> 90. BU89TIYUTE TRU9TEE;TRU9TE61lABiLITY;COAIPEN9A710N. In case of the death,Inablliry,rafusal�o raa or abcence of the Tn�stee from ihe
<br /> ata*,e whera the roal�oropert5+i�locatsd a!n ease the hoider of the Obilgations eh�ll deatro tor eny reason to remove the Trustee or any substflute truetee as
<br /> truatee heraunder ar�d tc eppolnt e new truatee in hls pie�end stesd,the holder o}the Obligatlon�la hsroby ganted full powx to ap�wim In w�iing e
<br /> — wberiMs trustee for ald Trustaa,snd tho substituta irtistee sheil,when eRpolnteJ,becorre suocessor to ell�ights of Tmatee hereundar end the same shaH
<br /> bocuns wsted In him torthe purpoe�a and obJecta of this Deed of Truat with eli thepower,d�nba end oWlgntiunn heraMi oonlerrod on the 7metee. Truet�e
<br /> ���������p{��a eny arror�t judartier►1 w ect dona by TNStee,or be athervvlae reaponsihle or aocounle�ble undor any dreumstancoa whatsoater.
<br /> Tn,•�«�I not ba psr�a�aNy !ade fn ctiee of entry by li or enyano act(ng by viAUa of Ihe powere hereinprantad h upon ihe Doed ot Trust tor debt�
<br /> cornrecied or pad�hy or��a a Incurted in tho man 1 or opemtion ot sald pramises. Trustee shall have fie �t ta rely on eny InetrurtwnL
<br /> dxurtpnt nr sigiature authodzing or supponfng ony ect on taken orproposed to be taken by It hersunder a bellaved byl!In aood fahh to be genufne.
<br /> - _--- Trustee shell bo entNled to►elrtbureer►�em ta e ses Irwrrecl by N In tho per(omienco�f ico��dut�e�n Tn�nna h rcu�dor aSOnd deim�burs�e�n�itstee f or and
<br /> _
<br /> �-•--
<br /> --
<br />