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<br /> '(c)�AII applicablo Inlvc and rogulatlone, inrluding,without Ilmitatlon,tho Amertrans wlih Dlsabilitl9s AcL 42 U.S.C. Sectlon 12101 et seq. (and ell �
<br /> � , ropul�tlona prortwigatod ihoroundor)end ell zoning end building la�vs and ro�ulations relating to iho PropoAy by virtuo�f any fodoral,ctato or munlcipal
<br /> • nuihasiry v�ith�uticdictlon ovcr tha Property,presontly aro and shnll l�observod end compliod wlth in all rrnterlal roaxcis,nnd nll riflhis,IlconSOS,
<br /> p�:rmito,end r,or110catos of occupancy(Indudinp but not Iimhod to zoning varlenws,cpeGAl oxcc�tione lor nonconforming uso.^,,and Ilnol Insp�dlon
<br /> npptovele),whothor Iomporary or pormanont,which ara rnstcsriN to iho uso and occupancy ot tho Proporiy, prosontiy urr�nnd chall bo ot3tr,lncd,
<br /> � , . preeenred and,where nocossary,renewod;
<br /> � ,�j (d)�rantor hac th�rlphl and is d�ily outhorlxed to exocute an3 psrform 8s Obllgatlons undor thls Deod of Trust and thoso ectlone do nat and shall not
<br /> confllet wlth the provlslona of eny statulo,regulatlon,ordinanco,nAe of Iaw,coniract or other egreoment whlch rrny bo bindinfl on Grantor at any tlmo;
<br /> ,� (o)Na ectlon or proceading Is or ehall be ponding or throatonod wtdch miglit n�atodally affoct iho PiapoAy:and �
<br /> .;,•� (f}(ivantor hao not vlotatcd ard ehull not vlolato�ny steurte,rog�!atlon,or�llnance,rule of law,contract ar other ngraemont(Indud uant�to thiel Deedtof �
<br /> thoso govaming Hazardous Mntodals)whlch migh!matorfally aftoct thr�Pro{wrty or Londurs rlghts or Intorest In tho Property pu
<br /> �f� l 'I'NBL `
<br />-:�:r.t.,-��-�=?2i'i'' _
<br /> �''=�' � r 9. P81OA D6ED9 OF TFiUST. Cirentor ropreserrts and warrerrts thal thore are no prlar deod3 of trust atfscting any pan of Ihe Praperty except as set fonh —
<br />��� an 9diedule B eflached to thls Dued ot Truct,which Qramor n�aue to pay and parform In a timoly mannor. If tharo nro eny prior doods ol truat lhen _
<br /> , Qrnntor agrooa to pay sll amounis owed,end pertorm ell obtigati�ns requlrad,under such dsods of trust and the Indobtednosa secured thereby and lurther
<br /> egroet ihat a defeult under any prior cleed of irust shall bo a deteult under thls Daed af Trust and shell entltle Lender to ell rlghts and ramedlee contalned
<br /> heroln or In the Obllpatlona to which Lender would be emftled in ths event of any athor dofault. �
<br /> • � "��� 4. TRANBFESi9 Q�F 7HE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTEREST9 IN�RANTORS OR BORROWER8. In tho evem of a sale,conveyanco,leaeo. _-
<br /> contrect tor doed or transier lo any porson of ell or eny part of tho roal property doscribcd In Schedulo A,or any Interesti ty roln�,or�f�all or any benaHclal �
<br />='"" ' ` �� Ini�rast In Borto:�lcr or G�rantot pi Borrower or Qrnntor la not a naturelp rsan or percons but Is a co�poratlon,Ilmited IIaM.it co n , Mershl�,truat,or
<br /> ��'�+���' � o�her l�al entity),I.endet may,at Its apibn deGoro tho outstendng princlaai 6aiance of tho Obltpallons ptus accrued iNOrest thereon imi�iale(y c;ue and
<br /> ,-�;, : pr
<br />::�:, ;� payablo. At LendePa request.C3rantor or Borrowor,as ihe caso rr�y be,nhall tumish a wmpleto staterrx�nt sotting forth ell ot Its atockholdere,memboro,or
<br /> _ .•,,.:,�� partnera,00 8�f0(NIA19,end the exlont of tnelr respocllvo cwnarship Interests. _
<br /> � :4 , .
<br /> �._3����� 0. A8S18NMENT OF RENTS. In conslcteratlon of tho Ohlidadons,which aro secured by thls Deed of Trust,(3ramor absolutely asslgns to Londer ell
<br /> �a•: QraMOr'�estete,ripht,tltle, Interest, daim and dematid now w+ned or hereafler atqulred In all exlsting and(utute leases af tho Proporry(Induding
<br />--,�t_ � �xtenUon�,ronewaTa and nubleases, all egreemems for uso end occupancy of the Properry(all such leases and agreemenis whether written or oral,ete
<br /> x#y��;`�� hsrea(ier retarad to aa tha'Loacoat),and aA guarnntlea of lesseea'��farm3nce under the Leasos,topether with tho Immediate end continuing r1gh1 to
<br /> i•.;:����. cait4ct and rsceive all of lhe ronts,Income,rocelpta,rovonues,I66UB8,profits and other Incame of any nature now or hereafler due(InGuding any Inwme ot
<br /> - eny nnturo coming due dudng any redemptlon pedod)under tho lsases or from or erlsing out ot the Proporhr Induding Mnimum rents,additlonal ronte,
<br /> W����� peroantege reme,parldng or eommon erea melmenance corttrlbu�lons,tnx end i�isurence eont►ibu�lona,defldency renta,fiquldated demages tollowing
<br /> defauB In eny Le�se,eil proceeds payeble under eny polley of Insuranco covedng loss of ronts rosulUng from untenentability eaused by deatructlon or
<br /> . ±-------- derr�to ths Proq rty,all proceeds payable as a result of a leasee's exe�r�se of en option to purchaso the Property,gll procaeds derivad(►om tho
<br />_'•�„ i�;� Sorminatlon or reJact on�f eny Leaae Ire a baniwptcy or othor Insolvonc proceeding,end ellproceeds hom eny righta end clalma of any kfnd whlch Qrentor
<br />-a�,''��,•�:4Nur_�! rrey N►ve e�Inst eny lesseo underthe Leasos or any occupants of ihe Property(all ottho above aru hereafter collactNely referted to aa the'Rente'). This
<br />--°° a�s!p�rrwniT�tubJ�i to tha�ighL powor end authority piven to the Landor to collect end apply the Rents. Thls assignmont Is recorded In eccordance wlth
<br /> _�i•r.�� eppllu6l�ttate law;the Ilan created by Ihls a�signrraem Is Intonded to bs speclllo,podected,end choato upon the reoording of this Deed ol TrusL ail as
<br /> °"`- provld�d bj eppllc�tbi��t��law as ernended itom timo to timo. Ae long as ihere la no dof$ult undor ihe Obligatlons or this Deed ot Trust,l.snder prante
<br /> -`�-�-•.�PJ}� Ciranlor a rwocabt�Ilcsnca to oollecl all Rems from ihe Leasos whon due and to uso such proceuds In Orantor's bu�Inesa operntlons. However,Lender
<br /> __,,,�,� may�t any tlm�rpula Qrerrtor to dQpodt all Rents Imo an acoount malntained by arnntor or Lender at Lender's inatitutlon. Upon detault In the payment
<br /> -�^�� of,or In 1M p�r(omienc�of,any of the Obligat!ons,Londer rrey at Ite optlon take pussossion of the Property and have,hold,manage,leaae and operste the
<br /> L Pr on tertn end fa a perlod ot time that Lenrler deems proper. Lender may proceed to collect end reoeive all Rents from ihe property,tind Lender
<br /> __ �R�� �ry�y��p paye��o me;cs alt�reilone,renovations,repalrs or roplac.ements to the Prope as l.ender may deem proper. Lender may apply all RsMs In
<br /> - — L�r�r'�wN tlisc►�tlon to payrmm oi me wiiyniior�o vr to ii-ia�yrAri ri th8 LC�0�::3�«!:='9*.!=ng,.onnynflnna,rNnalra and redscerr�nis end enV
<br />_ --� — �xp�nie�Indd�nt to t�king end rotdning passasslon ot tho Praperry perlodically and ihE management and oporation of the Prope��n�d�t okasPeh�
<br /> �y�""'� propKty propxty Inwred and may dscharge ariy texea,charges,claims,essessmonta end other Ilene whlch rr�y aocrue. The e }th
<br /> -- gct�on�mey b�a�ld hom Ihe R�Me reaived,and eny unpeld armunts ahell bo addad to tho prindpal of the Obligetlons. These amoums,topether with
<br /> -= olhKCOSt�,�hell Moar�pvl of th�OWpations securod by ihls Dasd ot Trust.
<br /> !. LEA8E81WD OTHER AGREEMENTS. Qrantor shell not take or fall to take any actlon which may causu or pemilt the termination or the wflhholding of
<br /> eny p�ynrm In oor�n�ction whh eny l.e�s�ar ottwregreement('Agroamem')pertaining to the Property. In edditlon,Cirantor,without Lender'e prior written
<br /> ��1��I�H no�;(s)oo1Np�ny nqnk�payable under eny Agreemeni more than one momh in advance:(b)rradity Any Agreemem:(a)aasiyn or eliow a
<br /> - Il�n,Wcurtty lntwnl a otMr rncum6rance to be placed upon Gr�ntore �ights,title and Interest In end to any Agraemam or the erraurrt� payat�ls
<br /> — thanunci�r;or(d)brmin�to a eanal enY Ageemont except for the nonpayrnent ot eny eum or other rreteri�l breach by the othsr perty thersto. If Qre�nior
<br /> racelwy et any tims eny wrftt�n oortrnunlaatbn asasrting a default by Grentor under an Agreement nr purporting to tnmilnate or cancel eny AgreanenL
<br /> thf,d�noumil�t�o a�in a�th�eundor ere her by ac lyned to Londer ae ad�oltl nalt�o�cu�l y(orthenObligationshereto)to Lender. All such Agreerrients end
<br /> 7, CpLLEC1lON OF INOE6TE�NE9S FROI�A 7HIR0 PARTV. Lender shall be entNled to notlty or require�ramor to notlN any ihird perty(Induding,but
<br /> not WNted to,laawe�,Ilan��.Govemmentat aulhorHlea end Insuranca compentoa)to pay Lender eny Indobtedneas or obllgation owinp to GraMOr with
<br /> respct to lhs Propsrty (cumulatNNy'Indabtednaas')whether or not a detault oxlate under thla Desd of Truat. Gramor shall�iligamly colfect tha
<br /> � InrNN�dnes�owing to(irenta(rnm the�s thlyd partioc until the giving of aucn notificat{on. In the e►errt that Cirantor possesses or raceNes poss�selon o4
<br /> any Nistrurtrnt�a oth�►nmitlanoes whh�bspect to the Indobtedness followmg tho giving of eueh notiflcation or tf the Instrumenta or other remNtanas
<br />