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<br /> (d) A v�rit of cxccutlon or nttachr�ent or nny slmil;�r pracess shnll�e cn�ered ngnlnst Trustor�vhleii�hnll b�e9tne n Ilen on the
<br /> '' TPUSt�stnte or n�iy portlan tiurcof or lntcresc thcrci�i nnd such cxccutlon,nttnehmcm or simil�r nro�c:�af JudQi��:nt i�n�t relcm;cJ,bmulcd,
<br /> eutisficd,vacnted or atUyed within sixty(60D c�ays aftcr Its entry or levy;or
<br /> • (e)There I�as occurred a breach of or dePault under any term,sovennnt,a�reement,cflnditlon,provisfon,representatlon ar
<br /> warranty contalned in any af the l..oan Instcumcnts.
<br /> .r 12. AcctMn�tlon Upon Detwolt,Addtllanal Remedle�.in the event of Any event of def'euit B:neflclsry may decinre all Indebted- �
<br /> ---::•-�� 1 ;;�...��s..i�,�rwyy�n!u+Aun nnd oavable md the snme shall thereunon becnme due aC�d qeYYble wtthout anv aresentment.demand,protest or �
<br /> � t notice of aay kind.ThereaPter Be�eBci�ry may: �
<br /> ;;.�;:r�+�� �
<br /> �.�..�a+A�N�'� , r.,:
<br /> � (f) Eithtr in person or by egent,wlth or without brtngtng any action or proceeding,ar by a recetver appoint�d by e cuurt an� �.
<br /> wlthouc regard to the adequacy of its securlty,enter upon and take possesslon oi the Trust Estatc,or any part thereoP,in its own name or in the _
<br /> - r. name of Trustee,and do any sets whicl�it dame neces,ary or deslrabla to preserve the value,marketr.bflity er rentabllity of the Trust�state,or —
<br /> .. ., � put thereuf or iuurest iNn�el���,I►�crease tiie iiuoma thcrfrom ar protect the ucuriry hereof end,wlth or+vtthout tc+�c[nE possession of the Trust =
<br /> Estste,sue for or othcswlsc cnllect tht rent�,issua a��d protts theteof,includin�those p�st due and unpatd,and apply the same,lass costs and _
<br /> l � expensa of opetatton orA cotlecdon incluslin��ttomoya' fecs, upon�ny indebtednas secured hereby, all in such order�s Benefictary m�y �_"
<br /> determine. Dclivcry of w�itten notke uf Henofl�iary's exerclse of the rights granted heretn[o any tenant occupying said premises shall be �::�
<br /> � � sufficient to require said tenant to pay satd rent to the Beneflciary until further notice.The entering upon and taking possesston of the Trust --
<br /> Estate,the collectton of such rents,issua and profits and the applicaHon thereof us aforesaid.shall not cure or waive any default or not[ce of �'�
<br /> �.`� deFault hereunder or invalfdate any act done in responsc to such default or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithstand[ng the
<br /> contln�ance In tsossestion af tha'�n�xt Fstatc or the collection.recefpt nnd application of rents.issues or profits.Trustee or Bcneficiary shall be
<br /> entitled to exercise every right providcd for in any of the Loan Lnstruments or by law upon occurrence ot any event of default.lncluding the rlght —
<br /> �, to exerctse the power of sAlc;
<br /> ,,.
<br /> ,: ,•� (ii)Commence an actlon to foreclose this DeM of Trust as a mortgaQe,appoint a receiver.or specf�cally enforce any of the
<br /> covenants hereof;
<br /> (iii)Deliver to Trustee a written declar�don oP def4ult and demand for s�k.and�written notice of defaui��n�ekction to ceuse
<br /> Trustor's[nterat in the Trust Fstate to be sold,which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly Cled for record In the OfCkial Records of the Gounty
<br /> .., � in which the Trust Estate Is located.
<br /> �
<br /> ,c'•.. 13. Foratowro By Power ot Sele. Should&nefiri�ry clect to fareclose by exercise of the power of ule herein cont�inecl, _
<br /> � � � Beneflciarv shall nodfv'1 rustee and sh�►II deposlt with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note�nd such recelpu�►nd evidmce of exprnditures
<br />- ' mule and xcured hereby as Trusta m�y rcquire.
<br /> *�:;;;���;� (a)Upon recipt of Ri►ch notka from&nefkiarY,Trusta shall qwse to bc recorckd,publlshed and deHvered to Trustor such
<br /> ;,;�;�r�, Notice of tkf�ult and Eloction to Seil as then requfred by Uw and by thts Dced of Trust.Trustee sh�ll.wlthout demand on Trustor,sfter I�px or
<br />��%;.:�.�; such time u may then be requtred by law and dter record�tion of such Plotice of Defsult and aRer Notice of S�le b�►vin�bxn�ivrn as required
<br /> - -- " by I�w.xll the Trust Est�te at the timo and pl�ta of�k fixed by it in auch Plotia o�SNe,dther�u R whok�a in cepatrteloty or parcels or item$
<br />_--:��� us 7'rusta sh�ll dcem ex�xdknt,and in su�h order as it may determinc,u publk tucdon to the hi�hat bklder far r�sh in lawful money of t)x
<br />___�°-�"�� Untted St�tea p�y�bk at the time of snk.Trustec stull deliver to such purchaxr or purchuers thereoY iu�ood and suffkknt deed or cleed� •�
<br />�-�;'.�'''�� conveyina the praperty so sold,but without any covenant or warranty,exprcu or Implkd.The rattnls in such deed of�ny matters or f�cts ehall '
<br /> �y„,.t�'"'� be conclusive p�oof uf the truthfulness thereuf.Any per�on,Inciudtng,without limitatlon,Trustor,Trustee or Beneficlary,may purch�x�t such
<br /> �_� � s�k and Trustor hereby covenants to w�rrant end defend the Qtk of such purchaser or purchaxro.
<br /> �,�r��
<br /> --'��°�i (b�ARer deductin�ali costs,fees stnd expenses of Trosta 4nd uf this Tcust,inctuQin�costs of evidena of titk in conneetbn
<br />_°•° — wlth sak,Truata shall apply the proceeds of srtlle to payment ofe xll sums eapended under the term�hereof.not thrn rep�fd,with accrued intrrcst
<br /> —=r�i�,�a��
<br />___..��*!� at Seven peraat(,_,�qi)per unnum;�Il other sums then secured hercby ard the ce�»�inder,if any,ta the penan or
<br /> - °�� persons le�ally entttkd thereto. -
<br /> _'_"_.•�� , . •
<br /> —=-�`�� (t)Tr�usire may postpcmc sxk of all Or�ny portion of the Trust EstRte by public�nnouncement�t such tfine and plaa of sa�k,
<br /> "- ':_°�-� and from dme to time thereaRer may uostp�ne such sslt bY Dublfc�nnounamcm pt the time fixed by the precedh►a postpontnsent ar subsc- -
<br /> " _'°"_''.'�� qucndy noticed aak, and without further notice, exapt such n�may be aqulred by statute,make such sale at the dme fixed by the tast
<br /> -_ �; postponnnent,or may.in tts dtscretion,�ive a new notice af sale.
<br /> �;-T:=_�.
<br /> __-__.�.�;,�k-
<br /> �'.�' lA. A�polntn�ext of Rereiver.If en event ot defiult descr[bad in Perr��{{raph i l of this neod of'hust sh�ll have�ccurrcd and bc
<br />—��"�, contfnu(nR,&netkiary,ps x matter of right and wRhout notice ro Trustor or nnyone claimtns undtr Trustor,and without�eQs�d to the then
<br /> °�";:s:=�.;:"` v�lue of ihe rrust Estato or the intercst of Trustor theretn,shali havf 2he right to apply to�ny court h�vi:�y Jurladiction ro appolnt a receivcr or
<br /> _ :�j::j�;r� . rc�ivera of the Trust Estote.anc4 Trusror hereby irrevocably consents to such appofntment and wa'sves nottct of any npplicatton therefor.
<br /> .=�i''*r . 1 S. Rrmedfee Not Exeiwive.Trustee nnd&neficinry.and each oi�hem,shaU be enNtlod to enforce payment end�xrfonnance
<br /> "• :�`.•„
<br /> ,- . of rny indebtedness os.obligations securcd hereby and to exercise all rights nnd power�under this Dced of Trust or under any Loan Instrumcnt or
<br />_ - other agamont or ar�y laws now or hereafter tn force,notwtthstanding aome or all of such inAcbtedness and obllgallons secured hereby may =_
<br /> - � now or herafcer be o¢hervvisc se�ured.whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledga,lien assianment or otherwiu.Neither the acceptuna of this ��
<br /> � Deed of Trust nor Its enPorcement whether by court action or pursuant to the poxer oP sale or other powers hercfn contatned,shall prejudice or F=
<br />-���' ' In any manner affect Trustce's or Beneflciary's right to realize upon or entorce eny other socurity now or hercafter held by Trustee ar f�r.�
<br /> ;. � Benefclary,It being ngrad that Trustee and Beneflciary.and each of them,sh4ll be 4ndtled to enforce this Dena of Trust and Any other security �
<br /> -�: �`�' now ox hemRer hdd by BenePKtary or True3a in such order�nd manner u they or eitha of them mty in iheir�bsoiute di�cretfon deteamicx. E°.
<br />=•=:;-'n No remedy heretu conferred upon or reservcri to Trustee or Beneflciary Is Intended to be exclusive of aay other rcmedy hercin or by law prov(ded =
<br />- or,Ym,iceed_bue eact�shsll be cumulativc and sha116c iu additton to evcrv othu remedy Yiven henunder or now or hercafter exlstinII nt law or in `
<br /> ' ' tyuity ar 6y statute.Evcry power or rcmedy�ivcn by any of the Loan Instr�ments to Tnastec or&neQciary or to which either of thcm may be
<br /> ' otherwise anNded,may be exerc{scYl,rnncurreutly or independentiy,fram Nme to time and as oft�n es may be damed expedlmt by Trustec or �
<br /> ' Beneticiary nnd eiti�er of them muy pursue inconsistent remed[es.Pfothing here(n shall be construed av prohtbfting Benefic�iary fcom seeking a --
<br /> deficlency]udgment ogafnst the Trustor to thc extent such actton is permitted by law. �
<br /> t6. Requcsl for Nmka Trustar hereby requests a copy of 8ny notice of default and that any notice of sale lurcunder be matled �
<br /> ' to it a►.tiu address set forth it�the first paragreph of this Decd of Trust. �
<br /> • 17. Gov�niing I.�w. This Deed of Trost stv�ll be governed by thc laws of thc Statc of Nebrnska. [n the cvent that Any
<br /> proviston or clause of any of thc Loan Instruments conflicts with applicablc(aws,such con(licts shall nol sffcct otlur provistons of such Loan
<br /> Instnmunts which can be g(ven effat without the conflicttng provis{on.nnd to tlifs end the p�ovistons of the l.oan[nstruments are declared to be
<br /> „ aever�ble..Thfs instrument cannot bc waived,ci�enged,discharged or termina�ed oraliy,but onfy by an instrumant in wrt�ing stgned by th�paet.y
<br />- a�inst whom Gnforccment of any wniver,change.dfscharge or termfaation is sought. -
<br /> �
<br />