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<br /> Richnand.Vkyinia , - - . - •
<br /> — . . . SCFiEDUIE 1 � cont'd. „ '���������
<br /> � - - •SCSLDIJLS l! ^ ZTSM tIO. S SXItIHI� "�� ~
<br /> . ...
<br /> ,
<br /> . � -
<br /> P1IRCEL . 1s_ Lot One EI�. on Main7.and, aad the Sautheast Quartar .o.l. the
<br /> Nortl�aaet Qusrter��$$1/4pg1/4), nna tha 8ast ha2� o� th�� Spntheast Quar�er
<br /> �El/28E2�4) o# 8eet#oa TNenty (20.�•- in To�Inatiip Nine {9) tioXtb, Raage
<br /> Eleven �11� itest 'of •�he 6th P.M•• Elali Coantg, tiebraska EX1.�EPTZNG THERBPROK
<br /> 1! Kectaagular tra�ct oE 7.an8 locsted .in the Santhea$t corner of Seatiaa
<br /> Twenty t2fl�� .ToWnship Pine t4� tlosth. Range �leven �11) _weat of the _6th
<br />_ g.!!., Hall County, Nebsaska, �iora 'partiiculariy aescrihed as fQ3lo�si ,
<br /> Hsqiapinq at t�e Soutbeast coraer'•o!-. Seatioa TKenty �(Z0� at a po� fa the
<br /> mfcldls of �he hiq�lway zunaiag'�ltarth;=�and�:south• tl#enae iA a �Northsrly�
<br /> airectioa 290 feet, thence Weeteriy►,.�aC. xi;gh� a�gYs.� ;a• :di�anca of 14s feet,
<br /> theaee i.n a southerly directio=►'�►ti�right.?ang�,ee'a• di.ACafiaa�o'g, 290 fest .to
<br /> �fciG'ceater ot the highrrsp:.on�tlie�i�oath e1�8e a f said s4eo,t�op �.vr_�nty_ ,t Z0 3• .
<br /> �{x�., ce ,it�•;�a 8aster�y disgtGion.�a '�cigth��'�taqles 198 �:�et �q:.�•he�;p"o•i�.t of
<br /> ''�!����'ie¢��� , .�� . ►t::�t"` �;u' ��' :`•.� d��:.;i#h 1. � ,t' ; t_,l,` ��;:.�t . , , .
<br /> . , , ' . . . ! � � 1 I�, r- i d
<br /> _ ,,,, . .��' .:�' - .�� 1a. '.1;�� ;: � : � ".
<br /> r ����' �� ���fihe.�anuth�est�.Quar�.�Y���+f� the:s8outh�e�s't Qu$rte��,_'t31ri]:f 4�&8�t'��'�; o€- :
<br /> ` � r���ert�� ��C�E�. Township�I�.�r�e ��9)� e Eleven t Xi� WQ��L or� the..�..
<br /> Sev�'�ion .Tiar�h: ��� � , l
<br /> 6tb`.,P � � t Ne .. �,,... :<<..• ., t < ,�
<br /> �4� •M�p':.�td'�.Z ��1(II� y• b=aska:�=�:,.;�� ��:.. "�'r�`� i 'i_....� ' � r,.
<br /> � . �,��l: . ..fr.(�. ` :� +y '
<br /> ...:, ; . �,' r,,�•i.,. • - � � . . '; , ,.
<br /> �g�� 3: �. The Noxtheast Quarte�';'�c�f��th'e Southvres�� Q.�$z�e�� �N��/.,A'SW1/A) aad .:.
<br /> �..
<br /> the "itorthwest Qnartex of th�e � Southeas� Qua�ie�;er•`.�t•�1��-/�'���1�4)� and Lots .�;'�
<br /> `y`' Numbered Threie (3I an8 8ix (6) .v.f 'Sevtion Twenty .I2��'� ��wrisl��p t7ine (9)�
<br />�..�
<br /> liorth, Ranqe 83even (11) West of the 6�h. p.M., Ha:II Coun�y. Nebraa a
<br /> EXCEPTIN(i TtiEAEFROM 7► Tract of laad in the Southwe8t oorner o! Ehe •
<br /> Southwest Qaaster of the Noz�heaet Quarter .(SWl/aNEl/A) of Section Twonty
<br /> (20), Township Nine (9) t7ortt�, Range klevon (11) West of thcs Gtl� P.M.• I1a11
<br /> � ' County, Nebraaka mose partiaularly doaaribed as followss 9t�rting at the
<br /> Southwest aoraer of the Southwest Qnar�er of tbe Nortlieast Quarter
<br /> (SW1/4t1E1/4� of 8aid BQC�ion Tweszty (20), this also being the Soutbwuuti
<br /> '� ooXner ot` i.ot 3 aP tii� Orig Lntil 3ovornmont ^urva�. tli�ncn t3ortii ��n tj» c
<br /> property �enoe line a diatAnao oE 295 �aot, tl�onae Eaetorly o» tlio arc of u =
<br /> �rue airole ourve whose radius is 534 feet a distanae of 450 �eet, thenae
<br /> a� right Anglee to tihe banqont o� tbe ourve at thie. po3nt to tibe ri9hb. a _
<br /> • distanae oP 90 teet, t}►ence aoutl�weatorlX Co �i�o poiaC oP boginning. -
<br /> PARCEL 4s The �3ar�hea�t Quarter tN�l/4) og Bav�Lon Twen�y Nine (29), _
<br /> Townahip Nine {�L tSor��i. G�11ER�FROt4 h T�act oi�lan.cl�m�oretpasticularly -
<br />- ; County, NebZaska E3:CEPTIP
<br /> ��' �'�,�" ' desaribed as t'o.S-9.�ws� S�arting a� a .point �07.0 f:ecft sou�h of the Half -
<br /> ` Seational aorpe� Iocate�l betiwe�all�County.',zNebraska, thenceiWe t,233h0 _
<br />_ ° r� RAnge 17. West of the 6t1� P.M., _
<br /> leet at 90� to the East Sacs�ional l.inn o£ 9eo��o�} �9t thenaQ south 240.D .
<br /> ' � ` ' Eeet pazallel to sai.d T:ast Se�h��co� nvrth �2A0 0 £ovt t 3•thee poi t �oE ,
<br /> , =_�� �_ . East line of sai.c� Sectivnf ;
<br /> � beginning• exaeptiiny tlie east 33.0 feo� thereoP Eor hiqh�aay. .
<br />. � y.
<br /> .: "��." �AACBL 5t The goathwar�t Quartier (�Ra1/�) oF Sectinn '�hir�y One �31�•
<br /> "����"'T°• � Townshi.p Nine (91 2Jortih. Rnnqc Elevcs» � 11) Woat of tl�c .�th P.t�t., Oall _
<br /> . . . ��;: County. Nobraska.
<br /> � . • Scheduln_ 1� f'u9o� No. '1'-(+[-GU33
<br /> -�c5;� wrrru�..-}e-=— .--,----� . .. . . .. . . .. , ., .. _._ . .---.--..__, ..., . .
<br /> . .
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